I don't think that means much when they've given Shiida an Armorslayer instead of the Wing Spear (I know it's most likely taken from FE1, but still), or Ninian an attack skill, or some of the other things they've done that aren't entirely consistent with the source material. Even with just those two games, they could have had someone like Sumia (kind of surprised she wasn't in the game from the start, really).
Actually, besides skills, the choice of stats like weapons or foot-type is pretty consistent. Considering that there are Pegasus Knights who wield swords and it was in Awakening and Fates that they could no longer wield swords. Falcon Knights weren't in the original FE1 or 3, but they are in the remakes where they still use Swords. So Shiida and Palla using a sword isn't inconsistent.
Heck, notice how all the Pegasus knights from Awakening and Fates only use spears? Notice how Frederick and Gunter, the Great Knights, are the only Cavalry units so far with Axes? Also with Draug, despite Generals themselves have been inconsistent throughout the series, Knights and Generals in the original Fire Emblem game could use swords. Still being consistent with the character's games.
And with Ninian, she's still consistent because despite her only being a dancer with no attacks gameplay-wise in Blazing Sword, we actually did witness her as a dragon, compared to Sophia who is also a half-dragon like Ninian, but we never saw her transform once. So dragonstone fits for Ninian like how Swords fit for Olivia and Lances for Azura. Really, despite skills and whatnot, in terms of weapons and foot-type, the characters have been very accurate to their games, whether by main game or remake.