I can't believe my most reliable unit is Not!Vanessa. Like, these bases are actually really good.
some other people
And I could swear the Trainees were locked to Ross, Amelia and Ewan and it's even more weird considering the other unit I get
You need to pray you get a flying unit here otherwise whoever replaces Ross is dead. Thankfully, he was given an Axerave and the ability to fly off on his own but that just means Amelia/Red Hunter will get ***** by those axes
Let's look at their stats
Aussie 0.5
Benchwarmer no.2
And nothing of value was lost
He was eplacing Moulder so no recruitments lost either
Rip in pepperoni
You're not doing yourself any favors other than being able to fly
The boss didn't get changed. I'm assuming that's because he starts in a peak so it could lead to an unwinnable situation as the map is rout
lost the Pure Water but lol it's just a Pure Water