I don't really think it's right to condone stealing Nintendo's products because they're doing something you don't like.
As far as their taking down fan games and making money off of YouTube videos goes, that's bad, but I feel like there's better ways to handle the situation than criminal activity. I also feel that some fan games toe a bit of a line when they get too close to what the original was, although I'm probably going to be ripped to shreds for that. People freaked out over the Legend of Zelda browser remake and AM2R being pulled down when they went out of their way to essentially be better versions of the exact same product Nintendo was selling. There's a line partway between fangames and piracy that gets a bit fuzzy, and people seem more than happy to hug that line instead of avoiding it like they rather easily could.
As for Nintendo needing to "be more convenient in order to avoid piracy," it's going to take two million copies of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild before Nintendo even starts making money on it. Nintendo simply can't afford to offer rock bottom prices on their games just because someone has cracked their system and is offering them for free, they don't have the resources of other companies and they'd drive themselves out of business. I'm not sure where the line is on their Virtual Console, but they do in fact have to pay to create a new emulator each time they make a new system and that's not exactly free either.
I feel like if anyone wants Nintendo to change, they should first examine the circumstances Nintendo is under and then begin to take it up with them on social media if it's valid. They have people watching and they've been pretty quick to note on people's concerns lately even if they can't get around to addressing them, so if people decided to organize an extended and focused campaign on their grievances instead of grumbling about them it might be more effective than doing what many people who don't care either way are doing anyway.
Nintendo is
terrible at PR. The way they approach fan created content basically gives the vibe that they do not trust their fans at all, which paints the company in a unsympathetic light.
I don't mean their current console when it comes to convenient, it already mostly is. I mean things like Virtual Console and eShop. I'm
pretty sure NES games and SNES games can be priced much lower than what they are asking for. Because they can competing with sites which offer them for free. You adapt, or you lose.
Speaking for myself, I only really started to dislike them as a company when I was at the receiving end of region locking multiple times.
Pokémon Generations? Nope.
Fire Emblem Heroes? Nope.
3DS eshop? Nope.
I said screw it and suddenly I have hundreds of games available to play now.
Simply put, if Nintendo is making it harder for you to buy a game, it does not have the right to say that it is losing sales due to you pirating the game.