Here's a question.
How do you feel about emulation and ROMs?
Think they're fine? Bad? Does it depend?
I used to pirate everything I could when I was a teen. I still remember getting an R4 for the DS and stuff, and having SNES, N64, and GBA emulators on my PC. Hell, I also remember pirating my version of Skyrim on PC like 6 years ago.
Now it depends.
I'll go out of my way to contribute and support any small companies who I feel deserve my money. Vanillaware, Ark System Works, Platinum Games, Respawn Entertainment, indie devs. I'll go out of my way to pay full price for a game made by a small studio if I'm interested in the game, or a fan of the series/studio.
I understand that making games costs a lot of money, and breaking even can be very hard for 3rd party devs. That said, I also have no qualms with pirating old games from previous gens, or from greedy companies.
It basically comes down to:
Is the company greedy?
Is the platform hackable?
Yes and Yes? I'll pirate if I like their games.
Is it an old game from many generations ago?
Does the studio who made the even exist anymore?
Is pirating/emulation cheaper/more convenient than buying it (portability, mods, better performance)?
Large AAA?
Are the games available at reasonable prices with good discounts (Steam, PS+ etc...)?
Yes and Yes? I won't pirate, but I'll buy it at a low price.
Is it a small Japanese studio or an indie dev?
Do I like their games?
Am I a fan?
I'll buy it a full price to support the company.
It's my way of kinda bringing balance to things. I want small devs to flourish and make more games, and more competition is always good. I don't feel bad about stealing from a large greedy multinational corporation worth billions of dollars.
I pretty much emulate pirate everything Nintendo these days. I used to only pirate their old games, since emulation is solid and convenient, they overcharge on the games (and no account system), and I wanted to show Nintendo that there was demand for certain games on their newest platforms. But now it's kinda the opposite, and out of principle. I actually bought all of my WiiU games cause I wanted to support the console and see more games on it, but after what happened, now it's like "nah son," 3DS, Wii, and WiiU are all hacked, and I'll be pirating BotW. I've said it once and I'll say it again. I like Nintendo as developers, they're absolutely brilliant, but I've grown to severely dislike them as a company over the years. They're easily one of the greediest companies in the industry.