So, the Monster Hunter World Beta is going on right now on PS4, and even people who don't have PSPlus can try it and play online, and OH BOY THIS GAME IS GOOD!
I haven't played a MH game since Ultimate Tri for the WiiU, and I feel like they've changed all the weapons some way or another (They've made Bowguns actually fun, which I find impressive).
I'm a dual blade guy, and the three missions were really fun. The best was the one against the Barroth, because I ended up fighting three monsters at the same time, which was awesome! (Though the Diablos did body me)
The only thing I dislike are the fireflies. It's just an easy mode, and it doesn't feel good at all to be following those things, giving you "hints" about where to look. I wish you could turn them off, but I think it won't be possible.
So overall pretty satisfied with the game! Guess I'll buy it when it goes down on price. At this rate, maybe (just maybe) Capcom might turn into CapGod this 2018, but I won't get my hopes up just yet (it's still Capcom nonetheless).