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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Jojalole Jojalole ,now I finally have the time....
So with that out of the way here is my Xenoblade Chronicles 2 67 hours non spoilers review:

I only played XC 3D on the New 3DS for over 120 hours, that said I only know the terms in Xenoblade but I am not an combat expert or anything, that said I will try my best to explain the XC2 combat as thorough as possible.
First impressions:
I bought my XC2 special edition, the box was pretty large and quite heavy, the cartridge was of course in the steel book. However, the steel book only contains the cartridge and nothing else. So if anyone wants the plastic boxart or expect the special edition to have the original boxart please aware of this.
The controls were way better than XC 3D, and so are the graphics of course even though I have said I am a huge fan of the more anime CGI style. Speaking of...
I aware the CGI isn't everyone's cup of tea but it's definitely for me, so I wasn't too disappoint on the artsyle.

In depth analysis:
(Disclaimer: the PROS, MIXED, AND CONS and merely my own personal aspects.)
  • Again mention the new artstyle and graphics, this is very subjective but I think Xenoblade went with more modern anime artsyle like Saitou's, Nomura's and many others. Other NPCs aren't all designed by Saitou though. And landscape now is a huge improvement over XC, and on par with X. Which means
  • Characters overall are great, Pyra is awesome, Rex is awesome, Nia is awesome, even Tora is more appealing than Riki... and...
  • Cutscenes are probably the most enjoyable, they may be long but hey I enjoy watching those cutscenes, this also leads to...
  • The fact that they you can rewatch those cutscenes is also a huge benefit, and yes, all cutscenes and switch language, and some can even change the weather and daytime. There's also more cutscenes on other stuff that I won't revel it yet...
  • The world build overall is more complex than XC, which is actually good imo, I still need to see if the complex world building will make the story epic as the first.
  • The controls is better than Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, I notice I sort of squished my numb on my New 3DS XL after hours of playing.
  • The fact that you can switch map style is great, at first I thought I will hate the all map style but sometimes it helped a lot when I am searching stuff.
  • Rare Blades... which is one of the main reason why I enjoy grinding and battling. My personal favs are Newt, Electra, Finch,and surprisingly... Floren... he's probably the best healer on my crew besides Dromarch.
  • After defeating unique monster you can just battle it again after activating the tomb stone.
  • Quest are much more easy to complete or navigate... sort of...
  • Heart to Hearts have voice actings, which is really cool.
  • Voice acting... not all VA are perfect... Tora has the best voice for a Nopon, Pyra's English VA somewhat doesn't fit her well... but she still nails it nonetheless. Rex as long as he doesn't scream or rage he's also ok. Nia at first I have a bit of grudge on her voice but I'm getting used to it. I also give a shout out on Floren's English VA which imo his VA nails Floren's voice as a trap... I mean literally a trap, the fact that Floren can be have both manly and feminine tone is just...wow... not even Japanese VA can do this, Floren literally sounds like a girl in Japanese.
  • The cutscene were awesome but some are unusually long even though they tend to be important. Also...
  • There were unnecessary anime cliches, not a flaw but just need to mention...
  • Collecting Aux Cores and then need to refine them isn't a hassle but I'm sure it will be annoying with some Aux core that requires rare collectibles.
  • Handheld graphics isn't as bad as how some people say. It isn't perfect but I never felt that the graphic is so bad when playing. It does have minor frame drops but this doesn't happen too often.
  • Tutorials... are a bit mediocre... and you can still somewhat get tutorials by buying those infos in each regions...
  • Quest are more manageable but this also means that the quests can be pretty lengthy.
  • The battle system is okay, good when dealing with monster at higher level if you know how to do Driver combos and Blade combos right. The fact that some arts you have to get HP potions can a bit of hassle when they don't fly to your place but far away, or even in a lake or water.
  • Merc groups are cool but not really if some has huge requirements and a lot of time.
  • Having collection points are fine but sometimes can also be a hassle too
  • Affinity chart is also okay but I would also hope for skill trees to return if possible.
  • Absence of armor customization... they could have implemented it in the game at least for the drivers...maybe I will get to understand why they don't add but this is probably the biggest flaw for this game.
  • The game often has long loading time for a Switch game...
  • The map doesn't blur out the areas you haven't reach actually isn't good, and the fact that when seeing the map won't directly show you where you are is also annoying but glad this will change.
  • Unlike XC where you can still run around when choosing entering the menu, XC2 directly goes to the menu, this can be a hassle sometimes.... but oh well, it is what it is.
  • In or to cancel lock on, you have to engage into attack and then cancel your attack is annoying whenever I accidentally press R and lock on a high level enemy.
  • A character named Zeke... disappointed me a lot... his role in the game was pretty dumb and cliche...
So far these are my analysis I can think, tell me what do you guys think.
>Not mentioning Bestest Blade Mythra :000:


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Me: "Man, I should sleep; it's 3:00am"
Fox Sports 3: "Yo, check this replay of the NASCAR Championship Race"
Me: "Man, this big*** cup of Nescafé rocks"



Henshin a go go baby!
Jan 5, 2017
Jaén, España
Switch FC
SW 7943 9867 0675
In my opinion, Xenoblade Chronicles is a series where you shouldn't be rushed to finish the game. Since there will be a new major update coming at 20th.....
This is how I always go in videogames, finish the main story as fast as possible as if I were Sonic. For the record, Mario Odyssey lasted me one weekend to finish, and Breath of the Wild 30 hours or so. I've always played like this, and after the main story is over I spend my time on the rest the game has to offer. It's like watching anime, once you start a show you just want to have more of it, and end up watching it in 3 days hahaha.

And no offense but I think it is better for you to not even mention spoilers regardless of you put it in spoilers or not.
No offense taken, but I think every single spoiler is fine as long as it's spoilered, is the readers choice to read it or not.

So, let's talk about Xenoblade shall we?
  • Again mention the new artstyle and graphics, this is very subjective but I think Xenoblade went with more modern anime artsyle like Saitou's, Nomura's and many others. Other NPCs aren't all designed by Saitou though. And landscape now is a huge improvement over XC, and on par with X. Which means
  • Characters overall are great, Pyra is awesome, Rex is awesome, Nia is awesome, even Tora is more appealing than Riki... and...
  • Cutscenes are probably the most enjoyable, they may be long but hey I enjoy watching those cutscenes, this also leads to...
  • The fact that they you can rewatch those cutscenes is also a huge benefit, and yes, all cutscenes and switch language, and some can even change the weather and daytime. There's also more cutscenes on other stuff that I won't revel it yet...
  • The world build overall is more complex than XC, which is actually good imo, I still need to see if the complex world building will make the story epic as the first.
  • The controls is better than Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, I notice I sort of squished my numb on my New 3DS XL after hours of playing.
  • The fact that you can switch map style is great, at first I thought I will hate the all map style but sometimes it helped a lot when I am searching stuff.
  • Rare Blades... which is one of the main reason why I enjoy grinding and battling. My personal favs are Newt, Electra, Finch,and surprisingly... Floren... he's probably the best healer on my crew besides Dromarch.
  • After defeating unique monster you can just battle it again after activating the tomb stone.
  • Quest are much more easy to complete or navigate... sort of...
  • Heart to Hearts have voice actings, which is really cool.
-I do also like the artstyle, and graphically the game is just gorgeous, like every other Xenoblade game.
-I'd like to make a post just about the characters, because after the disappointment of X in that term, I'm glad the cast we have is so good.
-Cutscenes were so long that after one the Switch would enter sleep mode, but I didn't care, they were awesome.
-The music is just godlike, still don't know if it's better than the original though.
-The theatre mode is interesting, but I don't think I'd like to rewatch most of the scenes... Maybe the blade intros, but not the story scenes.
-Yep, the concept of Alrest itself is just too good, hard to mess that one up.
-Xeno3D was painful after a few hours indeed, didn't have this issues with 2, so that's good.
-I'm not too fond of the map, I found myself lost quite a few times...
-Rare blades are like new party characters, they're so cool (Though is quite difficult to get them...)
-Speaking of unique monsters... I think I've only fought 6 or 7 in the whole game... And 2 were on the last area. I don't remember how many unique monsters I fought in my first playtrough of the other Xenoblades, but I guess way more than that.
-I think they'll never get sidequests right, I always found myself lost trying to find what I was required (And this was the only thing I found really bad of the original Xenoblade)
-Having voice acting in support convos is really nice indeed.

  • Voice acting... not all VA are perfect... Tora has the best voice for a Nopon, Pyra's English VA somewhat doesn't fit her well... but she still nails it nonetheless. Rex as long as he doesn't scream or rage he's also ok. Nia at first I have a bit of grudge on her voice but I'm getting used to it. I also give a shout out on Floren's English VA which imo his VA nails Floren's voice as a trap... I mean literally a trap, the fact that Floren can be have both manly and feminine tone is just...wow... not even Japanese VA can do this, Floren literally sounds like a girl in Japanese.
  • The cutscene were awesome but some are unusually long even though they tend to be important. Also...
  • There were unnecessary anime cliches, not a flaw but just need to mention...
  • Collecting Aux Cores and then need to refine them isn't a hassle but I'm sure it will be annoying with some Aux core that requires rare collectibles.
  • Handheld graphics isn't as bad as how some people say. It isn't perfect but I never felt that the graphic is so bad when playing. It does have minor frame drops but this doesn't happen too often.
  • Tutorials... are a bit mediocre... and you can still somewhat get tutorials by buying those infos in each regions...
  • Quest are more manageable but this also means that the quests can be pretty lengthy.
  • The battle system is okay, good when dealing with monster at higher level if you know how to do Driver combos and Blade combos right. The fact that some arts you have to get HP potions can a bit of hassle when they don't fly to your place but far away, or even in a lake or water.
  • Merc groups are cool but not really if some has huge requirements and a lot of time.
  • Having collection points are fine but sometimes can also be a hassle too
  • Affinity chart is also okay but I would also hope for skill trees to return if possible.
-I overall liked the voice acting, I used it to practice myself since they have strong accents and some of the dialogue was kinda hard to understand. Also stayed with the english voices because of a certain someone from the end of the game. The thing that is not fine are the battle dialogues. They tried to emulate the greatness of the original, but failed. Like seriously, who thought that having Rex say "We'll beat ya, with the power of friendship!" was right? Also another one that was funny was Floren's "Our bonds give me strenght!", that sentence reminds me of FE Awakening way too much.
-As stated above, so many anime cliches, like the power of friendship one...
-Auxiliary cores shouldn't need to be refined, that's all. I ended up without using them way too long because of that.
-The downgrade to handled is the biggest yet on the Switch. Hope it's the only one too.
-Tutorials were kinda useless, I remeber the Blade Combos tutorial dind't teach me anything...
-I ended up really liking the combat system, and you can cheese the fights with the blade combos, they are quite fun.
-Mercenaries were fine I guess... Free experience, so less grinding if needed.
-Skill charts from the original were the best, taking the best skills of your partners was really fun.

  • Absence of armor customization... they could have implemented it in the game at least for the drivers...maybe I will get to understand why they don't add but this is probably the biggest flaw for this game.
  • The game often has long loading time for a Switch game...
  • The map doesn't blur out the areas you haven't reach actually isn't good, and the fact that when seeing the map won't directly show you where you are is also annoying but glad this will change.
  • Unlike XC where you can still run around when choosing entering the menu, XC2 directly goes to the menu, this can be a hassle sometimes.... but oh well, it is what it is.
  • In or to cancel lock on, you have to engage into attack and then cancel your attack is annoying whenever I accidentally press R and lock on a high level enemy.
  • A character named Zeke... disappointed me a lot... his role in the game was pretty dumb and cliche...
-I just don't understand how armor customization isn't a thing... It's just so stupid... Nerdy Shulk with glasses was the best thing ever.
-Loading times didn't bother me, however, not loading the textures after a fast travel did annoy me for some reason...
-Yep, thankfully they're changing the map, pretty annoying to look at.
-I didn't recall the moving menu was a thing, but I guess it is useful, sad that it's gone.
-You can actually cancel a lock on if you hold R and then press B, even if the combat hasn't started.
-I actually really like Zeke... I think he's underutilized, and he reminds me of Owain, one of my favourite characters. Guess I just like over the top characters...

So that's pretty much it, maybe when I 100% I come back to talk about it, but as of now Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is my favourite game of 2017. Hoping the DLC is actually good, I'd love if one of the new rare blades they're gonna add was Shulk, I just want the Monado in the game...

In Fire Emblem Heroes news, I did some summons on the Lyn banner (In which I had a 5%) with the orbs we got today, and well...
Hum, so the media uploader is broken again? Oh well, it was a 5* Luke, not Lyn. At least it was a 5* exclusive. I had orbs for two more summons, and I also got a Mist, since she is a 5* exclusive it was also okay, and I am one of those idiots who used her in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, so I like her.

I'm pissed I didn't get Lyn... I've tried so hard to get her everytime yet she refuses to come. Anyways, time to start saving orbs, who knows when she will appear next.

I've just read Mythra Mythra 's post, and I do agree, she's my favourite blade, way better than Pyra. Just personal preference I guess hahahaha.
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
yall talking openly about an rpg i want to go into blind so ima just tell you to shut up and post the footage of possible new arms final boss

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
It seems ARMS is getting it's first playable villain.

And if the new cutscenes are anything to go by, she's bad news.
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Sep 12, 2014
Ribbon Girl clone?

Anyways we got some pure gameplay of Beerus, Hit and Goku Black.

Things to note here is that perhaps Dramatic Intros/Finishes may not be so hard to pull off as people expected. You don't get to see much of Hit, but Beerus gets a lot of play time. He has a similar playstyle of Venom from Guilty Gear. Goku Black's normals are all completely different from Goku and his Level 3 here lacks the T-poses from the trailer. Damage as a whole has been upscaled a ton so fights shouldn't take as long as they were in the beta.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, Beerus uses Hakai on Black at one point, neat.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
i just learned this exists and I can’t believe this guy is a freaking government employee


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
i just learned this exists and I can’t believe this guy is a freaking government employee
Ajit Pai is the worst meme the internet has ever seen. And also happens to be a PoS (no kidding).


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
User was warned for this post
i just learned this exists and I can’t believe this guy is a freaking government employee
I legitimately hope he chokes on his own vomit.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I legitimately hope he chokes on his own vomit.
I may not like the dude, But I wouldnt wish for him to die, thats just stupid
Anyway on to a different topic, how hard fo you think these new history maps in FE:W will be?

i have a feeling Imma have a hard ass time getting Niles
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I legitimately hope he chokes on his own vomit.
I think that's a tad bit too extreme. Wishing death on people IMO is counterproductive and creates a negative mentality.

Although it goes without saying that him and the FCC are a bunch of scumbags. Here's hoping they have every penny from their pocket drained from the influx of lawsuits headed their way.


Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
Since I am now almost halfway through the game, I figure I may as well give my thoughts on TWEWY so far.

The story has been pretty interesting so far, having a mix of both serious and silly moments over the course of the game so far.

I have found the gameplay to be quite interesting, from stuff like trends, to being able to set your own combat level, to the battle system itself.

The characters have been pretty interesting so far, and if I had to pick a favorite at the moment, it would be Minamoto.

The soundtrack is pretty great imo, although I do have one problem with it.
You can never hear the full versions of any of the tracks in the game, which is a shame because the soundtrack is so good.

Overall, I'm really enjoying it.
It feels weird to only say this stuff 29 hours into the game, but I feel like I should give my thoughts on FF7 since I haven't before.

I've found the battle system to be pretty fun, albeit not quite as fun as FFX's battle system.
The level design does feel a little bit better than FFX though.
I do think that the camera hasn't aged very well at all though, as there are some moments where the camera angles make it hard to tell where exactly inputting left will do due to the angle being slanted.

It is also sometimes hard to tell whether something is in the background or not. Granted, they were just getting used to the hardware at the time, so I won't hold it against the game.

The soundtrack is one of the best and most iconic parts of the game, but you probably already knew that.

So far, I'd say my favorite part of the game would be the story. I can't really explain why, I just find it very interesting.

I've found the cast too be pretty interesting so far (even though I haven't seen all of their character arcs yet). My favorite character so far would be Nanaki/Red XIII, although Aerith is a close second at the moment.

Overall, I've been really enjoying the game and I'm glad I'm playing it before the remake comes out.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I am BEYOND happy right now!

Today is the final day of the Children of Fate banner in Fire Emblem Heroes, so I decided to spend some money to see if I could finally pull my boy Shiro.

*Notices three blue orbs in the summoning session*

"Yo, I might actually have a good chance for once!"

*Immediately goes for the first blue orb on the left and gets a 4-star Clair*

"Eh, okay, I already have multiple copies of her, so I'll just save this one for inheritance fodder"

*Goes for the next blue orb on the corner right*

*The altar does the puff sound, and then the unthinkable happened...*


Me for about a good minute after I summoned him:

I spent a whole lot of orbs for this banner, every free orb I could get and some paid orbs here and there, just to get my favorite Fates child, and on the final day of the banner my Shiro finally arrived!

But things get even better!

On the last blue orb, I got another surprising yet cool guest:

I pulled a Brave Lucina!

Me when that happened:

Can't believe I managed to summon a brave hero in a banner like this! She is my second Brave Hero on my arsenal, the other being Brave Lyn (my free pull from back then).

The final results from that summoning:

Two 5-stars in one summon. Talk about some nice luck!

So immediately after the summoning session, I decided to check Shiro and Brave Lucina's, and... it felt like the game blessed me with the best ice cream sundae!

Shiro got a +Def -Res IV spread, while Brave Lucina got a +Spd -Res IV spread!!!

My reaction after learning that:

Shiro and Brave Lucina respectively got the best possible IV spreads you could get for them. With Shiro's case, I was especially happy about that because that meant my Shiro had the right IV spread to do put up a good showing in all of his battles. Brave Lucina too benefitted from her IV spread.

Man, this was such a fantastic way to start my winter break, and it felt so rewarding too considering the bad luck I had with summoning lately (especially with getting poor IV spreads on some of the past ones)! I'm going to start grinding up my Shiro and Brave Lucina now. I also learned the two make great teammates with each other (Brave Lucina apparently is great for buffing Shiro). My other two teammates I'm planning on using for my Shiro team are Julia/Hector and Joshua. Can't wait to see this Shiro team do great things!
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I feel like I'm missing out not playing Xenoblade 2 yet...

But Skyrim's just so fun tho...

Had a gander at the eshop to see if there's anything interesting I want...
I do want Worms but I'd don't have enough for it atm...
I did download the Lost Sphere demo cuz wynaut, it's free and I can delete it later...


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Oh btw...going to see star wars in an hour...


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Vince should have Roman spear him on Raw.

Immediate way to finally get him over.
That would actually work lol.

The only way to get Roman cheered by the fans. I'll admit i'd mark out for that ****.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Cartoon Network LA finally aired the Final Episode of Regular Show with a marathon of Season 8
TIL they used a freaking DragonForce song as a training montage.

I legitimately hope he chokes on his own vomit.

From the DB ERA Discord

The Subarashii Impact

That would actually work lol.

The only way to get Roman cheered by the fans. I'll admit i'd mark out for that ****.
Imagine that ****er in the ring surrounded by the Shield, hype af.
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