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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
I have't watched the event since I was sleeping, I wasn't even expecting anything and I am still dissapointed from what I heard.

Good job Sony.:4mario:


Sep 12, 2014
Yikes I regret staying up for the whole thing lmao.

Eh well, back to SVU/Xenoblade it is.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
I missed PSX since I figured not a lot would happen. But Ryu gets his Donkey Kick back, and it's a QCF Kick move.

I'm gonna watch the Soul Calibur stuff soon.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I missed PSX since I figured not a lot would happen. But Ryu gets his Donkey Kick back, and it's a QCF Kick move.

I'm gonna watch the Soul Calibur stuff soon.
It's not much. It's really just more gameplay footage of Mitsu & Sophitia beating the heck out of each other. No footage of other characters.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Well, a Medievil remaster? That's the only major announcement I can think of that I really like. The rest of it was either small updates or seeing the same stuff we saw before.

It's not much. It's really just more gameplay footage of Mitsu & Sophitia beating the heck out of each other. No footage of other characters.
I would expect as such.


She who makes bad posts
Jan 25, 2014
Maple Valley, WA
boy that first BotW DLC challenge sure did make me want to die

and it sure did give me what I wanted


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Someone get FalKappa's booty here; I have drawing requests :4marth:


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
>There is a Zora girl named Kodah that admits to having loved Link in the past and made him choose between her and Mipha in the past. And he didn't choose Kodah...
I didn't see this part but none of the other stuff shows it not being one sided. This is Link happy to see his gal, showing affection. In OoT Ruto gave him the Zora engagement ring too and that was one sided. There are mobs of female characters in the series with affection for Link.

The only two scenes where we see Zelda being hostile toward Link is the one memory where Link visits her at a shrine, and the first memory where Zelda shows a kind of withdrawn and skeptic attitude toward Link as she appoints him to be his knight. Other than that, the rest of her memory scenes show good interactions between the two. The scene where Link saves her from the the Yiga Clan members is also the scene where we see her first warm up to Link; the way she looks at him during it is a face of awe and gratitude that he came to her rescue.

Also, may I ask what do you find about Zelda that makes her selfish? I never got that impression of her from watching all her memories, so I'm curious to hear some perspective on that.
In Zelda's diary she directly references hostility towards Link. She conducts the stupid ceremony like a wake, questions Link's sword proficiency Link calling him "...hero" as if he's undeserving, is a raging ***** when Link has to do his job the king appointed, never is shown or implied to thank Link for rescuing her from the Yiga clan, she's manic and wants Link to eat a frog .
She does say Link's commitment is "admirable" but otherwise their interactions are just business and Link having to endure her martyrdom. She never expresses gratitude, ever. Everyone else has to take care of her when she's frustrated and she has to be the center of attention, never asking how their day's going. She says "save yourself" when there's no indication Link can run as he's already fatally wounded so that doesn't count; he doesn't get hit again but has to go to the shrine of resurrection after that. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

It's a low level form of narcissism, my grandma was the same way; only her problems mattered and everyone was expected to drop their lives for her. The other champions and Link are the ones actually fighting Ganon.
BotW Zelda isn't the same tomboy Zelda in other games like SS and OoT. They (Impa iirc) even say Zelda has the "blood" of the goddess while Link has the "soul" of the hero. It's a case of Other M: the character has forced emotion, a bad story and mediocre acting and becomes unlikable. They should have left out the voice acting and IDK what they were smoking when writing the story but that's a different problem.

Don't get me wrong, BotW is a 9/10 imo. It just doesn't have good writing but that's a small part of it.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I didn't see this part but none of the other stuff shows it not being one sided. This is Link happy to see his gal, showing affection. In OoT Ruto gave him the Zora engagement ring too and that was one sided. There are mobs of female characters in the series with affection for Link.
>Being fitted for a wedding outfit and literally being given a dialogue option to reciprocate her feelings doesn't indicate Link having affection for her


Deleted member

I really wish I could embed Tumblr videos because this is so ****ing good but I doubt any of you will even open the link
I didn't see this part but none of the other stuff shows it not being one sided. This is Link happy to see his gal, showing affection. In OoT Ruto gave him the Zora engagement ring too and that was one sided. There are mobs of female characters in the series with affection for Link.

In Zelda's diary she directly references hostility towards Link. She conducts the stupid ceremony like a wake, questions Link's sword proficiency Link calling him "...hero" as if he's undeserving, is a raging ***** when Link has to do his job the king appointed, never is shown or implied to thank Link for rescuing her from the Yiga clan, she's manic and wants Link to eat a frog .
She does say Link's commitment is "admirable" but otherwise their interactions are just business and Link having to endure her martyrdom. She never expresses gratitude, ever. Everyone else has to take care of her when she's frustrated and she has to be the center of attention, never asking how their day's going. She says "save yourself" when there's no indication Link can run as he's already fatally wounded so that doesn't count; he doesn't get hit again but has to go to the shrine of resurrection after that. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

It's a low level form of narcissism, my grandma was the same way; only her problems mattered and everyone was expected to drop their lives for her. The other champions and Link are the ones actually fighting Ganon.
BotW Zelda isn't the same tomboy Zelda in other games like SS and OoT. They (Impa iirc) even say Zelda has the "blood" of the goddess while Link has the "soul" of the hero. It's a case of Other M: the character has forced emotion, a bad story and mediocre acting and becomes unlikable. They should have left out the voice acting and IDK what they were smoking when writing the story but that's a different problem.

Don't get me wrong, BotW is a 9/10 imo. It just doesn't have good writing but that's a small part of it.
Damn, it's almost like having the entire fate of the world at your shoulders and then being told this mute kid you really don't know is supposed to be the hero would make you a little bitter but let's ignore the fact that she warms up to Link afterwards considering she saved him from a certain death and has been holding off Ganon for 100 years while sending telepathic messages to help him not to mention the Master Sword memory where she's shown to clearly have feelings for her.
You're right, BotW Zelda is just a selfish *****


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
>Being fitted for a wedding outfit and literally being given a dialogue option to reciprocate her feelings doesn't indicate Link having affection for her

Dialog option is the key word. You can choose that. Link never even smiles at Mipha; what kind of relationship is that?
Damn, it's almost like having the entire fate of the world at your shoulders and then being told this mute kid you really don't know is supposed to be the hero would make you a little bitter but let's ignore the fact that she warms up to Link afterwards considering she saved him from a certain death and has been holding off Ganon for 100 years while sending telepathic messages to help him not to mention the Master Sword memory where she's shown to clearly have feelings for her.
You're right, BotW Zelda is just a selfish *****
Is a thank you too much to ask? You don't get it. I didn't say Zelda was "selfish" I said it was a low level case of narcissism and she acted Like a martyr, expecting everyone else to take care of her, always having to be the center of attention and never caring about others' problems. Link and the other champions have problems too; they're risking their lives to fight Ganon. Do their feelings matter? So Zelda got roped into doing something she didn't want to do, excuuuuse me princess but Link didn't ask to be her knight; he does what he has to do. And he's not an ill-disposed ****weed about it.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I wouldn't call Zelda selfish in BotW but I'm not a fan of her either. I just didn't like the direction they took with her, and thought some of the points they were trying to convey didn't work because Link was a silent protagonist.

Really, a lot of my problems with the game's narrative go back to Link being a silent protagonist.

Dialogoption is the key word. You can choose that. Link nevereven smiles at Mipha; what kind of relationship is that?
The option is only applicable to the present day though. They game gives you tons of clues to say he loved her in the past. The option is just there for whether or not those feelings stay 100 years later.

Also maybe Link didn't smile at her because the only situations they had together were dire. Even the scene where she's pouring her heart out to him is her expressing her anxiety over the confrontation with Calamity Ganon. And honestly, if a girl I was close to was talking to me like Mipha was to Link in that scene, I'd be far too stunned in the moment to smile. Not to say I wouldn't feel happiness, it's just too serious a situation for a smile to be my first reaction (would hug and protec though).

It's worth noting that the only situations in the Champion cutscenes where Link has subtle, yet notable facial animation are the Mipha ones, displaying a solemn sincerity, particularly when he meets her spirit. The developers were definitely writing them as if they were a couple in the past. The dialogue option is just there for you to choose if Link moves on or never lets that love die 100 years later.
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I actually think Revali is a good character.
He trains his butt off, perfecting his skills and loses out his spot as main champion to a "chosen one"
In a world where the Triforce is forgotten and replaced with man-made monstrosity machines it must be salt-inducing to see all of your training go down the drain due to Droit Divin.

And yeah, Link brushes off his shade but that's because Link is supposed to be both silent and the hero. He stand above it
The reaction might make the scene less entertaining, but doesn't make Revali's Grief any less and fits Link's established character.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I actually think Revali is a good character.
He trains his butt off, perfecting his skills and loses out his spot as main champion to a "chosen one"
In a world where the Triforce is forgotten and replaced with man-made monstrosity machines it must be salt-inducing to see all of your training go down the drain due to Droit Divin.

And yeah, Link brushes off his shade but that's because Link is supposed to be both silent and the hero. He stand above it
The reaction might make the scene less entertaining, but doesn't make Revali's Grief any less and fits Link's established character.
It doesn't fit Link's established character. There is plenty of implications in dialogue throughout the game (not cutscene dialogue but with NPCs) that Link is plenty competitive and even really immature at times.

It's just poor writing. Revali's arc is the bones of a concept, with none of the flesh to make it an interesting story.

It's just entirely rushed. Everything from Revali not having much visible impact on the Rito people to how quickly you get to the Divine Beast, we aren't given any time for his character to grow beyond "Falco but just the arrogant memes". Even his "grief" seems like a petty rivalry at most, and the only thing that made it seems slightly more than that was a cut scene in Champion's Ballad, which was once again, too little, too late.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
It doesn't fit Link's established character. There is plenty of implications in dialogue throughout the game (not cutscene dialogue but with NPCs) that Link is plenty competitive and even really immature at times.

It's just poor writing. Revali's arc is the bones of a concept, with none of the flesh to make it an interesting story.

It's just entirely rushed. Everything from Revali not having much visible impact on the Rito people to how quickly you get to the Divine Beast, we aren't given any time for his character to grow beyond "Falco but just the arrogant memes". Even his "grief" seems like a petty rivalry at most, and the only thing that made it seems slightly more than that was a cut scene in Champion's Ballad, which was once again, too little, too late.
You're right, it's been a while since I played BoTW but Link definitely has douchy dialogue.
And the whole Rito arc was handled poorly, but from what we got, though the CB memory must be included to get a backstory going, I think Revali is a good character.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Daruk is probably my favorite of the Champions. I've always like Gorons, and he just seems like a lovable guy, plus that scene with
his spirit returning and seeing how the Gorons continued to thrive after his death, giving him reassurance
was pretty sweet.

Daruk for Smash.

Deleted member

Dialogue options are just dialogue options most of the time.
One option in EOU had you suggest hitting Frederica on her head with a rock to restore her memories so I stopped taking most of these seriously a long time ago


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Dialogue options are just dialogue options most of the time.
One option in EOU had you suggest hitting Frederica on her head with a rock to restore her memories so I stopped taking most of these seriously a long time ago
The difference with Link though is that it's where 99% of his characterisation resides, without them, Link isn't even a character with any defined traits beyond "being the hero you play as". So they're necessary to note here. They started this trend with Skyward Sword too so I think it's intentional.

Deleted member

The difference with Link though is that it's where 99% of his characterisation resides, without them, Link isn't even a character with any defined traits beyond "being the hero you play as". So they're necessary to note here. They started this trend with Skyward Sword too so I think it's intentional.
The same applies to the example I listed.
Dialogue options are usually divided between "canon personality" and "the funny one" one basically. It's basically so the player knows what a kute protagonist is saying without breaking the muteness or just forcing them to select an option when there is none.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Is a thank you too much to ask? You don't get it. I didn't say Zelda was "selfish" I said it was a low level case of narcissism and she acted Like a martyr, expecting everyone else to take care of her, always having to be the center of attention and never caring about others' problems. Link and the other champions have problems too; they're risking their lives to fight Ganon. Do their feelings matter? So Zelda got roped into doing something she didn't want to do, excuuuuse me princess but Link didn't ask to be her knight; he does what he has to do. And he's not an ill-disposed ****weed about it.
I think you are severely missing the point of Zelda as a character...and are only focusing on one half off the character's development within the game...

She is never expecting to be the center of attention because she already was, being the Princess of Hyrule with the threat of Ganon's return on the rise there are very high expectations placed on her to which she is expected to meet in a very short time...yet she continued to struggle to meet those expectations due to not being properly taught (since her Mother died when she was young)...Her father continued to be hard on her for not awakening the sealing power despite how hard she was already working at it...She even felt like she couldn't do the things that made her happy even though she was already working hard to fulfill her purpose...
Having to deal with pressure and expectations doesn't make one narcissistic when these pressures are literally always shoved in your face...

She was hard on Link initially cuz she was already working her ass off, and then (in her mind) he comes out of nowhere and pulls the sword seemingly 'awakening his power' with what appears to be very little effort...she even realizes later on that she's wrong to think he didn't work hard and that Link (despite being as expressive as a rock) likely feels the same amount of pressures that she does, even if he is 'good at his craft' and is getting more praise for it...

This is character development...

Zelda literally 'Thanks' Link once they both seal away Ganon at the end of the game...


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
So the Playstation Experience was a bore, eh? Makes me more excited for the Nintendo Direct in January.

Deleted member

Judging from the chat and the internet, Playstation is not doing so well with their conferences. ( Nintendo has much better conferences and maybe Xbox One X ). Hopefully Playstation 5 will redeem it, who knows. Nintendo is back in competition after the Wii U's failure. What games do they have in store for us?


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
psx, i expedted nothing knew nothing was comming and honestly didnt want anything...uptill the end MEDIEVIL Remastered!

now everone can see how poorly they portrayed sir dan in play station allstars battle royale
(gameplay wise i mean)
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Daruk is probably my favorite of the Champions. I've always like Gorons, and he just seems like a lovable guy, plus that scene with
his spirit returning and seeing how the Gorons continued to thrive after his death, giving him reassurance
was pretty sweet.

Daruk for Smash.
I so agree.

Plus, his lines are great. Heck, the line he says when
Daruk's Protection cooldown is over
is a pun :laugh:


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Okay so

Chapter 4 of Xenoblade 2, not exactly great for arachnophobes like me.
So you are kind of like Reyn?

And if I don't rush, this game might take me at least 100 hours to complete...
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Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
So I'm now on the second week of TWEWY and . . .
Minamoto sure is
Also I'm not sure how I feel about Joshua as a character yet.
Wait so MediEvil is getting remastered?
Wait, what's MediEvil?:p
I didn't think there'd be much that I'd care about from PSX anyway (even though I did find the trailers for the FF7 Remake and Crash N.Sane Trilogy interesting the past 2 years), so I don't really feel too strongly about it.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
DB FighterZ has 2 apparently leaked dlc characters

Base form Goku and Base form Vegeta.
If those are legit that is incredibly lame. Who would want that?

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
DB FighterZ has 2 apparently leaked dlc characters

Base form Goku and Base form Vegeta.
If those are legit that is incredibly lame. Who would want that?
I doubt they'd so something so bland.

If it's really a third Goku and a third Vegeta, they probably have some really unique stuff.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I doubt they'd so something so bland.

If it's really a third Goku and a third Vegeta, they probably have some really unique stuff.
3 more of the alleged dlc characters are
Broly, Bardock and Raditz.[\spoiler]

So far if this is true it’s almost noone i want for dlc.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
The difference with Link though is that it's where 99% of his characterisation resides, without them, Link isn't even a character with any defined traits beyond "being the hero you play as". So they're necessary to note here. They started this trend with Skyward Sword too so I think it's intentional.
That's not really true though. BotW just had bad writing but other games did a good job with Link. Like TP gave Link a love interest, attachment to other villagers like Collin, and expressions. Link enters the fishing hole and gets excited, things like that. Link's interactions with Midna show he's not proud and takes things in stride.

As much as I crap on SS for being ugly, linear and unfinished, it had a good cast with good writing. You can see sparks between Zelda and Link, Groose starts out a d*** but gets thrown into a new (ground) world and ends up helping the old lady and preparing for the imprisoned. Girahim steals the spotlight whenever he's around.

Link has a lot of character when he's written well. He's a country boy at heart who enjoys simple pleasures like fishing and working with animals. He's shown to relate more to animals than people by dialog like "you don't understand what ____ means by this but...". Link always has to set the example for everyone and does what needs to be done without resentment. He's a pragmatist who uses what's available to overcome challenges and will stand up to defend others even against impossible odds. When he's not being the hero he likes to crash and sleep in.

If you look at games other than BotW, Zelda is a consistent character too. She's an energetic, take charge kind of girl with a tomboyish nature (OoT gossip stones). She can be cheeky (especially in WW) but is always driven to work for the greater good. Even in TP, which throws her into an occupied Hyrule as the dethroned queen (presumably), Zelda is shown to use a sword, bow and act selflessly.
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Sep 12, 2014
DB FighterZ has 2 apparently leaked dlc characters

Base form Goku and Base form Vegeta.
If those are legit that is incredibly lame. Who would want that?
It's fake dude.

EDIT: Same leak says Rose is DLC and from the looks of it he looks to be part of the base roster, they also say DMC5 was gonna be revealed at PSX which didn't happen,as well as SCVI for Switch.

Plus there's been evidence of the orignal reddit post being edited from time to time to damage control.
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
so heres the deal in the world of leaks so far back when the tmnt were announced we got a massive leak the covered multipe games and went really into nintendo stuff, and its track record is pretty phenominal, thing is it said that devil may cry 5 would be announced at psx

HOWEVER a second leak dedicated to devil may cry 5 from a seperate person unleashed itself and said that it WAS going to be at psx but sony decided to scale back psx in favor of e3(because of the feedback on this years e3)

and then we have a leak the corrobrates on soulcalibur 6 with them goin further into detail on kiliks rival and how they fight

heres the massive leak that was posted here prior
heres the devil may cry 5 leak
heres info on the soulcalibur 6 leak

knowing this and all things considered we may very well be seeing soulcalibur 6 at the january direct(as has been leaked by ea)
it feels strange to have a leak that should have been dead in the water continue too thrive based off of other leaks supporting it after so long
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