First fifteen-ish minutes of the movie focused on Sakura Matou's initial visits to Shirou Emiya's house. They were pleasant to watch since it showed how Shirou and Sakura's relationship developed. During this part of the movie, there were two other scenes I liked. One was a scene where Fujimura was looking through pictures of Shirou Emiya when he was little, and all those pictures had him with Shinji. This does a decent job establishing the past the two characters had. Speaking of Fujimura, she was great comic relief during the fifteen minutes as well. There was also a funny scene where Kuzuki was taking a picture of Fujimura, Shirou, Sakura, Issei, and the Archery Captain together.
I also liked how the Heaven's Feel movie interprets the Shirou and Illya encounter scene. There's a police car that drives by during it, and Illya vanishes after the car passes. The car represents looming danger, and Shirou is reminded back to the Fuyuki City fire. Illya comes up, grabs his sleeve, and tells him he better find a servant or else he's doomed.
The whole part with Shirou getting stabbed by Cu Chulainn Lancer, Rin reving Shirou with her pendent, Shirou trying to fight Lancer, Saber being summoned, Saber fighting Lancer, and Saber trying to fight Archer before Rin stopped him with a command spell is all thrown in the intro credits with some solid music.
The dialogue between Shirou, Rin, and Kotomine was just like UBW with some minor changes here and there (i.e. Shirou's PTSD kicking in). The subsequent Saber vs Berserker battle was short, but it was still epic to watch with some great angles. Illya closes the Church doors behind Shirou and Run using her alchemy, and Berserker arrives. There's a point during the battle where Illya has this chilling, crazed face while noting that Saber regenerates and encouraging Berserker to beat Saber into a bloody pulp. Fearful that Saber could die, Shirou throws himself in front of Saber during the fight and gets brutally injured, to the point Illya just walks away because she didn't think Shirou's death was satisfying enough by going suicidal like that.
Saber and Shirou then walk through the darker part of the city streets until they run into Rider who is biting the Archery Captain's neck like a vampire. Shinji arrives, and Rider and Saber fight. Rider does a bunch of cool chain swings and jumps, but Saber manages to defeat her easily by throwing Rider to a wall by grabbing onto the chains. Shinji makes this complete-shock face that made the entire theater laugh their butt off. We are then reminded that Shinji is despicable when he uses a spell book to order Rider to stand back up as she screams out in pain, but the book burns up. Zouken arrives, and Shinji wimps out.
When Saber is brought back to Shirou's place, she wears a yukata for the time being, and this is the first time we see her wearing one. Gotta say, she looked quite cute wearing it!
Gilgamesh also has one line during the movie, and that's when Shirou visits Kirei so that the latter can heal the Archery Captain. I don't recall what he said, but the audience laughed after he said it. Saber and Shirou also talk about Kiritsugu and the kind of person that he was during the Holy Grail War (the movie also segways into Kirei and Shirou's conversation on the same person several times), and there was some nice interactions and reactions that emerged from the two of them.
We also see True Assassin being summoned from Sasaki, and my god, that scene was dark. Hassan comes out of Sasaki's chest, and then we see the complete gore of Sasaki's remains: his rib cage fully exposed with blood everywhere. He is then devoured by the shadow.
One major new addition ufotable adds to the movie that was not present in the original Heaven's Feel VN was a full explanation as to how Caster ends up being Zouken's puppet, and oh man was it great! Here's how Caster became a puppet:
After Hassan has been summoned, we see Kuzuki sensing his presence while spending time with Issei and two other monks-in-training in a different part of the Ryudou Temple. He tells the the three that he will go out to investigate. We then cut to Caster, dressed casually, who is searching for Sasaki until she notices his sword. She realizes something is a amiss and heads back to the temple. Upon walking into the room with the buddha statue, she is introduced to the most grizzly sight: True Assassin standing over Souichiro Kuzuki's mutulated body. Hassan taunts Caster by stating that he decapitated Kuzuki and then sliced off his arms and legs, and yet Kuzuki still tried to move. At this point, Hassan basically uses Suzuki's body as a bargaining chip. Caster then stabs herself with Rulebreaker so that she can fight on her own without her master, but Hassan quickly kills her and repeatedly stabs her deceased body afterwards. Caster's body is then pulled away by some unknown force, either the shadow or Zouken being the most likely culprits.
The next day, we learn that Issei and the other two monks-in-training survived the ordeal, although they are being hospitalized. There is a brief scene of Shirou visiting Issei in the hospital. During it, Issei takes off his glasses, looks toward the window, and starts crying. You can tell he is very upset over Kuzuki's death, which makes sense considering how much he Issei looks up to him.
There are some cute Shirou x Sakura moments thrown around as well. One of which was a scene where the two sit together as Sakura recalls the time she first saw Shirou, to which Shirou blushes. Then there was a scene where Shirou lets Sakura sleep on his bed for the night, and she grabs his hand during it. There was also a gold scene where Shirou confronts Shinji after he hits Sakura at the entrance of Shirou's house because she has been visiting Shirou too much lately.
Speaking of Sakura, we also see some nice interactions between her and Saber. One scene showed Saber eagerly thanking Sakura for the lunch she made and asking what she could do to help, too which Sakura gets all flustered. There's also a scene where Sakura meets up with Saber at the training room while explaining talking about Shirou.
Anyways, the next major fight in the movie was True Assassin vs Lancer, and oh man, that battle was insanely hype. It was the longest fight in the movie, and every second of it was fantastic! Cu Chulainn had an epic entrance as he dragged Gae Bolg on the ground while walking toward Hassan on top of a tower crane. They then fight on a truck, and we see Cu Chulainn initially running toward the truck at full speed like he's Sonic the Hedgehog (perfect moment to play Gotta Go Fast too). Hassan throws one of the cars at one point, and Cu Chulainn obliterates it with his lance (the truck also rams into a highway fence in the process; RIP truck driver who had the misfortune of driving the truck Lancer and True Assassin were fighting on). They then fight while jumping building to building. Cu Chulainn throws his lance into a wall at one point, and then does a full fledged sprint (he looked kinda funny while running though) to chase after Hassan. He then summons Gae Bolg by saying "Come," and we get an epic shot of the lance flying out of the wall and into his hand.
The final part of their fight takes place in a bog, and here we see True Assassin's Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya, in all of its glory. Ufotable did a great job animating it. We see Cu Chulainn's futile struggle of fighting the shadow as Hassan manages to steal his heart, crush it to kill Cu Chulainn, and then eat it. It was quite the bone-chilling scene,
Rin and Shirou strike an alliance once more, and they had some quality moments together. In one scene, Shirou is about to angrily confront Shinji in school for hitting Sakura, but Rin stops him on the way to warn him that he should have a servant with him for protection, but Shirou grabs her by the shoulders to put her aside as she gets all flustered. They also have some nice dialogue on the rooftop, where we are introduced to Archer coming out from behind one of the drapes.
Later that night, the two and their servants confront Zouken in a park and meet Caster, whose corpse is being used as a puppet. When Saber and Caster are about the to exchange blows with sword and Rulebreaker respectively, Archer intervenes to throw Rulebreaker aside and save Saber. Caster then creates a giant ball of flame similar to what Surtr did in that Fire Emblem Heroes Book II trailers, and while the targets were initially Saber, Archer, and their masters, she throws it toward the shadowed figure instead. The shadowed figure absorbs it via empty space, and it swallows Caster afterward. It tries to attack Rin, but Shirou pushes her away only to end up in the shadow's path (the guy two seats to my right uttered the infamous line "People die if they are killed" when that happened). Shirou survives with no major injuries.
Speaking of Shirou, Heaven's Feel has the most likable version of Shirou, and the first part of the movie already does a good job portraying him in a likable light from the get-go. While he is still reckless to the point he risks himself to save others at times, he does much less of it during the initial days of the Holy Grail War. We also see some great interactions from him with other characters that made him feel more genuine. Next movie though is when Shirou truly becomes an awesome character though, so I look forward to that.
The funniest scene in the movie was the Mapo Tofu scene, and boy did ufo table did a perfect job adapting it from the VN! Shirou runs into Kirei in a Chinese restaurant, and the two sit down to talk about True Assassin. Some hilarity between the two also ensues (the audience had some good laughs). Kirei unbuttons his shirt before his dish, and the camera zooms into his mouth as he eats the tofu like a scene from Food Wars.
The final major battle is Saber vs True Assassin and Shirou vs Zouken back in Ryudou Temple, Shirou and Saber went there to investigate it. The Shirou vs Zouken was true to the source material, with some intense action while capturing Shirou's anger quite nicely.
Saber vs True Assassin was also pretty cool, and we see Saber using the wind power of her sword for once. Unfortunately, she gets caught by the shadow and sinks into it by the end of the fight. True Assassin even tries to use Zabaniya on her, but she manages to repeal it before disappearing.
Once Saber vanishes, Shirou loses his command spells just as she is about to order to appear in front of him to fight Zouken. As Shirou struggles to fight the worms, Rider intervenes and has a badass fight with True Assassin that makes the latter retreat. Rider comments her relief that Shirou is safe, and then Shirou walks back to his home, shocked and saddened that he lost Saber.
Admittedly, the conclusion to the Saber vs True Assassin fight was the only part that I think could've been adapted better. In the VN, Saber's demise during that scene was much more heartbreaking. As she is being swallowed by the shadow, she turns to Shirou and lets out a saddened "Forgive me" before disappearing. After Rider saves Shirou, they also cut out a key line from Rider that made Shirou recall those exact words from Saber when she was first summoned. The delivery of those lines added more emotion to the scene since it was Shirou thinking back to his earliest memories with Saber following her death. I remember getting quite emotional myself when I read that entire scene in the VN. In the movie, without those key lines from Saber and Rider and not cutting to a brief flashback from Shirou's POV, Saber's demise did not have as much emotional impact as it did in the VN. Moreover, I also feel like ufotable rushed the conclusion to Saber and True Assassin's fight. We don't entirely see Saber repelling Zabaniya, nor do we see Hassan screaming out in pain upon Saber stopping his Noble Phantasm.
After that, we have some nice conclusion scenes that hype what's to come in the next movie. The first shows Rin and Archer discovering Zouken's worm room, with the former expressing her disgust. Then there's a scene with Illya and her two servants, Sella and Leysritt, as Illya discusses her plan on going to the city the next day. Sella makes a comment about that, while Leysritt makes some odd noises that causes Sella to nudge her. We then see Zouken and Hassan interacting for a bit, with Hassan mentioning he sees worth in his master. There's a new scene not present in the VN where we see Saber inside the shadow as she tries to swim toward an illusion of the Holy Grail, but to no avail. Saber Alter appears behind her to tell her it is pointless, and she mentions something else that I forgot. We finally see Shirou returning to his house with Sakura waiting at the entrance. She tosses her umbrella to the side and cries tears of joy to see Shirou alive (though I do question why she was wearing open-toed sandals out in the snow during this scene; Sakura, aren't you worried about getting your toes frozen in that kind of weather?). Shirou too expresses some positive words back.