Current team:
Picture taken after the Ultra Necrozma battle.
Vast Poni Canyon went pretty well for the most part. Some challenging battles here and there, but they were all duable. As for the major battles:
Dragon Trial: Same battle from Sun/Moon, but here, If you have Primarina, this battle is slightly harder now that you don't have the Fairy-type Z-move at this point in the game. Makoto started out with a single Moonblast, but it left Totem Kommo-o in the early yellow. Totem Kommo-o also outsped Makoto and used Poison Jab. It then summoned Scizor as an Ally Pokemon, and thanks to Scizor's Bullet Punch, the two took out Makoto before he could finish Kommo-o off. Luckily, Fafnir was able to outspeed Totem Kommo-o, and he finished it off with a strong Draco Meteor. Sirius then came in to KO the Scizor in one hit.
Dusk Mane Necrozma battle: This replaces the Solgaleo battle from Sun, only here, you can't catch Necrozma. Battle was over pretty quickly. Sirius used the Ghost-type Z-move to finish it off in one hit.
Ultra Necrozma battle: Oh boy, the battle that everyone has been talking about. All this talk about how hard it was made me want to level up my Pokemon as much as I can prior to the fight, and they were about one to two levels below Ultra Necrozma's by the time the fight arrived. Even then, the legendary still put up a good challenge.
Also, I need to mention that its battle theme is easily the best track I've heard from a legendary Pokemon from a very long while.
Really sounds like you are facing the very light God itself!
Anyway, Bisharp started the fight by using Black Hole Eclipse, after getting put into the yellow by Necrozma's attack. It was able to use a Night Slash to whittle down Necrozma's HP to the red before going down. Fafnir came in to take care of the rest. With the help of a Focus Sash, it lives a Dragon Pulse from Ultra Necrozma and responded back with a Draco Meteor to finish it off for the KO.
Story updates:
Most of the story is basically the same until the altar scene. It is there that they are major changes.
The change kicks in after Solgaleo/Lunala is summoned. There is a cutscene that plays where Lillie mentions, "Now that we have the legendary, we can finally-" she is the interrupted with Guzma and Lusamine falling out of an Ultra Wormhole. It is then Necrozma shows up afterward, emerging from the portal on the altar. She then warns you and Lillie to run away because Necrozma "is a monster." She briefly introduces Necrozma, and it then turns to the other legendary. Another cutscene follows where the two clash, but it doesn't last long until Necrozma pines the legendary down on the altar. It then turns into Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma depending on the version and creates a whole bunch of Ultra Wormholes where other UBs come out.
Another cutscene follows: it's almost exactly like the Hala cutscene where he confronts Buzzwole/Pheromosa from Sun/Moon, only there's some changes. Hau is now present with Hala, and the UB they confront is either Blacephalon/Stakataka depending on your version. Hau steps in to try confronting the UB before Tapu Koko shows up. We then see a montage of the other Kahunas facing the other UBs near the Tapu Ruins sights. Olivia fights Buzzwole/Pheromosa depending on the game version, Nanu fights Guzzlord, and Hapu fights Xurkitree. The cutscene ends by returning to the altar where you face off against Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma.
After the first battle with Necrozma, it retreats into an Ultra Wormhole it created underneath it. At that point, darkness now consumes Poni Island, with a kind of dark vortex that looks similar to the Distortion World entrance. The Ultra Recon Squad arrive and comment that Necrozma is starting to steal Alola's light. Lusamine suggests they try to defeat it, but Dulse gets furious and highlights that Lusamine still seems intent on defeating Necrozma for her own selfish reasons. They eventually figure that you will be the one to fight Necrozma, so they give you the Ultra Suit and let you ride the opposite mascot legendary to ride through an Ultra Wormhole in order to reach Ultra Megalopolis where Necrozma is waiting. You go through the Ultra Wormhole minigame, and you are forced to use gyro controls (which are meh). It didn't take long for me to find the white portal that took me to Ultra Megalopolis.
When you arrive at Ultra Megalopolis, the other two URS members from the opposite version await there and they drop more backstory about Necrozma: that it gave light to both the people in the URS's world and Alola, but the ancestors in the URS world took too much of Necrozma's light to the point it reverted to the no-light form it was prior. They then state Necrozma awaits at the top of the tower, which is very bright with light to sustain Necrozma in the past.
There really isn't much to explore in Ultra Megalopolis despite looking big. All the buildings are locked, and there are only about two of them for that matter. There's just the tower and that's it.
You climb up the tower, and then you see Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma transform into Ultra Necrozma. If then challenges to you to battle. After beating it, it vanishes back to Alola in its no-light form as Solgaleo/Lunala returns to normal. Solgaleo/Lunala does a quite nudge to bring a small orb of light to Lillie back in Alola. You are then gifted with Poipole by the other two URS members. You can decline their request initially so that you can soft reset for a perfect nature/shiny. I did that, and after a few resets, a got a perfect-natured, Timid Poipole.
Upon returning, Dulse and Zossie inform you that Necrozma and Solgaleo/Lunala has returned to Alola. Lusamine then states she will help Solgaleo/Lunala recover, and she invites Lillie to come along to help it. Lillie is happy about that, as this is the first time Lusamine wants to collaborate with her for something. After the URS, Guzma, Lusamine, and Lillie leave, Mina arrives and invites you back to Seafolk Village, where you can begin the final Island Trial.