Deleted member
Holy **** I'll finally have an use for Cecili--Inigo works as a Reinhardt/Bow Lyn Counter. Basically, give him Gronraven, Triangle Adept(I see you 2nd Roy) and Bowbreaker. Luna also works decently with him, so there isn't a big need for the common Moonbow. Depending on his Bane, the Distant Defense Seal gives him enough Def and Res to survive.
Neko Sakura should be purely Anti-Mage. She's great with her normal skill set, although Valor can be replaced by anything, like the occasional Hone. For her Special, Glacies works great with her high Res, but takes a while to charge, so Iceberg works just as well and takes shorter to charge.
Sonya's a nuker. Just giving her Fury(or any Damage booster if you aren't a fan of the self-damage) and G Tomebreaker will be great enough for her, as she already has Moonbow. Res Ploy is also good thanks to her High Res, allowing it to activate more often.
For Arden, just give him Bonfire and Ward Armor for Armor sets. He also wants either Pivot or Swap to help his movement. Either way, his Brave Sword+ and Follow-up Ring make him a great offensive damage dealer. The Brash Assault Seal is a great Seal for him, as Follow-Up Ring makes him double when he's above 50% HP and Brash lets him double when he's below 50%(and when the opponent can counterattack).
Celica should be treated as pure Glass Cannon. A good set for her would be Fury and Desperation, as it allows her to take advantage of the damage to do quick follow-ups.
*Needs to be 5* to pass Gronnraven*
Good thing the VG is going on right now.
So yeah, guess everyone but Inigo in the main four stays with their default set plus some more skills.
Don't think I'll give Ward Armor to Arden because a) I don't think I have it; and b) The only Armors I have are Hector, BK and a 4* Draug and Sheena. Armor Emblem will have to wait.
Also, I'm kinda of out of Fury and Desperation fodder, surprisingly, Arvis is still waiting for Fury 3 and Nino for Desp 3. Besides, I feel like that'd make Celica too similar to my Nino.
Who has G Tome Breaker Bow Breaker though?