I'm still waiting for that FE PoR+RD HD remaster for the Switch. Does Nintendo even know how many units that'd sell simply by having Ike's face on the cover? I just want to play Tellius goddamnit, Nintendo is lucky my computer can't handle a GC emulator
God damn it.
Spent money to pull on the Minerva banner and I only get one green orb and it's a 3-Star Barst.
One pool was literally all reds, which is the second time that's happened.
They REALLY need to do something about the appearance rate of green units.
People talk about colourless hell being a thing but pulling for greens is honestly worse in my experience. At least colourless orbs show up.
The way I understand it, the units you can summon are pre-selected when you enter a summoning session. So basically, the gems are just hiding the already chosen unit behind it, the rolling was done before showing then to you.
That's why the chance of a Green showing up is lower, because there's less of a chance a Green unit got picked out of the entire summoning poll.
I think you should be able to reroll what Gems you can summon from, at least once per session. Say you get a 4 Red and 1 Colorless, you can reroll it and get any other combination of colors.
It's just a waste of Orbs to summon in a color you don't want.