Yeah let's not give them any maps or a supporting cast they're associated with at some point.
Let's not build upon what we've established and take it further either.
Hyrule Warriors had a port to the 3ds with added characters that if you wanted to play as in the console version, you'd have to buy the 3ds port to get a download code for them and then they did more DLC after that.
Regular Hyrule Warriors literally only added Majora's Mask (YL and Tingle, not Skull Kid) before the Legends release. Everything else was tied to OOT, TP and SS. It was only with Legends and the DLC from there on that they represented more games.
How dare a company use an IP that sells well and how dare people want to do more with that IP.
Let's just wait and see what happens instead of making definite statements about future events that are a fair amount of time away from the present.
Nintendo/IS have interfered with FE:W already (Lucina) and plans are capable of changing (Niles).
Plenty of reason when people are making asinine statements and leaving all of their own reason outside the door before their usual whining.
Because the developers don't want to add them?
It's really quite simple and not moronic. Whilst adding them would make sense from a certain point of view it also makes sense to hold them off until you can add their supporting casts and integrate them into the story. Lyn and Celica already suffer from not having story integration or their supporting casts.
But again like with Lucina (and presumably Celica and Lyn) Nintendo/IS could tell the devs "Hey you gotta add these guys in the DLC" and we could get Ike and Roy added. We just need to wait and see.