I'm the bully?
You are oppressive. Any time someone says anything you remotely disagree with or are uncomfortable with, you attempt to undermine them through passive aggressive remarks, telling them that they're wasting their time, that it's not a big deal, that you don't like this and you will keep doing it until the topic changes or a mod tells you to stop. This has rung true time and time again from the Disco Room, to now. I regularly discuss the things you undermine; you're always trying to shut down anything I say because it differs from your views in the slightest of ways. This kills my mood so much, you are stressful to deal with because I have to tip-toe around just to get my thoughts across. A majority of the time, you're not even part of the discussion, but you're already there to tell people to shut up and move on. Anyone who calls you out on that is a bully. No, you're the bully and you're too afraid of owning up to that.
Remember this post?
Other's have noticed this issue too.
You're an ******* to everyone, but especially me.