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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Quick question: Skullgirls or any Street Fighter? This isn't meant to start a discussion I just need a fighting game to play

C'mon, the original FF isn't THAT bad.
Yeah, it's buggy as all hell and a lot of mechanics aged like milk but you gotta gove it props for what it did

That depends on what kind of fighting game you prefer. If you want something fast and team based, Skullgirls is the better choice. As for Street Fighter, it would depend on which one you're gonna get/play.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Nah, they despise Other M, and Prime is constantly praised and hits "best of all time" for all sorts of things all the time.

The main problem with GAF and metroid is they dont shut up. ever. Every topic has to come back to Metroid somehow and it's super annoying. Also FF is considered the worst game ever made even though it was mediocre at worst. Im sure plenty of people on GAF have been turned off from Metroid because GAF wouldnt stop shoving it in people's faces even when it wasn't relavent. . .
Just goes to show how much of an effect unfair expectations and knee-jerk reactions can have. Federation Force was harmless at worst--even started out as a non-Metroid concept, if I remember right--but a vocal minority were just convinced it was a death knell for a storied franchise. And yet, here we are watching the exact opposite happen, with one main line Metroid game a month away and another in development.

Say it with me, everyone: Federation Force was just a spinoff title that had no bearing on the franchise as a whole.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Just goes to show how much of an effect unfair expectations and knee-jerk reactions can have. Federation Force was harmless at worst--even started out as a non-Metroid concept, if I remember right--but a vocal minority were just convinced it was a death knell for a storied franchise. And yet, here we are watching the exact opposite happen, with one main line Metroid game a month away and another in development.

Say it with me, everyone: Federation Force was just a spinoff title that had no bearing on the franchise as a whole.
On gaf it wasn't a minority unfortunately. "metroid is dead" was pretty much a daily statement. It was insufferable.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
what is it with MS exclusive games getting delayed anf then cancaled?
Aside from Scalebound what were some other recent examples? I think that remake of some card/action game is the only one I can think of.

Speaking of X-Box games, I'd be happy to see Metal Wolf Chaos get a western release.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Aside from Scalebound what were some other recent examples? I think that remake of some card/action game is the only one I can think of.

Speaking of X-Box games, I'd be happy to see Metal Wolf Chaos get a western release.
I think Scalebound is the only xboxs game that was delayed then canceled but I just added cancaled incase that happens with this recent game


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
*ahem* I'm, uh, I'm gonna uhhhhhhh ****in need an explanation for why this exists.
Seriously though there are some really funny SFM Nintendo animations on YouTube.

Like Day at the office with Captain Falcon.
Have you seen The Inkvader yet?

I can't post it here because it's a bit on the gory side, but people fish GIFs out of the darn thing due to the mix of the imagery the premise lands into and abnormally high quality SFM work (I mean, maybe not as high quality as THIS but).

No seriously, go watch it if you can handle some blood.
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Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
Today a local news channel was reporting from a flooded street saying that is near impossible to cross, then a tiny car appeared and crossed most of the flooded area (I think the driver even was saying hi to the camera) just to have a big*** trailer cross right next to him at high speed, drenching his car, poor vehicle woobled to near the end of the pond and fully stopped with a drowned engine.
It was hilariously sad because the reporter was like "he's gonna make it!" seconds before the car got ****ed by the trailer.


Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
This recent discussion makes me glad I never go on Neo Gaf.
On a different note, earlier today I ran into the first story boss that I've died to since Axel in KH2.
Technically, I didn't get a game over against him, but I did have to call upon the King's help twice against Xaldin (even though he was only a few hits away from dying the second time).
I suppose me having an easy time against the bosses in this game balances out how hard of a time I had against the bosses in CoM.
As for my thoughts on KH2 as a whole, I'm not sure whether I like it more than the original game or not yet. My two favorite changes so far have to be Drive Forms and Gummi Ship. I do have mixed feelings about the Limit mechanic though. On one hand, it's cool to have the various allies use special attacks against enemies, but on the other hand, I kind of miss how moves like Sonic Blade and Ars Aracnum were handled in the first game. My least favorite mechanic though would have to be AntiForm, since the benefits of it don't counteract all of the downsides that it has, it happens randomly, and it has an increased chance to appear the more you use other forms and the chance increases even more against bosses (or at the very least, Orginization XII bosses).
On another different note, today I got the Master Sword in Botw and beat my first Guardian.
It feels so satisfying to finally be able to reasonably kill Guardians.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Today a local news channel was reporting from a flooded street saying that is near impossible to cross, then a tiny car appeared and crossed most of the flooded area (I think the driver even was saying hi to the camera) just to have a big*** trailer cross right next to him at high speed, drenching his car, poor vehicle woobled to near the end of the pond and fully stopped with a drowned engine.
It was hilariously sad because the reporter was like "he's gonna make it!" seconds before the car got ****ed by the trailer.
He probably would have made it too.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
"Oh hey, I could play some Mania, or I could play some Splatoon 2. . .OOOOOR I could try that boss rush in Kid Icarus: Uprising I never bothered with.

So do I just click it or. . .

. . .

aaaaa I forgot how to play and went in with the wrong weapon all at once for a moment there. Back out, equip carefully fused Hedgehog Claws. . .there we go, much better."

. . .Alright, grab a healing drink boys, phase 1 is complete. Here's Woomy messed me up more than I was planning and I made it past the fight after by the skin of my teeth, but nine chapters down.

Now to see which fight I get flattened horribly on. :awesome:

*EDIT* I do not remember how any of these bosses fight and I'm pretty sure I just fought one I don't even remember existing. *EDIT.5* Thank you for being a breather boss Phosphora, someone I can just strafe instead of contantly dumping massive attack spreads on me or turning the freaking lights off was needed.

*EDIT 2* Well I guess I'm losing Run 1 to Pyrrhon, then. Serves me right for charging into a likely gimmick not knowing what I was doing, SURE BODES WELL FOR MANIA. *EDIT.5* Aaand threw off my rhythm. Time for some restarts, boys and girls!

*EDIT 3* Well I remembered the gimmick, not that it actually helped.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Found a cool secret in Sonic Mania. Requires all of the medals.

When you get all of the medals, a Blue Sphere menu option opens in the Extras menu.

I knew that already, but selecting Original from that option lets you do S3&K Blue Sphere Stages. Also nothing I didn't know.

But the other option is Mania. What happens when you click that? I assumed it would just be some of the new layouts that were featured in the main game, but that's not the case.

Well, remember the mobile remaster of S3&K that Taxman and Stealth pitched before Sonic Mania came to be? If you saw the pitch, you'll remember it had footage of new Blue Sphere stages that had new green spheres and purple spheres.

Well, the Mania option I mentioned is those kinds of Blue Sphere stages.


The green spheres function as blue spheres with two hits, essentially. So a green sphere turns blue when you cross it, and turns red when you cross it a second time. This allows for more complex layouts that weren't possible before.

Purple spheres are teleporters that teleport you to another purple sphere. This allows them to gate off sections of the level and split things into smaller sections surrounded by red spheres.

I don't think you get anything for doing these, but they're fun and quite the challenge, and it's cool to see a remnant of that S3&K remaster prototype in here.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Anyone have any good super hero ideas to round out my super hero team in my comic.

Blowhard: Cloud creation, air bending, water bending
Hourglass: Sand kinesis, glassmancy, time slowing aura
Root: Bag of indefinite holding


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Was at my buddy's place today and I decided to put on some Tool, and when Schism started playing he was like, "Isn't this the one with that super ****ed up music video?"

I was like, "Dude literally every one of Tool's music videos are super ****ed up"


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Encountered a weird glitch in Press Garden for Sonic Mania.

In Act 2, Sonic can be frozen, sending him sliding at fast speeds. This doesn't decrease your ring count, but it's necessary to progress in certain parts. I came into the boss fight in this state, hitting a tree and breaking both the tree and the ice block that I was stuck in. The boss freezes Sonic and summons enemies to hit him while he's in that state.

Eventually, the boss fight continues over to the right, where the giant capsule is. I figured that it's either a shortcut to ending the stage or decoration until the boss is beaten, so I jumped on it. This ended the stage, but the boss was still active, attacking and freezing me.

The level ending cutscene continued as normal, but since the boss fight was still going on, and Sonic and Tails were still frozen, it results in Eggman turning around with the purple gem in his hands, and the purple gem floats lazily to the right. They're stuck like this, and since it's a cutscene, I can't button mash to get out of the ice, so I had to reset the game.


Character Concept Creator
Mar 23, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Feels like every day now, I take another step out of my comfort zone. Today, a post on r/smashbros regarding my situation that I got mod approval of ahead of time.

Naturally, it already has a downvote. Because every time I take one step, I get blamed for not being ten steps further already.

Pretty messed up, isn't it?
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Feels like every day now, I take another step out of my comfort zone. Today, a post on r/smashbros regarding my situation that I got mod approval of ahead of time.

Naturally, it already has a downvote. Because every time I take one step, I get blamed for not being ten steps further already.

Pretty messed up, isn't it?
It's probably a bot TBH

I don't think i've seen smashbros reddit not mad about bots downvoting everything.

headed over to reddit to upvote


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Feels like every day now, I take another step out of my comfort zone. Today, a post on r/smashbros regarding my situation that I got mod approval of ahead of time.

Naturally, it already has a downvote. Because every time I take one step, I get blamed for not being ten steps further already.

Pretty messed up, isn't it?
While I'm pretty sure we're not -supposed- to flood in from other sites, you have my sword.

A single upvote takes the tiniest bit of effort to show that I don't want you to fall into despair and wish you success on your journey.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Politics are exhausting to talk about now.
which is why I try to talk about things that happend in games Im playin. Yesterday we were having a good time hanging out with our cousin until my sister started talking about the president then the mood went sour even though another person changed the subject as soon as it happend
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
which is why I try to talk about things that happend in games Im playin. Yesterday we were having a good time hanging out with our cousin until my sister started talking about the president then the mood went sour even though another person changed the subject as soon as it happend
My house is a Trump free zone. It makes the day so much better without seeing or hearing or talking about te carrot gremlin.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
my family just like ****ting on him, which is just as annoying then hearing news about him. My mom is like my friend, hates something SO bad, but activly looks for **** then crys when she gets mad and Im just like
It used to be funny mocking Trump but he's getting a bit scary and I just want him to go away but anyways that's enough about him.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Encountered a weird glitch in Press Garden for Sonic Mania.

In Act 2, Sonic can be frozen, sending him sliding at fast speeds. This doesn't decrease your ring count, but it's necessary to progress in certain parts. I came into the boss fight in this state, hitting a tree and breaking both the tree and the ice block that I was stuck in. The boss freezes Sonic and summons enemies to hit him while he's in that state.

Eventually, the boss fight continues over to the right, where the giant capsule is. I figured that it's either a shortcut to ending the stage or decoration until the boss is beaten, so I jumped on it. This ended the stage, but the boss was still active, attacking and freezing me.

The level ending cutscene continued as normal, but since the boss fight was still going on, and Sonic and Tails were still frozen, it results in Eggman turning around with the purple gem in his hands, and the purple gem floats lazily to the right. They're stuck like this, and since it's a cutscene, I can't button mash to get out of the ice, so I had to reset the game.
This happened to me on my first playthrough, but I didn't post about it because people hadn't played much of the game yet.

It's a good thing it counts you as being in Stardust Speedway at this point or it would be a real problem.

I took a screenshot when it happened.



Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
New streak so far while I calm down: beat Amazon Pandora in Crisis Mode, now I only have three bosses left to worry about and enough Drink of the Gods for each.

. . .Buuuuut the next boss is the one people whine about. Oh, yay.

I vaguely remember this being borderline visceral Pac-Man. It's probably gonna end up being worse than I remembered.

*EDIT* Well I'm glad I had full health for that, hahahahah.

*EDIT 2* Clearly I forgot the altered copy bosses, but hey, wusses.

*EDIT 3* Not gonna put me through the final boss? In retrospect that makes sense, I'll take it! I have now officially beaten the Boss Rush.

. . .On Easy. Yaaaay, I'm fragile.
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