Playing ARMS for the first time since I started. Doing some ranked matches, and finally trying out Max Brass.
Brass and Spring Man are definitely my favorite characters. I play Spring Man super boring though. Literally the default arms only. Both have Yellow palletes (Max Brass is even gold) so it's cool too
Made a few people rage quit, but im only on Rank 6 so Im sure I have a while to go.
Also, are shock arms super great or what? It seems like getting a free hit after is better than a free knockdown that other ARMS give. Ice seems like it might be just objectively better than Wind and Fire as well. Am I missing any details?
I'm rank 15 and still run into plenty of Spring Men with default ARMS, so you can certainly go far with him. I do feel like ragequitters become more prevalent at about where I'm at now though; it's proving to be a real struggle for me to progress any further because I either run into someone I can beat easily who quits so the win doesn't count for me, or some rank 19/20 who kicks my arse and then leaves after a single match. Getting a bit frustrating, actually.
And yeah, electric ARMS are pretty good indeed. Getting a free hit/grab/rush/whatever is neat. I've been using the Shocky/Sparky/whatever Ribbon Girl's electric ARM is called a lot lately, and it works well. Thunderbird is neat too, with its curving punch. I think electric is basically a straight upgrade over ice since if someone is frozen they can still punch to block an incoming grab, but I guess ice might have its uses. I think wind might be useful on a stage like Spring Stadium, where you could blow someone onto the spring, and then combo into a rush, but elsewhere I prefer other elements, and fire is useful for the free knockdown for someone like Min Min, since it gives her time to charge up her dragon arm freely.