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Three fully evolved Pokémon, three first form Pokémon. Pretty good type mix too, though heavy on the Poison side.I have a fun game guys!
It's a three part game so everyone pay attention to the rules. I'll post the second part of the game when enough people accomplish the first part.
We're gonna make a team of Pokemon, apply some real world aspects to them and think about movesets.
1. Go to Bulbapedia and hit random page. Your goal is to get a Pokemon for your team. Keep pressing random until you get an article about a certain Pokemon. It can be the main species page, it can be a TCG artilce, Battrio card, whatever. Point is, the article has to discuss ONLY one Pokemon. If the article is about a non Pokemon, episode or chapter, press random and ignore it. Note, you will not be allowed to get Legendary/Mythical Pokemon. If you find one, ignore it and move on.
2. Do this six times until you have six Pokemon for your team. If you get a repeat, ignore it and move on.
For example, I have done this and my team ended up being...
NOTE: You should not purposely seek out starters. I just happened to get lucky and get two of them. Then again I got unlucky and got Diglett. You'll see why that might be an issue in a bit.
- Quilava
- Metang
- Volcarona
- Diglett (Standard Form)
- Spheal
- Grovyle
3. Next think about what personalities each of your Pokemon will have. This may seem trivial but trust me its important for what I have planned. And by personalities, I don't mean natures like the games. I mean how they interact with each other and yourself. Also, determine a sex if the species has one. You may nickname your team if you like.
4. Okay. Now for the hard part. You have to determine your team's moveset. However, instead of going for a moveset you would use for a game, think about real world applications. Earthquake, Surf or Discharge might hurt the opponent greatly but it could also hurt the trainers and surrounding people and Pokemon. Meanwhile, weaker moves like Vine Whip and Smokescreen might have more practical applications. For example, one could use Smokescreen to escape an enemy attack and plan surprise attacks or use Vine Whip to prevent a Pokemon from moving about.
- I imagine Quilava would be the determined sort. Ready to battle at any time and with a will that refuses to give up, even if he should. Good heart overall, but stubborn. Male.
- Metang would be a big of a goof. Happy mood usually and always helpful to those around him. Tough when he needs to be though. No sex.
- Volcarona is the super serious one. No time for joking around, it wants to battle and will do so effectively. It might come off as a bit cold but cares deep down. Female.
- Diglett is the person who doesn't know they're small. She just keeps on trucking while constantly getting herself into dangerous situations. However, though her own skill and occasional dumb luck, she proves to be successful. Female.
- Spheal is the baby of the group. Newly hatched from its egg, it isn't too experienced in battle but shows great potential. Spheal loves to be cuddled and prefers being babied over battling. Male.
- Grovyle is the cool guy of the group. He tries to make himself seem cool at every opportunity, unfortunately he tries a bit too hard at times. The rest of the team see him as more of a goof than anything. Still, he pulls his weight in battle and has talent. Male.
Also, keep in mind any non attack abilities any Pokemon have. For example, Metang and Volcarona can fly and Quilava can ignite parts of its body with ease. We aren't limited to ingame restrictions here.
You will be able to teach your Pokemon any move they can learn. This includes egg moves, TMs, HMs, tutor moves, etc.
My moves will be...
Quilava: Smokescreen/Flamethrower/Swift/Wild Charge
Metang: Meteor Mash/Zen Headbutt/Psychic/Brick Break
Volcarona: Fiery Dance/Bug Buzz/Hurricane/String Shot
Diglett: Dig/Shadow Claw/Sucker Punch/Rock Tomb
Spheal: Ice Beam/Water Pulse/Rollout/Yawn
Grovyle: Leaf Blade/Leaf Storm/Dragon Breath/Leech Seed
Some thoughts I had while making my team.
- I tried to avoid moves that could cause serious damage to the environment or opposing trainer overall. Unfortunately, Volcarona has almost nothing but those, so I decided that Volcarona would be the equivalent to my team's nuker. Only used when times are tough and I REALLY need to extra power.
- You can see that several Pokemon have physical and special attacks. I tried to make sure most of them could deal with threats up close and at a distance.
- I avoided status buff moves as I feel they might be too risky in a real world application. Quiver Dance and Hone Claws almost made the list, but I opted for other things instead.
- Moves like Smokescreen, Swift, String Shot, Dig and Leech Seed were chosen for what I consider potential real world applications.
5. Finally, chose your team's ace. Which Pokemon will be the one people know you by? I think I'm gonna have to go with my Volcarona.
That's all for now. The rest of the game will be done in part two.
I apologize if its a bit long folks, but I feel it could be a super fun game with a bit of imagination. Give it a shot if you want.
Tentacool - Waterfall, Poison Jab, Confuse Ray, Knock Off
Cyndaquil - Flamethrower, Smoke Screen, Quick Attack, Extrasensory
Weedle - Poison Sting, Bug Bite, String Shot
Victreebel - Power Whip, Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Growth
Zebstrika - Wild Charge, Flame Charge, Double Kick, Thunder Wave
Dodrio - Brave Bird, Roost, Return, Steel Wing
Tentacool - Male. Detached and aloof. Calm on the surface, but sadistic in battle, as if unleashing its full power. Probably loves poffins.
Cyndaquil - Female. Spunky and outgoing among friends, but frightened when left alone. Frail, but makes good roasted marshmallows.
Victreebel - Female. Showy and flamboyant in battle, and often thinks it's much stronger than it is. Not that she isn't powerful, but she doesn't know her limits. Yearns to be a Contest Star.
Zebstrika - Male. Proud of its power and doesn't get along with others that aren't its trainer. Occasionally disobeys orders. Hurt Weedle and it'll kill you, probably.
Weedle - Female. The Load. Rescued out of pity as a baby. The heart of the team and acts as a mascot, and can String Shot things in a pinch. Attached to Zebstrika.
Dodrio - Male(s). The team ace. Fiercely protective of its trainer after it was rescued as a Doduo. Its bond is recognized by it knowing Return. Stoic. Stares often.