At the end of the say, I personally care more of the single player gameplay, and it looks more fun than the first one. The story... yeah it's pretty much the same.
Also here's something I bring up, a little bit of rant I guess...
Welcome to Taiwanese (ROC) parliament... where our democracy are usually being praised because even the legislators can just beat other people up.
I may be biased here, but by looking at both party's track record, the current government formed by the DPP is widely known for starting Taiwanese parliament's brawl when they were in the position as an opposing party... since they were the party that was found in order to oppose the current second large party which was the party that solely reign Taiwan for over 50 years and lost the recent president election back in 2016.
I just found it sad and ironic that DPP accuse KMT(Those wearing blue T shirts in the video are definitely KMT legislators) for using violence when they have done that for many years... this nonsense just have to stop, especially when our government is not doing anything good...
Don't get me wrong though I am not justifying one party's violence than the other, I also found even more ironic that some people, political figure in Taiwan likes to brag about Taiwan's democracy saying that is can stop China's ambition of taking over the island (Which isn't the case for now), they forgot that the parliament brawl is what Taiwanese are shame of when it comes to our country's democratic system and quality...