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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
I just wanted to share a little fun fact.

If Micaiah was a blue unit in FEH... She would one-shot Ike with her ultimate spell if she had at least 34 Mag (something not unrealistic considering Sanaki's stats).

Ike Magical Endurance at Neutral: 60 (42 + 18)

Disvantage: 60 x 0.8 = 48

Total Atk needed: 14 (Legendary/Exclusive Tome) + 34 = 48.

Nowadays this is already possible with Linde and Mae... I just found hilarious how Micaiah how be capable to completely destroy her (incredible more popular) rival.

Edit: I fix some things.
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Deleted member

Eh, yeah I guess?

In that case, I prefer then when it's not put in your throat. As you said, I prefer when it's something you have to think about instead of the story being about policial stuff that doesn't help the story in any way and instead slow it down.

Case in point, Holy Terror and The Dark Knight Strike Again from Frank Miller. Those two comics ard perfect exemple on how to NOT put politic stuff into a story that have already many problem on their own and the politic stuff just keep burying those comic further into the ground.

People can tell the message they want. But in the end, if the game, manga, movie, comic or whatever they make isn't good on their own. Nobody is going to take them seriously when it come to politic. (*COUGH* Marvel comic since those last years *COUGH*)
Whether or not the story is good is a different subject, but it's clear we don't need anvils all the time(unless they need to be dropped)
A good story will try to tackle its themes as subtly as possible, otherwise it will just feel like a lecture
Stories can have messages and almost always do, but that doesn't mean every message is political in nature. They flat out aren't by definition of the word.

In order for a story to be "political", it has to be directly dealing with political themes.

For example, if there was a story about two heirs from different nations who marry for the good of their people, that's political. If there is a story about two people who marry because they've been madly in love with each other since they were teenagers, that's not political.
I mean, you can say the premise is not political but it's bound to be somewhere in the middle. It doesn't need to be the focus of the story.
It's like germs, either it's a full bathroom full of them or it's your (clean) bedroom where you think there are none but they hide somewhere because they're small
Man, I'm really bad at analogies

Besides, if the second premise is taken in a certain way, it'll turn to be political: just throw the forbidden love thing and have the message be that love always triumph or something cheesy

I'd like for someone to actually point out to a story that doesn't involve ANY political themes at all if they want to prove this belief that media and politics can be separated


Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Im curious, Why does everything related to politics evolve into an argument. its like Magikarp evolving into Gyarados except you dont even like or want to keep Gyarados.

speaking if Magikarp, I need to redownload Magikarp Jump
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Im curious, Why does everything related to politics evolve into an argument. its like Magikarp evolving into Gyarados except you dont even like or want to keep Gyarados.

speaking if Magikarp, I need to redownload Magikarp Jump
Nothing's become hostile though. What are you referring to?


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Man, Idk man.. i guess living with a mother who starts loud arguments like this over something simple and fun is making me think this will become an argument
You have a point. This topic does have the tendency to end up an argument.

It's pretty civil tonight though. We got cool heads, I haven't googled any numbers - generally pleasant discussion all round.

Deleted member

In case you don't know, no matter how much Grandfather Clause lets it slide, putting a character in a Damsel in Distress role is a political statement.
All media is political by nature, it doesn't need to take at least 60% of the focus because everything shows a political stance
But of course, "political statements" in this day and age are the evil sjws putting gay characters in my games so what am I even saying?

Yeah, because I played their games

Ummm, no. That isn't political, I don't think you even know what political means.

Politics relate to government and law.

Social opinions and tropes can be political, but they aren't inherently political.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Whether or not the story is good is a different subject, but it's clear we don't need anvils all the time(unless they need to be dropped)
A good story will try to tackle its themes as subtly as possible, otherwise it will just feel like a lecture

I mean, you can say the premise is not political but it's bound to be somewhere in the middle. It doesn't need to be the focus of the story.
It's like germs, either it's a full bathroom full of them or it's your (clean) bedroom where you think there are none but they hide somewhere because they're small
Man, I'm really bad at analogies

Besides, if the second premise is taken in a certain way, it'll turn to be political: just throw the forbidden love thing and have the message be that love always triumph or something cheesy

I'd like for someone to actually point out to a story that doesn't involve ANY political themes at all if they want to prove this belief that media and politics can be separated

You're just being way too broad with what you define as a "political story".

You can find a "political theme" or "political view" in almost anything if you really look for it, nobody is denying that.

But it's not a "political story" unless the story is directly tackling political themes, establishes a detailed government system/s, writing characters with clear political backgrounds and beliefs, using political conflict to drive the narrative, having clear societal sects (based on sex, class, race, etc) and demonstrating how they interact, etc.

And someone letting their ideas seep into their work isn't necessarily representative of their political views either - I mean, those ideas and beliefs have to be political in nature, for one. A writer could, as a wild example, have an extreme fondness for chocolate, so they end up inadvertently writing every character in the story to be a lover of chocolate, even though that's not the main point of their story. While that's certainly them demonstrating a belief, it's not political in nature.

When people say they want politics out of their games, they're talking about games that try to explicitly provide commentary on real world political matters. People may not want this in their games because games are escapism for most people. This is especially true for established IPs (like Far Cry). Saying "OH WELL MARIO IS TECHNICALLY A POLITICAL STANCE IF YOU THINK HARD ENOUGH" is not a counter to that argument. Mario isn't direct about having a political message so it arguably wasn't even intentional, it's more it being a product of it's time than anything. As for Peach remaining a damsel in most key Mario games, it's just tradition at this point. It's part of Peach's character, not a political statement. You could argue that Peach being a ditzy damsel is giving her agency at this point, especially when we have so many other Mario ladies who aren't a damsel at all.

Personally speaking, I'm fine with political stories and statements in games, so long as they are well executed - much like anything else in writing. At the same time, I do not believe every single game needs to be about some strong political view. Not only would that get creatively stale, but I frankly don't need video games to remind me how crappy or full of conflict the world is. Sometimes I just wanna have fun and go fast or bop some Goombas or whatever the heck.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
After seeing the last few pages I've noticed that making a mountain out of a mole hill happens more frequently than I previously realized...
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Why does it say I get 2-3 great badges but I get 0-1 added to my total. This is Fire Emblem Heroes btw
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Deleted member

Ummm, no. That isn't political, I don't think you even know what political means.

Politics relate to government and law.

Social opinions and tropes can be political, but they aren't inherently political.
You know, I could quote almost this whole page so it might just be better to link it
Politics aren't just about the government and laws, it's also about how communities interact with one another
Also, why should I listen to an orcphobic?
You're just being way too broad with what you define as a "political story".

You can find a "political theme" or "political view" in almost anything if you really look for it, nobody is denying that.

But it's not a "political story" unless the story is directly tackling political themes, establishes a detailed government system/s, writing characters with clear political backgrounds and beliefs, using political conflict to drive the narrative, having clear societal sects (based on sex, class, race, etc) and demonstrating how they interact, etc.
I never said everything is a "political story", I said every media has political themes and commentaries
And I especifically said that they "don't nesd to be the focus"
And someone letting their ideas seep into their work isn't necessarily representative of their political views either - I mean, those ideas and beliefs have to be political in nature, for one. A writer could, as a wild example, have an extreme fondness for chocolate, so they end up inadvertently writing every character in the story to be a lover of chocolate, even though that's not the main point of their story. While that's certainly them demonstrating a belief, it's not political in nature.
And when did I say every belief is political?
What you're describing is Author Appeal
When people say they want politics out of their games, they're talking about games that try to explicitly provide commentary on real world political matters. People may not want this in their games because games are escapism for most people. This is especially true for established IPs (like Far Cry).
Far Cry has been "explicitely political" since the beginning.
Saying "OH WELL MARIO IS TECHNICALLY A POLITICAL STANCE IF YOU THINK HARD ENOUGH" is not a counter to that argument. Mario isn't direct about having a political message so it arguably wasn't even intentional, it's more it being a product of it's time than anything. As for Peach remaining a damsel in most key Mario games, it's just tradition at this point. It's part of Peach's character, not a political statement. You could argue that Peach being a ditzy damsel is giving her agency at this point, especially when we have so many other Mario ladies who aren't a damsel at all.
That's the thing: IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THE FOCUS but someone's views and beliefs WILL leak into the product, that's just inevitable
Personally speaking, I'm fine with political stories and statements in games, so long as they are well executed - much like anything else in writing. At the same time, I do not believe every single game needs to be about some strong political view. Not only would that get creatively stale, but I frankly don't need video games to remind me how crappy or full of conflict the world is. Sometimes I just wanna have fun and go fast or bop some Goombas or whatever the heck.
Neither do I feel like every game needs to tackle political commentaries, but it's a fact they all have those themes, even if buried deep inside it.
Also, Mario promotes Goomba and Koopa genocide


Deleted member

Honestly when people say they want to "keep politics out of (insert entertainment here)" they pretty much just mean "politics I don't agree with." The final product is always going to reflect the author and their beliefs, because a person and their beliefs are so intertwined that a full separation is almost impossible, be it a conscious thing or not.
Beliefs aren't inherently political.

Take Mario. Having Peach be rescued by a guy and having the representation of an Everyman be a mustachioed Italian guy is, in itself, a political statement, but many don't realize it due to how innocuous it seems.
If taken as a statement, it's more so of a social one.

Games like Fire Emblem are so obviously political by the presence of war alone. Xenoblade Chronicles had themes that could be read as atheistic in nature (the whole "we don't need gods" thing, which is also present in Fire Emblem Echoes). Paper Mario Color Splash had a gun control joke.
War is definitely political. So is religion due to the nature of most religions.

So basically, Reggie should quit that BS. Nintendo games have been political for a good long while, even if not overtly. And the thing is? That's not a bad thing.
I'm pretty sure he just meant Nintendo isn't going to push any political objectives. I don't know why that's so hard to understand.
You know, I could quote almost this whole page so it might just be better to link it
Politics aren't just about the government and laws, it's also about how communities interact with one another
Also, why should I listen to an orcphobic?
It means literal communities, not the vague bull**** that groups people into a "community" just because they share certain qualities.

Social force isn't the same thing as political force.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Beliefs aren't inherently political.

If taken as a statement, it's more so of a social one.

War is definitely political. So is religion due to the nature of most religions.

I'm pretty sure he just meant Nintendo isn't going to push any political objectives. I don't know why that's so hard to understand.

It means literal communities, not the vague bull**** that groups people into a "community" just because they share certain qualities.

Social force isn't the same thing as political force.
Social and political factors are not, however, necessarily separate. The term "sociopolitical" exists for just that reason. The two are incredibly intermixed.

Part of the issue is that, going back to Far Cry 5 for a bit, on the opposite end of the spectrum, some groups of people are making mountains out of molehills over how they dared to make the villains a bunch of white Christian extremists, and claiming it's a political move. If they were literally anything else that controversy wouldn't exist. Hell, if they were literally anyone from the Middle East, the same group wouldn't bat an eye and instead expect it.

So that's the issue I take with it, at the end of the day. The fact that anything going remotely in a progressive direction and against the status quo is derided by these people as "le evil sjw libtard snowflake fake news kek" and so forth, under the guise of "not wanting politics in video games."


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I never said everything is a "political story", I said every media has political themes and commentaries
And I especifically said that they "don't nesd to be the focus"
You didn't use that exact terminology, but you said that every story has a "political message" as if to say every story is created with the author intending to convey a political message, hence making everything a "political story". Every story can't have a political message if it's not intentional because a message has to be intentional for it to actually be a message. There's nothing saying Miyamoto intentionally made Peach a damsel to say "girls are inferior and need men to survive lol". To interpret it that way is just pure projection. There's nothing political about the story.

And when did I say every belief is political?
What you're describing is Author Appeal
Again, you didn't say it directly, but your wording thus far has been implying as much.

Far Cry has been "explicitely political" since the beginning.
No, Far Cry 2 wasn't the first (or even second) Far Cry game. The first few were survival horror games about a guy being stuck on an island and trying to survive. He even got feral powers in one of them because why not. Also one of the game's main selling point was having an amazing level editor for its time. Far Cry only started going towards politics after Far Cry 2, which isn't actually the second game.

That's the thing: IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THE FOCUS but someone's views and beliefs WILL leak into the product, that's just inevitable
But it won't always be political ones, which was what you said earlier.

Neither do I feel like every game needs to tackle political commentaries, but it's a fact they all have those themes, even if buried deep inside it.
If you have to dig deep for a theme, there is a good chance it isn't there to begin with and you're just projecting it onto the story.

Deleted member

It means literal communities, not the vague bull**** that groups people into a "community" just because they share certain qualities.

Social force isn't the same thing as political force
I know that, and everything that we have discussed relates to how communities interact.

And even if we go by that logic and try to separate politics and social forces(which are so interlaced they might as well be pretty much the same thing), that just makes Reggie's quote and the whole controversy even dumber because FC5's controversy is more so related to society than politics.


Deleted member

You didn't use that exact terminology, but you said that every story has a "political message" as if to say every story is created with the author intending to convey a political message, hence making everything a "political story". Every story can't have a political message if it's not intentional because a message has to be intentional for it to actually be a message. There's nothing saying Miyamoto intentionally made Peach a damsel to say "girls are inferior and need men to survive lol". To interpret it that way is just pure projection. There's nothing political about the story.
Honestly, that's just bad wording from my part, I'm not very good at conveying thoughts into words.
What I mean is more "every media is political because an author will always project their beliefs into it, whether conciously or not"
Again, you didn't say it directly, but your wording thus far has been implying as much.
This comes as rather hypocritic when you're saying I shouldn't look at implications
No, Far Cry 2 wasn't the first (or even second) Far Cry game. The first few were survival horror games about a guy being stuck on an island and trying to survive. He even got feral powers in one of them because why not. Also one of the game's main selling point was having an amazing level editor for its time. Far Cry only started going towards politics after Far Cry 2, which isn't actually the second game
It's simply Early-Installament Weirdness, one game doesn't define the series as a whole and the Wikipedia page has this
There are minimal narrative elements or chronology between the games. Instead, the Far Cry games have generally shared the theme of taking the player to "a lawless frontier" where "values and laws of today are not functioning", along with elements of having to survive in the wilderness including hunting and crafting.[2] The player often needs to work with freedom fighters attempting to regain control of a region from a ruling party, and may have to pit different sides of a conflict against each other through their actions.
But it won't always be political ones, which was what you said earlier.
I never said all of them are, just that it's inevitable.
Like, sure, you'll have the chocolate-loving guy because the author likes chocolate but you'll also have a character or world or anything really that shares or meets the author's world view
If you have to dig deep for a theme, there is a good chance it isn't there to begin with and you're just projecting it onto the story.
Isn't that sorta the point of analysing art tho?
There may be a chance it wasn't the intention, but if it's there, it got there somehow, and as I said, writers do it without knowing.


Deleted member

Social and political factors are not, however, necessarily separate. The term "sociopolitical" exists for just that reason. The two are incredibly intermixed.
I never said that social issues can't be political, just that they aren't inherently.

A group can be socially oppressed without being politically oppressed for instance.

Part of the issue is that, going back to Far Cry 5 for a bit, on the opposite end of the spectrum, some groups of people are making mountains out of molehills over how they dared to make the villains a bunch of white Christian extremists, and claiming it's a political move. If they were literally anything else that controversy wouldn't exist. Hell, if they were literally anyone from the Middle East, the same group wouldn't bat an eye and instead expect it.
I don't agree with them either. It doesn't change anything I said.

I know that, and everything that we have discussed relates to how communities interact.
Except Mario saving Peach doesn't have anything to do with that whatsoever. Unless you are implying that men and women are communities which is pretty ridiculous.

And even if we go by that logic and try to separate politics and social forces(which are so interlaced they might as well be pretty much the same thing)
Only due to how we're overly sensitive to them.

It's no wonder every ****ing time someone comes to conflict with another person of a different catergory, the default assumption is always that it must've because that person hates that category.

Not that there aren't cases where hate or politics is the main drive, but it's always the main assumption.

And even if we go by that logic and try to separate politics and social forces(which are so interlaced they might as well be pretty much the same thing), that just makes Reggie's quote and the whole controversy even dumber because FC5's controversy is more so related to society than politics.
The difference is that in FC5's case it actually is political, they're actually of a certain political category. The Mario and Peach example is bull**** because you assume it's due to their gender differences rather than actually looking at the characters and why they'd be in that situation.
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Oh okay.
Jul 14, 2014
You tell me.
Switch FC
Strawberry Pie is pretty good, but so is Strawberry Cake.

I have both in my fridge right now.

I wonder if I should combine them...

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Desk uploaded another video of MvCI combos. This one focuses on tag combos. When you see the Chun-Li and Carol combo, you see that with each tag, the time your partner stays out increases. So your current character has to really apply pressure to keep the combo going.

They said that this and the E3 build were older builds. So I just mostly hope they didn't take out any cool combos and make the game look less like ass.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
It says a lot that I momentarily thought this was from an official Ace Attorney game.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Deleted member

It's no wonder every ****ing time someone comes to conflict with another person of a different catergory, the default assumption is always that it must've because that person hates that category
Says the orcphobic
You're just saying that because you don't want people to associate your denial of consensual orc love with your hate for orc.
The difference is that in FC5's case it actually is political,
Uhm, how? Going by that logic, I legit don't see how.


Deleted member

Uhm, how? Going by that logic, I legit don't see how.

Because it actually has political themes and commentary. Unlike Mario getting high off shrooms. : ^ )

It's not even a bad thing to have, I'm just saying not everything is political. And once again, remember that I do think that people complaining about FC5 are completely wrong. I don't think that having Christians characters as bad antagonists is inherently political and is saying that all christians are bad like them.

Otherwise they're really going to hate Pucci.(Oh wait, nevermind, he's a catholic, that doesn't count to much of the alt-right.)
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Or they could just not make one for 5 years so we could get the F4 in the MCU and a broader scale for the cosmic side of things.
Also hopefully a Doctor Doom that isn't ****.

Yeah, you'd hope so. I'm starting to think that Dr. Doom will NEVER get a good movie interpretation for his character.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Maybe Fantastic Four isn't made for film. It already failed 3 times with abysmal scores in 1994, 2005, and I heard rumors that a 2015 one exists.

It'll be a miracle if we ever see a decent one.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
One of the biggest issues with the 2015 Fan4stic movie is that someone forgot to pay the electric bill. Seriously, so many scenes in the film were filmed in an empty black room. It's almost too hard to see anything.


Apr 9, 2014
Lord and Miller have left the Han Solo movie despite being three weeks from completing filming, Fox is trying to make another Fantastic Four movie, the Xen levels for Black Mesa have been delayed to December...


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
I don't understand your confusing philosophy but thanks for the pic
There are three ways you can discern from this:

1: All you mentioned was about Reggie not playing a single Nintendo game. After the ensuing talk afterwards after I said that I considered "Pressing buttons on a game controller using your own fingers" as playing, you said about it allows you to be counted as an Overwatch player. Just because a person plays doesn't mean they are a player. If a person has played for a couple of minutes only and hasn't played since then, are they really a player? After all, all I confirmed was that Reggie did play a Nintendo game in his life. I didn't say he was a player.

2: A person who has tried playing with the ladies, but can't play good enough and failed everytime, so they can't be a player if they kept failing to play the ladies.

Replace "cheated" with "played". Obviously you can't be a player if you keep failing to play people.
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