- Wimpod's evolution is amazing. It will definitely be on my team.
- I'm satisfied on Salandit's evo. Some say it's boring, but I expected worse.
- Crabrawler's evolution looks great, as well, and looks like it'll be our first Fighting/Ice Pokemon.
- The anchor is cool, I guess.
- Alolan Geodude line is good. I was hoping it would be part Fire, though.
- Metroid Spiders are great.
- Ultra Beasts are cool... I just hope they have proper names if/when we can get catch them.
- Pikipek's evos are meh. Looks like they'll remain Normal/Flying, which is disappointing.
- Morelull's evo is somewhat disturbing, but not bad.
- Not sure do I like the idea of legendaries having pre-evos.
- No comment on the two new spiky Pokemon or the Tapus.
- Not a fan of Alolan Diglett and Wigtrio. I wish they had more differences than just the wig.
- Alolan Persian is a disappointment as well, despite resembling my favorite comic book character.
- Ash-Pikachu. Never been a fan of Ash, but because of this I have a bad feeling they'll shoehorn him into the games. Thankfully it just wears Ash's hat instead of resembling him.
- Pyukumuku and Minior not evolving. They really should've got one. So should Mimikyu, but I never expected it to get one.
- No Alolan Ekans, Arbok or Nidoking. Looks like Alolan Raichu is the only Alolan form I'll be using.