-Starter evos are real, to no one's surprise. No split evos, what a relief. Since I never really talked about each one individually, here are my thoughts on each one:
>Robinroot is my favorite of the bunch, he looks so damn cool. Definetly my starter.
>Beltigre... I can't say I ever liked it, but I started to dislike it less as time went on... But its 3D model is hideous. Easily my least favorite.
>Entermaid has a nice design, my second favorite of the starter trio.
-Alolan Diglett is silly looking, and Dugtrio is... wat
-Alolan Persian's face looks out of place, and it looks nothing like regular Persian. I never liked Alolan Meowth to begin with (Or regular Meowth for that matter) but this is even worse.
-Alolan Geodude line looks weird. Why does Golem have a beard?
-Ash-Pikachu is alright I guess. Just Pikachu with Ash's hats.
-Pikipek's evos look alright, but I can't really say I'm a huge fan of them (Staraptor is still my favorite reginal bird). That Toucan gives off a Pelipper vibe for whatever reason though. Probably the beak.
-Crabrawler evolves into a Yeti. Pretty cool I guess.
-Metroid Spider looks interesting.
-Morelull's evo reminds me of Toad.
-Uh... What's that supposed to be? I mean, it doesn't look bad, but... What is it?
-Salandit's evo is super disappointing, it looks like they took Salandit, stretched it and put on 2 legs. It actually makes Turtanator look good.
-What's that thing between Drampa and Turtanator? It looks pretty weird.
-Wimpod's evo looks badass as ****, I was worried that we won't get a good looking water type (Besides Entermaid) but I that fear was for nothing. Definite Team Member.
-Tapus actually have really nice designs, especially the purple one. They all look better than Tapu Koko.
-Legendaries have pre-evos. Lunaala's looks pretty cute and Solgaleo's doesn't seem to have a face at all.
-UBs are neat
-Marshadow is underwhelming. Where's my Poison/Psychic scorpion? Oh well.
-It sucks that we have such a small roster of Pokemon, but at least it's a pretty good one at that.
-So many single stage mons tho...