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Sep 12, 2014
To detour people from sun and moon leaks obviously.

And I didn't click spoilers really, but I want to know two things without images:

Does Comfy evolve?

What's the Pokemon from the TCG boxxart? Does it evolve?
No and yes.

Deleted member

I know I've already posted my thoughts on some of the new Pokemon, but here's my thoughts on all of them:
-Starter evos are real, to no one's surprise. No split evos, what a relief. Since I never really talked about each one individually, here are my thoughts on each one:
>Robinroot is my favorite of the bunch, he looks so damn cool. Definetly my starter.
>Beltigre... I can't say I ever liked it, but I started to dislike it less as time went on... But its 3D model is hideous. Easily my least favorite.
>Entermaid has a nice design, my second favorite of the starter trio.
-Alolan Diglett is silly looking, and Dugtrio is... wat
-Alolan Persian's face looks out of place, and it looks nothing like regular Persian. I never liked Alolan Meowth to begin with (Or regular Meowth for that matter) but this is even worse.
-Alolan Geodude line looks weird. Why does Golem have a beard?
-Ash-Pikachu is alright I guess. Just Pikachu with Ash's hats.
-Pikipek's evos look alright, but I can't really say I'm a huge fan of them (Staraptor is still my favorite reginal bird). That Toucan gives off a Pelipper vibe for whatever reason though. Probably the beak.
-Crabrawler evolves into a Yeti. Pretty cool I guess.
-Metroid Spider looks interesting.
-Morelull's evo reminds me of Toad.
-Uh... What's that supposed to be? I mean, it doesn't look bad, but... What is it?
-Salandit's evo is super disappointing, it looks like they took Salandit, stretched it and put on 2 legs. It actually makes Turtanator look good.
-What's that thing between Drampa and Turtanator? It looks pretty weird.
-Wimpod's evo looks badass as ****, I was worried that we won't get a good looking water type (Besides Entermaid) but I that fear was for nothing. Definite Team Member.
-Tapus actually have really nice designs, especially the purple one. They all look better than Tapu Koko.
-Legendaries have pre-evos. Lunaala's looks pretty cute and Solgaleo's doesn't seem to have a face at all.
-UBs are neat
-Marshadow is underwhelming. Where's my Poison/Psychic scorpion? Oh well.
-It sucks that we have such a small roster of Pokemon, but at least it's a pretty good one at that.
-So many single stage mons tho...
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I should've taken Joe's advice and just abandoned the internet....or at least Twitter... people posting images of new Alola forms, pokemon and UB's all over my feed...FAK SAKES...

So might as well just look at the frikking datamines then...see what this pokepocalypse is all about...
Starters leaks are real...not that there was a doubt...
Pikipek evolves into a Toucan! I can dig this, The toucan looks neat! When rumours started with a toucan being in the game I was thinking a Chatot situation but a straight up evolution for Pikipek, I was planning on using Pikipek anyways but now I'm definitely using it....


Salandit's evo...is interesting, though I expected more than just a more slender and upright version of Salandit, but sure...

Crabrawler evolves into a Yeti Crab!? This is awesome!!! Better be a Fighting/Ice type!

That bubble bug...what the heck? Kinda looks like a virus is a way...but hard to pinpoint what it's based off of...

Mystery Sea Anenome...seems interesting, reminds me of Sea Urchins in a way...

Morellul's evolution...it's....literally the most boring evolution they could've given it...

An Anker? seriously?

Alola Dugtrio......why....
Alola Persian...Do not like...the puffy head looks really strange on Persian and I wasn't a fan of Alola Meowth to begin with...
Alola Golem line...ummm...not really a fan... They better not be dark types...honestly I want new Dark types not the Dark type tacked onto old pokemon...

So many of the latest Alola forms have disappointed me...which is a shame there was so much potential for some really awesome Alola forms but...

Tapus...it would seem based on their colour schemes they're going off of the same typings as Oricorio; Electric, Fire, Ghost, and Psychic...Marlin ghost Tapu looks neat...

Solgaleo and Lunala have prevos? Or are they just alternate forms ala Hoopa?

Marshadow is...not what I expected...

UB's...I mean I guess I should've expected them to be strange but...

No evolutions for Komala, or Pyukumuku...that's disappointing...
Also no Dolphin or snowman? unless the Yeti crab is our Snowman...I wonder if Wishiwashi's school form is supposed to be the Dolphin if there is none...as it does resemble the Orca


Sep 12, 2014
I should've taken Joe's advice and just abandoned the internet....or at least Twitter... people posting images of new Alola forms, pokemon and UB's all over my feed...FAK SAKES...

So might as well just look at the frikking datamines then...see what this pokepocalypse is all about...
Starters leaks are real...not that there was a doubt...
Pikipek evolves into a Toucan! I can dig this, The toucan looks neat! When rumours started with a toucan being in the game I was thinking a Chatot situation but a straight up evolution for Pikipek, I was planning on using Pikipek anyways but now I'm definitely using it....


Salandit's evo...is interesting, though I expected more than just a more slender and upright version of Salandit, but sure...

Crabrawler evolves into a Yeti Crab!? This is awesome!!! Better be a Fighting/Ice type!

That bubble bug...what the heck? Kinda looks like a virus is a way...but hard to pinpoint what it's based off of...

Mystery Sea Anenome...seems interesting, reminds me of Sea Urchins in a way...

Morellul's evolution...it's....literally the most boring evolution they could've given it...

An Anker? seriously?

Alola Dugtrio......why....
Alola Persian...Do not like...the puffy head looks really strange on Persian and I wasn't a fan of Alola Meowth to begin with...
Alola Golem line...ummm...not really a fan... They better not be dark types...honestly I want new Dark types not the Dark type tacked onto old pokemon...

So many of the latest Alola forms have disappointed me...which is a shame there was so much potential for some really awesome Alola forms but...

Tapus...it would seem based on their colour schemes they're going off of the same typings as Oricorio; Electric, Fire, Ghost, and Psychic...Marlin ghost Tapu looks neat...

Solgaleo and Lunala have prevos? Or are they just alternate forms ala Hoopa?

Marshadow is...not what I expected...

UB's...I mean I guess I should've expected them to be strange but...

No evolutions for Komala, or Pyukumuku...that's disappointing...
Also no Dolphin or snowman? unless the Yeti crab is our Snowman...I wonder if Wishiwashi's school form is supposed to be the Dolphin if there is none...as it does resemble the Orca
I think the Dolphin is that Narwhal looking Tapu, same for the snowman and yeti crab.

The cat though? Either that was fake info or it really was a misinformed Type Null.

Deleted member

Also, theory time, this is something that I've been thinking for a while but I'm now even more sure with these leaks
UBs are the "viruses" of the Pokemon world
Most are said to not have a will of their own just like real viruses and are not considered Pokemon in a world where almost everything is one while viruses are debately "living beings" or not, Lusamine even mentions she'll protect and love them as well, implying she considers UBs as Pokemon too
Also, the designs, they are what sell me on this, just look at them
I'm not doing final thoughts until BSTs and **** are shown
HOWEVER something I noticed
Ultra Beasts having shinies may not be for the sake of failsafes. Did the Pokestar Studios fakemon get shinies? We might be able to catch those ****s
Yes, Pokestar fakemon had a shiny form failsafe
Something I noticed.

The Sinnoh and Unova fossil lines are present here. Perhaps that's to make up for no new fossils? Were old fossils ever in another region's regional Dex?
Aerodactyl was in the Kalos dex


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Might as well say my opinions.

Arrowl: It's fine. Don't love it, don't hate it.
Beltigre: Really soured me at first, but I've kinda grown to love it for the kind of malicious dirty fighter Heel angle.
Entermai: The water/fairy mermaid I wanted in all the wrong ways. Probably isn't gonna warm up on me either.

Pikipek's evo line... is bad. Do not like the Toucan.
Salandit's Evo looks like Skyrim Argonians aftre the first stage of R-18 modding.
Wimpod's Evo is kinda the typical attempt at cool/tough that often falls flat on me.
Morelull's evo... meh.
Crabrawler's eevo? Fighting/Ice finally gets a mon(?) but it looks derpy to me. Namely the mouth and hair.
TCG Mon & Evo: Honestly might have to go on my team at this point just to have a water type I like.
Shipwreck: Our inanimate object mon. Neat enough of one.
NotMetroidOrKomato: It's... so out there I don't know what to feel.
Other Tapus: Purple's nice, red's dumb, and I don't know what pink is meant to be.
New UBs are all great.
Prevos for legends are honestly awesome.
Marshadow... looks like a 5 year old's dark type.

What I'm upset with most here isn't in what we have; but what we don't. Our remaining information did't include the 4 things I wanted to see, and gave me one Mon line I like.
Apr 19, 2015
I wake up, and everything has been leaked.

Here's a big one.

There was a problem fetching the tweet
I'm gonna call him Dugtrump.

Datamine Part 2 is up.

No Alolan Ekans or Arbok. :(

Alolan Persian is Garfield?

Also, I've decided my team:
Salandit evo
Wimpod evo
Alolan Raichu

Sorry, Vikavolt.


Sep 12, 2014
I got out of class and on my way to the bus stop it starts drizzling so now I'm soaking wet.

Is this divine punishment for reading the leaks??

Deleted member

BTW, when is the demo coming out for North America? Cuz I have an American 3DS.


Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands
Apparently there's an Alolan Pokémon in the demo.
It's Dugtrio.
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Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
Let's see..........I stop commenting at Page 978. It's now Page 988.
I expected nothing less. If i have time I'll read the last 6 pages (read up to 982).
Meanwhile.........8 minutes till NA gets it.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
So, my sun team is staying the same.

Beltigre, Lurantis, Snowslash, Minior, Mimikyu, Kodmo-o

Moon team, four things stuck.
Robinhoot, Frostales, Psychu, and Sandghastle.

Now to try to balance out a team to try to have as many super effectives as I have vulnereables to types.
Since Water/Fighting Punchymuku and Normal/Poison Darwhisker with Crunch are out of the window.
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
So it should be out for North America now, right? Because I'm not seeing anything in the Eshop or in my notifications.


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
Thanks, one final question:

What's with the Pikachu hats?

I'm calling Ash confirmed and it will be glorious.
I'm starting to believe that Ash will be in the story

Edit, it's a bit like Ash-Greninja, it's Ash-Pikachu. How we get the different hats is a mystery still.
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Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Four minutes after the time and the demo PAGE pops up, but there's no way for me to actually download the demo yet.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Well once Nintendo graces us with the ability to download it, we can also pre purchase the full game.


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
I like how that Rissler guy basically lied. lol
two things 1 i notice you thought nintendo waas getting lazy for not having 100 new pokemon this is inherantly false because nintendo dosent make the pokemon games, 2 the riddler never lied after a point he stopped posting riddles and made speculation posts

now then unrelated to the above discussion i have 2 more things to say for every one
1. why did people think mimikyu would get an evolution? the whole point is that it wants to imitate pikachu so it can be popular evolving would make it less popular because of raichu
2. i think wimpods evo looks like a bug/fighting...dunno why it just does
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