Nice to see the starter evolutions are the real deal! Entermaid's sprite looks great, and so does Robinroot's. Beltigre's? Not so much.
Alola Persian looks bad. The face and puffed-up head completely ruins it for me.
Alola Geodude and Alola Graveler look pretty cool with those eyebrows. Alola Golem will take some getting used to though thanks to the beard and mustache. Hopefully it gets better typing compared to its normal form.
I'm predicting Pikachu will be the only Pokemon that can wear a special clothing: Ash's hat. Maybe its a reward you get for completing the game?
So Pikipekk evolves into the speculated Toucan Pokemon? Didn't expect that at first, but after reading how woodpeckers and toucans are closely related, I think the evolution makes sense. That Toucan 'mon is also one of the most realistic-looking Pokemon I have ever seen.
Not digging the Crawbrawler evolution at the moment. The face looks rather odd.
It looks like Toad was the inspiration for Morellul's evolution. They both have very strong similarities with each other, though the Morelull evolution looks pretty creepy.
I like Salandit's evolution. They definitely pulled off the femine aspect about it pretty well.
That virus-looking evolution line looks interesting. Something tells me it's going to have a pretty unique typing.
The sea-urchin leaked mon from the Sun and Moon TCG box picture looks alright. Same can be said about its evolution.
An anchor Pokemon? Pretty surprising. I'm predicting it will be a Steel/Water-type to fit the anchor theme, but the torn drape over its body makes the Ghost-type pretty plausible as well. I can imagine this Pokemon the likes of the Garbodor line, the Vanilluxe line, Klefki, the Palossand line, etc. as the kind of Pokemon Genwunners will point to as a sign GameFreak is running out of ideas. It has also has no evolutions or pre-evolutions, so I'm curious to see if it will be viablor the metagame when Sun and Moon comes out.
Wimpod's evolution is definitely badass. It looks like an alien out of those sci-fi alien invasion films. It even gives me Predator vibes. You know, come to think of it, remember when people speculated Wimpod would be the Magikarp/Feebas of Alola? If Wimpod is the type of Pokemon that chickens out and runs away from foes, its evolution looks the Pokemon that will relentlessly pursue its enemy no matter what. It really is a scary predator!
Komala and Mimikkyu don't gain evolutions? Not what I expected. I'm hoping they get some good stats to compensate that.
Looks like Kommo-o is our pseudo-legendary for this generation.
Tapu Koko is my favorite of the four Guardian Deities. I'm curious to know what animal do the pink and red Tapus take the shape of. I know the purple one is a Narwhal, but the other two are harder to identify for me. Is the red Tapu the one based on the Strange Souvenir? If it merged its arms together, it might look like a human tiki head, but I'm still not sure.
While the pre-evolution theory seems plausible, I think those small little things next to Solgaleo and Lunala respectively could be similar to Hoopa and its Unbound form where the little things are supposed to be the restrained form of the legendaries while Solgaleo and Lunala are supposed to be their true, "unbound" forms so to speak. I also speculate that these little things could be like the parasites similar to the Cloverfield monster. They latch on to the legendaries, but instead of being hostile like the Cloverfield parasites, they are docile in nature. They could also serve some kind of purpose for helping these legendaries out.
The UBs look cool, especially the crab-looking one.
Marshadow turned out to be much smaller than I expected. I think the small form we're likely at could be similar to what Solgaleo and Lunala and we will find out how Marshadow truly looks like in a few years, or it could be our Mew/Celebi/Jirachi/Manaphy/Shaymin/Victini of this generation.
Other thoughts:
Looks like this generation once again focused on quality over quantity. Not too many Alola Pokemon I dislike. However, it seems like GameFreak didn't learn their lesson in regards to revealing too much information, at least in terms of the Pokemon department. They made that mistake in ORAS with the Mega Evolutions, and it seems like here they make the mistake here with the Pokemon. A large majority of the Alola Pokemon and the Alola forms have already been revealed. At least they haven't revealed too much about the story or the in-game locations though.