>Alolan Grimer is Poison/Dark
>Third Dark type Alola form
>Still no new Dark Pokemon
GF couldn't make a lack of Dark gyn this gen so they found another way to bully the type
Alolan Grimer is ugly af
Waiting to see of Jangmo-o's evolution is true, a Dragon/Fighting would be cool
Type: Null evolving is kinda weird but I'll wait to see how it changes typing, probably just gonna use Plates for GF's, and our, convenience because tracking down another set of 17 items is gonna be a pain in the ass
I never wanted to strangle someone or shoot myself as much as I want to right now, god damn, I need to drink
My sister told me this tea she bought is a hallucinogen, I should try some
I know this is kind of late but don't do that
It may not seem like so but there are people in this thread you can consider friends
Also I'm gonna be a huge snob here and say American coffee is trash.
Like. Yuck.
I'm from Melbourne and we have some of the best coffee in the world.
Cafe Latte. Flat White. Short Black.
Almost any foreign coffee sucks so much though
Brazilian coffee is where it's at, we didn't have it as the main source of economy for so long for nothing
Except you kind of need water to make these drinks....
Unless you prefer making tea, hot chocolate, and coffee out of milk.
Who the **** makes hot chocolate with water?
I can understand not putting milk in coffee and just using water, but hot chocolate with water is just wrong