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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Pokenchi will only get new anime info.

I wonder what that will be to. What news could they possibly have to add to the series?

Although I think it's probably just a new trailer giving us a more in depth look.

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
11. Days.
11 DAYS.
Sometime this week: Pokenchi and corocoro
Thursday: New Pokken character
Friday: end of first quarter for me and new pokemon news.
Monday-Tuesday: Off days
Tuesday-Hopeful college visit somewhere
Tuesday-Sun and Moon demo
4 days later, RWBY Vol 4.

My calendar is has currently begun to orbit the moon.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
11. Days.
11 DAYS.
Sometime this week: Pokenchi and corocoro
Thursday: New Pokken character and new pokemon news
Friday: end of first quarter for me
Monday-Tuesday: Off days
Tuesday-Hopeful college visit somewhere
Tuesday-Sun and Moon demo
4 days later, RWBY Vol 4.

My calendar is has currently begun to orbit the moon.
The pokemon news is Friday.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Saw it on tv, and can't find it online atm.

Yes that's the one. If this is the case, that still is something I view wrong.

It's using Autism as a way to attract people to vote for Hillary. Which isn't something I can agree with either as pitying in that way is not something I can support either. It's using disability people.

Plus the lying is a problem to. Plus other aspects. Trump is also just as bad though. Between immigration policy and more.

This election truly sucks. It's a lesser of two evils.... We know most on one, and little on the other. Meaning we don't know how much damage could be done with either elected....

Which just makes this election suck overall in all directions....
I don't see it as "using" at all. It's not use. It's a warning, and the truth, that Trump mocks those with disabilities. It's a fair thing to say, really. People should know exactly what kind of person they're voting for.

People always bring up the lying thing, but never bring up specifics. I'd argue Trump is an even bigger liar, considering he denies things that are a matter of public record. "You supported the Iraq War." "No." "You know stop and frisk is unconstitutional, right?" "Nuh uh."

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see it as being a lesser of two evils at all. I see it as a clear choice: a politician with a decent track record, or a corrupt, obnoxious businessman that'd likely be the ruin for half the country,



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I dunno, Trump may have said some dirty things about woman in a private joke

But Hillary joked about the fact she got a child rapist a light prison sentence


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Trump is a scumbag. I can't wait until the election is done so we can go back to not giving a **** about Trump again.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2013
Doesn't matter who wins, I win either way! Someone is pissed off and upset and that's enough of a win for me. People get offended either way and it's awesome as fu**.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208

Well, her own voice talking about it sounds very much like she is
Context and intent is important here. To quote snopes:
She did audibly laugh or chuckle at points, not about "knowing that the defendant was guilty" or "getting a guilty guy off" (which makes little sense, given that the defendant pled guilty) but rather while musing about how elements of the case that might ordinarily have supported the prosecution worked in the defendant's favor (i.e., observing that the defendant's passing a polygraph test had "forever destroyed her faith" in that technology)
It's an entire non-issue, while Trump's completely sexist and borderline ****-y comments are another matter.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC


That's a paddlin'
Dec 31, 2011
In all seriousness though, the reason why I did that recently was because Harambe is still going around as a meme in my city, and one of my friends told me to put him in my M.U.G.E.N. this morning, so I did it. :p He's even on my school's homepage and assembly on friday.

Which is funny how they're allowed to reinact THE ENTIRE DEATH OF HARAMBE(Yes, the school actually planned this out.), but a guy got supsended for slapping another guys butt.(With consent.) Which is strange becuase another thing in the assembly is a lot of girls twerking in booty shorts. :p

When memes go too far.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
This is what I see from Hillary supporters

"Trump said something bad"

"But Hillary DID something bad"

"It happens"

Lol, the people swayed by "The Trump Tapes"

Context and intent is important here. To quote snopes:

It's an entire non-issue, while Trump's completely sexist and borderline ****-y comments are another matter.
Sexist comments are a non issue to me compared to people actually dying from Hillary's actions


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Doesn't matter who wins, I win either way! Someone is pissed off and upset and that's enough of a win for me. People get offended either way and it's awesome as fu**.
Edgy aren't you?


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I don't see it as "using" at all. It's not use. It's a warning, and the truth, that Trump mocks those with disabilities. It's a fair thing to say, really. People should know exactly what kind of person they're voting for.

People always bring up the lying thing, but never bring up specifics. I'd argue Trump is an even bigger liar, considering he denies things that are a matter of public record. "You supported the Iraq War." "No." "You know stop and frisk is unconstitutional, right?" "Nuh uh."

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see it as being a lesser of two evils at all. I see it as a clear choice: a politician with a decent track record, or a corrupt, obnoxious businessman that'd likely be the ruin for half the country,

My problem was more, it uses the biggest disability on the planet right now. (Autism's numbers increase quite often each year.) over disability in general. Which makes it a case of using something to me, but that might just be me.

The lying comes from her emails that leaked which a lot is still unknown and we don't get to see what else was hidden in them. And yeah Trump does to as stated.

And the way this election is seen, is different to everyone else, so I can't say or add to much else beside that.

Moving on though:

This puts all other means about the show to shame...

View attachment 118769 View attachment 118768
My daily memes my tumblr puts out
*sees politics*
Was this a bad tine?
naw, this was a great time
This... is clever....


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
A major Serena episode is coming up this Thursday. In light of this special occasion, it's time for the next Pokemon poll I promised two weeks back...

Who is your favorite female traveling partner in the entire Pokemon anime? Answer in the Straw Poll below!


You can only pick one, so choose wisely! I think this poll should go a lot better than the male version from a few weeks ago, because the female leads in the Pokemon anime are far stronger characters compared to the men.

I'm giving my vote to Serena. I think she is the best female companion Ash ever had for these reasons:
  • First female main character to have a crush on Ash (and a cute one at that).
  • In addition to being a childhood friend to Ash, she has an adorable backstory how she met him and developed said feelings. She also has great admiration for him as well; the thing she likes about him the most is his optimism.
  • Along with Bonnie, she is the least rude out of all Ash's female companions; not once did she ever get into an argument with Ash for stupid reasons compared to Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris; Serena and Ash got into one argument though later in the series, but it was a damn good argument that came from realistic and demonstrated character development for both characters.
  • Cute sister-like bond with Bonnie
  • Unique in that she doesn't have a particular goal in mind when she first joins Ash; in fact, she started out her journey trying to find him after learning he was in Kalos trying to calm down the raging Garchomp. Traveling with Ash helped her find her dream of competition in Pokemon Showcases thanks to finally having the opportunity to explore the region through him.
  • Undergoes excellent character development throughout the series.
  • Has some of the best scenes in XY/XY&Z (one of them is the scene when she cuts her hair after losing her first Pokemon Showcase, becoming the first time a female lead changes her hairstyle in the middle of a season)

Deleted member

Doesn't matter who wins, I win either way! Someone is pissed off and upset and that's enough of a win for me. People get offended either way and it's awesome as fu**.
This pretty much. And both sides can be so cocky that can't wait to see at least one of them and overly sure of themselves I can't wait for at least one side to be beyond dissapointed, there's going to be outrage either way. Mine as well have fun with it. Also, the two candidates are more similiar than people think, they just have different ways of presenting themselves, one being overly blunt and the other being very shady.
Last edited by a moderator:

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Edgy aren't you?
I read that as Eren insted of Edgy
A major Serena episode is coming up this Thursday. In light of this special occasion, it's time for the next Pokemon poll I promised two weeks back...

Who is your favorite female traveling partner in the entire Pokemon anime? Answer in the Straw Poll below!


You can only pick one, so choose wisely! I think this poll should go a lot better than the male version from a few weeks ago, because the female leads in the Pokemon anime are far stronger characters compared to the men.

I'm giving my vote to Serena. I think she is the best female companion Ash ever had for these reasons:
  • First female main character to have a crush on Ash (and a cute one at that).
  • In addition to being a childhood friend to Ash, she has an adorable backstory how she met him and developed said feelings. She also has great admiration for him as well; the thing she likes about him the most is his optimism.
  • Along with Bonnie, she is the least rude out of all Ash's female companions; not once did she ever get into an argument with Ash for stupid reasons compared to Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris; Serena and Ash got into one argument though later in the series, but it was a damn good argument that came from realistic and demonstrated character development for both characters.
  • Cute sister-like bond with Bonnie
  • Unique in that she doesn't have a particular goal in mind when she first joins Ash; in fact, she started out her journey trying to find him after learning he was in Kalos trying to calm down the raging Garchomp. Traveling with Ash helped her find her dream of competition in Pokemon Showcases thanks to finally having the opportunity to explore the region through him.
  • Undergoes excellent character development throughout the series.
  • Has some of the best scenes in XY/XY&Z (one of them is the scene when she cuts her hair after losing her first Pokemon Showcase, becoming the first time a female lead changes her hairstyle in the middle of a season)
Misty because Im bias
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
This is what I see from Hillary supporters

"Trump said something bad"

"But Hillary DID something bad"

"It happens"

Lol, the people swayed by "The Trump Tapes"

Sexist comments are a non issue to me compared to people actually dying from Hillary's actions
Assuming this is about Benghazi, I want to point out that the number of attacks on embassies during Obama's tenure vs Bush's is much lower. And yet no one blamed the Secretary of State then. All seems pretty convenient IMO. No one will deny what happened was terrible, but it wasn't unprecedented.

Trump's demeanor is absolutely an issue. He's basically said his position allows him to get away with sexual assault and murder. His words carry weight.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
A major Serena episode is coming up this Thursday. In light of this special occasion, it's time for the next Pokemon poll I promised two weeks back...

Who is your favorite female traveling partner in the entire Pokemon anime? Answer in the Straw Poll below!


You can only pick one, so choose wisely! I think this poll should go a lot better than the male version from a few weeks ago, because the female leads in the Pokemon anime are far stronger characters compared to the men.

I'm giving my vote to Serena. I think she is the best female companion Ash ever had for these reasons:
  • First female main character to have a crush on Ash (and a cute one at that).
  • In addition to being a childhood friend to Ash, she has an adorable backstory how she met him and developed said feelings. She also has great admiration for him as well; the thing she likes about him the most is his optimism.
  • Along with Bonnie, she is the least rude out of all Ash's female companions; not once did she ever get into an argument with Ash for stupid reasons compared to Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris; Serena and Ash got into one argument though later in the series, but it was a damn good argument that came from realistic and demonstrated character development for both characters.
  • Cute sister-like bond with Bonnie
  • Unique in that she doesn't have a particular goal in mind when she first joins Ash; in fact, she started out her journey trying to find him after learning he was in Kalos trying to calm down the raging Garchomp. Traveling with Ash helped her find her dream of competition in Pokemon Showcases thanks to finally having the opportunity to explore the region through him.
  • Undergoes excellent character development throughout the series.
  • Has some of the best scenes in XY/XY&Z (one of them is the scene when she cuts her hair after losing her first Pokemon Showcase, becoming the first time a female lead changes her hairstyle in the middle of a season)
The only one I liked ever wating.

The month before June



Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
A major Serena episode is coming up this Thursday. In light of this special occasion, it's time for the next Pokemon poll I promised two weeks back...

Who is your favorite female traveling partner in the entire Pokemon anime? Answer in the Straw Poll below!


You can only pick one, so choose wisely! I think this poll should go a lot better than the male version from a few weeks ago, because the female leads in the Pokemon anime are far stronger characters compared to the men.

I'm giving my vote to Serena. I think she is the best female companion Ash ever had for these reasons:
  • First female main character to have a crush on Ash (and a cute one at that).
  • In addition to being a childhood friend to Ash, she has an adorable backstory how she met him and developed said feelings. She also has great admiration for him as well; the thing she likes about him the most is his optimism.
  • Along with Bonnie, she is the least rude out of all Ash's female companions; not once did she ever get into an argument with Ash for stupid reasons compared to Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris; Serena and Ash got into one argument though later in the series, but it was a damn good argument that came from realistic and demonstrated character development for both characters.
  • Cute sister-like bond with Bonnie
  • Unique in that she doesn't have a particular goal in mind when she first joins Ash; in fact, she started out her journey trying to find him after learning he was in Kalos trying to calm down the raging Garchomp. Traveling with Ash helped her find her dream of competition in Pokemon Showcases thanks to finally having the opportunity to explore the region through him.
  • Undergoes excellent character development throughout the series.
  • Has some of the best scenes in XY/XY&Z (one of them is the scene when she cuts her hair after losing her first Pokemon Showcase, becoming the first time a female lead changes her hairstyle in the middle of a season)
This a tough one...

I really liked Misty, May and Serena. Dawn is good as well.

May is probably with Serena for first.

Misty gets second

Dawn gets third.

Iris gets 100th place as literally all side female characters were better then her. In game Iris was much better.
Assuming is is about Benghazi, I want to point out that the number of attacks on embassies during Obama's tenure vs Bush's is much lower. And yet no one blamed the Secretary of State then. All seems pretty convenient IMO. No one will deny what happened was terrible, but it wasn't unprecedented.

Trump's demeanor is absolutely an issue. He's basically said his position allows him to get away with sexual assault and murder. His words carry weight.
True, but politicans could as will. I think a thing to consider is the president is the mickey mouse of a country. They are like a mascot with slight power, but congress and the government control things more. They would severely change Trump if he gets in so that he'd be a presentable person to help and actually learns what to do. Hillary would probably be molded in a similar way.

Now for a side note.

In GIMP, how do you edit each square individually on a grid? I really need this answer to fix my tile sets in pokemon essentials so that the map I shared last week actually works.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
If it's the ad I think you're talking about, you misunderstood it completely.

The ad was showing a republican mother with an autistic son, as you said, but it was showing that she, the mother, doesn't want to vote for Trump despite her political views. The clip it showed was Trump mocking a disabled reporter earlier on in the year. The mother doesn't want a president who mocks the disabled because of how close to home it is.

She wasn't using autism as an insult. She was showing that Trump is so bad his own party is abandoning him because of him doing things like mocking the disabled. Hillary is 100% supportive of the disabled and people with autism, mental health issues, and physical disabilities.
That debate was such a ****show last night

Trump did more about trying to attack Hillary, tell the world about how horrible she is and how she was a major criminal in the past 25 years and would do something about it but not talk about WHAT HE WOULD DO IN THE NEXT 4 YEARS AS PRESIDENT

This is pretty damning if he ever got elected


Sep 12, 2014
A major Serena episode is coming up this Thursday. In light of this special occasion, it's time for the next Pokemon poll I promised two weeks back...

Who is your favorite female traveling partner in the entire Pokemon anime? Answer in the Straw Poll below!


You can only pick one, so choose wisely! I think this poll should go a lot better than the male version from a few weeks ago, because the female leads in the Pokemon anime are far stronger characters compared to the men.

I'm giving my vote to Serena. I think she is the best female companion Ash ever had for these reasons:
  • First female main character to have a crush on Ash (and a cute one at that).
  • In addition to being a childhood friend to Ash, she has an adorable backstory how she met him and developed said feelings. She also has great admiration for him as well; the thing she likes about him the most is his optimism.
  • Along with Bonnie, she is the least rude out of all Ash's female companions; not once did she ever get into an argument with Ash for stupid reasons compared to Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris; Serena and Ash got into one argument though later in the series, but it was a damn good argument that came from realistic and demonstrated character development for both characters.
  • Cute sister-like bond with Bonnie
  • Unique in that she doesn't have a particular goal in mind when she first joins Ash; in fact, she started out her journey trying to find him after learning he was in Kalos trying to calm down the raging Garchomp. Traveling with Ash helped her find her dream of competition in Pokemon Showcases thanks to finally having the opportunity to explore the region through him.
  • Undergoes excellent character development throughout the series.
  • Has some of the best scenes in XY/XY&Z (one of them is the scene when she cuts her hair after losing her first Pokemon Showcase, becoming the first time a female lead changes her hairstyle in the middle of a season)
Went with Serena for various reasons.

I find Misty boring and Iris was annoying. May and Dawn were good though.

Lord Dio

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2016
FE Saga (I wish)
A major Serena episode is coming up this Thursday. In light of this special occasion, it's time for the next Pokemon poll I promised two weeks back...

Who is your favorite female traveling partner in the entire Pokemon anime? Answer in the Straw Poll below!


You can only pick one, so choose wisely! I think this poll should go a lot better than the male version from a few weeks ago, because the female leads in the Pokemon anime are far stronger characters compared to the men.

I'm giving my vote to Serena. I think she is the best female companion Ash ever had for these reasons:
  • First female main character to have a crush on Ash (and a cute one at that).
  • In addition to being a childhood friend to Ash, she has an adorable backstory how she met him and developed said feelings. She also has great admiration for him as well; the thing she likes about him the most is his optimism.
  • Along with Bonnie, she is the least rude out of all Ash's female companions; not once did she ever get into an argument with Ash for stupid reasons compared to Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris; Serena and Ash got into one argument though later in the series, but it was a damn good argument that came from realistic and demonstrated character development for both characters.
  • Cute sister-like bond with Bonnie
  • Unique in that she doesn't have a particular goal in mind when she first joins Ash; in fact, she started out her journey trying to find him after learning he was in Kalos trying to calm down the raging Garchomp. Traveling with Ash helped her find her dream of competition in Pokemon Showcases thanks to finally having the opportunity to explore the region through him.
  • Undergoes excellent character development throughout the series.
  • Has some of the best scenes in XY/XY&Z (one of them is the scene when she cuts her hair after losing her first Pokemon Showcase, becoming the first time a female lead changes her hairstyle in the middle of a season)
Favorite female companion from the anime, not to mention good development in the games, plus great design. Also wasn't she the first companion to enter those beauty contests whose names I can't remember? I'm pretty sure she was, and dawn followed in those footsteps.
Serena is a narrow second though.
Dawn and Misty are tied.
Iris doesn't even get accounted for because she is literally the worst. THE. WORST.
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