W/E happens don't panic...
MGengar with D Bond, Perish Song, and Shadow Tag is almost a guaranteed free kill on any pokemon, especially if it lands a Hypnosis...So far that's nine yes, five maybe-but-unsure. Pretty good turn out so far.
Let's talk rule sets and such. For the tournament, what should/shouldn't be banned? If you talk it out I'll make a poll later dealing with what to do.
Notably, your views on Mega Gengar, Lucario, Kangaskhan, Mawile, Salamence, and Blaziken, as well as Blaziken, Greninja, and Aegislash in general, since they're the most divisive usually.
MSalamence is pretty much on par with an uber Legendary, regular Salamence was uber back in Gen V with no fairies to stop the moxie Outrages, and in this Gen many people opt for Dragonite or MAltaria over Salamence anyway...
Lucario is decent without being a Mega but almost as bad as Blaziken minus the Speed Boost with the mega...
Kangaskhan doesn't have the broken as **** Parental Bond which makes moves like Power-up Punch and Return god-like
MMawile has the highest Attack stat with it's ability one swords dance and any attack could take out almost any pokemon in one hit...
Take away the Mega stones and these pokemon are more or less easily dealt with in their own way, as any good match-ups for them is few and far between otherwise...
Blaziken's a problem because of Speed it Protect allows it to gain a free boost and pretty much gives it max speed in basically three turns with no draw it hits like a truck.....And all this without even being a Mega....
Greninja is just broken with Protean...
Aegislash is a very read heavy mon...It's really hard to deal with but at the same time very easy to deal with...I feel like it went Ubers just cause it's less complicated...but then again King's Shield is pretty broken...
A lot of these pokemon are ubers for a reason...Personally though I don't care, I used to use MLucario until it went Ubers (and I expected it to) then switched to MScizor when it did...