Bro, you didn't remember what happen last year.
This Saturday will be the 1 Year Anniversary where Roy and Ryu were leaked HARD. And people got absolutely mad. Hell a lot of people threw threats at guys like RandomTBush just for spoiling it.
Hell, they still are keep most Mario Maker costumes secrets. Data Mining for spoilers were never good.
Especially considering the Smah devs learned from earlier and fixed it.
Imagine if Cloud was leaked. Think about that
Some were mad, but a lot were happy too.
I just don't think there is any reason to single out a specific fanbase for it.
Especially when there is a difference between how it happened.
When the Ryu/Roy stuff leaked, TBrush took a bit of a teasing attitude about it on Twitter and was clearly seeking attention. He got a lot of followers out of it, and tons of news outlets were covering him.
When the Generations leaks happened, it was because fans wanted to remove the silly timer so they could at least practice the first level of Sonic Generations as much as they like and compare it to the Classics and what not. Forum members on Sonic Retro (well known for having close ties with SEGA and having a lot of talented programmers on board) were the ones behind it, and just ended up discovering this stuff by accident. They posted everything in a spoiler though, and it wasn't so widespread because they didn't TRY to spread the info, not like what TBrush did. I know, because I remember being there when it was happening.
Also, the "SKY SANCTUARY ISN'T YELLOW ENOUGH" thing was also LITERALLY two random forum members on Sonic Retro, and everyone gave them **** for it. It is hardly reflective of the fanbase either.
Also, something I noticed - there was no Madeon song in that Sonic Boom trailer.
So the Madeon song is for the real 25th Anniversary game.