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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Here's to hoping I can :p

Also I registered under the name: 'NZS CyberPhoenix' in case anyone was wondering...

Ten internet cookies to the person who gets what 'NZS' is.
New Zealand Sucks?
That's what it'd be if you were a true Aussie competitor.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007

When did they stat selling ecto cooler again?

I assume when the ghostbusters movie came out...But I haven't seen it in ANY stores


Sep 12, 2014
DRV3 kids' talents
The protagonist actually has a talent this time (Naegi had one too, but it was pretty much useless without getting into spoilers)

And similar to the last game, one character has an unknown ability. Which makes me think he'll be a slightly important character.

Or it's just a red herring and the dude dies in the first chapter.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
I hope nobody minds my update for my Alpha Sapphire play through.
My current team consists of the following:
- Beautifly: The first one I prioritised for evolution - now around level 12. Beautifly is one that I'm preparing for the battle against Brawly, even though I've caught other Flying types like Tailow and Wingull.
- Shimu: This is the Poochyena that I caught that has Fire Fang - and probably the Poocheyena that I'll be using the most compared to the other one I caught around the same time.
- Dipper: The one I started with, and the second Pokémon I used in the Rustboro Gym Battle.
- Climnew: Sorta made on a whim like the saying 'Climbing new heights.' This guy's got Teeter Dance, so he's probably going to work as a confusion inducer later on. Both him and Dipper were the main front of offence against Roxanne, who felt pretty easy with two Water types working together. Climnew's Absorb decimated her Geodude, so Dipper was swapped in when Roxanne brought out Nosepass.
- Zigzagoon: Zigzagoon will probably be the one who utilises HMs the most, but still maintain some combat prowess when the situation calls for it.
- Surskit: In the end, I didn't use Surskit in the Gym battle. Could be useful eventually in the later game against the Psychic twins, but only knows 3 moves so far.

Probably because Climnew and Dipper were around Lvl 12, they made short work of the Rustboro Gym thanks to their type advantages, so I couldn't help but feel like it was more easier than it should have been, but so far so good with around 4 hours clocked in.

Deleted member

I just caught :243: and :244: and I'm low on money and Hyper Potions. Glad the Amulet Coin exists

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
I've actually just started my first Diamond playthrough. I'm only at Jubilife City right now.

  • Piplup (Private)
  • Bidoof (Daggett)
  • Starly (Powthing)
  • Budew (Infigrowth)
  • :041: (Rouge)
  • Shinx (Sphinx)

Deleted member

It was a close call between Team Magma and Team Galactic, but after voting for Maxie in the villainous leader poll, I think I'll give my vote for Team Galactic this time. I mean, their leader had the most extreme goal out of all the villains thus far: wipe out the universe and then create a new one in his own image. Even some of the commanders actually left an impact on me; Mars had the "lovey dovey couple" line, Jupiter roasted Barry after beating him in Lake Acuity, and Saturn played a fairly big role in the anime and was one of the two commanders who tortured the Lake Guardians. I can only imagine how powerful the team could've been should they've destroyed the universe and create a new one, but at least Cyrus became content when he found the Distortion World.

Team Magma would be my other pick, and Opossum perfectly summed the reasons why.
Uh, you do realize Cyrus didn't plan to let any of the Galactic member survive, right? If he was successful, he would have destroyed the entire universe and created a new one with him as the only survior from the original one
Not to mention what they'd to your hair...

Anyways, I'd join Plasma
Not only do they have the best uniforms out of all the villainous teams but I want N to be my king and order me to free Pokemon

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
Uh, you do realize Cyrus didn't plan to let any of the Galactic member survive, right? If he was successful, he would have destroyed the entire universe and created a new one with him as the only survior from the original one
Not to mention what they'd to your hair...

Anyways, I'd join Plasma
Not only do they have the best uniforms out of all the villainous teams but I want N to be my king and order me to free Pokemon
Plasma in BW2 have the best uniforms... I hope that's what you mean!

I'd probably join Plasma too. At least their mission is somewhat noble. Just... misguided.

Despite being brainwashed by my leader, I'm just out for LIBERATION.



Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Guys, I appreciate the cosplay suggestions, but I'm not out and about as a woman yet, only reason a female Kamen Rider would work is because of the helmet
Went with Team Magma for the poll.

My reasoning:
- Showed no cruelty to Pokémon themselves, unlike Rocket, Galactic, Plasma, Flare
- End game showed they didn't do anything the authorities found serious enough to be worthy of arrest
- Close-nit family-like work environment
- Expanding the land doesn't cause as much property damage as expanding the sea
- Paid vacation probably
- The beds in their hideout are all neatly made, so there aren't workplace slobs
- Crobat is an awesome Pokémon and I'd definitely get to have a Zubat as my Grunt Starter, and Numel is better than Carvanha
- Work uniform consists of cozy-*** sweaters

I see like no downsides.
Aqua didn't show cruelty to any pokemon except Kyogre when Archie wrestled it
Doesn't the same yet again apply to Aqua?
HA! And getting rid of fish fingers or destroying all crops and making millions of forest fires due to intense heat?
Being on Team Aqua is a vacation of itself, there's a reason everyone there is tanned
Why do that on your vacation?
lolquadweakness and you can't ride on the ocean with a Camerupt, but you can with Sharpedo
It's hot as hell in Hoenn as it's a tropical region, so have fun sweating everywhere


Deleted member

Plasma in BW2 have the best uniforms... I hope that's what you mean!

I'd probably join Plasma too. At least their mission is somewhat noble. Just... misguided.

Despite being brainwashed by my leader, I'm just out for LIBERATION.


BW Plasma is what I mean
And it's clear that there were always two factions inside Plasma: those loyal to N and those loyal to Ghetsis
Members such as the ones in the Dreamyard knew about Ghetsis true plan and is why they joined Plasma in the first place and ended up joining Neo Plasma afterwards
But there are those members that honestly believed in their message and followed N and stayed with Plasma to try to atone for their crimes after the BW events
If I got a cent everytime this is treated as some big ****ing problem I'd have enough money to buy both Sun and Moon

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
If I got a cent everytime this is treated as some big ****ing problem I'd have enough money to buy both Sun and Moon
I agree that quad weaknesses aren't TOO damning, but when you're comparing Camerupt, a rather bulky mon to Sharpedo, an incredibly strong mon with stab on the quadweakness, yo can't really say Camerupt is better than Sharpedo


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
I agree that quad weaknesses aren't TOO damning, but when you're comparing Camerupt, a rather bulky mon to Sharpedo, an incredibly strong mon with stab on the quadweakness, yo can't really say Camerupt is better than Sharpedo
I'd take volcano camel over torpedo shark anyday tbh.

Deleted member

I agree that quad weaknesses aren't TOO damning, but when you're comparing Camerupt, a rather bulky mon to Sharpedo, an incredibly strong mon with stab on the quadweakness, yo can't really say Camerupt is better than Sharpedo
What determines if a Pokemon is better than another is not a direct combat between the two but rather their usability
Camerupt has a cool design with an even cooler Mega and shoots lava out of its back with two STABs that hit 4 and 5 types super effectivelly, respectivelly
So, Camerupt>Sharpedo

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
FINALLY got a Pheonix Wright moveset done! @Swampasaur
Jab: repeatedly hits evidence papers, finisher has Pheonix throw the papers at a short range
Ftilt: Points with finger, can be angled
Utilt: shakes head, with the spiky hair being a hitbox
Dtilt: Points at the ground, tripping enemies up
Dash attack: Shoulder barge like how Feenie broke through a door in JFA
Nair: Strikes a Steel Samurai pose
Fair: Extends arm but with his palm
Uair: Another Steel Samurai pose, but this one points upwards
Bair: Backhand smack
Dair: Does a leapfrog,is a meteor smash
Pummel: Slaps face
Uthrow: think G&W's Dtilt as a throw
Bthrow: Throws the enemy away like Athena's reflexif throw
Fthrow: a speech bubble with TAKE THAT sends the foe flying
Dthrow: Slams hands on foe's shoulders like he'd do to a desk
B: HOLD IT TAKE THAT OBJECTION! Pheonix cycles through these and the speech bubbles have different effects, HOLD IT stuns the enemy, TAKE THAT does more damage and OBJECTION does more knockback
Side B: Throws a piece of evidence away (would need to be collected again). Can be used to end Turnabout Mode early and is a fairly strong move, but Nick becomes weaker for a short while
Up B: Pheonix hears a whip and gets so scared he jumps up really high!
Down B: Collects evidence from the ground, takes a while and after been done 3 times, pressing it again will give Pheonix a boost in all stats, Turnabout Mode
Final Smash: UMVC3 Level 3 super, traps the opponent and proves that they are guilty of the crime
Taunt 1: Smooths hair
Taunt 2: Does Apollo's 'shocked' face, with dopey mouth
Taunt 3: Looks cocky and says "See you in court!"
What determines if a Pokemon is better than another is not a direct combat between the two but rather their usability
Camerupt has a cool design with an even cooler Mega and shoots lava out of its back with two STABs that hit 4 and 5 types super effectivelly, respectivelly
So, Camerupt>Sharpedo
Sharpedo gets Speed Boost, also has a cool design with the Mega being cool aswell as well as a good movepull


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
for those who follow the SiIvagunner channel


the date the Flintstones first aired, 9/30, is only two days away


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
For those in the UK, Season to of Mario amiibo are now up for pre-order on the Offical UK Nintendo Store. That's Wario, Donkey Kong, Rosalina and 'Glow in the Dark' Boo.

The real draws: HIIMDAISY, HOOHA and WAAAAAAAAAA; they come later.

Deleted member

Damn, I'm in the Ice Path now and I'm out of Repels
Well, let's hope that if I get lucky and run into a Shiny, it's not a Zubat or a Golbat
Apr 19, 2015
Sharpedo>Camerupt. I just like it's design more, don't care which is better in competitive play.

I do like Camerupt as well, though. I had both in my OR team.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I know that it would be a day late in Japan, but considering it is the 28th today elsewhere in the world, I think there's nothing wrong with posting this now.

10 years ago, the 4th generation of Pokemon began in Japan with the release of the Diamond and Pearl games. We were introduced to over 100 amazing new Pokemon, as well as new features that would play a big part in future games to come such as online connectivity, the physical/special split, and the return of the day/night cycle. These were also the games that started to make the competitive metagame popular, both for VGC and Smogon.

And time sure flies by fast! It still feels like yesterday when I first followed the Serebii leaks when the games came out, as well as the day I first played Diamond when it came out in the States. As someone who started to play the games during generation 3 (I have been watching the anime long before playing the games though), I remember how odd the Sinnoh Pokemon cries sounded when I first played the game, not to mention the graphics looked really knew at the time. I became used to these changes though, and I started to see how fun the game was. Underground was a really fun feature, bringing back the secret bases in addition to allowing you to mine for evolution stones, shards, fossils, and other goodies. I also enjoyed the improvements made to the Pokemon contests; making treats was a fun little mini-game, and I liked dressing up my Pokemon and playing a little rhythm game during the competition.

Sinnoh was also a really fun region to explore. All the routes felt pretty exciting to travel through, and many of the cities felt entertaining to visit. DP were also the games where I began to understand how competitive Pokemon was like, and they were also among the first games where I made use of the Nintendo Wifi Connection at the time. Sinnoh's Pokemon also have my favorite designs out of all the other regions; heck, many of my favorite Pokemon were introduced in Diamond and Pearl.

And let's not forget the music: Route 205, Route 206, Route 210, Route 216, Route 225, Eterna Forest, Turnback Cave,Oreburgh City, Floaroma Town (Night), Veilstone Music, Canalave City, Snowpoint City, Sunyshore City, the Lake theme, Mt. Coronet theme, and Spear Pillar were amazing overworld tracks.

Then you have amazing battle music such as the very catchy Galactic Grunt theme, the fast-paced yet suspenseful Galactic Commander theme, the grand yet tense Gym Leader theme, the faster-paced yet still good Elite Four theme, the epic Cyrus theme, the intense Lake Guardian theme, one of if not the best Champion theme in the entire Pokemon series...

And this amazing track!

You don't know how hyped this track made me feel when I was trying to capture Dialga.

Diamond and Pearl had it's flaws though, like the battle and surfing speeds, but Platinum luckily fixed that.

To the games that introduced me to my favorite generation in the series, I wish Pokemon Diamond and Pearl the Happiest 10th Birthday! To finish it off, here's some a really great fan art I found that perfectly celebrates the occasion!


Uh, you do realize Cyrus didn't plan to let any of the Galactic member survive, right? If he was successful, he would have destroyed the entire universe and created a new one with him as the only survior from the original one
Not to mention what they'd to your hair...
I was meaning to talk about the about the whole team "universe destruction" thing in the last sentence as a "what if," but I'm already well aware of what Cyrus was going for.

Now that I think about it further, even if the evil team was wiped out by a new universe creation, I'm pretty sure Cyrus would still be the most powerful man in existence because he was the sole survivor and made a new one in his own image, basically becoming a god, so someone from Team Galactic will go on to become the ultimate power in the universe.

And I wouldn't mind what they'd do to my hair. I actually prefer the Galactic suits over Plasma's. At least Galactic gets to show off their hair, unlike Plasma. I'd also hate to wear armor for an entire day, while Galactic's suits are elastic jumpsuits so that I can easily move around however I like.

And yes, as you probably guessed, the Plasma outfits are my least favorite of all the villainous team outfits. I prefer Neo-Plasma's outfits more though.
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I'm from YouTube
Nov 2, 2013
From YouTube
:4dk:New Thread? Welp, I guess I will post a video I just uploaded last week. <Content Redacted>
Last edited by a moderator:

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
You wanna know what three things killed the Vita the most?
1) The memory cards making it a nightmare if you want to go digital. Like, WiiU levels of bad.
2) The horrible lack of advertising.
3) The graphical quality and intensity makes effectively no sense for a developer to chose it over a PS3/4 to develop for, as an exclusive. The relatively equal/similar level that a game'd be held at for programming for a FRACTION of the marketshare?!

There's a reason why most of the games on it are ports or remakes.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Like 7 people here are playing pokemon right now and I haven't touched SS in months and probably won't even go back to it.
Well might as well give my first Platinum update...Once again my goal is to try out Pokemon I haven't used previously...

This is already a good run

I mean you can't choose incorrectly for a starter since gen 4's starters since all 3 are absolutely amazing... but dammit Shinx is awesome!



「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
You wanna know what three things killed the Vita the most?
1) The memory cards making it a nightmare if you want to go digital. Like, WiiU levels of bad.
2) The horrible lack of advertising.
3) The graphical quality and intensity makes effectively no sense for a developer to chose it over a PS3/4 to develop for, as an exclusive. The relatively equal/similar level that a game'd be held at for programming for a FRACTION of the marketshare?!

There's a reason why most of the games on it are ports or remakes.
I remember when people were saying the 3DS would become irrelevant in the face of the superior Vita.

Good times... good times.


Sep 12, 2014
...Then maybe, I don't know, you should've given it some first party titles for it beyond the first year and maybe people had cared about it more? I mean it really says something when the Vita is mostly known for two things: The enhanced Persona 4 remake and the fact that most of its library are 3rd rate Otaku bait games.

Even the Vita title people cared about, Gravity Rush, ended up on PS4 eventually.

The sad thing is he's right, the Vita is a good handheld, but Sony never gave it the support it needed and the 3rd party stuff was nowhere near as good as it could've been.

How can you expect people to care about the Vita when Sony themselves never did?

Deleted member

Shmurda FINALLY learned Razor leaf.
That's the best grass move she's gonna have until I get a Leaf Stone.

Deleted member

>Playing Voltorb Flip
>Row has 12 points and 1 Voltorb

I'm gonna mess this up, I just know it
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