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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Deleted member

This history book is making me feel more ignorant than learning usually does.

In the past 3 pages it has referenced both Ostia and Etruria, places i did not know actually existed.

Is this Roman History or the history of Elibe?
Tell me if they ever explain how the **** Excalibur became a Tome
You could just use this and have a computer solve it for you.
I tried that and... it didn't help me at all
It showed, like, 4 squares and that was it, not much of a help


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
Tell me if they ever explain how the **** Excalibur became a Tome

I tried that and... it didn't help me at all
It showed, like, 4 squares and that was it, not much of a help
What the? It helped me in my last playthrough get Dratini.

You do realise once it does an initial calculation you have to enter the values of certain squares so it can continue the next calculation. It will then work out the values of more squares and if it has to, show the squares that are likely a number but has a chance of being a voltorb but does so for the squares with the lowest probability of being a voltorb.

Not to mention, it doesn't need to show all squares, just the x2 and x3. You don't need to flip the x1.

Seriously, learn how to use this and it saves soooo much time.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
What a coincidence!

Remember the villainous team leader poll that I shared a few days ago, which extended into yesterday's discussion about the evil teams? You won't believe what tonight's special Nintendo news has just coincided with the poll.

New Nintendo 3DS Menu themes have been released featuring Team Rocket and Team Galactic respectively!

Giovanni and the Rocket Executives from HG/SS appear on the Rocket theme, while Cyrus and the Galactic Admins appear on the Galactic theme. You can view each of the newest themes below:

They both look amazing! I really like the new artworks on all the characters.

These new 3DS menu themes are currently Japan only, but they'll probably have an international release sometime soon.
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Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
What a coincidence!

Remember the villainous team leader poll that I shared a few days ago, which extended into yesterday's discussion about the evil teams? You won't believe what tonight's special Nintendo news has just coincided with the poll.

New Nintendo 3DS Menu themes have been released featuring Team Rocket and Team Galactic respectively!

Giovanni and the Rocket Executives from HG/SS appear on the Rocket theme, while Cyrus and the Galactic Admins appear on the Galactic theme. You can view each of the newest themes below:

They both look amazing! I really like the new artworks on all the characters.

These new 3DS menu themes are currently Japan only, but they'll probably have an international release sometime soon.
inb4 Gen 4 remake confirmed. :p
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
What a coincidence!

Remember the villainous team leader poll that I shared a few days ago, which extended into yesterday's discussion about the evil teams? You won't believe what tonight's special Nintendo news has just coincided with the poll.

New Nintendo 3DS Menu themes have been released featuring Team Rocket and Team Galactic respectively!

Giovanni and the Rocket Executives from HG/SS appear on the Rocket theme, while Cyrus and the Galactic Admins appear on the Galactic theme. You can view each of the newest themes below:

They both look amazing! I really like the new artworks on all the characters.

These new 3DS menu themes are currently Japan only, but they'll probably have an international release sometime soon.
I was about to say "Gen IV remakes C0nf1rm3d" but then i realized that it's the 10 year anniversary of D and P or at least fairly close

Dammit brain you aren't supposed to kill conspiracy theories before I even post them!


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
What a coincidence!

Remember the villainous team leader poll that I shared a few days ago, which extended into yesterday's discussion about the evil teams? You won't believe what tonight's special Nintendo news has just coincided with the poll.

New Nintendo 3DS Menu themes have been released featuring Team Rocket and Team Galactic respectively!

Giovanni and the Rocket Executives from HG/SS appear on the Rocket theme, while Cyrus and the Galactic Admins appear on the Galactic theme. You can view each of the newest themes below:

They both look amazing! I really like the new artworks on all the characters.

These new 3DS menu themes are currently Japan only, but they'll probably have an international release sometime soon.
These are pretty good! I'll certainly be picking them up. Wouldn't mind them for other teams either.

Team Skull one with Sun and Moon please.
I was about to say "Gen IV remakes C0nf1rm3d" but then i realized that it's the 10 year anniversary of D and P or at least fairly close

Dammit brain you aren't supposed to kill conspiracy theories before I even post them!
It is the anniversary, 10yrs exactly today.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
These are pretty good! I'll certainly be picking them up. Wouldn't mind them for other teams either.

Team Skull one with Sun and Moon please.

It is the anniversary, 10yrs exactly today.
You're right! It is the 28th in Japan right now.

I was going to make a special post for Diamond and Pearl's 10th anniversary, but I think I'll save that for tomorrow when it'll be the 28th outside of Japan. I have some things I want to say about it.

Just thinking about it, it makes sense why Team Rocket and Team Galactic were likely chosen to be the first teams to have 3DS themes. The Rocket theme references the 20th anniversary of Red/Green, while the Galactic theme references the 10th anniversary of Diamond/Pearl.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Final Update for Black....
After lots of grinding I got my team up to Level 70 across the board...and found a Legend along the way...

Oh and I also caught
I guess...

Final Roundup
Vs. Game Freak Morimoto
Wasn't a bad battle, his team is actually sort of underwhelming if I'm being honest....Was a little annoyed that his monkeys had Acrobatics, which made my Leavanny pretty much useless against all three since Bug/Grass would've countered the Water and Grass monkeys effectively otherwise...although she surprisingly lived one Acrobatics and answered with a powerful X-Scissor against Simisage, enough for an Aqua Jet to take him out...Otherwise there wasn't really too many problems I had with him...

Vs. Cynthia
Quite a nailbiter of a battle, which I didn't expect less from my favourite Champion...Milotic and Garchomp were my biggest worries going in, but surprisingly her Eelektross was the biggest problem as it not only has no weakness, but it's movepool literally counters my entire team...Wild Charge for Mitsu and Harpy, Flamethrower for Demeter, Crunch for Roswell and Osiris, and Dragon Claw for Nidhogg...For the most part we traded mon for mon and her Eelektross took out two of my Pokemon before I was able to take it down, at the end though I came out with the W...
Was easily the hardest end-game battle based on my team and her own rather wide coverage...However I'm not quite done with Cynthia just yet...Still need to take her on in her home turf :p

Vs. Elite Four Rematch
Not too many issues here, since my levels were more or less on par with their's, except for Grimsly's Bisharp which almost sweeped my team, all because one Bone Rush from Harpy missed :facepalm:...although most likely wouldn't have been a problem if Mitsu hadn't have fainted earlier in the battle as a Revenge would've just flat-out destroyed it...

Vs. Alder
The final battle...Was actually quite easy, though being the last battle I had my Pokemon had gained a few levels and I also had an answer for every pokemon he had, although on the final half I didn't even need most of them as his Vanilluxe literally just let Roswell max-out his stats with Calm Mind as he was spamming Acid Armour and Light Screens...Which then ended in a sweep...Volcarona comes out "Oh no he's gonna Bug Buzz me!" Needless to say with Maxed out Sp. Def, Roswell drank it...And to think I had a Rock Sliding Nidhogg all ready to go too...oh well...

Final Summary on my team...
-While I'm still not really a fan of Samurott (or any Gen V starters tbh), he put in work...While for a good chunk of the post game he was pretty much just an HM Slave as I needed Surf, Waterfall and Dive (though Dive was pretty much pointless for obtaining anything other than money)...Aqua Jet or any priority move for that matter is so useful for clean-up when Pokes are at just a sliver of health...And a Revenge-Aqua Jet combo managed to take out Ghetsis' Hydreigon which would've done a lot of damage to my team otherwise...Also being the only member to learn Ice Beam made him that much more valuable against Cynthia's Garchomp...Mitsu was without a doubt my team MvP...

-It really is a shame Beheeyem gets so overlooked...not that he's hated like other Gen V mons but it's viewed as one of those forgettable pokemon...Really loved this guy in my playthrough...could take hits surprisingly well and can hit like a truck in return, especially after setting up Calm Minds...And of course the aforementioned Alder sweep! Champion Killer Roswell!
I think the biggest issue is that Beheeyem gets outshined by so many other Psychic types who are usually a lot faster...And Beheeyem is too fast to be the most effective mon on Trick room teams compared to such mons like Slowbro and Slowking...

-To think I almost didn't add her to my squad...as a Sewaddle she was literally an on the spot addition...In Gen V early game mons for the most part (at least for me) are kinda lame, with a few exceptions that I already used before...And I needed another team member as well as more coverage, Sewaddle as literally the perfect choice as it covers both electric and grass weaknesses for my starter...Even in late game she was more than useful although unlike Roswell she couldn't take too many hits (also doesn't help having two 4x weaknesses) so it was harder to set up her Swords Dances in comparison...most of the time she felt like a do lots of damage get killed and let someone else finish them off kind of pokemon...At the very least she was the fastest member of my team, which isn't saying much actually as my team was surprisingly slow it seemed...

-Now I can say that Druddigon is one of my favourite dragons! He hits HARD! And being a single stage pokemon he instantly became an asset to my team...I can compare him to Herocross actually as it becomes a really solid member despite not having any evolutions, he was as strong as he can be and he was definitely strong...He gets a pretty decent movepool in terms of coverage, the only member I had a hard time deciding which moves to go with rather than trying to fill up empty spaces...Also had some inspiration for some new artwork that I'm working on involving Druddigon...

-Was hit and miss actually...Always handy having ghost types on my squad, but a surprisingly limited movepool at times gave me some issues as having only Ghost type attacks made fighting normal types a pain...if I wanted to get full exp while grinding I had to rely on Will-o-wisps and Curse to ship damage until they faint...But could he take hits! Was my Brick wall, which goes well with that Rocky Helmet...

-Late additions are usually less impactful for the team...She had her moments but for the most part she felt lacking.....Although I felt I may have had a better time if I kept my Sigilyph, Nazca, instead...There's also the fact that Dark and Ghost have more or less the same offensive coverage so most of the time I was better of using Osiris for Psychics and Ghost type...unless I needed the Psychic immunity...
I have to admit though I did grow more fond of Mandibuzz after using one...I can safely say that Mandibuzz is not my least favourite Dark type (which I would give to Skuntank at this point, ironic considering he's a weasel and my favourite Dark type is also a weasel, go figure)

And now it's off to Sinnoh!!

Seems fitting as it's Diamond and Pearl's 10th Anniversary.....except I'll be playing Platinum but still...

Edit: I think I should end off on my final thought on Black version...I think I can say that it isn't my least favourite Generation anymore, enjoyed this playthrough a lot more than my previous attempts...Has actually a pretty solid post-game as I felt I had a lot to do despite there being next to no story beyond the pointless 'Search for the sages' quest...
As I said previously Gen V is my least familiar of all Generations but becoming more familiar has made me grow more appreciative of it and how much it attempted to change things up...
There are still several problems I have such as nerfing the E4 which made completing the Pokemon league seem a bit less rewarding as you're getting stronger as you go and they aren't...though in Black and white it makes more sense seeing as what was to come...Imagine if they levels still increased then having to face Ghetsis' Hydreigon at Level 67 or something...
Either way...Now I'm off to Sinnoh to start my journey with yet another Water starter...I think that goes to show how much I don't use Water starters...Greninja is actually the only one that I prefer over others from any Generation...
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Professor Lexicovermis

Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2015
Pop Star
I'm trying to make a Smash move set for an OC and I've got writer's block! I can see him in my mind's eye, can picture every movement I've detailed so far, and yet I cannot think of what to do for the Down Special! I'm really trying to make him original and not cliche, so this is proving pretty difficult...

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Speaking of villainous Pokémon teams, I made a fun little poll. Which one would you join? Here are some notes:
  • Who has the most sound plans and purposes
  • How much power they can get
  • How extreme their actions are
  • Ignore the fact they've all been crushed by ordinary 10-year olds

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Speaking of villainous Pokémon teams, I made a fun little poll. Which one would you join? Here are some notes:
  • Who has the most sound plans and purposes
  • How much power they can get
  • How extreme their actions are
  • Ignore the fact they've all been crushed by ordinary 10-year olds
Flare wanted to kill everyone off right?
If so, I pick them to join


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Speaking of villainous Pokémon teams, I made a fun little poll. Which one would you join? Here are some notes:
  • Who has the most sound plans and purposes
  • How much power they can get
  • How extreme their actions are
  • Ignore the fact they've all been crushed by ordinary 10-year olds
Team Rocket because they seem the least insane out of all of them...

Although I'd happily join Team Skull:skull:


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
So the Riddler says there will be news tomorrow for sun and moon. And posted a Z bracelet picture. I wonder if we'll learn about Ash greninja.
Hmm, I'm guessing this is when GF will finally reveal their whole Z-forms thing, they've pretty much built up to it through Ash-Greninja and the Z-Moves, now hopefully we'll see if it's worth the hype.

Also, some users on Bulbapedia stated that he said the shape of the logo is supposed to be a kanji symbol, which may serve as a hint. So far, they've guessed 'perfect', 'all the people', everything', and... 'Z'. 'Knowing him, it could simply be 'Z', but the alternatives could be interesting.

What a coincidence!

Remember the villainous team leader poll that I shared a few days ago, which extended into yesterday's discussion about the evil teams? You won't believe what tonight's special Nintendo news has just coincided with the poll.

New Nintendo 3DS Menu themes have been released featuring Team Rocket and Team Galactic respectively!

Giovanni and the Rocket Executives from HG/SS appear on the Rocket theme, while Cyrus and the Galactic Admins appear on the Galactic theme. You can view each of the newest themes below:

They both look amazing! I really like the new artworks on all the characters.

These new 3DS menu themes are currently Japan only, but they'll probably have an international release sometime soon.
It's funny, I had a Nuzlocke Platinum playthrough this year and I'm currently fighting Team Rocket in HGSS, I managed to celebrate Gen 4 without even trying.

Anyway, both themes look great, I'm leaning more toward Team Rocket's as I like the characters that appear on it more, so if it ever comes over I'll be picking that one up.

Speaking of Nuzlock playthroughs, Noctowl died a terrible death to a critical Focus Punch even after I set up a Reflect. Damn you Primeape...

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I dont normally post memes but this made me laugh:


Also speaking of Nuzlockes, I'm currently running through XY with a Delphox, Granbull, Duosion, Octillery, Mienfoo and Mega Ampharos. It's doing okay so far...

That being said, I'm really craving a Platinum playthough. Maybe not even a Nuzlocke. Maybe just a regular playthrough... which is weird for me.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Ok, Yomi's Biggest Fan Yomi's Biggest Fan . Why the hell is Asuka subsonic? She should be at least massively hypersonic based on her speed alone.

Think about it this way, scaling the shinobi to the lightning Yagyu's rabbit can make would be a huge outlier when other projectiles have subsonic speeds (Mirai's gatling gun, Ryona's pistols, any girl's ninja tools, overall reaction speed, etc).

Unless we have a calculation genius here who can prove that they move at hypersonic speeds. Any thoughts @Burruni?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Went with Team Magma for the poll.

My reasoning:
- Showed no cruelty to Pokémon themselves, unlike Rocket, Galactic, Plasma, Flare
- End game showed they didn't do anything the authorities found serious enough to be worthy of arrest
- Close-nit family-like work environment
- Expanding the land doesn't cause as much property damage as expanding the sea
- Paid vacation probably
- The beds in their hideout are all neatly made, so there aren't workplace slobs
- Crobat is an awesome Pokémon and I'd definitely get to have a Zubat as my Grunt Starter, and Numel is better than Carvanha
- Work uniform consists of cozy-ass sweaters

I see like no downsides.


Jul 7, 2014
It's Diamond and Pearl's 10th anniversary.

The Gen that added the physical/special split on moves, Wi-Fi, the return of day/night cycles and much more. Also the Gen with the best region and competitive Singles meta.

And that jazzy soundtrack. So good.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Went with Team Magma for the poll.

My reasoning:
- Showed no cruelty to Pokémon themselves, unlike Rocket, Galactic, Plasma, Flare
- End game showed they didn't do anything the authorities found serious enough to be worthy of arrest
- Close-nit family-like work environment
- Expanding the land doesn't cause as much property damage as expanding the sea
- Paid vacation probably
- The beds in their hideout are all neatly made, so there aren't workplace slobs
- Crobat is an awesome Pokémon and I'd definitely get to have a Zubat as my Grunt Starter, and Numel is better than Carvanha
- Work uniform consists of cozy-*** sweaters

I see like no downsides.
You missed one
-Leader is cute


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Speaking of villainous Pokémon teams, I made a fun little poll. Which one would you join? Here are some notes:
  • Who has the most sound plans and purposes
  • How much power they can get
  • How extreme their actions are
  • Ignore the fact they've all been crushed by ordinary 10-year olds
It was a close call between Team Magma and Team Galactic, but after voting for Maxie in the villainous leader poll, I think I'll give my vote for Team Galactic this time. I mean, their leader had the most extreme goal out of all the villains thus far: wipe out the universe and then create a new one in his own image. Even some of the commanders actually left an impact on me; Mars had the "lovey dovey couple" line, Jupiter roasted Barry after beating him in Lake Acuity, and Saturn played a fairly big role in the anime and was one of the two commanders who tortured the Lake Guardians. I can only imagine how powerful the team could've been should they've destroyed the universe and create a new one, but at least Cyrus became content when he found the Distortion World.

Team Magma would be my other pick, and Opossum perfectly summed the reasons why.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
It's about time that fodder shonen Takuan & Batsu's Demon Diary finally got canceled.

Eh, I'm personally not too excited for the Mitsukubo Condor author's next work. I found the art style kind of generic, if not creepy.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Sooooooo hyped for Doctor Strange after that awesome teaser!

I have complete faith they'll do him justice (and they totally should, since he's my third favorite Marvel hero :p).
It Ant-man, Guardians of the Galaxy, and The Winter Soldier are any indication then Doctor Strange will definitely be faithful. The thing I love about Marvel is that they are always faithful and they're always good. It's sad DC can't do the same... In either departments.

Doctor Strange and Rogue One are the most excited I've been for movies in a long time. Is Disney a monopoly yet?
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
By the way I totally wasn't paid by Team Magma to make that post.

Could you imagine that though? Joining an evil teams just to be their PR person?


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Well might as well give my first Platinum update...Once again my goal is to try out Pokemon I haven't used previously...
My starter...As I had mentioned, I don't really use water starters that often, and I've actually never used Piplup in a playthrough before...Chimchar I have chosen once or twice but more often than not I go with Turtwig for Sinnoh...At the very least Empoleon will have a really solid typing with that Water/Steel!!
I don't often use electric types in general, and in previous Sinnoh playthroughs I usually skipped Shinx as I already had a grass type in Turtwig to counter Water types anyway...For a change my second party member is added rather early...like second route early...

And there's already half my team sorted after not even an hour's worth of gameplay...Believe it or not, I've never used Crobat before...I didn't want to catch a Starly again as I've quite literally always used one in previous Sinnoh playthroughs, as much as I love Staraptor...But, I still needed a flyer...
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