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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Deleted member

Team Galactic would kick your *** easily in Platinum iirc, especially Jupiter's ****ing purugly. They are more challenging, thus more memorable, not to mention Flare had a rehashed goal as an advertisement. Sure, having a new world all to yourself could be considered a rehash of shaping the world to how you wish like Aqua Magma, but there's also something else. Galactic TORTURED the Lake Trio. Lysandre's most evil thing was being an antagonist and trying to blow up the world, whereas Galactic, under Cyrus' orders, tortured pokemon, set all those magikarp to land and planned on wiping everything in existence out
"Rehashed goal", I don't see how that's a bad thing, especially since it wasn't even their true goal nor does it seem to matter for Team Skull fans
And Magma's/Aqua's goal was to expand the land/ocean, not to create a new world
Sure, that'd be the end result if Groudon and Kyogre were free to do as they please but it wasn't their intentions
Also, cheating doesn't make someone memorable
One word, memorability. True both lots of grunts looked stupid but I could remember the names and signature Pokemon of Galctic's admins. Flare? All I remember of Flare is fancy Ganondorf Lysandre himself and that one scientist guy who was a total ******* in the main story but he made friends with a little girl in post so now the narrative treats him like he's a good guy?

As for the rest of them, do you remember their names? Mars, Jupiter and Saturn had unique looks to them, the Flare Scientists... use different hair dyes.
I wouldn't even say any of the admins were good, they showed up once in the story and were all easily defeated at the climax
And the Galactic admins can be as original as you want but doesn't change the fact they all look stupid


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I never really noticed until now, but it's nice that my college is going green with paper made of eucalyptus than the common commercially used tree species in America.


Sep 12, 2014
I almost forgot Platinum added one more character to Team Galactic and he contributed literally nothing other than a forgettable post game thing.

Oh and being loosely tied to Rotom's whole multiple form thing.
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
It's George Gershwin's Birthday!

The master of classically-styled jazz... best known for this:



Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I too barely remembered the Flare admins other than Xerosic, and that's because they hardly appeared during the story and were only different in hair-styles and hair color. There impact in the story goes like this: you encounter a scientist trying to mess up something (the Power Plant, Pokeball Factory, and the Abomasnow in that one ice cave), and then you encounter that same one again in the Lysandre Labs and that's it.

I mainly remembered Xerosic the most because he looked the most different out of all the scientists.

Thankfully, the anime gives the scientists justice by giving them much more impact in the story by making them appear more frequently. I can finally identify each of the scientists thanks to watching XY&Z.

Funny note: Celosia is probably the most relatable of the five scientists because of this scene from the anime.

She's just casually eating chips on the job lol. Now going back to the subject...

Team Flare does a lot of more memorable stuff there as well: Lysandre and Xerosic straight up torture/experiment on the Zygarde Cores (Squishy in Mega Evolution Act IV, Z2 throughout the course of XY&Z). Focusing on Lysandre, he manipulates Alain for his own personal gain, tricks Mairin into supposedly "saving" her Chespin when he never did, and activates the Megalith Zygarde in one the darkest moments in the series (he purposefully falls off Prism Tower, making everyone believe he committed suicide right then and there, but he did so in order to execute his plan B).

And of course, let's not forget that Team Flare pretty much wrecked Lumiose City by mind controlling Zygarde (and they begin their attack by interrupting the Kalos League ceremony) and making it unleash destructive vines, captured Ash and all of his Pokemon, tried to force Ash to undergo the Ash Greninja transformation to harness the phenomena's energy, and almost succeeded in destroying the world with their plan B. Their backstory is expanded on in the anime as well.

TL;DR - Team Flare is far better in the anime than in the games IMO.

Team Galactic would kick your *** easily in Platinum iirc, especially Jupiter's ****ing purugly.
Mars owns Purugly, not Jupiter. Jupiter's ace Pokemon is Skuntank.

I almost forgot Platinum added one more character to Team Galactic and he contributed literally nothing other than a forgettable post game thing.

Oh and being loosely tied to Rotom's whole multiple form thing.
You mean Charon? His other significant contribution in Platinum was being one of the Commanders in torturing the Lake Guardians, but yeah, he definitely could've contributed more to the story.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC

Almost everyone leads the interview with that, and Nintendo is not ready to discuss this yet. Once we are, Nintendo will most likely hold a Nintendo Direct in the future - before launch - to discuss it.
From the looks of this it looks like we might be waiting until December, January, or even February for this system to be revealed. That's the message i'm getting from this article and if that plan is true then it's a very bad plan IMO. Not letting consumers save up for the NX before the holiday season and not communicating your product well beforehand. Seems like a recipe for the NX to not do well upon launch.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
I wouldn't even say any of the admins were good, they showed up once in the story and were all easily defeated at the climax
And the Galactic admins can be as original as you want but doesn't change the fact they all look stupid
That's not true for Mars and Jupiter. Mars shows up at least three times in the story, once at Valley Windworks to steal energy, once at the lake getting Mesprit, and once at Spear Pillar, all of them result in battles. Jupiter shows up three times, once at the Eterna building, once at the lake getting Uxie, and once at Spear Pillar, though she does skip the second time in battling you since it's not important to beat you at that point. Both also show up once more at Stark Mountain in Platinum. Saturn is the closest to what you say, and even he shows up twice in the main story while having a brief appearance at the main Galactic Building after the events at Spear Pillar.

Compared to other teams, they actually do pretty well as Neo Team rocket only has two battles for each Admin, Team Aqua/Magma had three I believe for Shelley/Tabitha and only one or two for Matt/Courtney, and Plasma had three for Zinolin (Colress is an oddball as his appearances are made mostly separate of Team Plasma). Additionally, all three had at least a decent presence in the story and more properly contributed to what their teams set out to do, especially in Platinum, and for the most part don't just pop up once to do random things before their final appearance in the climax. Charon admittedly is forgettable as the only thing he really does is the Stark Mountain plot despite having a number of appearances across the plot, but that's still only one admin that didn't contribute a lot to the plot out of four, and he was a later addition. With the Scientists, only one leaves an impression on you as he has a notable one in the Emma post-game plot, the other four only appear twice and in the second occasion are being shoved into the very hastily done climax of the Team Flare plot, so they don't have a chance to stand out from everything the game is throwing at you. They also lack any character and charm to them since it's very basic traits that separate the four out from each other, so it's easy for them to meld together as characters.

Really, that kind of sums up the difference between Team Galactic and Flare. The former had more times to leave an impression on you and get things done, the latter was too rushed and thus a lot of things about it weren't given any time to be memorable at all.
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Sep 12, 2014

From the looks of this it looks like we might be waiting until December, January, or even February for this system to be revealed. That's the message i'm getting from this article and if that plan is true then it's a very bad plan IMO. Not letting consumers save up for the NX before the holiday season and not communicating your product well beforehand. Seems like a recipe for the NX to not do well upon launch.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm not trying to be Nintendoomed here. I'm only questioning why they would do something like this.

Though 2018 feels like when we're going to hear about the NX at this rate.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
So it took DB Super 58 'mediocre' episodes before finally reaching a PHENOMENAL outcome (not really tho) in episode 59 that had both the intensity and the prestige that gave their whole meaning to DB and DBZ. So tense. So epic.

(not gonna spoil anything)
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Sep 12, 2014
I'm not trying to be Nintendoomed here. I'm only questioning why they would do something like this.

Though 2018 feels like when we're going to hear about the NX at this rate.
I know I know, I'm just jestin'.

Unless the NX is coming next summer, I fail to see why they would wait so long.

Deleted member

That's not true for Mars and Jupiter. Mars shows up at least three times in the story, once at Valley Windworks to steal energy, once at the lake getting Mesprit, and once at Spear Pillar, all of them result in battles. Jupiter shows up three times, once at the Eterna building, once at the lake getting Uxie, and once at Spear Pillar, though she does skip the second time in battling you since it's not important to beat you at that point. Both also show up once more at Stark Mountain in Platinum. Saturn is the closest to what you say, and even he shows up twice in the main story while having a brief appearance at the main Galactic Building after the events at Spear Pillar.

Compared to other teams, they actually do pretty well as Neo Team rocket only has two battles for each Admin, Team Aqua/Magma had three I believe for Shelley/Tabitha and only one or two for Matt/Courtney, and Plasma had three for Zinolin (Colress is an oddball as his appearances are made mostly separate of Team Plasma). Additionally, all three had at least a decent presence in the story and more properly contributed to what their teams set out to do, especially in Platinum, and for the most part don't just pop up once to do random things before their final appearance in the climax. Charon admittedly is forgettable as the only thing he really does is the Stark Mountain plot despite having a number of appearances across the plot, but that's still only one admin that didn't contribute a lot to the plot out of four, and he was a later addition. With the Scientists, only one leaves an impression on you as he has a notable one in the Emma post-game plot, the other four only appear twice and in the second occasion are being shoved into the very hastily done climax of the Team Flare plot, so they don't have a chance to stand out from everything the game is throwing at you. They also lack any character and charm to them since it's very basic traits that separate the four out from each other, so it's easy for them to meld together as characters.

Really, that kind of sums up the difference between Team Galactic and Flare. The former had more times to leave an impression on you and get things done, the latter was too rushed and thus a lot of things about it weren't given any time to be memorable at all.
Neo Rocket's admins at least had plot relevance to what they were doing(outside of Archer, that is)
Proton is the cruel and ruthless execuyive who commands the Slowpoke Well mission
Petrel is the master of disguise and appears both times disguised to try to fool the player and others
Ariana is the interim boss in place of Giovanni that seems to be commanding everything but not realky because Archer exists and that confuses me, why is he in a higher rank than the intetim boss?

Meanwhile, I can't remember a single characteristic from the Galactic admins
Jupiter and Mars might as well be the same person, I don't even remember fighting Saturn, the old dude is just there and Cyrus is an angsty teenager in the body of an oldman

Also to note that Neo Rocket only has 3 encounters with the player(without counting the random grunt in Ecruteak) while Galactic has many more


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Neo Rocket's admins at least had plot relevance to what they were doing(outside of Archer, that is)
Proton is the cruel and ruthless execuyive who commands the Slowpoke Well mission
Petrel is the master of disguise and appears both times disguised to try to fool the player and others
Ariana is the interim boss in place of Giovanni that seems to be commanding everything but not realky because Archer exists and that confuses me, why is he in a higher rank than the intetim boss?

Meanwhile, I can't remember a single characteristic from the Galactic admins
Jupiter and Mars might as well be the same person, I don't even remember fighting Saturn, the old dude is just there and Cyrus is an angsty teenager in the body of an oldman

Also to note that Neo Rocket only has 3 encounters with the player(without counting the random grunt in Ecruteak) while Galactic has many more
I think you're missing something VERY important about Cyrus.

He isn't filled with angst. He's a genuine, textbook case of a sociopath. There's a very big difference there.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
I planned to use a Toxicroak, given I never really gave the line a real chance before.
But hum....
I'm now obligated to use another poison type.

Adiane the Elegant, WELCOME TO THE PARTY.

Team: Jiraiya the Froakie, Chu-Chu the Pikachu, Aigavlov the Charmander, and Aidiane the Venipede
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Deleted member

HeartGold update:
:156: Burney
:169: Robin
:181: McFluff
:079: Pokey
:070: Shmurda
:162: Joey
I defeated Morty today, and as a result, got my 4th Gym badge.
I made it to Olivine city, then had a grinding session, in which McFluff evolved into an Ampharos. Current location: the Lighthouse.
Also, I looked up the chance of encountering Chansey in Kanto, and it looks like I'm going to cheat again in order to get the Lucky Egg.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
A thought just crossed my mind....If we will get Gen IV remakes to follow after Sun and Moon...

Will we get Sinnoh forms?

If we do, will they be for existing Pokemon in the region that were from past games...or will they add different pokemon that weren't originally in the Sinnoh dex?

Seeing as Hoenn added onto Mega evolutions for Gen VI, this seems very possible...and if Sun and Moon add only Kanto pokemon with Alola forms, its possible in Sinnoh they could add pokes from other gens...

Come to think of it Sinnoh was the first game to do something similar when you look at Gastrodon...
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
A thought just crossed my mind....If we will get Gen IV remakes to follow after Sun and Moon...

Will we get Sinnoh forms?

If we do, will they be for existing Pokemon in the region that were from past games...or will they add different pokemon that weren't originally in the Sinnoh dex?

Seeing as Hoenn added onto Mega evolutions for Gen VI, this seems very possible...and if Sun and Moon add only Kanto pokemon with Alola forms, its possible in Sinnoh they could add pokes from other gens...
If they do then they better give one to Chimecho. Bloody WORTHLESS piece of ****


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
A thought just crossed my mind....If we will get Gen IV remakes to follow after Sun and Moon...

Will we get Sinnoh forms?

If we do, will they be for existing Pokemon in the region that were from past games...or will they add different pokemon that weren't originally in the Sinnoh dex?

Seeing as Hoenn added onto Mega evolutions for Gen VI, this seems very possible...and if Sun and Moon add only Kanto pokemon with Alola forms, its possible in Sinnoh they could add pokes from other gens...
Knowing their odd obsession for keeping ideas hostage to certain regions (like customization and OR/AS), I doubt it.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Knowing their odd obsession for keeping ideas hostage to certain regions (like customization and OR/AS), I doubt it.
Thing with customization...Hoenn had previously established characters as the protagonists, in Brendan and May...While it still could have worked to keep it...it would've been way more limited than it already was in X and Y...

As I mentioned Alola forms are more comparable as a feature to Mega Evolutions than it is to customization...Alola forms may be absent (obtainable through trading) but if the Gen IV remakes take a similar approach as ORAS (being an alternate dimension to the original) which it likely will I can see Sinnoh forms being implemented...similar to how Megas weren't present in the original RSE...
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Sep 12, 2014
Alola forms are more of a mechanic than a gimmick, me thinks.

That being said the name "Alola forms" could be problematic, maybe they should've called it something more generalized like regional variants.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Alola forms are more of a mechanic than a gimmick, me thinks.

That being said the name "Alola forms" could be problematic, maybe they should've called it something more generalized like regional variants.
Subspecies would be an ideal name imo

Final case of Apollo Justice! First of all, case 3 was absolute BULL. Second, we have Mr. Poopybutthole in the final case!


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Alola forms are more of a mechanic than a gimmick, me thinks.

That being said the name "Alola forms" could be problematic, maybe they should've called it something more generalized like regional variants.
I mean, there's nothing really stopping them from saying Sinnoh Forms or Unova Forms.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Alola forms are more of a mechanic than a gimmick, me thinks.

That being said the name "Alola forms" could be problematic, maybe they should've called it something more generalized like regional variants.
Thats why they would be called 'Sinnoh forms' and not 'Alola forms'...

Alternate forms for pokemon always have their own label attached to them...
Such as Shaymin-Sky and Rotom-Wash...
The same is true for Alola Exeggutor and Alola Ninetales...

So far Alola is the only region to have region variants so there's no reason not to simply call them Alola forms...


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Tesco put up a pre-order page for the NX. I hope the price is placeholder because I do not want to pay £350 for it. (about $450 US) For comparison, the WiiU new was £250.
If it's really gonna be that price the thing better be a damn good toasted because other wise it's dead on arrival.
I remember Nintendo saying somewhere that they were going to try to make the NX more affordable this time, and this would completely fly in the face of that.

So I'm calling just a placeholder.

But Tesco has the NX as a december placeholder and BotW's apparent March release
DEFINITELY just a placeholder, LOL.


From the looks of this it looks like we might be waiting until December, January, or even February for this system to be revealed. That's the message i'm getting from this article and if that plan is true then it's a very bad plan IMO. Not letting consumers save up for the NX before the holiday season and not communicating your product well beforehand. Seems like a recipe for the NX to not do well upon launch.
That's way too vague to extrapolate that late of a date from just off of it.

I'll admit referring to the Animal Crossing Direct as "soon" while completely dodging the NX is pretty unsettling, but it's slated for Fall, which has been the current season for. . .four days? And it's been slated for Fall while the NX has been slated for March for quite a while. The absolute latest I see them pushing it under that label is mid December according to the actual seasonal changes. Even if I can't help but even do it myself a bit, I feel like there's a bit of over-panicking going on partially because people convinced themselves that Nintendo would follow the casual perception of seasons instead of the official one due to wanting news faster. Now folks are getting convinced they'll overshoot because we've actually entered the very start of the time frame they listed.

Although this is an interesting look into the fact that Nintendo is getting begged for info about the NX quite a bit. It's likely they know full well just how crazy everyone's getting and their hands are tied somehow.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
A thought just crossed my mind....If we will get Gen IV remakes to follow after Sun and Moon...

Will we get Sinnoh forms?

If we do, will they be for existing Pokemon in the region that were from past games...or will they add different pokemon that weren't originally in the Sinnoh dex?

Seeing as Hoenn added onto Mega evolutions for Gen VI, this seems very possible...and if Sun and Moon add only Kanto pokemon with Alola forms, its possible in Sinnoh they could add pokes from other gens...

Come to think of it Sinnoh was the first game to do something similar when you look at Gastrodon...
I think that is assuming 4th gen remakes will happen during 7th gen and they aren't pulling another Black and White again and save them up for gen 8 and have them make use of whatever feature that gen will have to offer.... I wouldn't mind seeing more regional formes for any pokemon who weren't natively obtainable in those games though.

Though I think they would probably more likely give more Sinnoh Pokemon Z-move abilities....
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I just found out what Libertarians stand for

I am against it.

If Libertarians had their way, the rich would rule the country.

I know what you're thinking, "Don't they already?"

Well, more or less. BUT, the government does make some checks and balances against that.

The rich would have UNBELIEVABLE control if Libertarians had their way

Deleted member

A thought just crossed my mind....If we will get Gen IV remakes to follow after Sun and Moon...

Will we get Sinnoh forms?

If we do, will they be for existing Pokemon in the region that were from past games...or will they add different pokemon that weren't originally in the Sinnoh dex?

Seeing as Hoenn added onto Mega evolutions for Gen VI, this seems very possible...and if Sun and Moon add only Kanto pokemon with Alola forms, its possible in Sinnoh they could add pokes from other gens...

Come to think of it Sinnoh was the first game to do something similar when you look at Gastrodon...
Maybe they could give the Johto mons "Sinnoh forms"
Alola only has variations from Kanto so let's try moving to the second gen before skipping anything
Besides, both regions have some connections, such as the Sinjoh Ruins and most of its new evolutions being from Gen 2
Alola forms are more of a mechanic than a gimmick, me thinks.

That being said the name "Alola forms" could be problematic, maybe they should've called it something more generalized like regional variants.
But that's what they are called, at least according to Serebii
We just don't have any reason to not use the easy-to-write/pronounce "Alola forms" currently
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