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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Deleted member

Since we are wing invaded by EVILLLLLLLLL

Why not do something fun?

Take the villains of each series in Smash that had one and rank them in how evil they are?
  1. :4ganondorf:
  2. :4bowser:
  3. :4mewtwo:
  4. :wolf:
  5. :4wario:
  6. :4bowserjr:
  7. :4dedede:
I can see why people want more villains in Smash.
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Deleted member

Since we are wing invaded by EVILLLLLLLLL

Why not do something fun?

Take the villains of each series in Smash that had one and rank them in how evil they are?

Top ten most evil Smash 4 antogonists, most evil to least evil as it goes down. :p


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
To me, Bastion from Overwatch is like if a Generic Unit from Fire Emblem Evolve into it's own character, and personality while still being silent and somewhat still like every other soldier.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Since we are wing invaded by EVILLLLLLLLL

Why not do something fun?

Take the villains of each series in Smash that had one and rank them in how evil they are?

I'm not particularly familiar with all of them but I'll list a few of hand...and I'll go by the main villain (or most prominent villain) for each series...

11. King Dedede
10. Mewtwo
9. Bowser
8. Dr. Wily
7. Dr. Eggman
6. Andross
5. M. Bison
4. Sephiroth
3. Ganondorf
2. Hades
1. Ridley

Obviously there are others but as I said I'm not as familiar with others...

Also just keep in mind Ganondorf would be number 1 if Wind Waker didn't exist...
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Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2015
The Glade of Dreams.
I don't know if this has been posted before, Nintendo 3DS Direct leaked (?)

(I thought it would be funny to share it here.)
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Since we are wing invaded by EVILLLLLLLLL

Why not do something fun?

Take the villains of each series in Smash that had one and rank them in how evil they are?
1. :4ganondorf:
2. :4bowser:
3. :4bowserjr:
4. :4wario:(From SSE. After what he did to Ness of course :()
5. :wolf:
6. :4mewtwo:
7. :4dedede:
I think Crash birthday is on September 9th.

I don't know if this has been posted before, Nintendo 3DS Direct leaked (?)
I swear ever since the March 3rd Direct these Folder leaks have been rampant everytime there's a new Direct or something. Just because the guy that leaked the March 3rd Direct was right all these fakers decide to do the same thing to troll everyone. Why the hell would Playstation be on the New Nintendo 3DS anyways?

I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be hyped for the Smash content listed in that folder though.

EDIT: Now I realize the fake is a joke. I feel like an idiot now.
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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Uh, I thought it was a good adaptation
I'm scared now
Well, I suppose YMMV. I thought it was fine until a certain point later in the series.

I've also heard a some people liked the parts I hated, so wait and see, I guess.
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Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2015
The Glade of Dreams.

Deleted member

Since we are wing invaded by EVILLLLLLLLL

Why not do something fun?

Take the villains of each series in Smash that had one and rank them in how evil they are?
Actually, sorry, I'm reoding my list since I misread your post and I'll be more series this time. This mainly from the main series of the franchises, no side games or spin offs. I'm not going to list them in order from most evil to least evil though, just to save myself some time. And plus in many franchises in general the villian is literally just the pureness of evil.

Bowser(Super Mario Bros. series)
King K. Rool(Donkey Kong)
Dr. Wily(Megaman)
Dark Matter and other forms it takes such as zero(Kirby)
*Insert dark dragon/demon here*(Fire Emblem)
Volgin(Metal Gear)
Hades(Kid Icarus)
Gill(Street Fighter)

Off the top of my head. :p
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Y'all were scaring me saying today was Crash' birthday

Because I thought it was September 9th, and If I learned I didn't share the same birthday as Crash I was going to be PISSED.



W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I don't know if this has been posted before, Nintendo 3DS Direct leaked (?)

(I thought it would be funny to share it here.)
"Metroid Prime Federation Force buy this or we discontinue Metroid Franchise"

Also lol at Zelda X Skylanders...still won't get me to buy anything Skylanders...


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
So since you mortals were fortunate to make it out of page 666 alive, I have a little guessing game for you all.

What page in this social thread do you think will be the...

A) NX Reveal Announcement
B) NX Reveal Direct or whatever event/show it's going to be revealed in

My picks are Page 825 for A) and Page 875 for B)

Lets see who's the closest for each of the above. Will be interesting to see how we all fair.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I don't know if this has been posted before, Nintendo 3DS Direct leaked (?)

(I thought it would be funny to share it here.)
Reading the "Super Smash Bros for 3DS Veterans Retire Good-Bye Captain Falcon" part triggered me and I already knew this was fake.

Cuts are already bad. Retroactively pulling a character already added to the game would be downright evil, no matter how many saltpiles would likely be in support of it due to Tall Poppy Syndrome.

Considering Metroid getting a Chibi-Robo ultimatum though (Once a series breaks into the top selling video game franchise list I'm pretty sure they're a bit too high profile for that level of stupidity. And Samus was in a Japanese 3DS commercial alongside their top sellers, so I'm pretty sure Metroid is considered valued.), this was probably made with the intent of triggering people and I just succumbed to it.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
So since you mortals were fortunate to make it out of page 666 alive, I have a little guessing game for you all.

What page in this social thread do you think will be the...

A) NX Reveal Announcement
B) NX Reveal Direct or whatever event/show it's going to be revealed in

My picks are Page 825 for A) and Page 875 for B)

Lets see who's the closest for each of the above. Will be interesting to see how we all fair.
My pick is Social 5: The sequeling
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I guess F-Zero NO means the game will be revealed but will ultimately never be released because Miyamoto can't think of an innovative way to play the game sp the game gets cancelled.

As is every future F-Zero game that gets revealed as well. Miyamoto will seemingly never find the innovation he talks about.
My pick is Social 5: The sequeling
All Social threads last 2000 pages though and this thread has been going on since late-May. For us to be in the next Social thread means it's going to take until Spring-Summer-Fall of next year to reveal the NX, meaning they're only going to reveal the NX months after release lol.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Evil ranking:

10) King Dedede - Only really here because he's considered a villain in stuff like Smash Events, but he really does not classify as a villain at all at this point in the Kirby series)

9) Mewtwo - Sort of a similar deal. He killed some people, sure, but they were in the wrong anyway. Other than that, anime Mewtwo was simply misunderstood and turned over a new leaf anyway (just going by the first movie here). Game Mewtwo in Gen 1 was literally just the ultimate prize, once caught he serves the protagonist so it's hard to call him evil at all at that point. He's much closer to an anti-hero in general.

8) Wolf - Again, more anti-hero. He's a mercenary, so he goes where the money is at. He doesn't have a grand plan for world domination or have any particularly evil wishes himself, but he is willing to serve under those that do if they pay. His vendetta towards Fox is a personal thing, and he has willingly helped Fox before too, so despite being an enemy to the hero on most occasions, that alone doesn't really make him a villain considering the circumstances.

7) Andross - Actual villain of the Star Fox franchise so yeah he's evil. Not particularly threatening though, and Zero tried to give him a "misunderstood" angle too (though it was poorly executed).

6) Bowser - THE video game villain, so you'd think he'd be higher. But really, for the most part his plans are so basic and easily foiled that he's not that threatening and he's most often portrayed as a lovable goofball more than he is a genuinely threatening villain. Most boss fights against him are also super easy too. He also has a fair few redeeming qualities, like being a genuinely loving father and having a genuine love and care for Peach. He has also helped Mario on occasion against truly evil threats. The most evil he has ever come across is in Galaxy (oh, and Brawl), but it was quite poorly executed (and Rosalina seemed to think he was good enough to revive anyway). At the end of day, he still gets invited for a round of golf or kart racing every time anyway. He's only really this high because he's the first character you think of when it comes to video game antagonists.

5) Dr. Wily - Crazy mad scientist who does what he does purely out of revenge, spite, and self-pity. Some of his plots are pretty diabolical too, like the Roboenza (sp?) one. However, he is quite the coward and can be really pathetic without his machines. And he ultimately only does what he does to spite Dr. Light.

4) King Garon - Really sick and twisted man. Haven't actually finished Birthright just yet, let alone the others, but he causes immense suffering for loads of people, Nohr is basically a ****hole by the looks of it because he does not care to look after it, and even his own children fear him. While he may have some noble cause behind everything that I don't know about yet, he's definitely one of the most cruel villains Nintendo has created on his deeds alone.

3) Ganondorf - Kinda like King Garon really. Not much else to say honestly. In fact, I would actually put King Garon above him if it weren't for the fact Ganondorf has been in way more games, and the fact that Ganondorf has a much longer life in canon (unless I haven't discovered something about Garon yet - please don't hint towards it if that is the case). But yeah, needless to say, he didn't get the title of "King of Evil" by pickpocketing a few Hylians.

2) Hades - KI:U Hades is just a complete sociopath, with a lot of power. He's messed up, to the point of hilarity. He literally eats the souls of the dead for breakfast. He really doesn't care for anyone and has no fear, to the point where he will make casual conversation with the protagonist, that's how non-chalant he is. Would be #1 but he only had a presence in one game. But that was a good enough role to sky rocket him to #2.

1) Dr. Eggman - He's basically a mortal equivalent to Hades. But that doesn't make him lesser, for he has himself TAMED immortal gods to do his bidding. Eggman has but one dream, and that is for the world to acknowledge his genius. And he will go above in beyond in making people respect him. He broke the planet apart to summon an apocalyptic god, JUST so he could build and power a theme park! That alone is enough to convince me. He's done so much more too, from enslaving innocent animals, capturing an alien race and harvesting them for energy, and so on and so forth. His only folly is his own madness and pride, which cause him to make one small mistake that ruins everything in his plans. While he has had goofier and less evil portrayals (Sonic Boom makes him like Dedede, for example), most game portrayals keep him quite intimidating, and his plans are always bombastic and over the top. What makes Eggman stand out as a villain is that, his GOALS may not be as pure evil as someone like Hades, but his METHODS are, if not worse. That makes him #1 for me, I tend to think evil deeds are worse when the reasoning is more on the petty side. Ganondorf, for example, does horrible things, but he needs to, as he has big plans and has some genuine reasons for wanting to do those things. Dr. Eggman has done even worse things than Ganondorf though, but he doesn't have a hint of a noble cause, it's not even really about ruling a kingdom or anything, he just wants to make people think he is the greatest man in the world. Which just makes him the #1 for me. With an IQ of 300 and the physical fitness to compete in the Olympics, he's definitely got the abilities to back himself up, too.


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015
Well, we got some more rumors sort of I guess...
Pretty vague, but sounds promising.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Well, we got some more rumors sort of I guess...
Pretty vague, but sounds promising.
This is what I care about. This is what i've always cared about.

I don't care if the hardware let's me cook waffles, as long as I can play games like Metroid or Fire Emblem I will be set.

. . .Actually if the thing lets me cook waffles then I would probably preorder it. Waffles are the best.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Got to say, things are look pretty damn bad for Samon the Summoner when it's in the Bottom 5 this week. Better hope your new favorite gag manga doesn't get cancelled within three months from now @AwesomeAussie27


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Shantae: HGH update.

"First things first – we are going to have to adjust our Target Release Date, moving it back from our 9/27 Target Release date by about 6 weeks, give or take. We know this will disappoint some of you, but we feel that it’s necessary to take that extra time for bug fixing and adding additional polish. We know you want the final product to be excellent and so do we! Thanks for your patience and support as we approach the finish line!"

So closer to a holiday release, but all this time is being spent on bug fixing.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Ive decided to look to Giger for inspiration for my texture pack

... you'd think I would have sooner with this theme
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Just back back from the film "Kubo and the Two Strings". It was amazing! I loved the characters, action, and writing. If you told me it was all stop motion, I'd have a hard believing that (It's almost like CGI quality).

I'd recommend it.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Well, we got some more rumors sort of I guess...
Pretty vague, but sounds promising.
Maybe just maybe this is what Intelligent Systems meant when they said to stay tuned for news on Advance Wars back in 2014. That they were planning to revive the series on Nintendo's new console rather than the 3DS or Wii U. IDK if that's going to happen or not but I really hope it does.

Golden Sun and F-Zero as well. F-Zero even more so because it's hard to believe that the series hasn't had an installment since the Gamecube given the exposure the series has from Smash Bros.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Evil ranking:

10) King Dedede - Only really here because he's considered a villain in stuff like Smash Events, but he really does not classify as a villain at all at this point in the Kirby series)

9) Mewtwo - Sort of a similar deal. He killed some people, sure, but they were in the wrong anyway. Other than that, anime Mewtwo was simply misunderstood and turned over a new leaf anyway (just going by the first movie here). Game Mewtwo in Gen 1 was literally just the ultimate prize, once caught he serves the protagonist so it's hard to call him evil at all at that point. He's much closer to an anti-hero in general.

8) Wolf - Again, more anti-hero. He's a mercenary, so he goes where the money is at. He doesn't have a grand plan for world domination or have any particularly evil wishes himself, but he is willing to serve under those that do if they pay. His vendetta towards Fox is a personal thing, and he has willingly helped Fox before too, so despite being an enemy to the hero on most occasions, that alone doesn't really make him a villain considering the circumstances.

7) Andross - Actual villain of the Star Fox franchise so yeah he's evil. Not particularly threatening though, and Zero tried to give him a "misunderstood" angle too (though it was poorly executed).

6) Bowser - THE video game villain, so you'd think he'd be higher. But really, for the most part his plans are so basic and easily foiled that he's not that threatening and he's most often portrayed as a lovable goofball more than he is a genuinely threatening villain. Most boss fights against him are also super easy too. He also has a fair few redeeming qualities, like being a genuinely loving father and having a genuine love and care for Peach. He has also helped Mario on occasion against truly evil threats. The most evil he has ever come across is in Galaxy (oh, and Brawl), but it was quite poorly executed (and Rosalina seemed to think he was good enough to revive anyway). At the end of day, he still gets invited for a round of golf or kart racing every time anyway. He's only really this high because he's the first character you think of when it comes to video game antagonists.

5) Dr. Wily - Crazy mad scientist who does what he does purely out of revenge, spite, and self-pity. Some of his plots are pretty diabolical too, like the Roboenza (sp?) one. However, he is quite the coward and can be really pathetic without his machines. And he ultimately only does what he does to spite Dr. Light.

4) King Garon - Really sick and twisted man. Haven't actually finished Birthright just yet, let alone the others, but he causes immense suffering for loads of people, Nohr is basically a ****hole by the looks of it because he does not care to look after it, and even his own children fear him. While he may have some noble cause behind everything that I don't know about yet, he's definitely one of the most cruel villains Nintendo has created on his deeds alone.

3) Ganondorf - Kinda like King Garon really. Not much else to say honestly. In fact, I would actually put King Garon above him if it weren't for the fact Ganondorf has been in way more games, and the fact that Ganondorf has a much longer life in canon (unless I haven't discovered something about Garon yet - please don't hint towards it if that is the case). But yeah, needless to say, he didn't get the title of "King of Evil" by pickpocketing a few Hylians.

2) Hades - KI:U Hades is just a complete sociopath, with a lot of power. He's messed up, to the point of hilarity. He literally eats the souls of the dead for breakfast. He really doesn't care for anyone and has no fear, to the point where he will make casual conversation with the protagonist, that's how non-chalant he is. Would be #1 but he only had a presence in one game. But that was a good enough role to sky rocket him to #2.

1) Dr. Eggman - He's basically a mortal equivalent to Hades. But that doesn't make him lesser, for he has himself TAMED immortal gods to do his bidding. Eggman has but one dream, and that is for the world to acknowledge his genius. And he will go above in beyond in making people respect him. He broke the planet apart to summon an apocalyptic god, JUST so he could build and power a theme park! That alone is enough to convince me. He's done so much more too, from enslaving innocent animals, capturing an alien race and harvesting them for energy, and so on and so forth. His only folly is his own madness and pride, which cause him to make one small mistake that ruins everything in his plans. While he has had goofier and less evil portrayals (Sonic Boom makes him like Dedede, for example), most game portrayals keep him quite intimidating, and his plans are always bombastic and over the top. What makes Eggman stand out as a villain is that, his GOALS may not be as pure evil as someone like Hades, but his METHODS are, if not worse. That makes him #1 for me, I tend to think evil deeds are worse when the reasoning is more on the petty side. Ganondorf, for example, does horrible things, but he needs to, as he has big plans and has some genuine reasons for wanting to do those things. Dr. Eggman has done even worse things than Ganondorf though, but he doesn't have a hint of a noble cause, it's not even really about ruling a kingdom or anything, he just wants to make people think he is the greatest man in the world. Which just makes him the #1 for me. With an IQ of 300 and the physical fitness to compete in the Olympics, he's definitely got the abilities to back himself up, too.
So so sum it up,

10. In name only

9. Needs a hug

8. Drop your personal issues

7. It's not very effective. . .

6. You know what buddy? You aren't as evil as you say you are! (Bowser: "nooooooooo")

5. Needs some therapy

4. What the heck is wrong with you, bro?

Actually he's possessed by a portion of the energy from an eldritch abomination that lost it's marbles. . .
Said abomination is apparently Corrin's dad, not that Corrin ever finds out.

3. King of Evil


It's no wonder I get vaguely similar vibes off of Uprising and Sonic games. Well that, and the teenage protagonists, the rail grinding, the general deluxe mix of awesomeness and absurdity that just makes it all so much better. . .

:sonic: :pit:Quillboys best boys:4pit: :4sonic:
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