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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Deleted member

Make me feel the same as what?

I wasn't here yesterday.
There you go.

I always feel moved each time I listen to this song.

Not only because it's an awesome theme, but it was used as the end theme of my BGE.
And the emotions become even bigger when you see Iwata's and Yokoi's names on the credits...

(And I still feel a bit heartbroken its remix from Brawl hasn't made the cut in Smash 4.)

What other music tracks from video games, or any other media, make you feel the same ?


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
There you go.
Didn't see this yesterday....

A lot of music from the Primes give me similar emotions...

as well as...
this song made me feel better after hearing of Iwata's passing...

Some themes from Mass Effect as well...a prime example
and this one, moreso near the end...
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Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
Speaking of Danny Phantom, did it get a proper ending?

I mean, I've seen the series finales of several animated shows of that time (like American Dragon), but I never saw Danny Phantom's final episode.
tucker becomes mayor.Danny becomes a world-wide hero.He gains the respect of some of his ghost enemies but there still enemies. Danny and sam get together.So yeah a pretty nice ending.No point in bringing it back since it ended nicely but i guess theres always new stories to tell


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Speaking of Danny Phantom, did it get a proper ending?

I mean, I've seen the series finales of several animated shows of that time (like American Dragon), but I never saw Danny Phantom's final episode.
tucker becomes mayor.Danny becomes a world-wide hero.He gains the respect of some of his ghost enemies but there still enemies. Danny and sam get together.So yeah a pretty nice ending.No point in bringing it back since it ended nicely but i guess theres always new stories to tell
Beat me to it! But yeah the show's ending was pretty good, one of my favorite shows. I'd be open to a reboot but I wouldn't want it to ruin the series.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Federation Force bombed hard in Japan. Christ...

And now to see how well it did in the West.

It's no surprise...Metroid in general never really does well in Japan in general...Super Metroid didn't sell very well in Japan at all and the Primes even less so...

Metroid (and FPS games in general, when referring to the Primes) has more appeal to western audiences than to Japanese audiences...not to mention Federation Force isn't exactly a 'proper' Metroid game so that takes even more away from it's appeal...


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Take it as a grain of salt for which Japan likes Metroid just as much as they like Call of Duty (Nada)

Now if we can have our warlord analyst friend give us a hint on its total international sales, then we can dictate if the game was truly a failure.
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Apr 19, 2015
tucker becomes mayor.Danny becomes a world-wide hero.He gains the respect of some of his ghost enemies but there still enemies. Danny and sam get together.So yeah a pretty nice ending.No point in bringing it back since it ended nicely but i guess theres always new stories to tell
I see. Yeah, it sounds like a nice ending... although Tucker becoming a mayor confuses me... isn't he a teenager?


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread

I always feel moved each time I listen to this song.

Not only because it's an awesome theme, but it was used as the end theme of my BGE.
And the emotions become even bigger when you see Iwata's and Yokoi's names on the credits...

(And I still feel a bit heartbroken its remix from Brawl hasn't made the cut in Smash 4.)

What other music tracks from video games, or any other media, make you feel the same ?
The credits theme from Sonic 3.
Even though it's basically Stranger in Moscow. The melody and tone of the song give a sense of "mission accomplished." It's my favorite credits theme in the series and in any video game. I wish it was in Sonic 3 and Knuckles, rather than Sonic 3 alone.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
I see. Yeah, it sounds like a nice ending... although Tucker becoming a mayor confuses me... isn't he a teenager?
It's the time skip ending.

Danny becomes an Astronaut which was his dream job (he achieved that act in the final episode)

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Just watched the first 2 episodes of Batman Beyond. Short thoughts on it. Terry's more interesting than Bruce tbh, he's a punk with anger issues. The futuristic look on Gotham looks great, ESPECIALLY the batsuit, the idea of Jokers is neat, the action scenes are more exciting than TAS so far and the music's catchy and somewhat more memorable so far (Though TAS has the FAR superior opening theme). So far, I understand why Beyond was so beloved and I love it


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
The Yoshi Clan from Yoshi's new island really makes me cry.
The kazoos, it buuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrnnnssssssss!

Understandably, I can see why many were turned off by New Island.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2010
Let's bite and assume the 3DS gets one more big unannounced 2017 game, and it's revealed in this Direct.

What's your dream 3DS swan song? What do you think is actually most likely?

My dream 3DS swan song is a well-made Golden Sun 4.

My gut says a NEW-exclusive 3D remake (especially Super Mario Sunshine or Galaxy).
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I realized I never reviewed Birthright and I'm bored because I can't do anything before work so i'll say some stuff regarding :4corrin: and Bravely Second because I can.

Gameplay: Generally better than Awakening because Pair up isn't utterly bonkers. The whole, dual attack for every attack thing is annoying though. Not sure what it really adds to the game other than reinforcing getting supports. Most of the maps were decent or good.

But man some o the maps downright suck major balls. THe last 4 chapters of the game are probably my 4 least favorite chapters of the whole series that i've played. 23 and 24 are just horrible and tedious.

Also the game has a similar problem to FE 7 in which it gives you multiple plot important super units making the difficulty get all topsy turvey. Just replace Hector with Ryoma and Lyn with Takumi.

The status effects were a cool addition, but some o them just last too long. If you want to play safe and give yourself the absolute greatest chance of success, you sometimes have to wait like 4 turns or somethig to get your stats back.

Also **** removing weapon durability. Instead of having to manage your weapon durability and save power weapons like wymslayers and silvers you just go wild with whatever you have. 0/10

I know there are more complaints than positives but I would overall give the gameplay a good score. Its enjoyable (bar a few straight up bad maps).

Utter trash. Not even remotely interesting.None of the FE stories have been good but this was just a whole new level. Very dissapointing. Some of the lines seemed like something out of final fantasy 4, not a game made for the 3DS. Splitting a story into 3 parts probably does that, Also Hinoka has like 5 lines in the whole game. Even though she is a sibling. What's up with that huh?

The individual characters were okay though. I generally preferred Awakening's cast over Birthright's but not by much. Having everyone get multiple supports really improves characters ability to develop :p

♩~You are the ocean's gray waves~♩

People have feet!
Locations are varied and I have no complaints.

Also they added a feature I really wanted. When the game zooms inthere is an actual map instead of the same location for every battle like awakening. So if you're fighting in a little hall way the arena will be that cramped little hallway. It's awesome.

Everything Else:
Kids really didn't need to come back. At all. Total waste of time that could have been focused on actual paralogues. Speaking of. .

Every single paralogue is a recruit mission. That wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that other than mozu, every single paralogue is to recruit a child unit. WHY.

Abilities are still neat

My Castle is neat. THe RNG is a little annoying sometimes though but what are you gonna do

Having cut content for an international version is still absurdly moronic, especially when it isn't even remotely offensice

**** RNG
Progress: Just beat Geyser Grotto so I know I have a looooong way to go
still just as fun as Deafult

side quest system isn't very good though. A game all about letting you make a team of warriors and you lose out on jobs. Not only that, but the side quest changes its ending on your choice. Probably should have separated gameplay from story.

The new Fight On mechanic for one turn ko'ing a wave of enemies is great. Making grinding enemies easier is always great.

Still really fun. I was worried getting rid of Ringabel and Agnes would kill the team dynamic but Magnolia and Yew are great and keep things going just fine.

Also the plot twist on top of Eternian Central Command is great stuff

The battle and boss themes aren't as good as Default's. But MAN THE SPECIAL CHARACTER THEMES. THEY SUCK IN THIS GAME. Default had 4 awesome and unique themes. I can't tell Second's apart. It's really dissapointinng

Minette made too many cat puns. Like . . stop putting Mew in every other word, even if it didn't fit.

Alternis Dim comes out of nowhere with no warning. Seemed random for what should have been an epic entrance

The Kiaser's identity seems TOO obvious. You know that guy who must hate the crystalguard who just lost his arm? well here is another guy with no arm.

Da ****?

Now I guess I have no excuse to start a Dream Smashers article
*remembers I have work*
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
Speaking of Danny Phantom, did it get a proper ending?

I mean, I've seen the series finales of several animated shows of that time (like American Dragon), but I never saw Danny Phantom's final episode.
TECHNICALLY, it did, but it was one of the most rushed endings ever. There were all these different plot points that ended up thrown out, thanks to the show getting screwed over. It really needed that fourth season...

Deleted member

The whole, dual attack for every attack thing is annoying though.
I like that they made it consistent though
Dual attacks in Awakening were only reliable if they had an S Rank support
Just replace Hector with Ryoma and Lyn with Takumi
That's not even a fair comparison, Hector is good but Ryoma literally trivializes half of the game
Also **** removing weapon durability. Instead of having to manage your weapon durability and save power weapons like wymslayers and silvers you just go wild with whatever you have. 0/10
Except weapons have debuffs now
I feel like the removal of weapon durability is a good thing, at least now I won't use Iron weapons the entire game and will actually use the legendary weapons


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Let's bite and assume the 3DS gets one more big unannounced 2017 game, and it's revealed in this Direct.

What's your dream 3DS swan song? What do you think is actually most likely?

My dream 3DS swan song is a well-made Golden Sun 4.

My gut says a NEW-exclusive 3D remake (especially Super Mario Sunshine or Galaxy).
How about a new 2D follow-up Metroid title on the 3DS....12 years since the last 2D game (and that one was a remake), and we're going not one but two handhelds without a new 2D metroid at this point...

Metroid could use a 2.5D title (similar to how ALBW did it for Zelda)...imagine the added depth and atmosphere that a game like Super Metroid or Fusion could have with 3D graphics, while still playing on a 2D field...I feel like the game could incorporate some 3D depth to expand the map layouts even further than just one flat 2D plane...perhaps like adding layers onto the world, and different areas could be accessible using certain lifts and hidden morph ball tracks...

of course I'd prefer if the game wasn't released while the 3DS is ending it's life cycle...and I especially hope they don't make it a N3DS exclusive either, as that would hurt it even more...

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I don't have much to expect from the new Direct. I just hope we get to see the latest Hyrule Warriors DLC in action and maybe some more Lady Layton info if we get any.

I'd be happy to see a few surprise announcements though....
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Federation Force bombed hard in Japan. Christ...

And now to see how well it did in the West.

Y'know i'm not even much of a Metroid fan but I would be pretty cheesed to see the series get shelved because a spin-off game that people didn't even want didn't sell well. Probably not the case here but I would be livid if they cite that as a reason why they canned Metroid.
Let's bite and assume the 3DS gets one more big unannounced 2017 game, and it's revealed in this Direct.

What's your dream 3DS swan song? What do you think is actually most likely?

My dream 3DS swan song is a well-made Golden Sun 4.

My gut says a NEW-exclusive 3D remake (especially Super Mario Sunshine or Galaxy).
If the rumors are true about the 3DS being supported til' 2018 then it does give some hope for both Golden Sun 4 and Advance Wars 5.

AW5 i'm a bit doubtful because Intelligent Systems have been keeping the series dormant for a long time so if it ever returns it will most likely be an NX title but GS4 I can see being a great fit for a 3DS title especially if a lot of assets are ported over from Dark Dawn.

Ideally I would like GS4 to be on the 3DS that finishes the story of Isaac and whatnot then GS5 is an NX title which takes place hundreds of years after the events of GS1-GS4.
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