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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble

Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
Ristar, Bayo (She's over 600 years old), maybe Bonanza Bros and Fantasy Zone
JSR is a cool idea, I got it on Steam, never used it
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The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread

Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
I have fond memories of Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, so I would be all over a sequel.

Ristar would be cool to see back, maybe have Taxman and Stealth do a remaster of the original after they're done with Sonic Mania?

And while I haven't played it, I know everyone and their mother wants a new Jet Set Radio.

Deleted member

Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?

I'll start with my answers:

1) Yes to all of them. I played through the game twice.

2) The music is pretty great for starters; lots of memorable tracks from what I can remember. I also found most of the characters in this game to be pretty enjoyable, and the easy-style gameplay allows Awakening to be a great first game for Fire Emblem newcomers. I also enjoy the option of grinding, as it can be pretty useful if you want to be better prepared for an incoming or stock up on more money. The graphics are also enjoyable for the most part, and even some of the art portraits look pretty nice. I also really liked most of the support conversations. So many of them do a great job fleshing out the backstories and personalities of certain characters to the point that you learn there's more to them that meets the eye (i.e. Gaius' supports not necessarily revolving around candy every time he talked).

3) Back then, I used to think Awakening had a good story... until I ready some analyses online that showed Awakening's story is pretty flawed. The issues in Awakening's plot largely comes from how the game approaches time travel (and the flaws regarding that is best explained in Ghast Station's "This is what happens in Fire Emblem Awakening" video). There are other story-related problems as well, but that's a primary issue I remember the most.

While the gameplay is also pretty fun for the most part, I will admit that it has some big flaws. For one, many maps in this game are just simple, open fields with nothing exciting to them. It also could've used some mission diversity. Almost every map is just "Rout the Enemy" or "Defeat the boss." While the pair-up mechanic is a pretty neat feature, it is also pretty broken many times. The Barracks feature was pretty dull for the most part.

4) I am yet to play older entries in the series, but from what I've gathered thus far, the gameplay and the story are definitely inferior compared to older FE titles. Would I say it's the worst Fire Emblem game of all time, or it has some redeemable traits? I can't really answer that for reasons previously stated, though I guess I'm one of those that would look at the bright side and say, "Hey, at least the game saved the franchise."

5) I'd say yes, very much so. Gameplay is perhaps the biggest improvement Fates made when compared to Awakening. Birthright uses the same gameplay ideas as Awakening, but it's highly improved. Not every map is an open field, and the pair-up mechanic is no longer broken, and it even has some interesting new gameplay ideas (such as Chapter 17's reversal on the village concept, or Chapter 19 where you need to split your units based on the capped stats of enemy units) . Almost the same thing can be said for Conquest and Revelation. Yet again, not every map is an open field, and the pair-up system is fair for both sides. Both versions also have much more mission diversity than Awakening and Birthright, and Conquest in particular has some excellent map designs.

I also think Birthright's story is better than Awakening. No time travel and a focus on a more straightforward plot allowed the story-telling to be far more consistent than the previous title, and I ended up having less issues with Birthright's plot compared to Awakening's. If there's one thing Awakening's plot does better than Birthright though, it's the world-building. As for Conquest and Revelation, I honestly disliked both of their stories more than Awakening's.

I also think the music, graphics, and art style was a huge improvement as well. There were more tracks I enjoyed in all three versions of Fates than in Awakening. As for graphics, the characters finally having feet is already one major sign of improvement, while for the art, it just looked better overall.

The My Castle feature was also really nice. It was a much better take on the "Barracks" feature from Awakening, and even grouping all of the weapons into a single store also made things more convenient: you didn't have to walk around to another side of the map anymore just to pick up a weapon or a staff you needed. I even think the multiplayer aspect was improved because of this. Now, visiting and battling other players felt more interesting because of the castle atmosphere, though I will admit the newly introduced online feature could definitely use some improvements.

6) Yes, I enjoyed Fates much more than Awakening. I already talked about why the gameplay is much better and more fun than Awakening, as well as how My Castle improves from the Barracks in Awakening.

I will admit there are some other things Awakening did better than Fates:

The villains definitely come to mind. Most of the villains in Fates were pretty forgettable for the most part. Hans and Iago were pretty much your generic Saturday-morning cartoon villains, and even Garon fits with them too. He could've been much better if they focused on his backstory more (specifically the part about his wives and mistresses and how this turned him into the villain he is now). The only villains that I truly liked in Fates were Zola and Anankos. I liked Zola because he actually goes through character development in Birthright, while Anankos had decent some backstory to him that made him a more enjoyable villainous dragon than Grima (though too bad you don't learn about Anankos' backstory unless you play the Hidden Truths DLC).

Awakening had more villains that I enjoyed overall, specifically Gangrel (this guy has really good dialogue), Aversa, Walhart, and Yen'fay. I will admit it does have some pretty disappointing antagonists though. I'm looking at you, Validar and Grima.

Also, I still think children did not have to come back for Fates. It was perfect for Awakening, but not for the following entry.

7) I can understand both sides. On one hand, the anime-style can be quite the turnoff for many, and the same can be said about the lackluster story and gameplay. On the other hand, I greatly appreciate Awakening's part in Fire Emblem's history and how it allowed the franchise to expand to even greater lengths than it previous did. If you had to ask me which side I'd take in this debate, it would probably be that. I still think Awakening is a pretty enjoyable game despite its flaws (not to mention this game is very nostalgic for me since it was the first Fire Emblem game I've every played), so I'd say the critical acclaim it received from critics is well deserved.
1. Yes, yes, and yes.
2. I really like many of the characters, support convos are pretty awesome and fleshes out the characters. Love the skill system too. It also brought me to get into a great franchise.
3. The plot structure. And the ingame combat animations aren't nearly as appealing to me. The enemies and villains just feel pretty bland.
4. Fire Emblem Awekening was my first FE, when I first played it I absolutely loved everything. But then I started playing the older FEs and found them to be much better. The main positives of awakening are the supports and skills. Though Fates fates did those too while also doing everything else better.
5. Yes, for reasons just stated.
6. Yes.
7. I think that the "shipping simulator" complaints are dumb. :p Other than that, I'm on the list of fans that just think its alright. Could've easily been way better though.
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Sep 12, 2014

Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
I'd really like a new NiGHTS and OutRun. Virtua Fighter 6 is probably happening. Stuff like Fantasy Zone is welcomed too.
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Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC

Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
While the series is still going strong, I'd like moar Puyo Puyo (preferably localized, might I add).

Ristar would be neat too.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Nights and jet set radio

I loved jsrf

Lol, it was free with my Xbox

Deleted member


Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
Jet Set Radio, NiGHTS, Virtua Fighter, Streets of Rage, and Phantasy Star in the style of I-IV.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Here's my take on some of the Smash Olympics events.

Diving :4greninja:
Swimming :squirtle:
Archery :4pit:
Badminton :4mewtwo:
Baseball :4ness:

Softball :4peach:

Basketball :4falco: (highest jumps)

Boxing :4littlemac:
Cycling :4falcon:
Equestrian :4link:
Fencing :4marth:
Football :4wario2:

Golf :4yoshi:
Gymnastics :4samus:/:4zss: (Morph Ball tho)
High Jump :4mario:
Long Jump :4luigi:
Literally any running event :4sonic:
Karate :4ryu:
Sailing :4tlink:

Shooting :4fox:

Skateboarding :4diddy:
Sport climbing :popo:

Surfing :4pikachu:
Table tennis :4pacman:

Tennis :4ganondorf:

Triathlon :4wiifit:
Volleyball :4dk:
Weightlifting :4kirby:
Wrestling :4bowser:

And yes I have explanations for all of these. Most just come down to "Mario Sports Titles." :p


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
I have a question for you all; how much longer do you have in your summer breaks before you go back to School, College, etc.? I've got about a week and a half left myself before my summer break ends. :p


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone

Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
NiGHTS and Ristar, hands down. And Billy Hatcher.

Ristar would be cool to see back, maybe have Taxman and Stealth do a remaster of the original after they're done with Sonic Mania?
I'd be down with that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
Here's a question for everyone. Since there's still some pre-Olympics hype for 2020 and Nintendo's involved, here's a challenge.

Smash Olympics. Make a list of Smash characters who'd hypothetically be best at each event.

Rules: No character can compete in more than one event. Summer events only. Can be current or previous Smash characters.

Any takers? I'll post mine in a bit.
We can't forget the most fitting one of all:
:4bowser:Rythmic Gymnastics:troll:

Deleted member

I have a question for you all; how much longer do you have in your summer breaks before you go back to School, College, etc.? I've got about a week and a half left myself before my summer break ends. :p
I just started last week and got out half over half an hour ago. :p I get out on the later side today, normal days I get out an hour before that, and on thursdays yet another hour early.

Speaking of school though, one think I dislike so far is my class which is supposedly going to help me out for my future and stuff... But the problem is that I can't really even share much. I can't even say that video games are an interest of mine or I get heavely slandered. Which sucks, goodness knows what the reaction is going to be when I say I want to move to Michigan to get together with my GF. Who's in the hospital right now, hence why I'm here as I don't have anyone to talk to without it being needlessy stressful or them being inactive.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?

I'll start with my answers:

1) Yes to all of them. I played through the game twice.

2) The music is pretty great for starters; lots of memorable tracks from what I can remember. I also found most of the characters in this game to be pretty enjoyable, and the easy-style gameplay allows Awakening to be a great first game for Fire Emblem newcomers. I also enjoy the option of grinding, as it can be pretty useful if you want to be better prepared for an incoming or stock up on more money. The graphics are also enjoyable for the most part, and even some of the art portraits look pretty nice. I also really liked most of the support conversations. So many of them do a great job fleshing out the backstories and personalities of certain characters to the point that you learn there's more to them that meets the eye (i.e. Gaius' supports not necessarily revolving around candy every time he talked).

3) Back then, I used to think Awakening had a good story... until I ready some analyses online that showed Awakening's story is pretty flawed. The issues in Awakening's plot largely comes from how the game approaches time travel (and the flaws regarding that is best explained in Ghast Station's "This is what happens in Fire Emblem Awakening" video). There are other story-related problems as well, but that's a primary issue I remember the most.

While the gameplay is also pretty fun for the most part, I will admit that it has some big flaws. For one, many maps in this game are just simple, open fields with nothing exciting to them. It also could've used some mission diversity. Almost every map is just "Rout the Enemy" or "Defeat the boss." While the pair-up mechanic is a pretty neat feature, it is also pretty broken many times. The Barracks feature was pretty dull for the most part.

4) I am yet to play older entries in the series, but from what I've gathered thus far, the gameplay and the story are definitely inferior compared to older FE titles. Would I say it's the worst Fire Emblem game of all time, or it has some redeemable traits? I can't really answer that for reasons previously stated, though I guess I'm one of those that would look at the bright side and say, "Hey, at least the game saved the franchise."

5) I'd say yes, very much so. Gameplay is perhaps the biggest improvement Fates made when compared to Awakening. Birthright uses the same gameplay ideas as Awakening, but it's highly improved. Not every map is an open field, and the pair-up mechanic is no longer broken, and it even has some interesting new gameplay ideas (such as Chapter 17's reversal on the village concept, or Chapter 19 where you need to split your units based on the capped stats of enemy units) . Almost the same thing can be said for Conquest and Revelation. Yet again, not every map is an open field, and the pair-up system is fair for both sides. Both versions also have much more mission diversity than Awakening and Birthright, and Conquest in particular has some excellent map designs.

I also think Birthright's story is better than Awakening. No time travel and a focus on a more straightforward plot allowed the story-telling to be far more consistent than the previous title, and I ended up having less issues with Birthright's plot compared to Awakening's. If there's one thing Awakening's plot does better than Birthright though, it's the world-building. As for Conquest and Revelation, I honestly disliked both of their stories more than Awakening's.

I also think the music, graphics, and art style was a huge improvement as well. There were more tracks I enjoyed in all three versions of Fates than in Awakening. As for graphics, the characters finally having feet is already one major sign of improvement, while for the art, it just looked better overall.

The My Castle feature was also really nice. It was a much better take on the "Barracks" feature from Awakening, and even grouping all of the weapons into a single store also made things more convenient: you didn't have to walk around to another side of the map anymore just to pick up a weapon or a staff you needed. I even think the multiplayer aspect was improved because of this. Now, visiting and battling other players felt more interesting because of the castle atmosphere, though I will admit the newly introduced online feature could definitely use some improvements.

6) Yes, I enjoyed Fates much more than Awakening. I already talked about why the gameplay is much better and more fun than Awakening, as well as how My Castle improves from the Barracks in Awakening.

I will admit there are some other things Awakening did better than Fates:

The villains definitely come to mind. Most of the villains in Fates were pretty forgettable for the most part. Hans and Iago were pretty much your generic Saturday-morning cartoon villains, and even Garon fits with them too. He could've been much better if they focused on his backstory more (specifically the part about his wives and mistresses and how this turned him into the villain he is now). The only villains that I truly liked in Fates were Zola and Anankos. I liked Zola because he actually goes through character development in Birthright, while Anankos had decent some backstory to him that made him a more enjoyable villainous dragon than Grima (though too bad you don't learn about Anankos' backstory unless you play the Hidden Truths DLC).

Awakening had more villains that I enjoyed overall, specifically Gangrel (this guy has really good dialogue), Aversa, Walhart, and Yen'fay. I will admit it does have some pretty disappointing antagonists though. I'm looking at you, Validar and Grima.

Also, I still think children did not have to come back for Fates. It was perfect for Awakening, but not for the following entry.

7) I can understand both sides. On one hand, the anime-style can be quite the turnoff for many, and the same can be said about the lackluster story and gameplay. On the other hand, I greatly appreciate Awakening's part in Fire Emblem's history and how it allowed the franchise to expand to even greater lengths than it previous did. If you had to ask me which side I'd take in this debate, it would probably be that. I still think Awakening is a pretty enjoyable game despite its flaws (not to mention this game is very nostalgic for me since it was the first Fire Emblem game I've every played), so I'd say the critical acclaim it received from critics is well deserved.
1. Yes x 3

2. Most of the cast, Robin being a fitting avatar, the soundtrack, the spotpass mechanics letting people see previous characters from previous games and recruiting them if they wish.

3.Story is nothing special, game is really easy until you go onto Lunatic (and Lunatic+) and some characters were terrible (Tharja and several villains come to mind).

4. It's at least accessible to newcomers and I'd say better than the FE games that came before 7 (aside from Genealogy. otherwise I hold Ike's game to the highest regard. The GBA games are just above Awakening and the DS remakes are average.

5. In everything but characters and story/wold building yes. My castle is simply better than the barracks, the weapons are now more interesting and the way class changes work is really good too. The characters in Fates are far more hit and miss than Awakening plus they had discount Tharja because people like stalkers apparently, the story is a mess on all paths because the game is splintered plus DLC and the world building is terrible. What is wrong with Nohr? Show us for crying out loud!

6. It's honestly 50/50 though I lean more to Awakening's side purely because I didn't have to pay twice the price plus DLC to get the whole story. Could have been worse for Fates though *looks at Destiny*

7. It saved the series without going against the series' core of being a strategy RPG. People complaining just hate how it's accessible to newcomers though they do have a point with some characters.


Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
Vanquish, Shinobi and Skies of Arcadia come to mind. Jet Set Radio would be really cool as well and Golden Axe would be great if they get a good team for it (Platinum's MGRR or Transformers team, the For Honor guys seem pretty good too). Shining force should definitely take advantage of FE's popularity now.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?
1. I own it and have beaten it I think twice. Never finished all the DLC or even spotpass stuff, though.

2. I like that it was able to get a bunch more people interested in Fire Emblem. Casual Mode, though not something I'd ever use myself, I think went a long way towards making the game less stressful for a lot of players.

3. The story isn't terribly great, and the world isn't terribly interesting. I don't know that I have many specific complaints about the gameplay, but every time I've tried to play it recently, I've just never felt compelled to finish it.

4. Personally, I enjoy the older games more.

5. Can't say much as I've only played Birthright and never even finished that.

6. Can't say that I found Fates much better or worse than Awakening.

7. I don't know that I can say. It's certainly not the best thing since sliced bread, but it's not really the game that "ruined" FE for me.

sorry for my answers being kinda lame and wishy-washy, but I don't have very strong opinions on Awakening.
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May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
I just started last week and got out half over half an hour ago. :p I get out on the later side today, normal days I get out an hour before that, and on thursdays yet another hour early.

Speaking of school though, one think I dislike so far is my class which is supposedly going to help me out for my future and stuff... But the problem is that I can't really even share much. I can't even say that video games are an interest of mine or I get heavely slandered. Which sucks, goodness knows what the reaction is going to be when I say I want to move to Michigan to get together with my GF. Who's in the hospital right now, hence why I'm here as I don't have anyone to talk to without it being needlessy stressful or them being inactive.
To be honest, I don't get why they don't allow you to have freedom of expression; your interest is video games, you shouldn't be judged for that at all. It is also your choice if you wish to move to Michigan to help support your GF (who I hope feels better soon); nobody should tell you differently on this.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
i slowed it down using youtubes speed modifier nope still no a
I hear it like G-I-ANT-E-G-G so Im sure they are saying A, you just have to concentrate hard

To each his own

Speaking of Billy, I had to get rid of mine because it was so old, it would **** itself on the title screen with an error
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Deleted member

To be honest, I don't get why they don't allow you to have freedom of expression; your interest is video games, you shouldn't be judged for that at all. It is also your choice if you wish to move to Michigan to help support your GF (who I hope feels better soon); nobody should tell you differently on this.
Yeah. Though to give proper context from the teacher's perspective, video games as an interest is seen as a go to/lazy way of stating one of your interest. Why? Because it's very common.

It's strangely socially unexcepatable mainly from older people from my experience(Most anyway, not all, I have a old teacher for robotics in his 60s and he loves video games.), which is pretty ironic, because movies on the other hand are pretty much universally exceptable. Video games being much more broad.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Have we heard anything more about those rumour rumours?


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I have a question for you all; how much longer do you have in your summer breaks before you go back to School, College, etc.? I've got about a week and a half left myself before my summer break ends. :p
I've got til September 6th, which is pretty much 2 weeks minus a day.

IDK why but i'm always looking forward for that time of year. At least for the past 3 years with me not liking the Summer time for various reasons. Cooler weather is always better for me.


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
I have a question for you all; how much longer do you have in your summer breaks before you go back to School, College, etc.? I've got about a week and a half left myself before my summer break ends. :p
The inscription were last thursday, but I begin class monday. First year in CEGEP, which is basically a pre-college/college beginning.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Have we heard anything more about those rumour rumours?
Not until we find out about the rumors surrounding the rumors regarding the rumors you mentioned about the rumors in question that seek to find the true answer of the rumors.
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