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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Honestly I'm just glad Milo's off twitter. The less outlets he has to spread his toxically insensitive 4chan-esque alt-right propaganda the better, IMO.
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Deleted member

Hey guys... Is there any chance we can stop talking about Milo and move on to something else? As is, I already really dislike that guy after what happened when he got kicked out of a specific event this year and made a specific place look bad...
My bad, I forget that people don't feel comfortable talking about him or anything controversial. I've just come to the point ehere I'm insensetive to whatever due to being treated like garbage throughout my entire life. So it's taboo to see that here certain subjects are touchy to people. But I digress, I understand.


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
My bad, I forget that people don't feel comfortable talking about him or anything controversial. I've just come to the point ehere I'm insensetive to whatever due to being treated like garbage throughout my entire life. So it's taboo to see that here certain subjects are touchy to people. But I digress, I understand.

It's alright; you didn't do anything wrong, I promise that. And just so you know; you're a great person as well.
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Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
I think unless you're conducting or spreading illegal activity via your twitter, you should have the right to your account. No matter how inflammatory you want to be. Resolve such actions either via actual discourse (not immature name-calling) or ignoring objectionable statements, censorship isn't the answer.

Milo's gotten an absurd and unparalleled amount of attention from this situation not due to what he said, but because he was banned for saying it. It verges onto being counterproductive.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
What's taking so darn long for Smash 64 to hit the Wii U Virtual Console?

Getting a little impatient now.
Advance Wars: Dual Strike for me as well personally given that it was released in the Japanese and European VC but not the North American one.

Super Mario 64 DS is coming out tomorrow here in the NA VC in case you guys didn't hear it. Is it worth the buy?


May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
Super Mario 64 DS is coming out tomorrow here in the NA VC in case you guys didn't hear it. Is it worth the buy?
Outside of the wonky controls (at least on the original DS), it's the better version of 64 imo. I'd say it's worth a shot.


Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
People who say one thing about one group being worse than another group on the opposite side of the spectrum are the worst.

Just saying. :drflip:
I mean i see more people hate on people who believe rumors than there are people who actually believe in rumors.
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Sep 12, 2014
Super Mario 64 DS is coming out tomorrow here in the NA VC in case you guys didn't hear it. Is it worth the buy?
Since you'll be playing the game with an actual control stick rather than the DS' d-pad, yeah it's worth it.

Though imo most of the added stuff is just kinda... There.

The extra characters are cool but you can get by with just Mario and the other characters' abilities are situational at best and useless at worst. The mini games are a fun distraction and the added stars do add more replayability.

So yeah I'd say it's worth a shot.

Deleted member

But...He's gay! How can he say that if he's gay?
Are you being sarcastic? Because it can totally happen
Trust me, I knew a gay guy that was literally the most transphobic ***** and die-hard anti-SJW I've ever seen


Sep 12, 2014
So after being out of the loop with it, I looked what Xenoverse 2 brings to table and
Reworked RNG to make grinding easier, a reworked clothing system that favors players wearing what they want as opposed to what their build demands, new mechanics to punish runners and stamina-stackers, using multiple forms of Super Saiyan mid-battle and the removal of the "free super moves".
  • Maijin race characters getting a Super Mode (Pure Maijin), when in the previous game only the Saiyan Race got them originally until DLC added Mystic in.
  • Frieza race characters gain access to Frieza's Golden Form.
  • Namekians can transform into Great Namekians.
  • Humans can equip the Flying Nimbus and the Power Pole.
Sounds like Xenoverse 2 could end up being a step in the right direction.


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
So after being out of the loop with it, I looked what Xenoverse 2 brings to table and

Sounds like Xenoverse 2 could end up being a step in the right direction.
This pretty much fixes all my problems with the first one, nice to hear.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I have no ****ing idea who the ****ing **** Kingpin is
Just stay away from car doors and out of Hell's Kitchen and all will be fine.

Common big bad guy for Daredevil and Spider-Man. Very large mob boss type in a white suit.

Deleted member

I know. That's not my issue. My issue is a gay guy not liking gay marriage and seeing it as a privilege
It probably can still happen, people are taught to be hypocritical
Like women that believe in gender roles
Watch Daredevil you dip. Season 1's getting a Blu-ray so if you don't have Netflix you don't have an excuse in November
I honestly don't have any interest in ever watching Daredevil


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
I honestly don't have any interest in ever watching Daredevil
Why? It's an excellent show. My only negative thing to say about it is that it takes a few episodes before I get really hooked up for the 2 seasons that are currently accessible. But of course, that's just me (and some other people, probably).

I even have a Kingpin POP figurine.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Here's a question for everyone. Since there's still some pre-Olympics hype for 2020 and Nintendo's involved, here's a challenge.

Smash Olympics. Make a list of Smash characters who'd hypothetically be best at each event.

Rules: No character can compete in more than one event. Summer events only. Can be current or previous Smash characters.

Any takers? I'll post mine in a bit.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC
What happened to Leslie Jones was pretty bad. But I can't ignore the things she did which was worse than Milo did in my opinion. I recall one of her tweets literally saying get her to someone encouraging a dog pile.

Also it's funny seeing the people decrying Leslie Jone leaks as misogyny were the same ones oogling the nude photos of Orlando Bloom or Justin Bieber.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Here's a question for everyone. Since there's still some pre-Olympics hype for 2020 and Nintendo's involved, here's a challenge.

Smash Olympics. Make a list of Smash characters who'd hypothetically be best at each event.

Rules: No character can compete in more than one event. Summer events only. Can be current or previous Smash characters.

Any takers? I'll post mine in a bit.
Marth: Fencing
Sonic: 1XXX run
Wiifit: Gymnasium
I don't know any other sports

About Daredevil, my only issue is that Season 2 just bored me for longer than it should. That, and Daredevil's hypocritical moral code
Nobu DID turn out to be a zombie, but still, why didn't Matt consider killing him actually ****ing killing him?


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Here's a question for everyone. Since there's still some pre-Olympics hype for 2020 and Nintendo's involved, here's a challenge.

Smash Olympics. Make a list of Smash characters who'd hypothetically be best at each event.

Rules: No character can compete in more than one event. Summer events only. Can be current or previous Smash characters.

Any takers? I'll post mine in a bit.
I'll go ahead and do three myself as well:

Cloud: Weightlifting

King Dedede: Javelin Throw

Little Mac: Boxing (it had to be done. :p)
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?

I'll start with my answers:

1) Yes to all of them. I played through the game twice.

2) The music is pretty great for starters; lots of memorable tracks from what I can remember. I also found most of the characters in this game to be pretty enjoyable, and the easy-style gameplay allows Awakening to be a great first game for Fire Emblem newcomers. I also enjoy the option of grinding, as it can be pretty useful if you want to be better prepared for an incoming or stock up on more money. The graphics are also enjoyable for the most part, and even some of the art portraits look pretty nice. I also really liked most of the support conversations. So many of them do a great job fleshing out the backstories and personalities of certain characters to the point that you learn there's more to them that meets the eye (i.e. Gaius' supports not necessarily revolving around candy every time he talked).

3) Back then, I used to think Awakening had a good story... until I ready some analyses online that showed Awakening's story is pretty flawed. The issues in Awakening's plot largely comes from how the game approaches time travel (and the flaws regarding that is best explained in Ghast Station's "This is what happens in Fire Emblem Awakening" video). There are other story-related problems as well, but that's a primary issue I remember the most.

While the gameplay is also pretty fun for the most part, I will admit that it has some big flaws. For one, many maps in this game are just simple, open fields with nothing exciting to them. It also could've used some mission diversity. Almost every map is just "Rout the Enemy" or "Defeat the boss." While the pair-up mechanic is a pretty neat feature, it is also pretty broken many times. The Barracks feature was pretty dull for the most part.

4) I am yet to play older entries in the series, but from what I've gathered thus far, the gameplay and the story are definitely inferior compared to older FE titles. Would I say it's the worst Fire Emblem game of all time, or it has some redeemable traits? I can't really answer that for reasons previously stated, though I guess I'm one of those that would look at the bright side and say, "Hey, at least the game saved the franchise."

5) I'd say yes, very much so. Gameplay is perhaps the biggest improvement Fates made when compared to Awakening. Birthright uses the same gameplay ideas as Awakening, but it's highly improved. Not every map is an open field, and the pair-up mechanic is no longer broken, and it even has some interesting new gameplay ideas (such as Chapter 17's reversal on the village concept, or Chapter 19 where you need to split your units based on the capped stats of enemy units) . Almost the same thing can be said for Conquest and Revelation. Yet again, not every map is an open field, and the pair-up system is fair for both sides. Both versions also have much more mission diversity than Awakening and Birthright, and Conquest in particular has some excellent map designs.

I also think Birthright's story is better than Awakening. No time travel and a focus on a more straightforward plot allowed the story-telling to be far more consistent than the previous title, and I ended up having less issues with Birthright's plot compared to Awakening's. If there's one thing Awakening's plot does better than Birthright though, it's the world-building. As for Conquest and Revelation, I honestly disliked both of their stories more than Awakening's.

I also think the music, graphics, and art style was a huge improvement as well. There were more tracks I enjoyed in all three versions of Fates than in Awakening. As for graphics, the characters finally having feet is already one major sign of improvement, while for the art, it just looked better overall.

The My Castle feature was also really nice. It was a much better take on the "Barracks" feature from Awakening, and even grouping all of the weapons into a single store also made things more convenient: you didn't have to walk around to another side of the map anymore just to pick up a weapon or a staff you needed. I even think the multiplayer aspect was improved because of this. Now, visiting and battling other players felt more interesting because of the castle atmosphere, though I will admit the newly introduced online feature could definitely use some improvements.

6) Yes, I enjoyed Fates much more than Awakening. I already talked about why the gameplay is much better and more fun than Awakening, as well as how My Castle improves from the Barracks in Awakening.

I will admit there are some other things Awakening did better than Fates:

The villains definitely come to mind. Most of the villains in Fates were pretty forgettable for the most part. Hans and Iago were pretty much your generic Saturday-morning cartoon villains, and even Garon fits with them too. He could've been much better if they focused on his backstory more (specifically the part about his wives and mistresses and how this turned him into the villain he is now). The only villains that I truly liked in Fates were Zola and Anankos. I liked Zola because he actually goes through character development in Birthright, while Anankos had decent some backstory to him that made him a more enjoyable villainous dragon than Grima (though too bad you don't learn about Anankos' backstory unless you play the Hidden Truths DLC).

Awakening had more villains that I enjoyed overall, specifically Gangrel (this guy has really good dialogue), Aversa, Walhart, and Yen'fay. I will admit it does have some pretty disappointing antagonists though. I'm looking at you, Validar and Grima.

Also, I still think children did not have to come back for Fates. It was perfect for Awakening, but not for the following entry.

7) I can understand both sides. On one hand, the anime-style can be quite the turnoff for many, and the same can be said about the lackluster story and gameplay. On the other hand, I greatly appreciate Awakening's part in Fire Emblem's history and how it allowed the franchise to expand to even greater lengths than it previous did. If you had to ask me which side I'd take in this debate, it would probably be that. I still think Awakening is a pretty enjoyable game despite its flaws (not to mention this game is very nostalgic for me since it was the first Fire Emblem game I've every played), so I'd say the critical acclaim it received from critics is well deserved.
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The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Here's a question for everyone. Since there's still some pre-Olympics hype for 2020 and Nintendo's involved, here's a challenge.

Smash Olympics. Make a list of Smash characters who'd hypothetically be best at each event.

Rules: No character can compete in more than one event. Summer events only. Can be current or previous Smash characters.

Any takers? I'll post mine in a bit.
:4mario:High Jump
:4sonic:100m Dash


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
About Daredevil, my only issue is that Season 2 just bored me for longer than it should. That, and Daredevil's hypocritical moral code
Nobu DID turn out to be a zombie, but still, why didn't Matt consider killing him actually ****ing killing him?
I think it has to do with the fact that he didn't kill him willingly, it was more of an accident.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Here's a question for everyone. Since there's still some pre-Olympics hype for 2020 and Nintendo's involved, here's a challenge.

Smash Olympics. Make a list of Smash characters who'd hypothetically be best at each event.

Rules: No character can compete in more than one event. Summer events only. Can be current or previous Smash characters.

Any takers? I'll post mine in a bit.
*looks up list*

Beach Volleyball
Canoe Slalom
Canoe Sprint
Cycling BMX
Cycling Mountain Bike
Cycling Road
Cycling Track
Equestrian Dressage
Equestrian Eventing
Equestrian Jumping
Football (Soccer)
Gymnastics Artistic
Gymnastics Rhythmic
Modern Pentathalon
Synchronized Swimming
Table Tennis
Water Polo
Wrestling Freestyle
Wrestling Greco-Roman

41 sports, a little over 50 characters. Arrange as you will.

To be honest I'm a bit lost as to who should go where, as most sports fall well outside of most characters' expertise and the ones that do fit often have several sports fit the same characters (the Links, for one).

Little Mac in boxing I guess is kind of a no-brainer, though.
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Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Here's a question for everyone. Since there's still some pre-Olympics hype for 2020 and Nintendo's involved, here's a challenge.

Smash Olympics. Make a list of Smash characters who'd hypothetically be best at each event.

Rules: No character can compete in more than one event. Summer events only. Can be current or previous Smash characters.

Any takers? I'll post mine in a bit.
Archery: :4tlink:
Boxing: :4littlemac:
Weightlifting: :4wario2:
Fencing: :4marth:
High Jump: :4falco:
Long Jump: :4luigi:
Karate (It'll be at 2020): :4ryu:
Equestrian: :4link:

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?

I'll start with my answers:

1) Yes to all of them. I played through the game twice.

2) The music is pretty great for starters; lots of memorable tracks from what I can remember. I also found most of the characters in this game to be pretty enjoyable, and the easy-style gameplay allows Awakening to be a great first game for Fire Emblem newcomers. I also enjoy the option of grinding, as it can be pretty useful if you want to be better prepared for an incoming or stock up on more money. The graphics are also enjoyable for the most part, and even some of the art portraits look pretty nice. I also really liked most of the support conversations. So many of them do a great job fleshing out the backstories and personalities of certain characters to the point that you learn there's more to them that meets the eye (i.e. Gaius' supports not revolving around candy every time he talked

3) Back then, I used to think Awakening had a good story... until I ready some analyses online that showed Awakening's story is pretty flawed. The issues in Awakening's plot largely comes from how the game approaches time travel (and the flaws regarding that is best explained in Ghast Station's "This is what happens in Fire Emblem Awakening" video). There are other story-related problems as well, but that's a primary issue I remember the most.

While the gameplay is also pretty fun for the most part, I will admit that it has some big flaws. For one, many maps in this game are just simple, open fields with nothing exciting to them. It also could've used some mission diversity. Almost every map is just "Rout the Enemy" or "Defeat the boss." While the pair-up mechanic is a pretty neat feature, it is also pretty broken many times. The Barracks feature was pretty dull for the most part.

4) I am yet to play older entries in the series, but from what I've gathered thus far, the gameplay and the story are definitely inferior compared to older FE titles. Would I say it's the worst Fire Emblem game of all time, or it has some redeemable traits? I can't really answer that for reasons previously stated, though I guess I'm one of those that would look at the bright side and say, "Hey, at least the game saved the franchise."

5) I'd say yes, very much so. Gameplay is perhaps the biggest improvement Fates made when compared to Awakening. Birthright uses the same gameplay ideas as Awakening, but it's highly improved. Not every map is an open field, and the pair-up mechanic is no longer broken, and it even has some interesting new gameplay ideas (such as Chapter 17's reversal on the village concept, or Chapter 19 where you need to split your units based on the capped stats of enemy units) . Almost the same thing can be said for Conquest and Revelation. Yet again, not every map is an open field, and the pair-up system is fair for both sides. Both versions also have much more mission diversity than Awakening and Birthright, and Conquest in particular has some excellent map designs.

I also think Birthright's story is better than Awakening. No time travel and a focus on a more straightforward plot allowed the story-telling to be far more consistent than the previous title, and I ended up having less issues with Birthright's plot compared to Awakening's. If there's one thing Awakening's plot does better than Birthright though, it's the world-building. As for Conquest and Revelation, I honestly disliked both of their stories more than Awakening's.

I also think the music, graphics, and art style was a huge improvement as well. There were more tracks I enjoyed in all three versions of Fates than in Awakening. As for graphics, the characters finally having feet is already one major sign of improvement, while for the art, it just looked better overall.

The My Castle feature was also really nice. It was a much better take on the "Barracks" feature from Awakening, and even grouping all of the weapons into a single store also made things more convenient: you didn't have to walk around to another side of the map anymore just to pick up a weapon or a staff you needed. I even think the multiplayer aspect was improved because of this. Now, visiting and battling other players felt more interesting because of the castle atmosphere, though I will admit the newly introduced online feature could definitely use some improvements.

6) Yes, I enjoyed Fates much more than Awakening. I already talked about why the gameplay is much better and more fun than Awakening, as well as how My Castle improves from the Barracks in Awakening.

I will admit there are some other things Awakening did better than Fates:

The villains definitely come to mind. Most of the villains in Fates were pretty forgettable for the most part. Hans and Iago were pretty much your generic Saturday-morning cartoon villains, and even Garon fits with them too. He could've been much better if they focused on his backstory more (specifically the part about his wives and mistresses and how this turned him into the villain he is now). The only villains that I truly liked in Fates were Zola and Anankos. I liked Zola because he actually goes through character development in Birthright, while Anankos had decent some backstory to him that made him a more enjoyable villainous dragon than Grima (though too bad you don't learn about Anankos' backstory unless you play the Hidden Truths DLC).

Awakening had more villains that I enjoyed overall, specifically Gangrel (this guy has really good dialogue), Aversa, Walhart, and Yen'fay. I will admit it does have some pretty disappointing antagonists though. I'm looking at you, Validar and Grima.

Also, I still think children did not have to come back for Fates. It was perfect for Awakening, but not for the following entry.

7) I can understand both sides. On one hand, the anime-style can be quite the turnoff for many, and the same can be said about the lackluster story and gameplay. On the other hand, I greatly appreciate Awakening's part in Fire Emblem's history and how it allowed the franchise to expand to even greater lengths than it previous did, and if you had to ask me which side I'd take, it would probably be that). I still think Awakening is a pretty enjoyable game despite its flaws, so I'd say the critical acclaim it received from critics is well deserved.
Yes yes and yes
Most of the characters were good, the bunch of skills were pretty cool, the child units were done well and I like the more humour based direction the supports went
WAY too easy, story was poor, and I wasn't too glad about canonical bisexuals don't get samesex (Tharja and Kjelle)

Eeeeeh, it depends. I still believe FE7 is the best in the series, but I say it's on par with Sacred Stones
50/50. The gameplay as a whole was more enjoyable to me, though I didn't like having to look at EVERY character. The writing is a mess, but I love the personal skills and hope they return

Again, 50/50

It saved the franchise, and I'm grateful for that

Deleted member

Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compare to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?

I'll start with my answers:

1) Yes to all of them. I played through the game twice.

2) The music is pretty great for starters; lots of memorable tracks from what I can remember. I also found most of the characters in this game to be pretty enjoyable, and the easy-style gameplay allows Awakening to be a great first game for Fire Emblem newcomers. I also enjoy the option of grinding, as it can be pretty useful if you want to be better prepared for an incoming or stock up on more money. The graphics are also enjoyable for the most part, and even some of the art portraits look pretty nice. I also really liked most of the support conversations. So many of them do a great job fleshing out the backstories and personalities of certain characters to the point that you learn there's more to them that meets the eye (i.e. Gaius' supports not revolving around candy every time he talked

3) Back then, I used to think Awakening had a good story... until I ready some analyses online that showed Awakening's story is pretty flawed. The issues in Awakening's plot largely comes from how the game approaches time travel (and the flaws regarding that is best explained in Ghast Station's "This is what happens in Fire Emblem Awakening" video). There are other story-related problems as well, but that's a primary issue I remember the most.

While the gameplay is also pretty fun for the most part, I will admit that it has some big flaws. For one, many maps in this game are just simple, open fields with nothing exciting to them. It also could've used some mission diversity. Almost every map is just "Rout the Enemy" or "Defeat the boss." While the pair-up mechanic is a pretty neat feature, it is also pretty broken many times. The Barracks feature was pretty dull for the most part.

4) I am yet to play older entries in the series, but from what I've gathered thus far, the gameplay and the story are definitely inferior compared to older FE titles. Would I say it's the worst Fire Emblem game of all time, or it has some redeemable traits? I can't really answer that for reasons previously stated, though I guess I'm one of those that would look at the bright side and say, "Hey, at least the game saved the franchise."

5) I'd say yes, very much so. Gameplay is perhaps the biggest improvement Fates made when compared to Awakening. Birthright uses the same gameplay ideas as Awakening, but it's highly improved. Not every map is an open field, and the pair-up mechanic is no longer broken, and it even has some interesting new gameplay ideas (such as Chapter 17's reversal on the village concept, or Chapter 19 where you need to split your units based on the capped stats of enemy units) . Almost the same thing can be said for Conquest and Revelation. Yet again, not every map is an open field, and the pair-up system is fair for both sides. Both versions also have much more mission diversity than Awakening and Birthright, and Conquest in particular has some excellent map designs.

I also think Birthright's story is better than Awakening. No time travel and a focus on a more straightforward plot allowed the story-telling to be far more consistent than the previous title, and I ended up having less issues with Birthright's plot compared to Awakening's. If there's one thing Awakening's plot does better than Birthright though, it's the world-building. As for Conquest and Revelation, I honestly disliked both of their stories more than Awakening's.

I also think the music, graphics, and art style was a huge improvement as well. There were more tracks I enjoyed in all three versions of Fates than in Awakening. As for graphics, the characters finally having feet is already one major sign of improvement, while for the art, it just looked better overall.

The My Castle feature was also really nice. It was a much better take on the "Barracks" feature from Awakening, and even grouping all of the weapons into a single store also made things more convenient: you didn't have to walk around to another side of the map anymore just to pick up a weapon or a staff you needed. I even think the multiplayer aspect was improved because of this. Now, visiting and battling other players felt more interesting because of the castle atmosphere, though I will admit the newly introduced online feature could definitely use some improvements.

6) Yes, I enjoyed Fates much more than Awakening. I already talked about why the gameplay is much better and more fun than Awakening, as well as how My Castle improves from the Barracks in Awakening.

I will admit there are some other things Awakening did better than Fates:

The villains definitely come to mind. Most of the villains in Fates were pretty forgettable for the most part. Hans and Iago were pretty much your generic Saturday-morning cartoon villains, and even Garon fits with them too. He could've been much better if they focused on his backstory more (specifically the part about his wives and mistresses and how this turned him into the villain he is now). The only villains that I truly liked in Fates were Zola and Anankos. I liked Zola because he actually goes through character development in Birthright, while Anankos had decent some backstory to him that made him a more enjoyable villainous dragon than Grima (though too bad you don't learn about Anankos' backstory unless you play the Hidden Truths DLC).

Awakening had more villains that I enjoyed overall, specifically Gangrel (this guy has really good dialogue), Aversa, Walhart, and Yen'fay. I will admit it does have some pretty disappointing antagonists though. I'm looking at you, Validar and Grima.

Also, I still think children did not have to come back for Fates. It was perfect for Awakening, but not for the following entry.

7) I can understand both sides. On one hand, the anime-style can be quite the turnoff for many, and the same can be said about the lackluster story and gameplay. On the other hand, I greatly appreciate Awakening's part in Fire Emblem's history and how it allowed the franchise to expand to even greater lengths than it previous did. I still think Awakening is a pretty enjoyable game despite its flaws, so I'd say the critical acclaim it received from critics is pretty well deserved.
1-Yes to all

2-It's a good game to get into the series and I like the "build a broken unit" aspect that came along the skill system.

3-Story isn't anything special, balance is non-existant and most maps are just terribly designed with no mission variety and at least 70% of them being open fields. Four of them even being the "climatic" battles against major antagonists.

4-Yes, it's inferior to past games, mainly due to the previously mentioned statements and the cast not being as memorable. I wouldn't say it's the worst though

5-Gameplay wise, yes. Story wise, no. The maps are much better designed(though enemy placement is still an issue in Birthright). Story is just a mess though, I'm already tired of explaining why though

6-Conquest's maps, varied mission objectives and Chapter 10 a memorable cast and ESCAPE CHAPTERS

7-It's understandable the praise it gets from those that this is their first FE game though most seem to realize its flaws once they play the older games.

in Ghast Station's "This is what happens in Fire Emblem Awakening" video)
Man, I love that channel
"This is what happens in FE Conquest" is even better


Sep 12, 2014
Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?

I'll start with my answers:
  1. I don't own it anymore, but I used to and yeah I did beat it
  2. I thought the battling was addicting, as well as messing around with class upgrades, skills and children (aka breaking the game was fun)
  3. Kinda everything else? The characters were bland, the story was bland, the soundtrack was bland. Everything that wasn't tied to the gameplay was just kinda there. And even then, I get more mileage out of other Strategy games like Disgaea.
  4. I played a bit of Sacred Stones and that's it. I have no opinion on it.
  5. Never played it, don't think I will.
  6. N/A
  7. Well initially I was annoyed because people kept selling me the game as the next big thing and I ended up being underwhelmed. I don't think it was bad, just kinda there. It's a 3/5 from me.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC

Apparently, Sega is considering bring back old franchises.

Aside from SoR, I would love to see Shining Force get a second chance in the west with how FE is making SRPGs popular now and maybe a new Altered Beast game that doesn't suck (which at this point is kinda hard to do these days)

Any ideas for franchises you like to see get resurrected?
if you have to ask then i guess you just dont
understand understand, understand understand, understand understand the concept of love HUH
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