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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Deleted member

I finished the post game in Black
My next stop will be White 2, but I'm still not sure which starter I should pick, and since I already used Oshawott, the choice is between Snivy and Tepig. Which one should I choose?
(Sorry if I come off as an attention ***** btw)
Go with Tepig
Emboar hits hard and is bulky along good coverage which makes it a great Pokemon for Nuzlockes
Serperior was good from my experience but relied to much on setting up things like Toxic+Leech Seed and Coil with somewhat below average attacks and bad coverage. Still a really good Pokemon overall, but its more slow paced and when you use one throughout the entire game, it gets tedious
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Public Service Announcement!

Stranger Things is really really really really really really good! Like one of the best ever. It's so surreal and so gripping. If you have Netflix go watch it. NOW! It's that good.

Doesn't matter if you're even in to the supernatural stuff going on in the show, the show is brilliant. Please, anyone who hasn't watched it, do yourself a favor and do it now! It's only 8 episodes long too!
You forgot: "If you've ever liked 80s stuff, watch it".


Fantastic show.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
The new title has no relevance to anything. It's just something I noticed.

Yes I'm ****posting using the title change function. No I have no shame.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
The new title has no relevance to anything. It's just something I noticed.

Yes I'm ****posting using the title change function. No I have no shame.
It's no coincidence.

This place is a soap opera.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Well looks like Captain America is still doing questionable things in the comics.

Apparently he's killed the Red Ghost and his pet apes.
*insert Harambe meme here*


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
But if soap can't remove your stains, use the Sham Total.

Can't spell Smashboards, without the Sham Total.
It's a total sham
Some more words you can't spell Smashboards without:

-Mash (Vietnam confirmed)
-Ash (Kalos loss confirmed)
-Boa (Kaa confirmed)
-Oar (King K. Rool deconfirmed)
-Ard (Wallace and Gromit confirmed)
-DS (SSB5 DS VC confirmed)
-S (Snake reconfirmed)

I see everything.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Some more words you can't spell Smashboards without:

-Mash (Vietnam confirmed)
-Ash (Kalos loss confirmed)
-Boa (Kaa confirmed)
-Oar (King K. Rool deconfirmed)
-Ard (Wallace and Gromit confirmed)
-DS (SSB5 DS VC confirmed)
-S (Snake reconfirmed)

I see everything.
M-Boar (Dem Fire Fighters)
Dash (Incredibles 2 Kongfirmed)
Brash (Shoo-in @Azure Warrior )

Rash (It won't give you rashes, I repeat, it won't give you rashes.
Rashes confirmed)
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Commander: 'How did the Space Pirates come in possession of Metroids?'

Me: 'Uhhh....the Space Pirates have always had Metroids, this is no surprise by any means'

There's some questionable things in this game I have to be honest...


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Commander: 'How did the Space Pirates come in possession of Metroids?'

Me: 'Uhhh....the Space Pirates have always had Metroids, this is no surprise by any means'

There's some questionable things in this game I have to be honest...
Maybe this is earlier in the timeline?


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Maybe this is earlier in the timeline?
This game takes place after Prime 3...

The Space Pirates had Metroids in their possession in all three Primes as well as Metroid NES/Zero Mission...


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Well looks like Captain America is still doing questionable things in the comics.

Apparently he's killed the Red Ghost and his pet apes.
*insert Harambe meme here*
Ooooooh I can actually talk to someone about this.

I'm absolutely loving this arc so far, first off.

It very much seems like the Kobik-revised Cap is fine with killing so long as he sees it as being for the "greater good." Killing Zemo for his "warped version" of Hydra, the attempted murder of Jack Flag, killing Red Ghost so that Selvig can use his lab, etc...all to ultimately set up his final plan: killing the Red Skull.

I have to wonder if his "kill for the greater good" mindset came from his revised past about how his mom was killed in front of him.

I'm also glad that there hasn't been a Harambe joke online yet from what I've seen.

Professor Lexicovermis

Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2015
Pop Star
Bit of an odd question for people here: what color does my avatar's hair look to you?

On an unrelated note, the Humble Indie Bundle revealed the last three included games today. They are:

Hexcells Complete Pack: Three tile-centric logic puzzle games in one package. Contains well over 100 hand crafted puzzles and a random puzzle generator.

EXPAND: Maze-based game in which the labyrinth expands, contracts, and folds around you in order to cause disorientation.

Regency Solitaire: Solitaire with what appears to be visual novel elements? Not too clear on this one..

All this on top of what I posted a while ago:
Lethal League: A unique platform fighter/dodgeball hybrid. Play as bizarre characters and smash a ball at ludicrous speeds in the hopes of smashing your foes' faces in.

The Beginner's Guide: A narrative based game from the creator of The Stanley Parable. I don't know much about it.

Galak-Z: A top-down animesque shooter. Apparently features an endless mode and a roguelike mode. Again, not familiar with it personally.

Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime: A couch co-op based shooter. Control a spacenaut and manually aim your guns at foes. You can also play with an AI pet rather than a human copilot. Supports up to four players.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch: A lovely game about a normal human father and his family. Help Dad perform chores and spend time with his family in a heavily physics based game with a unique control system.

SUPER TIME FORCE ULTRA: An action platformer that involves time travel. Apparently you can jump back to help yourself in a form of self co-op. New to me.

Nuclear Throne: An action packed, real time roguelike with an emphasis on unique character traits. Play as one of many mutated weirdos and blast your way through a postapocalyptic wasteland. This is why I'm buying the bundle. It looks like an amazing game.
...I think this is a pretty great bundle! Check it out!


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
So I evolved a new Nidoking

This one has Earthquake, BUT it's fast attack is fury cutter

Fury Cutter has very low DPS

However, I noticed that Fury cutter attacks every .4 seconds and gives you 12 energy per hit

As opposed to Poison Jab which attacks every 1.05 seconds and only gives 7 energy per hit

...So, I was thinking maybe this Nidoking may actually be worth it

He wouldn't make a good gym guard, but maybe he'd make a good gym fighter


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
This sounds stupid. I hear Ultimate's Cap'n was bad, but this sounds bad too
Not only that, but unlike Ultimate Cap it's canon to the main marvel universe. :p
To offer a quick explanation and why I think it's actually a really good run so far: :p

Okay, so it all goes back to, funny enough, Mark Waid's run on Cap. In it, Red Skull gets his hand on a cosmic cube before Cap's shield severs his hand, making him drop and shatter the cube.

Recently Avengers Standoff happened, and to cut out a huge explanation, some cosmic cube fragments become a sentient being, named Kobik. Red Skull gets visited by Kobik at one point because, lo and behold, it's the same cosmic cube he held. She views him like a father. Naturally, Red Skull sees this reality altering being that's basically a six year old girl and raises her. Lies to her. Tells her Hydra is a great organization and the "good guys."

Kobik then sees Cap at Pleasant Hill about to be killed (at this point, he's an old man who has lost his super soldier serum. Long story), so she rewrites reality to make him a super soldier again. She also makes him Hydra, because according to her "dad," it makes peoples' lives worth living.

The only issue is Kobik sees Hydra as a humanitarian group based on the lies she was told, and as such, revives Cap to join HER version of Hydra.

Now Cap is disgusted that Red Skull's Hydra is not what Hydra is "supposed to be" and is playing a sort of long game/coup to kill the Red Skull and make Hydra how it "was," according to how Kobik revised his past.

Honestly I love this arc because despite being Hydra after Kobik happened, Steve's character still shines through in his defiance of things he feels aren't right. It's also a nice nature vs nurture/psychological abuse arc when looking at Kobik and her relationship with the Red Skull.

If Spencer sticks the landing (and I'm sure he will since he's a great writer) his run will be up there with Brubaker's, IMO.

SO YEAH, my perspective/a run down of what happened to Captain America. :p

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Milo Yiannopoulos on Leslie Jones hack: "I wish her all the best at what must be a deeply upsetting time"
Meanwhile Hitler's making refugee camps for jews getting hunted down, Freddy Kreuger is giving people therapy about bad dream, Joker's becoming a psychiatrist, Kingpin's fighting crime and the KKK is supporting blacklivesmatter
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Milo Yiannopoulos on Leslie Jones hack: "I wish her all the best at what must be a deeply upsetting time"
Meanwhile Hitler's making refugee camps for jews getting hunted down, Freddy Kreuger is giving people therapy about bad dream, Joker's becoming a psychiatrist, Kingpin's fighting crime and the KKK is supporting blacklivesmatter
I take it you don't like Mil Yiannopolis (However it's spelled)

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I take it you don't like Mil Yiannopolis (However it's spelled)
Milo actually SUPPORTED people harassing that actress. I hear he's a major racist aswell, but the fact is that he's pretending to be sympathetic about something he caused. Twitter PERMABANNED him after he supporting harassing Leslie Jones, and got banned previously for being racist at the gay shooting back a few months. (I somewhat understand the racism as he's gay, but no reason to to insult everyone that has the same race as the killer and wish them all death)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Milo actually SUPPORTED people harassing that actress. I hear he's a major racist aswell, but the fact is that he's pretending to be sympathetic about something he caused. Twitter PERMABANNED him after he supporting harassing Leslie Jones, and got banned previously for being racist at the gay shooting back a few months. (I somewhat understand the racism as he's gay, but no reason to to insult everyone that has the same race as the killer and wish them all death)
I support Milo

Leslie is the only one in the confrontation that has actually posted racist tweets, but because she's black and it was against whites "Black people can't be racist"

Milo just talks out against regressive movements such as feminists and BLM and that gets him labled as a racist

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I support Milo

Leslie is the only one in the confrontation that has actually posted racist tweets, but because she's black and it was against whites "Black people can't be racist"

Milo just talks out against regressive movements such as feminists and BLM and that gets him labled as a racist
Please. The people who go 'anti feminist' are worse than the idiots who sully the name feminism. Not to mention he actually made a charity for supporting white men due to them being considered normal and not getting extra benefits. In theory, it makes sense. Uuuuuntil he kept the money ergo scamming people harder than Inafune ever could

Deleted member

Not to mention he actually made a charity for supporting white men due to them being considered normal and not getting extra benefits. In theory, it makes sense
No, that doesn't make sense, even in theory
Honestly, he sounds like those people that say gay marriage is a privilege

Deleted member

To offer a quick explanation and why I think it's actually a really good run so far: :p

Okay, so it all goes back to, funny enough, Mark Waid's run on Cap. In it, Red Skull gets his hand on a cosmic cube before Cap's shield severs his hand, making him drop and shatter the cube.

Recently Avengers Standoff happened, and to cut out a huge explanation, some cosmic cube fragments become a sentient being, named Kobik. Red Skull gets visited by Kobik at one point because, lo and behold, it's the same cosmic cube he held. She views him like a father. Naturally, Red Skull sees this reality altering being that's basically a six year old girl and raises her. Lies to her. Tells her Hydra is a great organization and the "good guys."

Kobik then sees Cap at Pleasant Hill about to be killed (at this point, he's an old man who has lost his super soldier serum. Long story), so she rewrites reality to make him a super soldier again. She also makes him Hydra, because according to her "dad," it makes peoples' lives worth living.

The only issue is Kobik sees Hydra as a humanitarian group based on the lies she was told, and as such, revives Cap to join HER version of Hydra.

Now Cap is disgusted that Red Skull's Hydra is not what Hydra is "supposed to be" and is playing a sort of long game/coup to kill the Red Skull and make Hydra how it "was," according to how Kobik revised his past.

Honestly I love this arc because despite being Hydra after Kobik happened, Steve's character still shines through in his defiance of things he feels aren't right. It's also a nice nature vs nurture/psychological abuse arc when looking at Kobik and her relationship with the Red Skull.

If Spencer sticks the landing (and I'm sure he will since he's a great writer) his run will be up there with Brubaker's, IMO.

SO YEAH, my perspective/a run down of what happened to Captain America. :p
I don't mind it either, TBH. And there's definitely more thought but into than some other comic book twists that try to be super shocking...

Milo actually SUPPORTED people harassing that actress. I hear he's a major racist aswell, but the fact is that he's pretending to be sympathetic about something he caused. Twitter PERMABANNED him after he supporting harassing Leslie Jones, and got banned previously for being
Nah, Milo wasn't being "racist", rather he was just a jackass, if anything, Leslie Jones seemed to be particulary race baitey. He also didn't support her harrassment, it's just that he's saying that people on the internet are jerks. If you can't handle the heat, don't cook in the kitchen.

With that being said twitter is a private company and ban him if that's their descision, but what he was saying was pretty mild compared to most heated posts on social media and especially compared to what Milo usually does. Milo's always a jerk, no surprise there.

No, that doesn't make sense, even in theory
Honestly, he sounds like those people that say gay marriage is a privilege
Because he is. :p

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Hey guys... Is there any chance we can stop talking about Milo and move on to something else? As is, I already really dislike that guy after what happened when he got kicked out of a specific event this year and made a specific place look bad as a result...
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