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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
Not open for further replies.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Because of Sega wanting to bring back old franchises being brought up yesterday, are there other franchises you'd like to see brought back? Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Bomberman, Castlevania, Darkstalkers, Devil May Cry, Okami, Strider, Murasame Castle, Kid Icarus and Pulseman are ones I'd like to see get new and improved games
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Is that a weird green parasect?

I don't believe that leak, but I like that weird green Parasect
Last edited:

Deleted member

Because of Sega wanting to bring back old franchises being brought up yesterday, are there other franchises you'd like to see brought back? Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Bomberman, Castlevania, Darkstalkers, Devil May Cry, Okami, Strider, Murasame Castle, Kid Icarus and Pulseman are ones I'd like to see get new and improved games
  • Castlevania
  • Proper new Crash and Spyro games (*Prays that the upcoming Crash remasters sell well enough for Activision to consider a new game in that series*)
  • Darkstalkers
  • A proper DMC5
  • F-Zero
  • Jak and Daxter
  • Kid Icarus
  • The Last Blade
  • The Last Story
  • Mega Man
  • Metal Gear Rising
  • Murasame Castle
  • Okami
  • Punch-Out!!
  • Sin & Punishment
  • Strider
  • Viewtiful Joe

EDIT: And a new 2D Metroid game.
Last edited by a moderator:
Apr 19, 2015
Because of Sega wanting to bring back old franchises being brought up yesterday, are there other franchises you'd like to see brought back? Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Bomberman, Castlevania, Darkstalkers, Devil May Cry, Okami, Strider, Murasame Castle, Kid Icarus and Pulseman are ones I'd like to see get new and improved games
Jak and Daxter
Crash Bandicoot
Jak and Daxter
Ape Escape
Jak and Daxter
Mega Man
Jak and Daxter
Paper Mario RPG
And did I mention Jak and Daxter?
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Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?

2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?
1. Yes x3

2. The music, cutscenes, spotpass content (at least at launch),

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?
The story is the worst in the franchise, Kozaki's character designs, battle animations, character portraits, Robin is a downgrade from Chris IMO, the sheer amount of wasted potential the game had,

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?
IMO: 9 > 7 > 2/3/8/10/12 > 4/6/11/13/14 > 1/5

To be honest, I can't think of anything that stands out in particular compared to previous games in the series.

Story - Every other game did it better
Graphics - GBA games did sprites better, GC games did 3D better,
Gameplay - Well it's not slow like FE1 or unforgiving like FE5
Avatar - Chris gave players more options, albeit they were a tad OP,
Characters - Subjective in terms of actually liking them, but objectively there have been better written main characters
Difficulty - It's definitely one of the easier games in the series, but I still feel FE9 offered the most reward for learning mechanics,

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?
The story and graphics of Fates are both better than Awakening, but they still feel subpar compared to the rest of the series. Corrin is a more interesting character IMO than Robin and a few other lords, but I feel that's because they no longer count as an avatar per say. The music I don't find terribly memorable.

Pair Ups are more balanced, but the gameplay doesn't feel as exciting IMO. Leveling up doesn't feel as rewarding, or to put it a better way: units don't feel like they're filling the same roles as similar units did in previous games. A lot of the difficulty, at least in Conquest, I feel comes more from enemy units having access to skills/level gimmicks rather than map placement or having good stats.

Weapon Level EXP also feels a tad low, which is natural for having no durability, but that in an of itself feels pointless to have removed.

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?
Looking back I think I like Awakening better, if only for it's gameplay and music.

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?
I'm glad to see FE succeed among the mainstream, I just wish it wasn't with this title (though I do acknowledge much of it's success was to due to having an actual marketing campaign). Granted I wouldn't ever not recommend it, but I can't think of anything it did particularly well compared to other games in the series or that it's a good representation of the series as a whole.

Deleted member

Because of Sega wanting to bring back old franchises being brought up yesterday, are there other franchises you'd like to see brought back? Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Bomberman, Castlevania, Darkstalkers, Devil May Cry, Okami, Strider, Murasame Castle, Kid Icarus and Pulseman are ones I'd like to see get new and improved games
The Mother series and Mega Man
That's about it.

Deleted member

Because of Sega wanting to bring back old franchises being brought up yesterday, are there other franchises you'd like to see brought back? Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Bomberman, Castlevania, Darkstalkers, Devil May Cry, Okami, Strider, Murasame Castle, Kid Icarus and Pulseman are ones I'd like to see get new and improved games
● Chrono Trigger 3
● Metroid Dread
● Golden Sun 4
● F-Zero
● Pokémon Snap 2
● Tobal
● Advance Wars
● Murasame Castle
● SolatoRobo
● Darkstalkers
● Ghouls' n Ghosts
● Mega Man
● Klonoa
● Bomberman
● Silent Hill

Haven't played to most of the series I've quoted but I would like to see them getting revived, also their fans have my sympathy and wish for them to see a new entry soon.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I beat Resident Evil Revelations on Wii U today.

It was actually amazing and I'd recommend it to anyone.

Honestly one of my favorite games that I've played in a while.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Potential MCU leak. The last one turned out to be bogus, but keep in mind the original plot of Age of Ultron was leaked on 4chan close to an entire year before it was proven legit.

Spoilers for all Marvel Phase 3 films, and a bit of the next phase. No Netflix or tv stuff mentioned.


  • Test screenings have been very positive so far

  • The recent reshoots were to streamline Strange's training which takes up most of the second act, and also add a little more humor and a Tony Stark cameo

  • Kevin Feige is being particularly careful with this movie because Doctor Strange and Baron Mordo are supposed to become major recurring characters in the MCU going forward

  • The time stone is featured in the movie

  • The movie takes place simultaneously to the MCU, with Stephen Strange's accident happening shortly after Tony Stark returns from Afghanistan and his training spanning all the other movies

  • Mads Mikkelsen's character, Kaecilius, is aligned with Dormammu, who will have a bigger role in the sequels

  • There are already plans for a sequel with Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor certain to return, but there are no other developments as of right now

  • The casting of the Ancient One was complex because of how people perceive it as an stereotype and because of the association with Tibet in light of how the Chinese box-office is important to movie studios nowadays. Tilda Swinton was picked because of he unusual she looks

  • Ego is made out to be the main villain at first, but it is actually Ayesha, although Ego is also an antagonist. Taserface serves as a secondary foe

  • Sylvester Stallone and Sharon Stone are playing members of the Ancients, a race of immortal aliens that hire the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop Ego, as part of a bigger plan masterminded by Ayesha

  • Yondu and Nebula are joining the team alongside Mantis, who is Star-Lord's half-sister and a prisoner of Ego

  • The Nova Corps will make an appearance and the Kree will also have a larger role

  • Groot will remain child-sized for a large portion of the movie

  • There's a minor romantic subplot between Star-Lord and Gamora following the seeds planted in the first movie

  • Thanos won't appear in the movie, but will be referenced

  • There'll be no infinity stones, although they are referenced

  • The movie ending leads directly to "Avengers: Infinity War"

  • There are plans for a sequel, but James Gunn still isn't officially attached to write and direct, although Marvel wants him to direct.

    THOR 3

    • The movie will have a serious tone with little moments of humor, like "The Winter Soldier", which is being used as a template

    • Loki is the one that sends Hulk to the gladiator planet where Thor later ends up, Valkyrie is also a warrior in that planet and befriends Thor, but they don't actually become a couple although there's a spark between them

    • Jane Foster is not referenced at all in the script

    • Thor, Hulk and Valkyrie have to find the Soul Gem in order to defeat Loki and Hela, who has helped Loki usurp the throne, but is also planning to destroy the Nine Realms in the Ragnarok

    • Loki is eventually betrayed by Hela and helps Thor defeat her, but then betrays him as well and gives the Soul Gem to Thanos, as well as the location of the other Infinity Stones, for his own protection when Thanos launches his offensive on the universe

    • Skurge is Hela's champion, but he follows her under false pretenses, and turns against her when he finds out what her true plans are, holding off her armies alone at the cost of his own life to give Thor a chance

    • Surtur and the Fenris Wolf will appear, among others

    • Odin has been living as a vagrant on Earth ever since Loki usurped the throne and banished him. He gets his full power back in the final scene to battle the Ragnarok monsters

    • Sif, the Warriors Tree and Heimdall are returning. Heimdall dies

    • Doctor Strange will have a cameo


      • Very early stages of production, the studio is meeting with numerous potential directors

      • Carol Danvers will be introduced and get her powers in "Avengers: Infinity War" after an encounter with Kree technology during a battle with Thanos

      • Yon-Rogg will be the villain

      • Writers are still figuring out the supporting cast, but two characters already confirmed are Monica Rambeau and Karla Sofen

      • Although he won't be involved in her origin, there are discussions to include Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel from the comics

      • One of the biggest arguments is whether they should give Carol Danvers a romantic storyline in the movie. There's been talks of adding either Mar-Vell or her original firstg boyfriend Michael Barnett, or maybe even a version of Dr. Philip Lawson, Mar-Vell's secret identity, unaffiliated with Mar-Vell

      • The studio is really careful with this one, as they want Captain Marvel to become one of their stahlwart characters.
        • The studio originally planned for one big movie divided in two parts, but the Russos preferred to make them standalone stories that compliment each other

        • "Avengers: Infinity War" will center on the Avengers trying to prevent Thanos from assembling the Infinity Gauntlet. He arrives on Earth to reclaim the Mind Stone from the Vision and the Time Stone from Doctor Strange, leading to a vicious battle

        • The Avengers will still be fractured as the movie begins and will have to learn how to work together to stop Thanos

        • The heroes expected to appear are Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Winter Soldier, Black Panther and Doctor Strange, plus the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive to help in the third act of the movie

        • The Vision will be destroyed early on and the Mind Stone is taken

        • Carol Danvers is introduced in the movie as a soldier helping the Avengers fend off Thanos attack

        • The movie will end making it appear as if Thanos has been defeated, when he hasn't. He'll return with the full power of the Infinity Gauntled in the "Avengers 4" production, forcing all of Earth's heroes to join forces to stop him

        • Loki will be featured in both movies as Thanos' advisor, while secretly conspiring against him

        • Thanos will have a large army, the Deviants, to battle the Avengers

        • Scarlet Witch will be pivotal to Thanos's defeat
        Tentative titles for "Avengers 4" include "The Thanos Imperative", "Thanos War" and "Infinity Crusade"

        • "Infinity War" and its sequel conclude pretty much all overarching storylines from the MCU all the way back to "Iron Man", while planting the seeds for a new status quo that'll inform the next batch of movies.

  • ANT MAN 2
    • The movie will center on Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne on the run after the events of "Captain America: Civil War", trying to prevent the Ant-Man technology from falling into the wrong hands

    • Hank Pym will return, but apparently something will take him out of commission for a large portion of the movie

    • Luis will return, but the other two, Kurt and Dave, probably won't. Instead, they'll introduce a new batch of quirky criminal associates of Luis

    • Although they want to bring Cassie and her mother back, there's a strong possibility Bobby Cannavale's character gets written out of the movie

    • The original Wasp will appear, and although numerous actresses have been named like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michelle Pfeiffer, Julianne Moore and Sela Ward, there's no official shortlist and no offers have been made

    • Secretary Ross will also be featured here

    • Eric O'Grady will be featured as a government-sponsored Ant-Man

    • The villains are apparently heavily modified versions of Egghead and Whirlwind, with Egghead being Pym's nemesis back in the Cold War

    • There'll be more of the Microverse

    • It's apparently maintaining the mostly humorous tone and the elements of a heist movie

      • This is supposed to be an actual political thriller and Marvel's most serious movie by far

      • Erik Kilmonger is the main villain. He's a childhood rival of T'Challa and Wakanda's finest warrior. As such, he was supposed to become the Black Panther, who is basically Wakanda's chosen protector but T'Challa took the mantle to avenge his father, which Kilmonger views as T'Challa stealing his purpose, since once a warrior swears the oath and becomes the Panther, they're bonded until the warrior is slain or grooms a successor. So he conspires to usurp the throne alongside Ulysses Klaw

      • Nakia is T'Challa and Kilmonger's childhood friend and there's a love triangle between them

      • Kilmonger's plan involves the Accords, and amounts to triggering a war between Wakanda and the United Nations over their Vibranium reserves

      • Secretary Ross will be heavily featured and Stark is expected to appear as well

      • Bucky will have a supporting role and be brought out of ice

      • They'll heavily explore the mythology of the Black Panther and the traditions and customs of Wakanda

        • The movie has lower stakes in relation to other MCU movies and also a relatively lower budget

        • The movie centers on Peter Parker struggling to balance his private life and his superhero life. As Peter, he's trying to ask his longtime crush Liz Allan for homecoming dance and fitting in with being the new kid in a prestigious school he got in as a scholarship, while as Spider-Man he's handling his first real supervillain, the Vulture

        • Adrian Toomes, the Vulture, is a military scientist who creates a wingsuit using alien technology from "The Avengers", and gets fired from it. He eventually learns he needs it to live, steals it and goes on a rampage, killing his former superiors and trying to find a cure

        • The Tinkerer is a minor villain, a former Stark Industries inventor who's supplyig crooks with cutting-edge weaponry and is forced to help the Vulture. He gives weapons to Shocker and his gang, who are opening antagonists

        • Zendaya really is playing Mary-Jane, but that was a late addition from the latest script rewrite. At one point she really was "Michelle", an original character. She's Peter's classmate who has a crush on him, and they end up going to homecoming together. Like him, she's attending school on a scholarship. She'll be the main love interest in the sequels

        • Flash was also going to an original character, "Manuel", but was made into Flash in the same rewrite that made Michelle into MJ

        • There's no Jameson or Daily Bugle in the movie

        • Tony Stark's role in the movie is pretty minor and he doesn't appear as Iron Man. He gives Peter some life advice when it looks like he can't deal with his first supervillain

        • Stark mentions he's keeping the Accords off of Peter's back because he's only dealing with minor street crimes, but might not be able to protect him if he keeps branching out to dealing with supervillains

          • Marvel and Fox have improved relations lately, with Marvel authorizing that "Deadpool" feature a Helicarrier. Fox is holding on to the X-Men, but recognize they could be managing the property better, and there's talks of Marvel helping out with mapping out an expansive X-Men movie universe revamp that better uses the properties in exchange for getting the Fantastic Four back

          • Bucky was propped up as a potential replacement for Captain America back when it looked like Chris Evans wouldn't come back post-"Infinity War". He's since changed his mind, so Bucky is staying as the Winter Soldier for the time being, and might get a spin-off franchise. One of the ideas being discussed is pairing him with the Black Widow for a new movie, should Scarlett Johansson renew her contract, or maybe with Falcon given the positive reception to their dynamics in "Civil War".

          • Iron Man is considered the lead character of the MCU throughout the first three phases, and from phase 4 onwards, it'll be Cap and Black Widow (if Johansson comes back).

          • Even though Iron Man is extremely popular, they've decided against recasting him as RDJ became too ingrained in people's minds. They are, however, considering the possibility of another person taking up the mantle, although the most obvious candidate, Don Cheadle, is basically out of the running as he's getting too old and isn't popular enough

            MARVEL PHASE 4
            • Iron Man is expected to die in "Avengers 4" due to Robert Downey Jr.'s contract expiring and because it's the most logical resolution to his overarching storyline

            • Chris Evans has already renewed his contract for more movies, so Captain America won't die

            • Thor might die as negotiations with Chris Hemsworth are still ongoing

            • Hawkeye and Black Widow might also die, as negotiations are still ongoing. While it's likely that Scarlett Johansson will renew her contract, Jeremy Renner probably won't

            • The Hulk won't die and Mark Ruffalo is slated for further movies

            • In Phase 4, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch are expected to take even more prominent roles

            • There's interest in She-Hulk, but it's complicated due to Marvel Studios' arrangement with Universal Pictures over Hulk movies

            • There's interest in introducing Hercules to the movies

            • There will be a new overarching storyline that'll inform Phase 4, but Feige and his associates are still figuring out whether they'll do something as wide-spanning as Thanos again, or keep these big story arcs confined to each phase

            • With Norman Osborn now back in their catalogue, there is interest in further exploring the political aspects of the MCU with a version of the Dark Reign storyline, including the introduction of Sentry

            • There's also interest in a version of the Secret Invasion storyline which would be carefully laid out over several movies. If they ever do something as big and ambitious as Thanos, it would be this

            • Inhumans are still in development, but the recent falling-out with Ike Permultter, the biggest pusher for the project, and the Inhumans also being tangled up with the TV department through Agents of SHIELD means it's very likely they'll officially scrap it.

            • There's renewed interest in Thunderbolts after Suicide Squad wasn't quite what "trailers made it out to be"

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Potential MCU leak. The last one turned out to be bogus, but keep in mind the original plot of Age of Ultron was leaked on 4chan close to an entire year before it was proven legit.

Spoilers for all Marvel Phase 3 films, and a bit of the next phase. No Netflix or tv stuff mentioned.


  • Test screenings have been very positive so far

  • The recent reshoots were to streamline Strange's training which takes up most of the second act, and also add a little more humor and a Tony Stark cameo

  • Kevin Feige is being particularly careful with this movie because Doctor Strange and Baron Mordo are supposed to become major recurring characters in the MCU going forward

  • The time stone is featured in the movie

  • The movie takes place simultaneously to the MCU, with Stephen Strange's accident happening shortly after Tony Stark returns from Afghanistan and his training spanning all the other movies

  • Mads Mikkelsen's character, Kaecilius, is aligned with Dormammu, who will have a bigger role in the sequels

  • There are already plans for a sequel with Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor certain to return, but there are no other developments as of right now

  • The casting of the Ancient One was complex because of how people perceive it as an stereotype and because of the association with Tibet in light of how the Chinese box-office is important to movie studios nowadays. Tilda Swinton was picked because of he unusual she looks

  • Ego is made out to be the main villain at first, but it is actually Ayesha, although Ego is also an antagonist. Taserface serves as a secondary foe

  • Sylvester Stallone and Sharon Stone are playing members of the Ancients, a race of immortal aliens that hire the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop Ego, as part of a bigger plan masterminded by Ayesha

  • Yondu and Nebula are joining the team alongside Mantis, who is Star-Lord's half-sister and a prisoner of Ego

  • The Nova Corps will make an appearance and the Kree will also have a larger role

  • Groot will remain child-sized for a large portion of the movie

  • There's a minor romantic subplot between Star-Lord and Gamora following the seeds planted in the first movie

  • Thanos won't appear in the movie, but will be referenced

  • There'll be no infinity stones, although they are referenced

  • The movie ending leads directly to "Avengers: Infinity War"

  • There are plans for a sequel, but James Gunn still isn't officially attached to write and direct, although Marvel wants him to direct.

    THOR 3
    • The movie will have a serious tone with little moments of humor, like "The Winter Soldier", which is being used as a template

    • Loki is the one that sends Hulk to the gladiator planet where Thor later ends up, Valkyrie is also a warrior in that planet and befriends Thor, but they don't actually become a couple although there's a spark between them

    • Jane Foster is not referenced at all in the script

    • Thor, Hulk and Valkyrie have to find the Soul Gem in order to defeat Loki and Hela, who has helped Loki usurp the throne, but is also planning to destroy the Nine Realms in the Ragnarok

    • Loki is eventually betrayed by Hela and helps Thor defeat her, but then betrays him as well and gives the Soul Gem to Thanos, as well as the location of the other Infinity Stones, for his own protection when Thanos launches his offensive on the universe

    • Skurge is Hela's champion, but he follows her under false pretenses, and turns against her when he finds out what her true plans are, holding off her armies alone at the cost of his own life to give Thor a chance

    • Surtur and the Fenris Wolf will appear, among others

    • Odin has been living as a vagrant on Earth ever since Loki usurped the throne and banished him. He gets his full power back in the final scene to battle the Ragnarok monsters

    • Sif, the Warriors Tree and Heimdall are returning. Heimdall dies

    • Doctor Strange will have a cameo

      • Very early stages of production, the studio is meeting with numerous potential directors

      • Carol Danvers will be introduced and get her powers in "Avengers: Infinity War" after an encounter with Kree technology during a battle with Thanos

      • Yon-Rogg will be the villain

      • Writers are still figuring out the supporting cast, but two characters already confirmed are Monica Rambeau and Karla Sofen

      • Although he won't be involved in her origin, there are discussions to include Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel from the comics

      • One of the biggest arguments is whether they should give Carol Danvers a romantic storyline in the movie. There's been talks of adding either Mar-Vell or her original firstg boyfriend Michael Barnett, or maybe even a version of Dr. Philip Lawson, Mar-Vell's secret identity, unaffiliated with Mar-Vell

      • The studio is really careful with this one, as they want Captain Marvel to become one of their stahlwart characters.
        • The studio originally planned for one big movie divided in two parts, but the Russos preferred to make them standalone stories that compliment each other

        • "Avengers: Infinity War" will center on the Avengers trying to prevent Thanos from assembling the Infinity Gauntlet. He arrives on Earth to reclaim the Mind Stone from the Vision and the Time Stone from Doctor Strange, leading to a vicious battle

        • The Avengers will still be fractured as the movie begins and will have to learn how to work together to stop Thanos

        • The heroes expected to appear are Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Winter Soldier, Black Panther and Doctor Strange, plus the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive to help in the third act of the movie

        • The Vision will be destroyed early on and the Mind Stone is taken

        • Carol Danvers is introduced in the movie as a soldier helping the Avengers fend off Thanos attack

        • The movie will end making it appear as if Thanos has been defeated, when he hasn't. He'll return with the full power of the Infinity Gauntled in the "Avengers 4" production, forcing all of Earth's heroes to join forces to stop him

        • Loki will be featured in both movies as Thanos' advisor, while secretly conspiring against him

        • Thanos will have a large army, the Deviants, to battle the Avengers

        • Scarlet Witch will be pivotal to Thanos's defeat
        Tentative titles for "Avengers 4" include "The Thanos Imperative", "Thanos War" and "Infinity Crusade"
        • "Infinity War" and its sequel conclude pretty much all overarching storylines from the MCU all the way back to "Iron Man", while planting the seeds for a new status quo that'll inform the next batch of movies.

  • ANT MAN 2
    • The movie will center on Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne on the run after the events of "Captain America: Civil War", trying to prevent the Ant-Man technology from falling into the wrong hands

    • Hank Pym will return, but apparently something will take him out of commission for a large portion of the movie

    • Luis will return, but the other two, Kurt and Dave, probably won't. Instead, they'll introduce a new batch of quirky criminal associates of Luis

    • Although they want to bring Cassie and her mother back, there's a strong possibility Bobby Cannavale's character gets written out of the movie

    • The original Wasp will appear, and although numerous actresses have been named like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michelle Pfeiffer, Julianne Moore and Sela Ward, there's no official shortlist and no offers have been made

    • Secretary Ross will also be featured here

    • Eric O'Grady will be featured as a government-sponsored Ant-Man

    • The villains are apparently heavily modified versions of Egghead and Whirlwind, with Egghead being Pym's nemesis back in the Cold War

    • There'll be more of the Microverse

    • It's apparently maintaining the mostly humorous tone and the elements of a heist movie

      • This is supposed to be an actual political thriller and Marvel's most serious movie by far

      • Erik Kilmonger is the main villain. He's a childhood rival of T'Challa and Wakanda's finest warrior. As such, he was supposed to become the Black Panther, who is basically Wakanda's chosen protector but T'Challa took the mantle to avenge his father, which Kilmonger views as T'Challa stealing his purpose, since once a warrior swears the oath and becomes the Panther, they're bonded until the warrior is slain or grooms a successor. So he conspires to usurp the throne alongside Ulysses Klaw

      • Nakia is T'Challa and Kilmonger's childhood friend and there's a love triangle between them

      • Kilmonger's plan involves the Accords, and amounts to triggering a war between Wakanda and the United Nations over their Vibranium reserves

      • Secretary Ross will be heavily featured and Stark is expected to appear as well

      • Bucky will have a supporting role and be brought out of ice

      • They'll heavily explore the mythology of the Black Panther and the traditions and customs of Wakanda

        • The movie has lower stakes in relation to other MCU movies and also a relatively lower budget

        • The movie centers on Peter Parker struggling to balance his private life and his superhero life. As Peter, he's trying to ask his longtime crush Liz Allan for homecoming dance and fitting in with being the new kid in a prestigious school he got in as a scholarship, while as Spider-Man he's handling his first real supervillain, the Vulture

        • Adrian Toomes, the Vulture, is a military scientist who creates a wingsuit using alien technology from "The Avengers", and gets fired from it. He eventually learns he needs it to live, steals it and goes on a rampage, killing his former superiors and trying to find a cure

        • The Tinkerer is a minor villain, a former Stark Industries inventor who's supplyig crooks with cutting-edge weaponry and is forced to help the Vulture. He gives weapons to Shocker and his gang, who are opening antagonists

        • Zendaya really is playing Mary-Jane, but that was a late addition from the latest script rewrite. At one point she really was "Michelle", an original character. She's Peter's classmate who has a crush on him, and they end up going to homecoming together. Like him, she's attending school on a scholarship. She'll be the main love interest in the sequels

        • Flash was also going to an original character, "Manuel", but was made into Flash in the same rewrite that made Michelle into MJ

        • There's no Jameson or Daily Bugle in the movie

        • Tony Stark's role in the movie is pretty minor and he doesn't appear as Iron Man. He gives Peter some life advice when it looks like he can't deal with his first supervillain

        • Stark mentions he's keeping the Accords off of Peter's back because he's only dealing with minor street crimes, but might not be able to protect him if he keeps branching out to dealing with supervillains

          • Marvel and Fox have improved relations lately, with Marvel authorizing that "Deadpool" feature a Helicarrier. Fox is holding on to the X-Men, but recognize they could be managing the property better, and there's talks of Marvel helping out with mapping out an expansive X-Men movie universe revamp that better uses the properties in exchange for getting the Fantastic Four back

          • Bucky was propped up as a potential replacement for Captain America back when it looked like Chris Evans wouldn't come back post-"Infinity War". He's since changed his mind, so Bucky is staying as the Winter Soldier for the time being, and might get a spin-off franchise. One of the ideas being discussed is pairing him with the Black Widow for a new movie, should Scarlett Johansson renew her contract, or maybe with Falcon given the positive reception to their dynamics in "Civil War".

          • Iron Man is considered the lead character of the MCU throughout the first three phases, and from phase 4 onwards, it'll be Cap and Black Widow (if Johansson comes back).

          • Even though Iron Man is extremely popular, they've decided against recasting him as RDJ became too ingrained in people's minds. They are, however, considering the possibility of another person taking up the mantle, although the most obvious candidate, Don Cheadle, is basically out of the running as he's getting too old and isn't popular enough

            MARVEL PHASE 4
            • Iron Man is expected to die in "Avengers 4" due to Robert Downey Jr.'s contract expiring and because it's the most logical resolution to his overarching storyline

            • Chris Evans has already renewed his contract for more movies, so Captain America won't die

            • Thor might die as negotiations with Chris Hemsworth are still ongoing

            • Hawkeye and Black Widow might also die, as negotiations are still ongoing. While it's likely that Scarlett Johansson will renew her contract, Jeremy Renner probably won't

            • The Hulk won't die and Mark Ruffalo is slated for further movies

            • In Phase 4, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch are expected to take even more prominent roles

            • There's interest in She-Hulk, but it's complicated due to Marvel Studios' arrangement with Universal Pictures over Hulk movies

            • There's interest in introducing Hercules to the movies

            • There will be a new overarching storyline that'll inform Phase 4, but Feige and his associates are still figuring out whether they'll do something as wide-spanning as Thanos again, or keep these big story arcs confined to each phase

            • With Norman Osborn now back in their catalogue, there is interest in further exploring the political aspects of the MCU with a version of the Dark Reign storyline, including the introduction of Sentry

            • There's also interest in a version of the Secret Invasion storyline which would be carefully laid out over several movies. If they ever do something as big and ambitious as Thanos, it would be this

            • Inhumans are still in development, but the recent falling-out with Ike Permultter, the biggest pusher for the project, and the Inhumans also being tangled up with the TV department through Agents of SHIELD means it's very likely they'll officially scrap it.

            • There's renewed interest in Thunderbolts after Suicide Squad wasn't quite what "trailers made it out to be"
So...We aren't getting a Netflix Moon Knight or Ghost Rider Q.Q
Also I somewhat doubt this for one reason, Spiderman Homecoming is stated to be low budget here. Spiderman. THE Marvel superhero, One of the most iconic superheroes out there. Low budget. Marvel's known for pleasing fans with this (outside of Age of Ultron but whatever) so why make this low budget?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
So...We aren't getting a Netflix Moon Knight or Ghost Rider Q.Q
Also I somewhat doubt this for one reason, Spiderman Homecoming is stated to be low budget here. Spiderman. THE Marvel superhero, One of the most iconic superheroes out there. Low budget. Marvel's known for pleasing fans with this (outside of Age of Ultron but whatever) so why make this low budget?
I could see it for two reasons. One, the film is largely grounded, being a high school setting for most of it, so it wouldn't need a huge budget. Two, they'd likely want a high return on investment, just in case less people see it since it's the third iteration of Spidey in a decade. Just spitballing.


Everyone is ****ing dead
To be fair,
besides Tony, who's more specific, the rest of the "deaths" seem more like author speculation. Like, Hawkeye would probably just permanently retire, and maybe Thor would become king of Asgard, assuming Hemsworth doesn't renew. It'd be more logical conclusions to their arcs.

The only thing that seems fishy to me is one bit from Doctor Strange. It says his accident happened around Iron Man 1, but the WHIH Twitter account, which is MCU canon, said he was still a surgeon around Civil War. Though to be fair it's not a deal breaker, as WHIH likely didn't get the memo on info they're not privy to. :p

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I could see it for two reasons. One, the film is largely grounded, being a high school setting for most of it, so it wouldn't need a huge budget. Two, they'd likely want a high return on investment, just in case less people see it since it's the third iteration of Spidey in a decade. Just spitballing.

To be fair,
besides Tony, who's more specific, the rest of the "deaths" seem more like author speculation. Like, Hawkeye would probably just permanently retire, and maybe Thor would become king of Asgard, assuming Hemsworth doesn't renew. It'd be more logical conclusions to their arcs.

The only thing that seems fishy to me is one bit from Doctor Strange. It says his accident happened around Iron Man 1, but the WHIH Twitter account, which is MCU canon, said he was still a surgeon around Civil War. Though to be fair it's not a deal breaker, as WHIH likely didn't get the memo on info they're not privy to. :p
Except Tom Holland's Spidey has been so well-received it's unbelievable, not to mention the insane amount of hype when Spidey showed up in the Civil War trailer


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Except Tom Holland's Spidey has been so well-received it's unbelievable, not to mention the insane amount of hype when Spidey showed up in the Civil War trailer
Don't get me wrong, I agree there, but I'm just saying they probably want to make as much as possible just in case. I've still seen the "another Spidey reboot" mindset in people despite Holland's performance, haha.

That, and beyond the Vulture and Spidey himself, there's really not much of anything that NEEDS a high budget for Homecoming. Like I said, it's fairly grounded,


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
btw what made the huge MCU leak with the Netflix stuff fake?
LOTS of details about Doctor Strange were wrong, as was the identity of Star-Lord's father. Other things to, but that's what I remember.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
LOTS of details about Doctor Strange were wrong, as was the identity of Star-Lord's father. Other things to, but that's what I remember.
*probably means Ghost Rider needs to be popular enough in order to get his own show/movie now* RRRRRIP THE DREAM! I still need to start Agents of Shield. And I'm not even halfway through Batman TAS Q.Q At least I finally finished Flash


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Lets create some discussion regarding Fire Emblem Awakening:

1) Do you own the game? Have you played it? Did you beat it?
Yes to all.
2) What do you like about FE: Awakening?
Specifically to Awakening, the easy class changes, the avatar character, the music, the new pair up system,and the learning curve.

3) What do you dislike about FE: Awakening?
It's mainly "Rout the enemy". And the archers stink.

4) This largely branches from the previous question, but for those that have played older Fire Emblem entries, how would you say it compares to older entries in the series? Is it truly inferior to all of them in every aspect (in other words, do you think it's the worst Fire Emblem game in existence), or does it have some redeemable features that let it stand out from older titles?
For me, it brings Fire Emblem into the modern age. Casual mode is just the initial adaption to the times. The game is easier to understand, and you have more control over the characters, or in Robin's case, absolute control. Fire Emblem, to me, is about creating a tightly bound group of individuals and sending them against strategical problems. Each map is like a puzzle, and you must prepare to beat it. Awakening does give the option of preparing your pieces through grinding (Reeking Boxes), but that doesn't make it inferior compared to the other games.

5) Do you think Fates improved from Awakening? Why or why not?
Absolutely. The Pair Up system is nerfed and fine-tuned, the avatar character's class change is better, the characters are a little more varied, and the aesthetics are marvelous. It set out to improve everything Awakening did, and succeeded. AND THE MUSIC.

6) This connects from the previous question, but for those that have played both Fates and Awakening, did you like Fates more than Awakening? Why or why not?
While I adore Awakening, Birthright improves on it. Add Conquest in, and you have a superior set of games.

7) What are your thoughts about FE: Awakening's overall reception?
I enjoyed the casual response (Fire Emblem, popular?!?), but the hardcore response disappointed me. The game did have flaws, but the older fans act like it's the spawn of Satan or something. I dare them to find a major game series that hasn't had a drastic change over its lifetime. If games remain static entities, they can't attract new players, or try new things. This is really why I enjoy Miyamoto's philosophy of "if it can't stand on its own, don't make it". While that does lead to some duds, it prevents a CoD-like situation. Even Monster Hunter, a game that has generally stayed similar to its predecessors, has added Arts, Mounting, and even a more forgiving way to play the game (Prowlers).

I'm not disappointed with Awakening. I'm sad that a group of fans that I share a common interest with thinks that in order for something to be good, it has to remain static, homogeneous, and re-hashed. I don't want the same stuff over and over... I have the ability to enjoy a game more than a few times.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Well, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has been delayed...

I know it's only a little push and quality is important but it's been 3 years of waiting now...:sadeyes:
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Played a chapter of Kid Icarus Uprsing just for fun

Was reminded of 2 things

1. This game is still freaking awesome.
2. Ornes are absolutely terrifying, especially when they spawn right in your face :crazy:


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Well, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero has been delayed...

I know it's only a little push and quality is important but it's been 3 years of waiting now...:sadeyes:
I'm probably going to grab Axiom Verge...I've heard some decent things about it...

Also Jotun seems interesting, but that's probably because I'm a sucker for Norse Mythology...


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Played a chapter of Kid Icarus Uprsing just for fun

Was reminded of 2 things

1. This game is still freaking awesome.
2. Ornes are absolutely terrifying, especially when they spawn right in your face :crazy:
Ornes are some of the most terrifying eniemes I've ever seen in a game.
Their Idol description is pure nightmare fuel.


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
I could easily see the new Spider-Man being low budget. The Vulture's goals aren't demanding of a large scale conflict.

Besides, I'm a little tired of world-ending events. Two of the best superhero-villain conflicts in film were small in scale:

"The battle for Gotham's soul" in the end came down to the two boats and Dent holding three people hostage.

The most effective superhero movie based on an established property. (The Winter Soldier comes in at a close second)

Jackson's character more or less was fighting the hero the entire movie. No on-screen explosions, no yelling, one five minute fight with a thug. What resulted was one of the best superhero movies to date.

Arguably one of the best hero films ever made.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Because of Sega wanting to bring back old franchises being brought up yesterday, are there other franchises you'd like to see brought back? Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Bomberman, Castlevania, Darkstalkers, Devil May Cry, Okami, Strider, Murasame Castle, Kid Icarus and Pulseman are ones I'd like to see get new and improved games
- Advance Wars (plz Nintendo!) (also a return to the Wars World universe as opposed to the Days of Ruin universe)
- Golden Sun
- F-Zero
- Crash Bandicoot
- Pokemon Stadium/Pokemon Snap
● Chrono Trigger 3
● Metroid Dread
● Golden Sun 4
● F-Zero
● Pokémon Snap 2
● Tobal
● Advance Wars
● Murasame Castle
● SolatoRobo
● Darkstalkers
● Ghouls' n Ghosts
● Mega Man
● Klonoa
● Bomberman
● Silent Hill

Haven't played to most of the series I've quoted but I would like to see them getting revived, also their fans have my sympathy and wish for them to see a new entry soon.
You have good taste my friend.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
So, I was looking at Smash fanart when I found the latest version of this amazing roster.

Be honest: what characters would you main?

(Personally, I'd main Sans, SpongeBob and Mickey Mouse.:bee:)
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
You can play 6 man smash on dreamland 64. Whose idea was this? It is hell.

and why would classic mode allow it?

Also Marth is now my 4th most played in Smasn wii U. lol
So, I was looking at Smash fanart when I found the latest version of this amazing roster.

Be honest: what characters would you main?

(Personally, I'd main Sans, SpongeBob and Mickey Mouse.:bee:)

Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I really need to play some Anther's ladder, but I also really REALLY need to play some more Spyro 1. . . 1st world problems.

Burruni Burruni

Gilgamesh confirmed


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
I really need to play some Anther's ladder, but I also really REALLY need to play some more Spyro 1. . . 1st world problems.

Burruni Burruni

Gilgamesh confirmed



Totally unrelated.
Shoutouts to FFRK to have the first good remix of my favorite song in the series.
Last edited:

Deleted member

So, I was looking at Smash fanart when I found the latest version of this amazing roster.

Be honest: what characters would you main?

(Personally, I'd main Sans, SpongeBob and Mickey Mouse.:bee:)
I'd personally main Garnet
She'd be OP

Edit: I just realized Donald Trump is in this roster.
He'd be my punching bag.
Last edited by a moderator:

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
So, I was looking at Smash fanart when I found the latest version of this amazing roster.

Be honest: what characters would you main?

(Personally, I'd main Sans, SpongeBob and Mickey Mouse.:bee:)
Nabbit Antasma Fawful Vivian Dixie Kong Cranky Kong K.Rool Ashley Skull Kid Ghirahim Twinrova Tetra Ridley Sylux Rundas Trace Pandora Hades Phosphora BDee Galacta Knight Zoroark Darkrai Gallade Chandelure PorygonZ Chandelure Bisharp Gengar Roserade Kumatora Lyn Hector Black Knight Tom Nook Anna Starfy Takamaru Isaac Dillon Wonder Red Ray Mach Rider Riki Fiora Blaze Metal Sonic Vile Black Mage Gilgamesh Raiden Bomberman Chun Li Dante Pheonix Wright Viewtiful Joe Shantae Risky Boots Shovel Knight Lilac Peacock Valentine Miss Fortune Painwheel Scrooge Stitch Baymax Dio Joeseph Jotaro XJ9 Spidey Venom Antman Deadpool Black Panther

**** that's a lot of characters. Also calling bull**** that all the DC characters are Batman&co

Deleted member

Oh wait, Chandelure's on the roster?
Forget Garnet, Chandelure would easily be my main
I can't have my favorite Pokemon in Smash without maining it
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