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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2014
Well ****. Over the course of my Smashboards life, I've only used two avatars:

* Derpy Toad
* Derpy Mario
* Junkrat

Perhaps it's time for a change of avatar...

EDIT: Scratch that, added Junkrat to the list.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
I personally think that the Warriors of Light from Bravely Default have too much moveset potential to tie down any single moveset.

Now add 400 characters to that movepool.

I would blow my own brain up if I tried.

Playing more Kid Icarus Uprising because I am away from home for a bit
Absolutely godlike.

There needs to be more fanart of Dark Pit with an acoustic guitar. Or maybe a smash mod
There needs to be fanart with Dark Pit in one of Reaper's mariachi outfits.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'll do my moveset as well...

Jab: Multiple wrench attacks (Andy)
ftilt: Stick Attack (Gold)
utilt: Growth (Isaac)
dtilt: Spin Attack (Crash)
dash attack: Young Link's roll attack
Usmash: Cloud's Usmash (Zack)
Fsmash: Roy's Fsmash
Dsmash: Ganondorf's Dsmash
Uthrow: Throws opponent upwards and shoots a fire arrow (Young Link)
Fthrow: Grab and then Spin Attack to send the opponent away (Crash)
Bthrow: Use Move to throw opponent the other way (Isaac)
Dthrow: Repeatedly whack opponent with wrench on the floor (Andy)
Nair: Roy's Nair
Fair: Gets Infantry to shoot in mid air (Andy)
Bair: Ganondorf's Bair
Uair: Spinning wrench attack (Andy)
Dair: Cloud's Dair (Zack)
B: Artillery (Andy)
SideB: Move (Isaac)
UpB: Bomber (Andy)
DownB: Bombchu (Young Link)
Final Smash: Mother Gaia (Isaac)
Taunt: Laugh and Smirk (Gary Oak)

Now where's my support thread at?
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
- Sans
- Itsuki Aoi
- Sargaritas (Cute demon, but far from the strongest summon in Samon's arsenal)
- Yashiro Tsurugi
- Tsubasa Oribe
- @Knuckles the Knuckles
- Mara (If only this site had nothing against powerful penis demons)
- Flowey
- Kasturagi
- Bubbles (Unfortunately the **** version from the reboot)
- Yuri Kozukata (The best Fatal Frame protagonist)
- And the best character of all time! Muffet

Jab: Punch, punch, kick
Side Tilt: Hell Thrust
Up Tilt: Upskirt Kick
Down Tilt: Sweep Slice
Dash Attack: Golden Dong Chariot
Side Smash: Friendliness Pellets
Up Smash: Bone Cage
Down Smash: Cup of Spiders
Neutral Aerial: Hat Spin
Forward Aerial: Shortcut phase
Backward Aerial: Zionga
Down Aerial: Give Me!
Up Aerial: Dragon Rise
Grab: Telekinesis
Pummel: Going for the Throat
Side Throw: Fire Dunk
Up Throw: Bone Throw
Down Throw: Dragon Smash
Back Throw: Spider Storm

Neutral; Special: Gaster Blaster
Self explanatory laser of death from the mouth of Gaster's best invention.

Side Special: Dragon Wheel Mode
With my shinobi powers, my iron boots mechanically rise thanks to the chi gathered to form deadly wind wheels. My kicks are deadlier than before and I can fire Rankyakus at will.

Up Special: Spider Web
I create a spider web which I can leave as a trap then rise into the air thanks to my spinnerets. Pressing the track button again can summon more spiders to attack and rare chances would involve my "special muffin pet).

Down Special: Rakukaja
Raising my defense to make fights less dangerous. Easily one of the best SMT spells.

Final Smash: Your Best Nightmare

I manifest the 6 human souls to become Omega Aussie, the most ****ed, photorealistic Australian girl you would ever see. Watch out for my falling Aussie bombs, maneating Australian flies, more Friendliness pellets, lazars, killer brush vines, and taunting you with my "best" faces.

Moveset done.
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"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
Potential MCU leak. The last one turned out to be bogus, but keep in mind the original plot of Age of Ultron was leaked on 4chan close to an entire year before it was proven legit.

Spoilers for all Marvel Phase 3 films, and a bit of the next phase. No Netflix or tv stuff mentioned.


  • Test screenings have been very positive so far

  • The recent reshoots were to streamline Strange's training which takes up most of the second act, and also add a little more humor and a Tony Stark cameo

  • Kevin Feige is being particularly careful with this movie because Doctor Strange and Baron Mordo are supposed to become major recurring characters in the MCU going forward

  • The time stone is featured in the movie

  • The movie takes place simultaneously to the MCU, with Stephen Strange's accident happening shortly after Tony Stark returns from Afghanistan and his training spanning all the other movies

  • Mads Mikkelsen's character, Kaecilius, is aligned with Dormammu, who will have a bigger role in the sequels

  • There are already plans for a sequel with Benedict Cumberbatch and Chiwetel Ejiofor certain to return, but there are no other developments as of right now

  • The casting of the Ancient One was complex because of how people perceive it as an stereotype and because of the association with Tibet in light of how the Chinese box-office is important to movie studios nowadays. Tilda Swinton was picked because of he unusual she looks

  • Ego is made out to be the main villain at first, but it is actually Ayesha, although Ego is also an antagonist. Taserface serves as a secondary foe

  • Sylvester Stallone and Sharon Stone are playing members of the Ancients, a race of immortal aliens that hire the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop Ego, as part of a bigger plan masterminded by Ayesha

  • Yondu and Nebula are joining the team alongside Mantis, who is Star-Lord's half-sister and a prisoner of Ego

  • The Nova Corps will make an appearance and the Kree will also have a larger role

  • Groot will remain child-sized for a large portion of the movie

  • There's a minor romantic subplot between Star-Lord and Gamora following the seeds planted in the first movie

  • Thanos won't appear in the movie, but will be referenced

  • There'll be no infinity stones, although they are referenced

  • The movie ending leads directly to "Avengers: Infinity War"

  • There are plans for a sequel, but James Gunn still isn't officially attached to write and direct, although Marvel wants him to direct.

    THOR 3
    • The movie will have a serious tone with little moments of humor, like "The Winter Soldier", which is being used as a template

    • Loki is the one that sends Hulk to the gladiator planet where Thor later ends up, Valkyrie is also a warrior in that planet and befriends Thor, but they don't actually become a couple although there's a spark between them

    • Jane Foster is not referenced at all in the script

    • Thor, Hulk and Valkyrie have to find the Soul Gem in order to defeat Loki and Hela, who has helped Loki usurp the throne, but is also planning to destroy the Nine Realms in the Ragnarok

    • Loki is eventually betrayed by Hela and helps Thor defeat her, but then betrays him as well and gives the Soul Gem to Thanos, as well as the location of the other Infinity Stones, for his own protection when Thanos launches his offensive on the universe

    • Skurge is Hela's champion, but he follows her under false pretenses, and turns against her when he finds out what her true plans are, holding off her armies alone at the cost of his own life to give Thor a chance

    • Surtur and the Fenris Wolf will appear, among others

    • Odin has been living as a vagrant on Earth ever since Loki usurped the throne and banished him. He gets his full power back in the final scene to battle the Ragnarok monsters

    • Sif, the Warriors Tree and Heimdall are returning. Heimdall dies

    • Doctor Strange will have a cameo

      • Very early stages of production, the studio is meeting with numerous potential directors

      • Carol Danvers will be introduced and get her powers in "Avengers: Infinity War" after an encounter with Kree technology during a battle with Thanos

      • Yon-Rogg will be the villain

      • Writers are still figuring out the supporting cast, but two characters already confirmed are Monica Rambeau and Karla Sofen

      • Although he won't be involved in her origin, there are discussions to include Mar-Vell, the original Captain Marvel from the comics

      • One of the biggest arguments is whether they should give Carol Danvers a romantic storyline in the movie. There's been talks of adding either Mar-Vell or her original firstg boyfriend Michael Barnett, or maybe even a version of Dr. Philip Lawson, Mar-Vell's secret identity, unaffiliated with Mar-Vell

      • The studio is really careful with this one, as they want Captain Marvel to become one of their stahlwart characters.
        • The studio originally planned for one big movie divided in two parts, but the Russos preferred to make them standalone stories that compliment each other

        • "Avengers: Infinity War" will center on the Avengers trying to prevent Thanos from assembling the Infinity Gauntlet. He arrives on Earth to reclaim the Mind Stone from the Vision and the Time Stone from Doctor Strange, leading to a vicious battle

        • The Avengers will still be fractured as the movie begins and will have to learn how to work together to stop Thanos

        • The heroes expected to appear are Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Winter Soldier, Black Panther and Doctor Strange, plus the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive to help in the third act of the movie

        • The Vision will be destroyed early on and the Mind Stone is taken

        • Carol Danvers is introduced in the movie as a soldier helping the Avengers fend off Thanos attack

        • The movie will end making it appear as if Thanos has been defeated, when he hasn't. He'll return with the full power of the Infinity Gauntled in the "Avengers 4" production, forcing all of Earth's heroes to join forces to stop him

        • Loki will be featured in both movies as Thanos' advisor, while secretly conspiring against him

        • Thanos will have a large army, the Deviants, to battle the Avengers

        • Scarlet Witch will be pivotal to Thanos's defeat
        Tentative titles for "Avengers 4" include "The Thanos Imperative", "Thanos War" and "Infinity Crusade"
        • "Infinity War" and its sequel conclude pretty much all overarching storylines from the MCU all the way back to "Iron Man", while planting the seeds for a new status quo that'll inform the next batch of movies.

  • ANT MAN 2
    • The movie will center on Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne on the run after the events of "Captain America: Civil War", trying to prevent the Ant-Man technology from falling into the wrong hands

    • Hank Pym will return, but apparently something will take him out of commission for a large portion of the movie

    • Luis will return, but the other two, Kurt and Dave, probably won't. Instead, they'll introduce a new batch of quirky criminal associates of Luis

    • Although they want to bring Cassie and her mother back, there's a strong possibility Bobby Cannavale's character gets written out of the movie

    • The original Wasp will appear, and although numerous actresses have been named like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michelle Pfeiffer, Julianne Moore and Sela Ward, there's no official shortlist and no offers have been made

    • Secretary Ross will also be featured here

    • Eric O'Grady will be featured as a government-sponsored Ant-Man

    • The villains are apparently heavily modified versions of Egghead and Whirlwind, with Egghead being Pym's nemesis back in the Cold War

    • There'll be more of the Microverse

    • It's apparently maintaining the mostly humorous tone and the elements of a heist movie

      • This is supposed to be an actual political thriller and Marvel's most serious movie by far

      • Erik Kilmonger is the main villain. He's a childhood rival of T'Challa and Wakanda's finest warrior. As such, he was supposed to become the Black Panther, who is basically Wakanda's chosen protector but T'Challa took the mantle to avenge his father, which Kilmonger views as T'Challa stealing his purpose, since once a warrior swears the oath and becomes the Panther, they're bonded until the warrior is slain or grooms a successor. So he conspires to usurp the throne alongside Ulysses Klaw

      • Nakia is T'Challa and Kilmonger's childhood friend and there's a love triangle between them

      • Kilmonger's plan involves the Accords, and amounts to triggering a war between Wakanda and the United Nations over their Vibranium reserves

      • Secretary Ross will be heavily featured and Stark is expected to appear as well

      • Bucky will have a supporting role and be brought out of ice

      • They'll heavily explore the mythology of the Black Panther and the traditions and customs of Wakanda

        • The movie has lower stakes in relation to other MCU movies and also a relatively lower budget

        • The movie centers on Peter Parker struggling to balance his private life and his superhero life. As Peter, he's trying to ask his longtime crush Liz Allan for homecoming dance and fitting in with being the new kid in a prestigious school he got in as a scholarship, while as Spider-Man he's handling his first real supervillain, the Vulture

        • Adrian Toomes, the Vulture, is a military scientist who creates a wingsuit using alien technology from "The Avengers", and gets fired from it. He eventually learns he needs it to live, steals it and goes on a rampage, killing his former superiors and trying to find a cure

        • The Tinkerer is a minor villain, a former Stark Industries inventor who's supplyig crooks with cutting-edge weaponry and is forced to help the Vulture. He gives weapons to Shocker and his gang, who are opening antagonists

        • Zendaya really is playing Mary-Jane, but that was a late addition from the latest script rewrite. At one point she really was "Michelle", an original character. She's Peter's classmate who has a crush on him, and they end up going to homecoming together. Like him, she's attending school on a scholarship. She'll be the main love interest in the sequels

        • Flash was also going to an original character, "Manuel", but was made into Flash in the same rewrite that made Michelle into MJ

        • There's no Jameson or Daily Bugle in the movie

        • Tony Stark's role in the movie is pretty minor and he doesn't appear as Iron Man. He gives Peter some life advice when it looks like he can't deal with his first supervillain

        • Stark mentions he's keeping the Accords off of Peter's back because he's only dealing with minor street crimes, but might not be able to protect him if he keeps branching out to dealing with supervillains

          • Marvel and Fox have improved relations lately, with Marvel authorizing that "Deadpool" feature a Helicarrier. Fox is holding on to the X-Men, but recognize they could be managing the property better, and there's talks of Marvel helping out with mapping out an expansive X-Men movie universe revamp that better uses the properties in exchange for getting the Fantastic Four back

          • Bucky was propped up as a potential replacement for Captain America back when it looked like Chris Evans wouldn't come back post-"Infinity War". He's since changed his mind, so Bucky is staying as the Winter Soldier for the time being, and might get a spin-off franchise. One of the ideas being discussed is pairing him with the Black Widow for a new movie, should Scarlett Johansson renew her contract, or maybe with Falcon given the positive reception to their dynamics in "Civil War".

          • Iron Man is considered the lead character of the MCU throughout the first three phases, and from phase 4 onwards, it'll be Cap and Black Widow (if Johansson comes back).

          • Even though Iron Man is extremely popular, they've decided against recasting him as RDJ became too ingrained in people's minds. They are, however, considering the possibility of another person taking up the mantle, although the most obvious candidate, Don Cheadle, is basically out of the running as he's getting too old and isn't popular enough

            MARVEL PHASE 4
            • Iron Man is expected to die in "Avengers 4" due to Robert Downey Jr.'s contract expiring and because it's the most logical resolution to his overarching storyline

            • Chris Evans has already renewed his contract for more movies, so Captain America won't die

            • Thor might die as negotiations with Chris Hemsworth are still ongoing

            • Hawkeye and Black Widow might also die, as negotiations are still ongoing. While it's likely that Scarlett Johansson will renew her contract, Jeremy Renner probably won't

            • The Hulk won't die and Mark Ruffalo is slated for further movies

            • In Phase 4, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch are expected to take even more prominent roles

            • There's interest in She-Hulk, but it's complicated due to Marvel Studios' arrangement with Universal Pictures over Hulk movies

            • There's interest in introducing Hercules to the movies

            • There will be a new overarching storyline that'll inform Phase 4, but Feige and his associates are still figuring out whether they'll do something as wide-spanning as Thanos again, or keep these big story arcs confined to each phase

            • With Norman Osborn now back in their catalogue, there is interest in further exploring the political aspects of the MCU with a version of the Dark Reign storyline, including the introduction of Sentry

            • There's also interest in a version of the Secret Invasion storyline which would be carefully laid out over several movies. If they ever do something as big and ambitious as Thanos, it would be this

            • Inhumans are still in development, but the recent falling-out with Ike Permultter, the biggest pusher for the project, and the Inhumans also being tangled up with the TV department through Agents of SHIELD means it's very likely they'll officially scrap it.

            • There's renewed interest in Thunderbolts after Suicide Squad wasn't quite what "trailers made it out to be"
>Avengers 4 title could be Thanos Imperative


Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
**** IT! My moveset!
Jab: 2 punches and a roundhouse kick
ftilt: Swings with a basket
utilt: Points a Poison staff upwards
dtilt: Slashes with an axe-shaped weapon
dash attack: slashes with a sword in mouth
Usmash: Swings a giant purple hammer that has electric elements
Fsmash: a reverse roundhouse kick with lots of start up, but VERY powerful
Dsmash: Bashes with a shield in front and then stabs behind self
Uthrow: an upward slash with a reverse grip
Fthrow: Whacks foe with bottle of wine and then flames come out
Bthrow: catapults foe behind self with webbing
Dthrow: Trips foe and shoots with a machine gun
Nair: Makes an acrobatic strike
Fair: Swinging kick
Bair: Greninja's Bair
Dair: Stall and fall with a kunai instead of a kick
B: Zect Mizer, has to fully charge which takes a while, but shoots tiny robots that function like the Hornet's Nest for a short amount of time
SideB: Emperor Moon Break, command grab. Hover slightly in direction that was held, if connects, fangs pop out of legs and lash out
UpB: makes a dimensional rift to teleport
DownB: Clock Up, becomes faster, reduces start up and endlag, but takes extra damage and deals slightly less damage. Takes a long time to charge up again
Final Smash: Trapping move, slashes with Zanvat Sword, if the foe has 100%, they shatter and lose a stock

Just realized I forgot taunts.
Utaunt: My trademark Peri gif
Staunt: Does the iconic Jojo Sakurai mimicked while murmuring 'gogogogogo' under my breath
Dtaunt: Says "Grandmother once said knock yo ass out"

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
- Wii Fit Trainer
- Papyrus

- Ivysaur
- Squirtle
- Donkey Kong
- Chara
- Jasper
- Senior Pink
- God Usopp
- King Louie (Gigantopithicus version)
- Ukraine
- Takamaru
- Taro Yamada
- Ike
- Trebol
- Weegee
- Princess Daisy
- Phoenix Wright
- Ganon (The "You must die!" version)
- Zor
- Zomom
- Bug!
- Honey (Not the cat, the sexy human popstar from Fighting Vipers)
- The GG's (Gum, Boogie, and Rhyth)
- Koro-Sensei
- Knuckles
- K. Rool
-Dr. Robotnik

Jab: Objection!
Side Tilt: Bug Stinger
Up Tilt: Usopp Hammer
Down Tilt: Ike's Down Tilt
Dash Attack: Neko Punch
Side Smash: Knuckles Punch
Up Smash: Rake Swing
Down Smash: Shadow Bats
Neutral Aerial: Tornado Spin
Forward Aerial: Jet Set Tricks
Backward Aerial: Uki Charge
Down Aerial: Crystal Smash
Up Aerial: Hotsauce Star
Grab: DK's Grab
Pummel: Pingas!
Side Throw: Beta Beta Chain - Beta Betton Meteor
Up Throw: Nurufufufu Whirl
Down Throw: Charizard's Down Throw
Back Throw: Baby Buster Suplex

Neutral Special: Weegee Stare
Stares at the foe to briefly give them the same face as me, making them paralyzes and obey Weegee (being my *****).

Side Special: I Wanna Be Like You
I sing about how I wanna be human, thus spamming my fists to both sides of me in joy. Though if you interrupt my song, the Bandar-Log would attack you out of nowhere.

Up Special: Mach 5 Dash
I dash at the speed of Mach 5 to ram my foes. This move can be spammed multiple times until I hit something or I run out of tries.

Down Special: Impact Dial
Like any other God, I use the second best dial from Skypia. Anyone that hits me with be blown away by the force of the dial absorbed (Not to be confused with a Reject Dial)

Final Smash: Determination

As the Fallen Child, I will give you one chance to be my *****. If you say no, I jumpscare you while the screen flashes red before the game instantly crashes (thus killing you in one hit). Everything will be revived eventually, but there will be a chosen one in another timeline that I can easily take over.


1: I brag about how I'm the Great Papyrus while holding a plate of spaghetti.
2: I say Ganon's infamous "You will die!" quote with the appropriate ugly face.
3. Wii Fit Trainer's Down Taunt.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Feel upset I'm the only one who made a moveset for themself
I've made a move set for the character in my avatar

Who is essentially the digital incarnation of me

Lol, his B attack is "Pseye beam"


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Oh and I forgot my taunts as well.

Up Taunt: I shrug and wink while saying, * see, i told ya that you're having a bad time. *
Side Taunt: I bend over while saying "Tsubasa-san desu ka?" then jump into the air with hearts flying (A reference to Tsubasa's sexy pose animation)
Down Taunt: I ramble about having to punish my foes if they happen to have big boobs, with the appropriate gestures (like my blonde dragon bae).

Neutral Special: Weegee Stare
Stares at the foe to briefly give them the same face as me, making them paralyzes and obey Weegee (being my *****).

Side Special: I Wanna Be Like You
I sing about how I wanna be human, thus spamming my fists to both sides of me in joy. Though if you interrupt my song, the Bandar-Log would attack you out of nowhere.

Up Special: Mach 5 Dash
I dash at the speed of Mach 5 to ram my foes. This move can be spammed multiple times until I hit something or I run out of tries.

Down Special: Impact Dial
Like any other God, I use the second best dial from Skypia. Anyone that hits me with be blown away by the force of the dial absorbed (Not to be confused with a Reject Dial)

Final Smash: Determination

As the Fallen Child, I will give you one chance to be my *****. If you say no, I jumpscare you while the screen flashes red before the game instantly crashes (thus killing you in one hit). Everything will be revived eventually, but there will be a chosen one in another timeline that I can easily take over.

That moveset is the very definition of broken.



「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
|Ersatz|'s moveset, featuring swords representing Body, Mind, and Spirit (Triforce).

Jab: Punch, Kick, Punch
F-Tilt: Coffee Throw
U-Tilt: Backflip
D-Tilt: Energy burst
F-Smash: Sword Slash (Changes from Damage, Knockback, and Fast)
U-Smash: Double Slash (Changes)
D-Smash: Stomp, Slash
N-air: Flourish
F-air: Magic shot
B-air: Magic punch
U-air: Magic slash
Grab: Two Handed Grab
Pummel: Criticize
F-Throw: Sword Stab
U-Throw: Shoryuken
B-Throw: Dismiss
D-Throw: Stomp

Neutral Special: Deduce
Charge up thought to unleash an explosive conclusion!

Side Special: Red Flash
Move quickly through opponents with Dillon-like flair.

Up Special: Grappling Hook
Shoot a tether to attach to the stage. Can grab opponents and send them in a new direction.

Down Special: Ersatz
Create a mechanical substitute to fight for 15 seconds. 30 second recharge, 25 health.

Final Smash: Tip the Scales
Large, triple sword slash. Add all current damage to opponents caught within the attack, then sack them with logic and humiliation. Sips tea, laughs like a dastard, then pronounces opponents guilty of cheating. Missing the attack doubles the current damage and sees |Ersatz| stunned for the next few moments.

Taunt 1: Finds hint coin.
Taunt 2: Blatantly rips off Chrom and Corrin by kneeling to one knee, standing up and proclaiming "Now THIS is my chance!"
Taunt 3: Opens tome, reads, then discards.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Watching a stream of Killer Instinct's Shadow Lords mode. It looks super awesome! September 20th can't come any sooner for it.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Now all we have to do is create a tier list to see which one of us is the most competitively viable.

Deleted member

This may or may not be over the top.
Jab: Claw swipe/slap.
Side tilt: Foward revolving kick that also pushes him back a little.(Ash/Saiki)
Up tilt: Hair whip.(Sunny.)
Down tilt: Kick that stumbles you.(Ash/Saiki.)
Dash attack: Slide kicks to the ground similiar to playable kirby characters.
Side smash: Simutanious slap that knock's the oppenent back.(Ash/Saiki's strong attack.)
Up smash: Pillar of energy.(Dormammu. It's very similiar to Palutena's up smash.)
Down smash: Spins hair in a sweeping motion.

Neutral special: Fire wave/Double fire wave.(Ash/Saiki.)
Side special: Creates a ball of energy around himself, if hit while doing he shoots a beam.(Magneto.)
Up special: An upwards flaming kick.(Ash crimson/Saiki if EX version.)
Down speial: Makes fire around hands/claws bigger. If used 3 times he can perform an EX version of one of the special. Up special gets a teleport in any direction after the kick, side special shoots a bigger beam right away that ignores projectiles and reflecton, neutral special a big ball of fire much like one of Ash/Saiki's supers, also goes through projectiles and ignores reflection, though it is slow but also does many hits on impact, and finally down special again will cause a ball of fire to go into the ground and out of that comes out many smaller balls of fire that reighn from it.(Dormammu.)

Neutral air: Kick.(Ash/Saiki.)
Foward air. Same as foward tilt.
Back air: Quick claw swipe.
Down air: Uses a magica sword to down thrust.
Up air: Same as up tilt.

Grabbing is basically grabbing the opponent with his hair and being able to do a different motion with them depending on which direction you throw them.(EX: Spinning them, slamming them.)

Final smash: Vanishes and out a black hole will drag you in with a certain amount of force, getting stronger the closer you are to it. Once then you are in his realm(Dormammu), but then he shapes his hair into a giant monster that crushes you.(Sunny/All of the kaiju I've ever had as avatars.)
I this combination strangely worked out better than I thought it would. :p I imagine some kind of demon lord with long fiery hair or something.

Also he has the anime King Dedede voice, because that's the version I had as an avatar. Specifically the doodles.
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Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
So moveset potential based on previous avatar huh? Let's see...
Muscular Magikarp
Brook's Jolly Roger
Doshrekingo version 1
Doshrekingo version 2
Doshrekingo version 3 (and so on)
Horrible Aegislash Doshrekingo fusion
That sheep guy I had for 1 month because I lost a bet with @Zoroarking .
That's pretty much it...

Not a lot of variety, but there's certainly potential.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Moveset based on previous avatars? Let's see here...

Mega Gallade
Steven Stone

A small number to work with, but maybe I'll take care of that later. There's something else I need to take care of first.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
So moveset potential based on previous avatar huh? Let's see...
Muscular Magikarp
Brook's Jolly Roger
Doshrekingo version 1
Doshrekingo version 2
Doshrekingo version 3 (and so on)
Horrible Aegislash Doshrekingo fusion
That sheep guy I had for 1 month because I lost a bet with @Zoroarking .
That's pretty much it...

Not a lot of variety, but there's certainly potential.
I can expect tons of ogrebearing strength and Ito Ito no Mi abilities out of you.

Though that's not saying much since I'm a Meme Monster. :troll:


Smash Master
Jan 9, 2015


Welp. Looks the Vita Scene is starting to become what the PSP was most famous for.



Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
General RAAM
Thel' Vadam
Blake Belladonna
Qrow Branwen
Wonder Blue
Solaire of Astora
Edward Buck
The Joker
Santa the Ancient Alien AI
Kylo Ren
Steven Armstrong
Jetstream Sam
Moon Presence
Handsome Jack
Metal Face
The Spy
Sun Wukong
Ruby Rose
Darth Vader
Master Chief

Power Armour, Power Armour everywhere
Unique Trait: Aura/Power Armour/Nanomachines, son - Less damage and knockback is sustained (RvB/Halo cast, Vader, Armstrong, RWBY cast and Garrus)
Weaponry; Literally anything (To coincide with Joker using all sorts of different weapons and gadgets and has the excuse of Santa being able to summon them to do so)

Jump height: Mario (Only two jumps)
Weight: Cloud
Speed: Shulk (Default)

Jab combo: A right hook followed by a left hook and then a headbutt (Armstrong)
Side tilt: A swing of the Knifle, the blade deals extra damage and knockback (Meta)
Up tilt: A short burst of fire (Think Deadpool's gun assist in Mahvel)
Down tilt: Stomp, can combo onto downed opponents (RAAM's Light and Medium kicks in KI)

Running Attack: A scythe is slammed down stopping all momentum (Qrow and Ruby)

Neutral air: A swing of a scythe in an arc (Ruby and Qrow)
Forward Air: A forward propelled spinning attack with the sword (Lucina in the cutscene where she fights Chrom)
Back air: A sword is thrust backwards and also propels back (Darth Vader when he kills "Maul" in a now non-canon story)
Up air: The guantlets are fired in an arc going up (Handsome Jack)
Down air: A thruster propelled ground pound that deals significant damage and knockback, if an opponent get's in the way the move meteor smashes them and the momentum stops treating the opponent as a platform (Chief and Buck's ground pound in Halo 5)

Side Smash: A quick draw that deals heavy damage and knockback (Jetstream Sam and Qrow)
Up Smash: A series of claw slashes followed by a powerful cross cut (Metal Face)
Down smash: The Chainsaw Staff is spun around in a circle twice. Chainsaws deal damage whilst charging (Skorge)

Grab: Foe is grabbed by telekinetic forces (Didact, Vader and Ren)
Pummel: Foe is smacked by a nunchuck (Sun)
Down throw: Foe is stabbed by a giant knife, thrown and the floor and stomped upon (RAAM's command grab in KI)
Forward Throw: foe is slashed by the sword once and then the second slash sends them flying (Arbiter's throw in KI)
Back throw: Foe is stabbed in the back which sends them flying (Spy)
Up throw: Hand turns into a tentacle and slams the foe around twice before tossing them skyward (Moon Presence and Gravemind)

Neutral Special: A Lightning Spear is thrown causing paralysis, can be charged (Solaire)
Custom 1: A projectile is fired causing slight AOE damage (Garrus, Meta, San'Shyuum)
Custom 2: A laser that pierces opponents (Metal Face, Chief and Buck)

Side Special: A barrage of attacks from the Gunchucks (Sun)
Custom 1: A lunge forwards dealing a quick barrage of attacks, can be charged for a bigger sword and more damage (Jetstream Sam, Vader and Blake with Wonder Blue contributing to the charge up)
Custom 2: A flaming kunai is thrown forwards that drags enemies towards the user before they are quickly comboed (Scorpion)

Up Special: brief levitation (Didact and the San'Shyuum)
Custom 1: A teleport that leads into a barrage of attacks (Scorpion, Deadpool)
Custom 2: Thrusters are used to charge in a single direction (Metal Face, Chief and Buck)

Down Special: A Shadow Clone is made with a random element to it. Fire deals lingering damage, Ice freezes and Earth Deals heavier damage (Blake).
Custom 1: Clones are sent in both directions to block attacks (Sun)
Custom 2: Time is manipulated to slow the attacker down briefly (Meta)

Final Smash: Mind Blown
A shockwave is dispelled in all directions trapping opponents. Those caught are subject to having their minds infiltrated and are subjected to their worst fears dealing extreme damage and almost always a guaranteed KO (Didact (Shockwave) Santa, Gravemind, Kylo Ren, Vader and Moon Presence (The mind games))

Taunt 1: "I would not want to be you today." - Does an acrobatic flip.
Taunt 2: "Practice round huh?" - Shakes head and lifts arms as if to shrug.
Taunt 3: "I've been waiting for this!" - Steps forward and lifts arms. Think the "Well! What is it?" gesture from Dark Souls.

Victory Quote 1: "That was too much fun!" - Juggles weapons around.
Victory Quote 2: "Man that was boring" - Creates a throne made of all the weapons and sits on it resting the chin on a fist.
Victory Quote 3: "Perfect Form" - Spins around with the weapons circling around before resting at a short hover.
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Speaking of Pokémon, am I the only one who is getting super tired of news articles and videos CONSTANTLY using the crying Pikachu image to express negative news? They're a dime a dozen now.
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The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread

Deleted member

Movesets for ourselves? This sounds fun
In brackets is what the move is referencing
Ground moves:
Jab-Two kicks kinda like Cloud's followed by either a ORAORAORA of kicks with a roundhouse finishing move(lol nothing)
Side Tilt-Thrusts with a spear forward(Highlander)
Up Tilt-Slashes quickly upwards with a dagger(Jakob)
Down Tilt-Shoots downwards with a double-barreled Flintlock, slow endlag. Fire effect(EO's Dragoon)
Dash Attack-A shield bash. Hitbox blocks attacks ala Palutena's shield.(Protector)

Side Smash-Uses a Thunder tome to summon a bolt in front of self(Nino, Forrest, [input FE mage here])
Up Smash-Summons two magic spears that thrust upwards. Ice effect.(EO's Warlock)
Down Smash-Spins around with a chained spike ball(Rem)

Grab, Pummel-Unseen Hand, ~5 hands grab the opponent. Squishes them with all the hands. All throws have a Darkness effect.(Betelgeuse)
Down Throw-Slams the opponent's head into the ground
Back Throw-Throws the opponent backwards
Forward Throw-One of the hands punchs the opponent, throwing them forward
Up Throw-Throws them upwards

Neutral Air-Spins American Crackles around self(Joseph)
Forward Air-Slashes a scythe forward in an arc(Ruby, Reaper, Specte Knight, your pick
Back Air-Turns backwards while thrusting a palm is covered in fire. Fire effect.(Alchemist)
Up Air-Shoots an arrow upwards(Shura)
Down Air-Slams an axe downards like Ike's DAir(Hector)

Neutral Special-Song Mastery(Troubadour): Plays one of the Troubadour's songs to apply buffs, not only to self but to allies as well(including summoned NPCs), cycles through them much like Shulk's Monado Arts though effects aren't as strong as the Arts. Effects last around 10 seconds and different category buffs can be stacked.
Warrior/Shelter Song:
Fire/Ice/Thunder Prelude: slightly boosts attack and adds a Fire/Ice/Thunder effect to all Normal moves.

Side Special-Elemental Link(Landsknecht): dashes forward and slashes. Cycles through Fire->Ice->Thunder->Darkness. Leaves the opponent in a state that increases the damage and knockback of the next move with that effect. State wears off only once the fighter is hit.

Up Special-Rauzaruku(Zatch): covers self in a gold light and dashes in inputted direction. Deals electric damage.

Down Special-Bound Field(Kakyoin): sets up a trap on a platform, once an opponent touchs it, they'll get stuck by the tentacles for a few seconds. Can be set up on ceilings and walls.

Final Smash-Akashic Nova(Fafnir Knight): transforms into Holy Grail!Fafnir and unleashes a beam of energy in the form of slashes across the stage. Has Fire+Ice+Thunder+Darkness effect.

Down Taunt: straightens hair, makes an agry face and shouts: "What did you just say about my hair?"(Josuke)
Side Taunt: signs while smirking and says "I believe I'm going to have to disagree with you"(Hector)
Up Taunt: poses and says "I doubt you're ready for me!"(Forrest)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Pokemon is too underground for Olympic recognition.

Its small, very niche audience. A cult classic series
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
But look on the bright side, Pikachu has his own 2020 Olympics bin as of now. There's still some chance for him to appear in the actual event.



Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Mostly piracy unfortunately which is what the Vita is starting to experience now.
I thought it was known for having a bad format and being kept afloat by Monster Hunter. Too bad for Sony, Nintendo somehow got a big ol slice of that pie.

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
-Astronaut Mario
-Courtney (Pokémon)
-Mermaid Man
-Barnacle Boy
-King Dedede
-Dankey Kang
-Hilda (Zelda)
-Hana (Fire Emblem)
-Sakura (Fire Emblem)
-Peacock (Skullgirls)

That's all I can remember, but that's quite a bit as is. Plenty of moveset potential.

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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Pokemon is too underground for Olympic recognition.

Its small, very niche audience. A cult classic series
Let's have Jibanyan instead, he is much more mainstream than a yellow rat from a game with very unappealing monster designs. :troll:

Sorry @Fumi-Chan!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Forgot to mention, but I just watched Pokemon XY&Z episode 39 a few hours ago.

Last week's episode was probably a turnoff for most people due to the events of the Kalos League, but man did that episode on quite a cliffhanger for what's to come. Today's episode was the perfect kickoff to the Team Flare arc, with everything you could think of to create an enticing to have viewers watch what's to come: drama, panic, emotion, and action. You even have multiple characters make quite the entrances to solve the crisis. The episode even handles the big reveal regarding Lysandre's true nature and Alain learning the truth.

Lumiose City is in complete shambles thanks to the vines, and we even see them almost kill people because they pop out of the ground at random. Malva temporarily leaves the Team Rocket trio, and so Jessie ends up being the one to report about the disaster to all of Kalos. Shortly after, Lysandre appears in a separate broadcast and announces his plan to destroy the world on the big screen, so now all of Kalos is aware of his true nature. They even show a montage of the all the Kalos Gym Leaders watching the news.

When Ash and Alain travel together after hearing about the broadcast (they try to meet up with Mairin, but they get separated by an unexpected vine popping out of the ground), they run into Celosia and her Drapion, and it's there that Ash learns Alain is affiliated with Team Flare. That's because she reminds Alain about whose side he's on, and she orders her Drapion to use Confuse Ray on Ash and Pikachu, knocking both of them out while Alain simply stands there because he's conflicted. Team Flare then captures Ash by chaining up his hands and feet into spheres, and Pikachu experiences the same thing. Alain, Ash, and a few grunts are then escorted to the top of the tower, where Alain wants to speak with Lysandre to learn answers.

Mairin almost gets captured by Team Flare. After watching Lysandre's broadcast and becoming shocked about his true nature, a Team Flare grunt tries to capture her. Want to take a guess who saves the day?

Yep, leave it to Professor Sycamore to stop the grunt. He ends up fighting him too. And want to take a guess which Pokemon does Sycamore use for the fight?

Garchomp from the Sycamore labs!!!

You know, the Garchomp that Ash stopped in the second episode of XY that was also brainwashed by Team Rocket later in the arc. Yep, that Garchomp is back, and it will even Mega Evolve for the next episode. Damn Sycamore, way to have a cool entrance for the next few episodes!

Blaziken Mask also intervenes when a vine is about to attack Serena, Clemont and Bonnie as they try to reach the tower. They also witness Puni-Chan transform into 50% to fight Z2, and it's there that they learn Puni-Chan is actually Zygarde.

Alain arrives at the top of the tower and confronts Lysandre. Lysandre then reveals his goals to Alain, and he then presents Ash and all of his Pokemon in a crucified position. Ash tries to question Alain, but Alain stands still feeling overwhelmed and conflicted upon learning that he was unknowingly helping in this apocalyptic plan this entire time. It's around there the episode ends.

I have two ideas where this is going: either Lysandre will blackmail Alain by torturing Ash and his Pokemon if Alain doesn't cooperate, or, what I think is a more likely possibility, Lysandre plans on draining Ash and Greninja's energy that is used to create Ash and Greninja, and it will probably be used to further unleash the vines across Kalos thanks to the added power.

This episode even contained some pretty nice symbolism once again; one of which is even religious.

Take note about Ash's position when he is shown captured in front of Alain.

He's in a crucified position. Considering Ash is very likely to be the person that will ultimately save Kalos in the end, he can be seen as a Christ-like figure, and what happened to Jesus at one point in his life? He got crucified.

Then you have Alain. Back when Ash and Alain confront Celosia, Alain didn't escape with Ash, and that's what ultimately jeopardized Ash, leading to his capture. Alain was a trusted friend of Ash who ultimately backstabbed him. Who was the one friend of Jesus that ultimately betrayed him and thus led to Christ's crucifixion? Judas. Judas also felt guilty after betraying Jesus, and similarly, Alain also felt guilty for betraying a good friend. Both also couldn't do anything to save the friend they betrayed.

In short, Ash = Jesus; Alain = Judas. That's right everyone, This episode had Christian symbolism going on!

This next bit of symbolism isn't as interesting as the first one, but it was something I still wanted to share.

Remember what Lysandre's goal was in the games? He wanted to wipe out humanity, and much like in the games, he still has the same goal. The difference is that this time, Lysandre is using Zygarde to achieve his goal instead of the ultimate weapon.

Lysandre wants a world where humans do not rule (and he believes they should all die because of his belief that all of humanity consists of fools). By wiping out humanity, nature takes over. This is how Lysandre envisions "a beautiful world." He basically wants a world where humans are inferior to everything else.

Now, let's look at how Lysandre wants to achieve his goal in the anime. By mind-controlling Zygarde, destructive vines emerge from the ground, damaging infrastructures and potentially killing hundreds because of their unpredictable nature. What is Zygarde's role aside from being Kalos' protector? Zygarde controls and maintains the ecosystem. Zygarde essentially rules over nature and keeps it in balance.

Thanks to mind control from Team Flare, Zygarde ends up disrupting nature and the ecosystem by erecting giant, destructive vines that cover the entire landscape, destroying towns and cities in its path. The vines themselves symbolize nature because of their plant origins.

Where I am going with this: Lysandre's goal of wiping out humanity through the use of destructive plants symbolize his vision of a beautiful world: he wants nature to reign supreme, and by mind controlling the protector of the ecosystem so that it would grow vines to cover the earth and potentially kill civillians, he will achieve the "beautiful world" he envisioned: a world where humans are inferior.

This is actually pretty clever the more I think about it. No wonder the use of Zygarde and the vines is much better than the use of an ancient nuke.

Overall, it was a really good episode, definitely better than the last one. I wouldn't say it's one of the best episodes in the entire Pokemon anime, but it's definitely among the best episodes in all of the XY series. It does a really good job setting the stage for the Team Flare arc, and from the looks of it, it looks like this Team Flare arc is definitely going to deliver really well. If I had to be honest, I was even emotional inside for most of the episode, and I still feel that way whenever I see Ash captured. Ash and his Pokemon being crucified was definitely really painful to watch, and it looks they are going to stay that way for the next episode as well. This episode was also great to watch in order to gain more perspective on Alain's side.

Long story short, while the Kalos League is over and most of us may still feel mad over how it ended, it looks like the Team Flare arc will make up for it big time. These next few weeks will definitely be interesting to watch IMO.

Next week's episode will feature the two Zygardes fighting each other, and it seems like Puni-Chan will be captured based on the preview. If this really happens, something tells me that the 100% transformation will actually come from Team Flare's control.


EDIT: Forgot to add this earlier, but here was a funny meme from today's episode. It's becoming pretty popular on Tumblr yet again. This was made by the same guy that did the Greninja one last week.

Yep, the inside of the Team Flare helicopter sure looks like the inside of a subway train!:laugh:
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Managed to clear the second world of Spyro 1 for practice.

Still super rough around the edges (especially for Cliff Town) but its way farther than I expected to get with the game.

Plenty of levels to go though. :p

I know no one here cares about speedruns, especially mine, but I'm a little proud of myself so I don't care


May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
Someone managed to port a Mario Sunshine level into 3D Land.

Makes you wonder if Sunshine 3DS could be a thing.
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