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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
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    Votes: 20 18.0%
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    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Yeah I thought Samurai Goroh was a female as well because the racers are never shown in game and his car is pink.

To be honest the explosions in that game scared the crap out of me as a kid because of the loud sound it makes when your car gets destroyed. Would always cover my ears before I knew my car would blow up lol.
Glad I wasn't the only one...hehe.

Funny that these explosions didn't scared me much, and I had a pretty sentive sense of hearing when I was little (now it is normal), but nope, they made me laugh a lot. Also, seeing the classic Mute-City track in Smash 3DS actually made me shed a tear, remembeing the good old days with my cousins playing it.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Ash isn't crucified, it does look similar but there's differences.
Yes, Ash isn't actually crucified here (and I got carried away in some parts saying he was), but the position his body is in still reminds me of crucifixion, and considering how Alain "betrayed" Ash, I couldn't help but notice there was some kind of Christian symbolism going on.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Well, I've managed to play through and beat the game, Solo Mode at least, I haven't had the opportunity to play it with others yet.
However I have experienced enough of it to get a good grasp of the game and what it offers...

Metroid Prime Federation Force Review
Artstyle: First impressions...Didn't really stand up very well with a lot of the hardcore fans, myself included.

However it is important to note that the game's artstyle was actually quite similar to the original Metroid as you can see Samus had a similar large sized head that we saw in this game. It is possible that the artstyle took inspiration from the original Metroid. Another thing to note is that Zero Mission initially was supposed to have a similar artstyle. So it's nothing too far removed from Metroid.
That aside, when it comes to the Primes, it's definitely a stark contrast. The Prime Trilogy probably has the most realistically rendered graphics for any Nintendo game ever made. So naturally associating the game's chibi style with such ahead of their time graphics, that still hold up to today's standards is going to leave a bit to be desired.

I'm not a fan personally, but for what it is, it works. I don't particularly think such a style was the best choice but this is speaking from my own personal tastes (afterall I'm not a fan of Wind Waker's artstyle and I consider that game within my Top 10 favourite games of all time so I can live with it). But with that said it was rather hard to take the game seriously when the characters have such proportions. A lot of the creatures just looked so awkwardly compact. The explanation behind the game's style was that enemies looked too small and were hard to see, though this wasn't a problem in Hunters (of course Hunters has it's own problems, but that's besides the point)

In terms of the game's atmosphere. It's satisfactory for the most part. The game's environments did their job to convey themselves as Metroid environments. Bion definitely looks like a planet I want to explore further in teh future given the history it has with the mentioned extinct race and the ruins left behind (as long as I don't have to deal with Collussum again, did we really need to fight this thing THREE ****ING TIMES!?) As for Excelcion and Talvania? Nothing too standoutish other than a few similarities to Phendrana and Elysia...


Music: It's....there...I get a very John Williams vibe and at some points, I was also reminded of the music from the Mass Effect trilogy, as well as Metroid of course. However all this came without any particular tracks that really stand out, there was no Lower Brinstar, Phendrana Drifts, or Kraid's Lair. Apart from the familar Samus fanfare that pops up every now and then there's nothing really familiar as far as Metroid goes.
For the most part a lot of the music was more atmospheric which is fine, but at the same time what wasn't just seemed rather generic. That being said it wasn't terrible by any means. Based on Metroid standards though, that's a different story entirely.


Gameplay: The big question is how does this game stackup? In terms of it's control set-up, if you're familiar with the Prime Trilogy it's very natural. Gyros at first were a little jarring, but after getting the hang of them they definitely improved how the game played, although at times they really pushed you to use the gyros against certain enemies and for some puzzles. Due to the game being on a handheld you do get a bit of a cramped feel after playing for longer periods, but that's mainly on the handheld and not the game. The game itself felt very comfortable to play any issues with the game are not in it's controls. Unlike Other M and Hunters.

But how does it fit in the Metroid franchise? Isolation? Exploration? Discovery?
Well...It's there, but barely noticable really. There were times I felt a bit isolated especially being a solo player but those feeling never really lasted long due to the missions that lasted around 10 minutes on average (even managed to complete some missions in under 5) the game's atmosphere actually did give me a sense of foreboding at times, one such example was in Mission 21: The Core, when you are zipling forward and you see almost nothing ahead of you expect for the gaseous vapours from Talvania's atmosphere, there was a sense of anxiousness that drove that sense of anticipation (that ended up leading to a long and rather dull boss fight).
There's some elements of exploration but in what felt like an overly simplified format. Blast this pile of ice and look you found a hidden mod! Oh Goody! Although some mods were worth finding but it is all randomized and most of the time the mods were nothing I really had an interest in since most of the time they were simple temporary upgrades for weapons I never used.
Speaking on Mods, when you play Solo you get a special Mod, the Lone Wolf Mod. It definitely makes the game easier since you take half damage and deal double damage (it's pretty broken when you pair it with +50% all damage dealt and -50% all damage taken mods) I tried to avoid using it unless I needed that extra help.
Aaaaand speaking of help. As a solo player there were plenty of times where it could've been very beneficial to have an extra player or two simply because you are able to split tasks to different players. Some Missions I especially felt overburdened was Mission 4: Containment and Mission 9: Blender. This game without a doubt is designed for Co-operative play. But as a solo player I felt the game was still doable. Most of the time I never felt the need for the Lone Wolf Mod while other times I struggled simply because I was unfamiliar with how to handle objectives and the second run through I was able to better prepare myself beforehand and found myself having an easier time...

Overall, the game has little purts of what can be considered a Metroid game. You are given a few missions at a time and you can play them in whatever order you feel like so long as you have them unlocked, though the game still requires a specific story progression. Each mission for the most part was pretty linear though the maps weren't particularly huge to give the more Metroidvania appraoch the series is known for. There was very few places I felt stuck simply because everything's pretty well laid out for you. The missions themselves have a decent variety and sometimes feel like they may be specific puzzles that you'd find in certain areas in a Metroid game...


Story: At first the story doesn't really seem like something out of the ordinary. Galactic Federation are investigating stuff in some planetary system, Oh No! Space Pirates show up, what're they up to? Oh No! it's more significant thatn we thought!
That sort of stuff...The Metroids in the game (yes this game has Metroids) felt very randomly plopped in the story and had very little significance overall (apart from the Post-credits scene that is) Also there were a few facepalm moments from the Commander's dialogue. Knows about the Omega Pirate but was surprised teh Space Pirates were in possession of Metroids, also finds out about a Super weapon the Space Pirates are building and questions why they haven't detected it, shortly after we discover a facility where the Pirates are researching cloaking technology, doesn't put two and two together until an encrypted message from Samus actually tells him, 'oh well that explains it' :facepalm:

Oh yeah Samus went missing but its sort of treated as not that big of a deal...well maybe she's hiding? carry on...

Either way this leads me into my next point, The End game. Samus was captured by the Space Pirates. Apparently it's more imporatnt for them to eliminate the Galactic Federation than it is to actually kill their single greatest threat. Who they then decide to 'Honey I blew-up the Samus' which ultimately leads to the final boss of the game. Except you only fight Samus's Morph Ball. Why? iunno...The fight was obnoxious but nothing really too over the top in terms of difficulty. Shortly afterwards, Samus dies, I've waited for a Metroid game for years and I'm now plagued with teh guilt that I killed one of the most iconic characters....obviously she doesn't really die but still didn't really help what I witnessed....then we go to fight a Mother Brain clone...Master Brain! which for the most part works very much like Mother Brain from the original Metroid since you just have to shoot it when it's shields are down and instead of Rinkas you have these annoying turrets that keep pestering you constantly. Finally you're met with yet another horde of Space Pirates because the 400,000 you've faced throughout the game weren't enough they wanted to throw one last one at you for good measure. Then Samus saves the day! Surprise she's not dead! Then she runs off you gets blown into space and Samus saves the day again!!!!
I think it's apparent I wasn't that impressed with the endgame. I felt a little underwhelmed to be honest. It was apparent that the end-game was coming due to the previous three missions, but it still felt quick, almost rushed.


Final Thoughts: I have to be honest, I did enjoy the game, there were several moments that I did indeed feel like I was playing a Metroid game though as mentioned those feeling didn't really last. But for what it is? It's decent. While playing this game I couldn't shake the desire to be actually playing a full-fledged metroid title instead, despite going into this with an open mind, I was still playing this instead of a proper game. Do I think it deserves to be placed amoung the rest of the franchise? Yes, I do actually, as said I did feel some flashes of what makes a Metroid game but overall it felt very simplified in those areas. Progression was very linear but due to the gameplay leaning closer towards a multiplayer co-op you can't really blame it. At the end of the day I'm treating this game for what it is, a spin-off. It's not meant to be the next big installment, nor is it meant to be taken as the future direction of the series. The biggest problem this game faces is not it's artstyle, or the linear map progression, or that it's a 'Metroid Prime' titled game, but it's timing. If Prime 4 or another 2D Metroid game was out or on the way for the 3DS, Wii U or NX then no one would complain as much about this game's existence, there'd be no pointless petition (like Nintendo will listen anyway), there'd be no negative outcry. Remember 'Metroid Prime' Pinball exists...FRACKING PINBALL!!!

With that said I do have some problems (a lot of these problems are just nitpicks nothing really deal breaking) with the game overall, but as a big Metroid fan that was indeed a big skeptic of this game, I was pleasantly surprised with what I got. I did enjoy playing the game, despite not playing the intended way with others. It's definitely a good game, not great by any means especially by Metroid standards, but it's definitely not the worst game of the series.

Final Rating: 7/10

I have to say that this game overall felt like an appetizer for me...Now I just have to wait for the main course......however long that will take...
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Feb 18, 2009
So, I'm emulating randomized Fire Red.
My favorite part about these games, though, is using the easy chat system at the Pokécenter to make a 'profile.'

My first one was
"Hmhm... Your profile really says something about who you are."

My second was

I am also apparently 12 years old.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
So, I'm emulating randomized Fire Red.
My favorite part about these games, though, is using the easy chat system at the Pokécenter to make a 'profile' or 'info.'

My first one was
"Hmhm... Your profile really says something about who you are."

My second was

I am also apparently 12 years old.
So is everything randomized? The Pokemon that can show up in the field? What items show up on the ground? Cause it sounds really interesting. I'd love to catch the whole Dex due to that alone. Albeit, I think I prefer the DS and up games due to better item inventories. No more of this constant running out of space. One thing is "you can't carry more than 99 potions", another is being unable to carry every TM/HM in regular Red due to a severely low amount of space. You can't even catch all 151 Pokemon due to the boxes being too low. The item thing was not fixed in the GBA remakes, and still shows up in the RSE games. So glad they updated that factor.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Custom Texture.jpg

My texture pack is coming along awesomely

I bet no one would be able to guess what these originally were


Feb 18, 2009
So is everything randomized? The Pokemon that can show up in the field? What items show up on the ground? Cause it sounds really interesting. I'd love to catch the whole Dex due to that alone. Albeit, I think I prefer the DS and up games due to better item inventories. No more of this constant running out of space. One thing is "you can't carry more than 99 potions", another is being unable to carry every TM/HM in regular Red due to a severely low amount of space. You can't even catch all 151 Pokemon due to the boxes being too low. The item thing was not fixed in the GBA remakes, and still shows up in the RSE games. So glad they updated that factor.
Here it is: http://pokehacks.dabomstew.com/randomizer/
You can randomize roms of all the games "up to black2 / white2," though you'll have to find the roms / emus yourself (emuparadise is the place, fam. Speaking of which, why am I playing Fire Red and not...? I just realized I could be--ah!)
I'm not going full random: I don't want a Pidgey evolving into a water type Regirock at level 20 whose moveset is a 40 pp 200 power shadow ball and 5 pp tail whip. Ha! I'm doing 'random catch em all,' with all mons having full tm hm compatibility, and the QoL improvements it offers.
Anyways, it doesn't change the space limits. Unfortunate. I'm sure there are codes for it, though. I'm having a hell of a time finding Fire Red codes anyways: never had that problem when I was playing Emerald. Eh.
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Deleted member

I still want one day play a Metronome only run
The true epitome of RNG
You can't even catch all 151 Pokemon due to the boxes being too low
The original RGBY allowed for up to 240 spaces
Sure some of them will be used for items but you had more than necessary to catch everything(and it's not like you'd have an entire evolutionary line at the same time)


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I've quite a lot of progress into Japanese over the last month. I'm at 300 kanji, which is significantly farther than I had reached before giving up last time.

How simple a kanji is often has no relation to how common a word is - By now, I have already learnt some weird kanji which I doubt are used all that much, like pig iron (銑), gall bladder (胆), and nitrate (硝), while still not knowing the kanji for basic stuff like food, ear, nose, etc.
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Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
I've had:
  • UMvC3 battle
  • SSF2 Naruto with Sandbag at 999%
  • Weirdmageddon flag
  • some FE guy whose avatar I kept after EmblemBoards
  • a meme of Ross from Friends
  • Egyptian God Phoenix
  • King K. Rool
  • Mega Spinax
Basically no potential here. I don't like using characters as avatars.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Jaedrik Jaedrik : I wasn't asking for the link or anything, just was interested on what was randomized. >.< Thanks, though.

@Zoroarking: Actually, yes, I do intend to try and have one of every Pokemon including parts of the line these days. Unnecessary, sure, but it's nice to have extras for trade, and can then breed more. Items were still limited enough in RBY from what I've found. I certainly didn't have enough space for every TM that I wasn't using yet, every HM, every key item, and every regular consumable item, at least one of each. I'm a bit picky in how I play my rpg's. If possible, I'll try and make sure to hold some of each item. Being equipment didn't exist yet at the time, which is the only exception I make, I try to keep extras of items that clearly aren't key items(some do tend to disappear in game during events. Like 3 items in Dragon Warrior 1 being removed after being used to unlock a bridge, for instance). This doesn't really happy in RBY. I can't even remember a single key item that disappears in it.

Of course, GSC somewhat improved it with the areas for different kinds of items, but it wasn't till the DS games that they fixed the key problem overall, which is a limitation of space. Mind you, BW seriously took a step backwards from HG/SS, which had everything really neat and tidy for how it showed the items. There were more pages to scroll through, but it was far better than literally dealing with a very long list that's pure text, if only cause it was easy to miss an item. X/Y seems to be slightly better, but I think it just used a better font or something. Same overall issue as BW though.
Apr 19, 2015

Apparently the reason Pikachu wasn't included in the closing ceremony was because it's not well known enough.

Whatever that means.
The timing was just not considered right as Pokemon isn’t as well known worldwide, and the Mario franchise has also sold more games – 320 million compared to Pokemon’s 200 million.
They compare Pokemon to Mario in the article... Which makes me think that they decided to pick only one Nintendo character, and Mario was chosen due to being more well-known and having sold more games.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC

Apparently the reason Pikachu wasn't included in the closing ceremony was because it's not well known enough.

Whatever that means.
The heck? Pokémon has waaay more appeal than Mario internationally, simply because of the anime and the TCG. Mario is popular only where Nintendo has offices.

Countries where I could confirm Pokémon has had a popular/noticeable impact; Source is Bulbapedia

Pokémon is known and popular on all six inhabited continents. Mario can't claim that.

EDIT: Added Nigeria and Seychelles.
EDIT 2: I had seriously underestimated Pokémon's appeal. Map updated again.
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Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
An AoT game was just released on Steam. I don't think I saw any promotional material for it
I saw an ad at gamestop for it if that counts

Apparently the reason Pikachu wasn't included in the closing ceremony was because it's not well known enough.

Whatever that means.
Probably the fact many adults around the world other then Japan is like "Wtf is these....Pokemen" where with Mario, the would go "I used to play that with my son all the time"

Like my dad knows NOTHING about Pokemon but he sure knows a lot about Super Mario World and Some Donkey Kong Country as well
Mario is popular only where Nintendo has offices.
I think Mario is a bit more popular then you are saying. Are you ignoring the fact it said Mario games sold more the Pokemon?
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I think Mario is a bit more popular then you are saying. Are you ignoring the fact it said Mario games sold more the Pokemon?
I was talking about global appeal. Mario is iconic, sure, but he really isn't popular outside of North America, Europe, Japan and South Korea, where Nintendo games are officially sold.

Pokémon is more well known because of the media empire and merchandise behind it - the anime and the TCG have led to it being known far beyond Ninty's realm.

The sales numbers don't mean much. It just means that Mario games sell more than Pokémon games in NA, EU, JP and SK. It only shows that Nintendo is unaware of Pokémon's appeal outside the first world.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I was talking about global appeal. Mario is iconic, sure, but he really isn't popular outside of North America, Europe, Japan and South Korea, where Nintendo games are officially sold.

Pokémon is more well known because of the media empire and merchandise behind it - the anime and the TCG have led to it being known far beyond Ninty's realm.

The sales numbers don't mean much. It just means that Mario games sell more than Pokémon games in NA, EU, JP and SK. It only shows that Nintendo is unaware of Pokémon's appeal outside the first world.
Is pokemon not showing at the Closing that much more important then the olympics themselves?
I never thought I would see people care more about the mascots of the Olympics then the Olympics
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Is pokemon not showing at the Closing that much more important then the olympics themselves?
I never thought I would see people care more about the mascots of the Olympics then the Olympics
I don't care, lol. Someone brought it up, I just talked about it. I enjoy a good debate.

I was too happy to see Mario and Doraemon together to care. :p
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Deleted member

I think Mario is a bit more popular then you are saying. Are you ignoring the fact it said Mario games sold more the Pokemon?
Does that include things such as mario having more many more games? Also pokemon can still have more recognition despite having having less sales. Especially considering the anime itself was popular, and there's also the card game.
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Also, I'm pretty sure that Tokyo Olympics will have a different mascot. I don't think Mario and Doraemon are the Olympic mascots - they were there to represent Japanese gaming and manga culture.
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Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Also, I'm pretty sure that Tokyo Olympics will have a different mascot. I don't think Mario and Doraemon are the Olympic mascots - they were there to represent Japanese gaming and manga culture.
The same way they had James Bond n stuff for the London Olympics, yeah?

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Also, I'm pretty sure that Tokyo Olympics will have a different mascot. I don't think Mario and Doraemon are the Olympic mascots - they were there to represent Japanese gaming and manga culture.
I think there is Merch with Luffy, Goku, Naruro, Astro boy, Jibanyan and the two new Pretty cure girls thats offical Merch

Edit: And Shin-can and Sailor Moon
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC

Deleted member

Jaedrik Jaedrik : I wasn't asking for the link or anything, just was interested on what was randomized. >.< Thanks, though.

@Zoroarking: Actually, yes, I do intend to try and have one of every Pokemon including parts of the line these days. Unnecessary, sure, but it's nice to have extras for trade, and can then breed more. Items were still limited enough in RBY from what I've found. I certainly didn't have enough space for every TM that I wasn't using yet, every HM, every key item, and every regular consumable item, at least one of each. I'm a bit picky in how I play my rpg's. If possible, I'll try and make sure to hold some of each item. Being equipment didn't exist yet at the time, which is the only exception I make, I try to keep extras of items that clearly aren't key items(some do tend to disappear in game during events. Like 3 items in Dragon Warrior 1 being removed after being used to unlock a bridge, for instance). This doesn't really happy in RBY. I can't even remember a single key item that disappears in it.

Of course, GSC somewhat improved it with the areas for different kinds of items, but it wasn't till the DS games that they fixed the key problem overall, which is a limitation of space. Mind you, BW seriously took a step backwards from HG/SS, which had everything really neat and tidy for how it showed the items. There were more pages to scroll through, but it was far better than literally dealing with a very long list that's pure text, if only cause it was easy to miss an item. X/Y seems to be slightly better, but I think it just used a better font or something. Same overall issue as BW though.
I understand the bag issues but the PC was more than capable of holding every Pokemon
Even if you have one of each Pokemon, that totals to 151, with 89 slots for items

I don't see how BW did a step back though, while the TMs and Healing items were already organized, the general items and Key Items were a mess in HGSS
BW's allowing you to organize them in numerical order or alphabetical order was a great thing. It also separated them into categories: hold, out of battle, pokeballs and inbattle items for the general tab and usable and unusable Key Items.
The closest HGSS had was a manual and slow organization alongside an unnecessary page scrolling
And then B2W2 added a favorites tab... only for XY to remove it


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
Replaying Chapter 6 because I didn't get the RNG zodiac.

And then it hit me

and then the very next chapter

Palutena wasn't kidding when he said he was in for a fall. . .two actually. :p

If this were the Disco Room I'd just drop the image and run, but since my post needs actual substance to it I'd like to point out that this portrait exists for the specific purpose of showing Dark Pit falling. I know for a fact it popped up at the same time as the last GIF.

Lookat them fethers!
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「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Those last few chapters are some of my favorite... so much emotion and tension.

Perhaps a tad melodramatic, but that fits in with the rest of the game.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC

This is too embarrassing. But I can't stop looking at these because they are so hilarious.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Replaying Chapter 6 because I didn't get the RNG zodiac.

And then it hit me

and then the very next chapter

Palutena wasn't kidding when he said he was in for a fall. . .two actually. :p
I'm imagining Dark Pit doing the Goofy yell for the last one.
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