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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Someone managed to port a Mario Sunshine level into 3D Land.

Makes you wonder if Sunshine 3DS could be a thing.
Missing all the paint, trees, enemies, and even logs.

There have been at least 2 fake leaks saying the NX will be revealed on the 9th aka my birthday.

Leakers plz stop being rude to me specifically thank you.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Nintendo releasing an arcade game in this day & age and NOT a recent or well know IP? Damn son!

Also did Nintendo obtain the Cruis'n IP after Midway shut down?
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Sep 12, 2014
Forgot to mention, but I just watched Pokemon XY&Z episode 39 a few hours ago.

Last week's episode was probably a turnoff for most people due to the events of the Kalos League, but man did that episode on quite a cliffhanger for what's to come. Today's episode was the perfect kickoff to the Team Flare arc, with everything you could think of to create an enticing to have viewers watch what's to come: drama, panic, emotion, and action. You even have multiple characters make quite the entrances to solve the crisis. The episode even handles the big reveal regarding Lysandre's true nature and Alain learning the truth.

Lumiose City is in complete shambles thanks to the vines, and we even see them almost kill people because they pop out of the ground at random. Malva temporarily leaves the Team Rocket trio, and so Jessie ends up being the one to report about the disaster to all of Kalos. Shortly after, Lysandre appears in a separate broadcast and announces his plan to destroy the world on the big screen, so now all of Kalos is aware of his true nature. They even show a montage of the all the Kalos Gym Leaders watching the news.

When Ash and Alain travel together after hearing about the broadcast (they try to meet up with Mairin, but they get separated by an unexpected vine popping out of the ground), they run into Celosia and her Drapion, and it's there that Ash learns Alain is affiliated with Team Flare. That's because she reminds Alain about whose side he's on, and she orders her Drapion to use Confuse Ray on Ash and Pikachu, knocking both of them out while Alain simply stands there because he's conflicted. Team Flare then captures Ash by chaining up his hands and feet into spheres, and Pikachu experiences the same thing. Alain, Ash, and a few grunts are then escorted to the top of the tower, where Alain wants to speak with Lysandre to learn answers.

Mairin almost gets captured by Team Flare. After watching Lysandre's broadcast and becoming shocked about his true nature, a Team Flare grunt tries to capture her. Want to take a guess who saves the day?

Yep, leave it to Professor Sycamore to stop the grunt. He ends up fighting him too. And want to take a guess which Pokemon does Sycamore use for the fight?

Garchomp from the Sycamore labs!!!

You know, the Garchomp that Ash stopped in the second episode of XY that was also brainwashed by Team Rocket later in the arc. Yep, that Garchomp is back, and it will even Mega Evolve for the next episode. Damn Sycamore, way to have a cool entrance for the next few episodes!

Blaziken Mask also intervenes when a vine is about to attack Serena, Clemont and Bonnie as they try to reach the tower. They also witness Puni-Chan transform into 50% to fight Z2, and it's there that they learn Puni-Chan is actually Zygarde.

Alain arrives at the top of the tower and confronts Lysandre. Lysandre then reveals his goals to Alain, and he then presents Ash and all of his Pokemon in a crucified position. Ash tries to question Alain, but Alain stands still feeling overwhelmed and conflicted upon learning that he was unknowingly helping in this apocalyptic plan this entire time. It's around there the episode ends.

I have two ideas where this is going: either Lysandre will blackmail Alain by torturing Ash and his Pokemon if Alain doesn't cooperate, or, what I think is a more likely possibility, Lysandre plans on draining Ash and Greninja's energy that is used to create Ash and Greninja, and it will probably be used to further unleash the vines across Kalos thanks to the added power.

This episode even contained some pretty nice symbolism once again; one of which is even religious.

Take note about Ash's position when he is shown captured in front of Alain.

He's in a crucified position. Considering Ash is very likely to be the person that will ultimately save Kalos in the end, he can be seen as a Christ-like figure, and what happened to Jesus at one point in his life? He got crucified.

Then you have Alain. Back when Ash and Alain confront Celosia, Alain didn't escape with Ash, and that's what ultimately jeopardized Ash, leading to his capture. Alain was a trusted friend of Ash who ultimately backstabbed him. Who was the one friend of Jesus that ultimately betrayed him and thus led to Christ's crucifixion? Judas. Judas also felt guilty after betraying Jesus, and similarly, Alain also felt guilty for betraying a good friend. Both also couldn't do anything to save the friend they betrayed.

In short, Ash = Jesus; Alain = Judas. That's right everyone, This episode had Christian symbolism going on!

This next bit of symbolism isn't as interesting as the first one, but it was something I still wanted to share.

Remember what Lysandre's goal was in the games? He wanted to wipe out humanity, and much like in the games, he still has the same goal. The difference is that this time, Lysandre is using Zygarde to achieve his goal instead of the ultimate weapon.

Lysandre wants a world where humans do not rule (and he believes they should all die because of his belief that all of humanity consists of fools). By wiping out humanity, nature takes over. This is how Lysandre envisions "a beautiful world." He basically wants a world where humans are inferior to everything else.

Now, let's look at how Lysandre wants to achieve his goal in the anime. By mind-controlling Zygarde, destructive vines emerge from the ground, damaging infrastructures and potentially killing hundreds because of their unpredictable nature. What is Zygarde's role aside from being Kalos' protector? Zygarde controls and maintains the ecosystem. Zygarde essentially rules over nature and keeps it in balance.

Thanks to mind control from Team Flare, Zygarde ends up disrupting nature and the ecosystem by erecting giant, destructive vines that cover the entire landscape, destroying towns and cities in its path. The vines themselves symbolize nature because of their plant origins.

Where I am going with this: Lysandre's goal of wiping out humanity through the use of destructive plants symbolize his vision of a beautiful world: he wants nature to reign supreme, and by mind controlling the protector of the ecosystem so that it would grow vines to cover the earth and potentially kill civillians, he will achieve the "beautiful world" he envisioned: a world where humans are inferior.

This is actually pretty clever the more I think about it. No wonder the use of Zygarde and the vines is much better than the use of an ancient nuke.

Overall, it was a really good episode, definitely better than the last one. I wouldn't say it's one of the best episodes in the entire Pokemon anime, but it's definitely among the best episodes in all of the XY series. It does a really good job setting the stage for the Team Flare arc, and from the looks of it, it looks like this Team Flare arc is definitely going to deliver really well. If I had to be honest, I was even emotional inside for most of the episode, and I still feel that way whenever I see Ash captured. Ash and his Pokemon being crucified was definitely really painful to watch, and it looks they are going to stay that way for the next episode as well. This episode was also great to watch in order to gain more perspective on Alain's side.

Long story short, while the Kalos League is over and most of us may still feel mad over how it ended, it looks like the Team Flare arc will make up for it big time. These next few weeks will definitely be interesting to watch IMO.

Next week's episode will feature the two Zygardes fighting each other, and it seems like Puni-Chan will be captured based on the preview. If this really happens, something tells me that the 100% transformation will actually come from Team Flare's control.


EDIT: Forgot to add this earlier, but here was a funny meme from today's episode. It's becoming pretty popular on Tumblr yet again. This was made by the same guy that did the Greninja one last week.

Yep, the inside of the Team Flare helicopter sure looks like the inside of a subway train!:laugh:
Ash isn't crucified, it does look similar but there's differences.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC


Sep 12, 2014
Damn. I got really excited for a second lol.

Didn't even know Nintendo did Arcade gaming.
They dabble in it as the young kids say these days.

There's a Luigi's Mansion arcade game developed by Capcom as well as two Mario Kart games (that guest star Pac Man characters). Not to mention Pokken Tournament.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC

Deleted member


And with that, Birthright's main story is finished, I still want to unlock all the Paralogues
I lost Takumi, Yukimura, Azama and Hinata on Chapter 27, there are just too many enemies ganging on you
Did Endgame in one turn, I wasn't going to bother with all those enemies
Probably gonna retry it to let everyone live next time. Except Reina, she died a long time ago

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Speaking of racing games, what are your favorite racing games?

Mines has always been F-Zero X, Cruisin USA, San Fransisco Rush, California Speed, Hydro Thunder, Wave Race 64 (the N64 had the best racing games bar none), Mario Kart Double Dash, Need for Speed Underground 2 and Sonic All Star Racing Transformed

I love racing games so much

Deleted member

I can't really remember all of my avatars, but here are the ones I do remember:

Not alot of moveset potential unfortunetly.


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
Entrace: Shrek's toilet cabin appears out of nowhere and than this happen. (Self-explanatory)

Ground moves
Jab: Ogra Ogra Ogra! I do one punch, than an uppercut, than a fury of punches. (Doshrekingo)
Side tilt: Goshikito! I swipes my hand to slash his target with five strings coming out from my fingers. (Doflamingo)
Up tilt: Fulbright! I creates five detached strings from my hand and throws them downwards to impale my target from above. (Doflamingo)
Down tilt: Slash with is whole body. (Horrible Aegislash/Shrek amalgam)
Dash attack: I run and than make my opponent trip with a spear (got a really tiny soft spot that can make an opponent trip like :4diddy:'s banana. (Shrek)

Side Smash : Swamp-Grass Green Ogredrive! I punch with my two fist at the same time while green thunder come out from my fists. (Doshrekingo)
Up Smash : Off White! I creates two large masses of strings from the ground near me before swiping at an opponent with them. (Doflamingo)
Down Smash : Mini Torikago! I create a small "birdcage" that inflict a lot of damage and send the opponent downward.

Grab attacks
Grab: Parasite! I attach string to my target, immobilizing it. The opponent hurt itself, hurting themselves as much as they would hurt someone with their grab. (Doflamingo)
Down throw: Love and life! I use my string to bend my opponent on their knees to then hit their back with my elbow. (Doshrekingo)
Up throw: I bring my opponent closer to me and slash it upward. (Doffy/Aegislash)
Back throw : I politely let my opponent pass behind me to then dropkick him while he's turning his back.
Forward throw : I do this. (Shrek)

Aerial attacks
Neutral air : I turn into Brook's jolly roger and spin on myself while laughing "Yohohoho!" (Brook's Jolly Roger)
Forward air : Aerial Go****o
Back air : I fire the onion bazooka backward, propulsing me forward. (Shrek)
Up air : Luma up air (Luma)
Down air : Itonoko! Similar to Bayo down air, I fall in the same position, with a string under my leg to use as a saw. (Doflamingo)

Neutral special : Tamaito! I shoot small string bullets to my opponent at high speed in three consecutive shots, dealing above average damage. (Doflamingo)

Side special : Onion Bazooka I shoot an explosive onion that bounce on wall, dealing high damage. The onion can but shoot from three different angle and explose on contact with a projectile, an item, or an opponent. Lika a gordo, it can be thrown bac by hitting it with an attack dealing at least 7%. (Shrek)

Up special : Sora no Michi! I create a string platform under me while in the air. It give me back half of my jumps, and work as a platform only I can use as long as I don't jump,use a special again or travel the equivalent of a battlefield's platform. Can't be use twice. (Doflamingo)

Down Special : Black Knight's King Shield! I switch into shield mode for 4 frames. This move as two utility: first, upon activation, it can reflect projectiles; second, it act as a counter where I'm replace by a string clone to then it my opponent with a dropkick from behind. (Aegislash/Doshrekingo)

Final Smash : All-Star! I create a giant heat string in a strait line in front of me. All the opponent it by hit are teleported into Shrek swamps, were we only see Shrek's house while we hear scream of pain and All-Star, by Smash mouth. Kinda like a mix between Zelda's final smash and Falcon's. (Doshrekingo)

Taunt one: Turn into muscular magikarp while pillar men them plays. (Muscular magikarp)
Taunt two: Fufufufufufufu! I laugh out loud like every villain does. (Doflamingo)
Taunt three : I scream "What are you doing in my swamp!"
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Speaking of racing games, what are your favorite racing games?

Mines has always been F-Zero X, Cruisin USA, San Fransisco Rush, California Speed, Hydro Thunder, Wave Race 64 (the N64 had the best racing games bar none), Mario Kart Double Dash, Need for Speed Underground 2 and Sonic All Star Racing Transformed

I love racing games so much
Crash team racing and Crash Nitro kart.

. . .I need to play fzero x and gx


Sep 12, 2014
Favorite racing games: Mario Kart DS/8, Crash Team Racing, Crash Nitro Kart, Burnout Paradise, Forza Horizon 2, F-Zero GX, Outrun, Mickey's Speedway USA, Cruis'n World, Need For Speed Most Wanted (both).


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Ok...I want to start this post off by saying,

I don't always get a lot of downtime at work, but when I do I GET A LOOOT OF DOWNTIME AT WORK....

Anyways....I beat Federation Force....Solo!
Tried to avoid the Lone Wolf Mod as much as possible and mainly used it to save time (and my sanity) in certain missions....

But one very important thing to start off

obviously not really dead

But the whole oversized Samus Morphball boss...I mean sure I guess this means the Morph ball is actually IN the game but....I guess it was something unexpected at least...
It was kind of an annoying boss fight but really straight forward, since 'Hey Let's shoot the big glowing green things!'...Then she goes into a more dormant state and with all the ball shooting stuff in the game I figured I tried to shoot her into the walls ala Jalhalla...yep that did the trick...rinse repeat...

Also 'Master Brain'?....k? I guess...I mean I guess it wouldn't make sense to have random GFed Troopers take out Mother Brain so...It was very easy for the final boss though...at least compared to Ball Samus, who I guess could be considered the Final boss?....anyway...is there going to be a Crazy Brain in the next game? :troll:

*gets overwhelmed by Space Pirates manages to kill them all with 4 Health left*

*4 Elite Brutes show up in a cutscene*

"Cue Samus intervening in 3...2...1...." *BOOM!* "Yep, totally didn't see that coming..."

As for Post-credits....A mysterious individual (who is obviously Sylux if you pay attention to anything Metroid within recent years) sneaks in to GFed HQ and, hatches the collected Metroid egg? Now the hatchling has imprinted on Sylux....

this, is going to be interesting...

I'll be sure to have a proper review written up in a bit...
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Deleted member

Entrace: Shrek's toilet cabin appears out of nowhere and than this happen. (Self-explanatory)

Ground moves
Jab: Ogra Ogra Ogra! I do one punch, than an uppercut, than a fury of punches. (Doshrekingo)
Side tilt: Goshikito! I swipes my hand to slash his target with five strings coming out from my fingers. (Doflamingo)
Up tilt: Fulbright! I creates five detached strings from my hand and throws them downwards to impale my target from above. (Doflamingo)
Down tilt: Slash with is whole body. (Horrible Aegislash/Shrek amalgam)
Dash attack: I run and than make my opponent trip with a spear (got a really tiny soft spot that can make an opponent trip like :4diddy:'s banana. (Shrek)

Side Smash : Swamp-Grass Green Ogredrive! I punch with my two fist at the same time while green thunder come out from my fists. (Doshrekingo)
Up Smash : Off White! I creates two large masses of strings from the ground near me before swiping at an opponent with them. (Doflamingo)
Down Smash : Mini Torikago! I create a small "birdcage" that inflict a lot of damage and send the opponent downward.

Grab attacks
Grab: Parasite! I attach string to my target, immobilizing it. The opponent hurt itself, hurting themselves as much as they would hurt someone with their grab. (Doflamingo)
Down throw: Love and life! I use my string to bend my opponent on their knees to then hit their back with my elbow. (Doshrekingo)
Up throw: I bring my opponent closer to me and slash it upward. (Doffy/Aegislash)
Back throw : I politely let my opponent pass behind me to then dropkick him while he's turning his back.
Forward throw : I do this. (Shrek)

Aerial attacks
Neutral air : I turn into Brook's jolly roger and spin on myself while laughing "Yohohoho!" (Brook's Jolly Roger)
Forward air : Aerial Go****o
Back air : I fire the onion bazooka backward, propulsing me forward. (Shrek)
Up air : Luma up air (Luma)
Down air : Itonoko! Similar to Bayo down air, I fall in the same position, with a string under my leg to use as a saw. (Doflamingo)

Neutral special : Tamaito! I shoot small string bullets to my opponent at high speed in three consecutive shots, dealing above average damage. (Doflamingo)

Side special : Onion Bazooka I shoot an explosive onion that bounce on wall, dealing high damage. The onion can but shoot from three different angle and explose on contact with a projectile, an item, or an opponent. Lika a gordo, it can be thrown bac by hitting it with an attack dealing at least 7%. (Shrek)

Up special : Sora no Michi! I create a string platform under me while in the air. It give me back half of my jumps, and work as a platform only I can use as long as I don't jump,use a special again or travel the equivalent of a battlefield's platform. Can't be use twice. (Doflamingo)

Down Special : Black Knight's King Shield! I switch into shield mode for 4 frames. This move as two utility: first, upon activation, it can reflect projectiles; second, it act as a counter where I'm replace by a string clone to then it my opponent with a dropkick from behind. (Aegislash/Doshrekingo)

Final Smash : All-Star! I create a giant heat string in a strait line in front of me. All the opponent it by hit are teleported into Shrek swamps, were we only see Shrek's house while we hear scream of pain and All-Star, by Smash mouth. Kinda like a mix between Zelda's final smash and Falcon's. (Doshrekingo)

Taunt one: Turn into muscular magikarp while pillar men them plays. (Muscular magikarp)
Taunt two: Fufufufufufufu! I laugh out loud like every villain does. (Doflamingo)
Taunt three : I scream "What are you doing in my swamp!"
Very nice moveset. ^^

Though with that shrek link to Shrek's throw my prediction was that it was going to be this.

Still great nonetheless, not to mention that the throw sticks to the source material anyway, I'm just a dirty memer. :p


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Speaking of racing games, what are your favorite racing games?

Mines has always been F-Zero X, Cruisin USA, San Fransisco Rush, California Speed, Hydro Thunder, Wave Race 64 (the N64 had the best racing games bar none), Mario Kart Double Dash, Need for Speed Underground 2 and Sonic All Star Racing Transformed

I love racing games so much
Mario Kart Double Dash, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, F-Zero X, and Crash Team Racing.

I guess you can say I'm a bit old fashioned based on most choices.


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Speaking of racing games, what are your favorite racing games?

Mines has always been F-Zero X, Cruisin USA, San Fransisco Rush, California Speed, Hydro Thunder, Wave Race 64 (the N64 had the best racing games bar none), Mario Kart Double Dash, Need for Speed Underground 2 and Sonic All Star Racing Transformed

I love racing games so much
Mario Kart 8 and the first Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing. I love the second one too, but while it is the much better game, it lacks some of the charm of the first.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
What would be my moveset avatar compilation be? Well, even though bits of avatar history are a bit vague and that my avatar changes are infrequent, there are a few I remember using...
McCree (Chibi and Normal avis)
Koishi Komeiji (Might have mixed it up with the Squidboards account, but eh) -
Marquis (From Battleborn, and even though the game didn't hold my interest as much as Overwatch does, he was my favourite to play as.)
Cloud Strife
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
Samus Aran (Light Suit)

Neutral jab: Swing the Binding Blade in the first hit, a melee strike with McCree's Peacekeeper, followed up by a strike with the Buster Sword.
Forward Tilt: Samus' Forward tilt - a standard kick
Down Tilt: A low swing of Shinmyoumaru's Miracle Mallet to knock foes down.
Up Tilt: Raise up Clownpiece's torch - a hit box in the rising animation and a flaming hit box as I hold it up. Touching the flames will mess up the opponents' controls for a while.

Dash Attack: Slowly disappear for a second (Koishi's dash from Urban Legend in Limbo), then charge forward with Samus' Shinespark.

Neutral Air: Swing both the Binding Blade and the Buster Sword in an arc.
Forward Air: Whip out Marquis' Cane-rifle and strike with the blunt hilt
Down Air: Cloud's Aerial Fang from the Dissidia games, stop momentum for a second, then strike below with the Buster Sword.
Back Air: Shoot behind me with McCree's Peacekeeper.
Up Air: Swiftly use a knife in an overhead arc - specifically Koishi's knife.

Smash Attacks:

Forward Smash: Spin the Peacekeeper around in my hand for a second then Fan the Hammer.

Down Smash: Grow the size of the Miracle Mallet to the size of a traditional hammer, then swing it down, potentially burying foes.

Up Smash: Roy's Up Smash


Neutral: Flashbang:
Briefly throw one of McCree's Flashbang grenades to stun foes for a few seconds. Just like in Overwatch, this is set to a timer once I've used it, so I need to wait until I use it again.

Up: Rising Fang - Cloud's Bravery attack from the Dissidia games, where upon contact with an enemy during a leap upwards means they take damage until I use them as a way to gain more vertical height. Suffers from poor horizontal movement, but average vertical ascent.

Side: "Mary's Phone"
Based loosely off Koishi's abilities: create a subconscious wave of energy that rotates upwards towards a 90 degree incline. If the wave touches someone, a telephone rings and I teleport towards the character who touched the wavelength, before striking with a knife.

Down: Temporal Distortion
Take out Marquis' pocket watch and generate a small bubble in front of me: Anyone in the presence of the bubble after a second's activation gets their time slowed down temporarily. A long range and less situational Witch Time of sorts.

Grab: Extend a few veins/tentacles or whatever they are from Koishi's third eye (her grab in the fighting games) - contact with them brings the foe straight to me.
Pummel: Standard FE pummel shared by Roy, Marth and Lucina - standard knee strike.
Forward Throw: Blast the opponent with a Super Missile at close range.
Back Throw: Fade away to behind the opponent before knifing them
Down Throw: Throw the foe down to the ground.
Up Throw: Launch the opponent into the air with a Grapple Beam

Final Smash: Deadeye.
McCree's Ultimate - "It's high noon..."
I stand still for a while and lock onto enemies that are in my line of sight, provided that there is not a wall or floating platform in the way. I then draw the Peacekeeper and shoot at any character in the field of view, and most likely send them flying with high damage. The maximum amount of time I spend in this state is 4 seconds, but I still take damage and can get knocked around in this state.
This doesn't seem to bad for something that I'm making up on the go of the bandwagon when I should be prioritising my studies...
Now I should get back to work.


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
Very nice moveset. ^^

Though with that shrek link to Shrek's throw my prediction was that it was going to be this.

Still great nonetheless, not to mention that the throw sticks to the source material anyway, I'm just a dirty memer. :p
Thanks for making me remember this masterpiece. It's actually a better throw, I'm going to steal it. :p


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
View attachment 116490
I don't know what I just listened to.
It's SilvaGunner. The entire point of that channel's videos is to take people off guard by offering "high quality video game rips" that are actually the songs tampered with in some fashion.

Normally it's memes, but the Nutshack TV show theme is a gimmick that they added out of their own accord that annoys some people.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
It's SilvaGunner. The entire point of that channel's videos is to take people off guard by offering "high quality video game rips" that are actually the songs tampered with in some fashion.

Normally it's memes, but the Nutshack TV show theme is a gimmick that they made up themselves that annoys some people.
I know, actually. I just drew that for fun.

Deleted member

Normally it's memes, but the Nutshack TV show theme is a gimmick that they made up themselves that annoys some people.
Actually the Nutshack was a meme before SiIvagunner but Silvagunner made it big.

Like Ridley. :p

But yeah, it didn't start with SiIva.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I know, actually. I just drew that for fun.
The color in this one is a nice touch. :happysheep:

Actually the Nutshack was a meme before SiIvagunner but Silvagunner made it big.

Like Ridley. :p

But yeah, it didn't start with SiIva.
Ah, the more you know. I wondered about that, but I think I read someone say that it was new somewhere. Ah well, whoever that was was wrong.
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Deleted member

Ah, the more you know. I wondered about that, but I think I read someone say that it was new somewhere. Ah well, whoever that was was wrong.
Yeah, I've seen it memed ever seen this video first brought it up and made it known.


Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I'm really fond of the first F-Zero game more so than I am the other ones. IDK why but I like it the most. All of them are good though.

Here's hoping there's an F-Zero game for the NX.
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I'm really fond of the first F-Zero game more so than I am the other ones. IDK why but I like it the most. All of them are good though.

Here's hoping there's an F-Zero game for the NX.
The Original F-Zero was part of my childhood alongside my cousins, pretty hilarious memories while playing it, and of course, THE MUSIC, it will always be great, specially Mute City, Port Town, Fire Field, White Land and Silence (All the tracks are great actually, but these are among my favorites).
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
The Original F-Zero was part of my childhood alongside my cousins, pretty hilarious memories while playing it, and of course, THE MUSIC, it will always be great, specially Mute City, Port Town, Fire Field, White Land and Silence (All the tracks are great actually, but these are among my favorites).
Yeah. I remember F-Zero fondly because it was one of the first 3 SNES games I got as a kid along with DKC and DKC2. The music and gameplay together was what made it really great.

Expect for White Land 2. Screw that track.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Yeah. I remember F-Zero fondly because it was one of the first 3 SNES games I got as a kid along with DKC and DKC2. The music and gameplay together was what made it really great.

Expect for White Land 2. Screw that track.
Yup, my cousins also had DKC too alongside F-Zero, but that one was the one I played with them the most, xD and I'm not going to lie to you, but ever since I played the Original F-Zero, I always had thought Samurai Goroh was a female....I know, sounds stupid, but the fact that the Fire Stingray was pink, made me believe that! And since I played when I was a pretty young girl, for some reason the explosions in that game made me laugh pretty hard, one time even the TV/Console screwed up and there was explosions over and over, I couldn't breathe because of how much I was laughing!

Oh, and I just realized...Silence's track/course looks like an upside down shotgun.
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
Yup, my cousins also had DKC too alongside F-Zero, but that one was the one I played with them the most, xD and I'm not going to lie to you, but ever since I played the Original F-Zero, I always had thought Samurai Goroh was a female....I know, sounds stupid, but the fact that the Fire Stingray was pink, made me believe that! And since I played when I was a pretty young girl, for some reason the explosions in that game made me laugh pretty hard, one time even the TV/Console screwed up and there was explosions over and over, I couldn't breathe because of how much I was laughing!

Oh, and I just realized...Silence's track/course looks like an upside down shotgun.
Yeah I thought Samurai Goroh was a female as well because the racers are never shown in game and his car is pink.

To be honest the explosions in that game scared the crap out of me as a kid because of the loud sound it makes when your car gets destroyed. Would always cover my ears before I knew my car would blow up lol.
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