Voted Wario: Master of Disguise. Sure, it's not a traditional Wario game, and it has a few flaws, but I spent a lot of time with it when I was younger. I will say, the touch screen mechanic has a learning curve, but once you figure it out, the game is an engaging puzzle platformer. The highlight is by far the boss fights, as they revolve almost entirely around odd ways to damage them. It also introduces a tragically forgotten rival for Wario in the form of Count Cannoli. Cannoli is a dapper, well-spoken gentleman thief, a stark contrast to the crude, brutish Wario. I would love for Nintendo to revive him some day, but he's actually fictional in-universe. No spoilers; that's the first thing we learn about him. Shockingly for a Wario game, there's actually a story, and a surprisingly deep one for a Nintendo platformer. Anyway, TL;DR, game is flawed but worth trying out. Just don't torture yourself by going for 100%. I've been there, trust me.