Radical Bones
Soul King
Personally I find Kid Icarus too much of a button mashy game. That's just me.Ladies and gentlemen.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is a game of our times. It needed more friendly controls and a more fleshed out multiplayer, but with those things a sequel could be one of the greatest Nintendo games of all time.
Splatoon is an excellent game with a very weak single player. It needs some less confounding lore, a better, more involved plot, some more entertaining levels, and the ability to purchase and use outfits in offline play areas. It also needs easier local multiplayer and local+online multiplayer. Cosmetic armor should also be implemented, so one can look fresh and have fresh stats at the same time. Then it shall come into it's own.
Once both games are perfected, cross-promotional content of some kind should be added to both games. Preferably elaborate cross-promotional content. Allow the characters to dress up in each others' outfits, have them use each others' weapons (modified according to the job required of them, of course), have a Kid Icarus themed Splatfest. Make the games partners of a sort.
. . .Not sure if this is controversial or not, but having balanced opinions is uncommon so maybe I guess.
Also, the action takes away from the plot and the one liners. Half of them are missed.
I get why people love the game... it's just not for me.
To call it the game of our times might be a bit much for something that is so formulaic and at times very messy.
That being said, I love the lore and would adore another anime or a manga.