I've heard everything but good things about Journey of Dreams. And yes, I've resorted to good old Classic Controller since motion controls are "Bleh!" at best (Too bad you can't avoid this with Skyward Sword). The last time I recall when a discussion like this happen, Chronobound and N30N weren't very fond of it. Eh, I found the game enjoyable for what it was.
But I can say that the game bought us the best line in history.
"Go over and touch NiGHTS, you'll see what I mean. That is of course, if you are interested in that sort of thing."
And the fact that they got Mojo Freaking Jojo to voice Wizeman the Wicked. Easily the best voice actor they would have chosen for the Master of Nightmares.
I am not sure if I ever commented on Journey of Dreams. It must have been years ago. I actually played through the game recently, and with the a GameCube controller it is a 8/10 game. It has its issues (the default controls are subpar, the cutscenes were not needed). As for other criticisms of the game (like the non-chase) missions, there is probably only one or two missions that are obnoxious, the rest are just padding at worst. Its definitely solid and a decent game, but only if you do not use the Wii remote (the Wii controls are awful unfortunately). You can find used copies for $5 or less, so it is definitely worth your time, especially if you loved the original.
The only other things to add are that it has the same composer as the Saturn original, so naturally the soundtrack is great and beautiful. Avid fans of the original are also greatly rewarded for 100% completing the game (you get to play as Claris and Eliot if you collect all the Dream Drops, and you unlock the entire soundtrack to the Saturn NiGHTS if you A-rank every mission).
It was a diamond in the rough (could have been a 9/10 game), and it definitely could have been a lot worse considering the game was rushed and that it was released during a time when Sonic Team had a difficult time putting out a quality game (Sonic 2006 was released the year before).
On a side note, I still plan to release that Roy post-mortem. I probably would have already posted it if the rumors of Smash NX as a launch or launch window title were not floating around.
This is probably the only post I have made this year.