Making your village a president is probably the next step Animal Crossing would take after being a mayor.
What person is high above a president in class?
I'n not entirely sure the game would be about presidency. Perhaps a step back.
We start as a normal villager, but have to earn our way to mayor ship.
There's a set story combined with the free world of Animal Crossing.
As you progress through the story, your rep in town matters, so help out villagers, attend parties, contributed to the museum, be present at stores and help keep the town clean.
This increases your odds as you go through day tied story plots. In the end, your town can end up with any neighbor as mayor or you as mayor.
None of that will probably happen, but that could be an interesting ( although possibly challenging) step to go in for the franchise. Could be fun.
So I made a Strawpoll concerning tomorrow's Pokemon ep.
A god.
I'm voting that Ash wins. Lysandre tells Ash he wants to see the full match so I don't see them interrupting. If anything they attacked during the ceremony or immediately after. Alain also isn't sided with Flare at first.
Next week's episode description states that he goes with Ash and Co to investigate the vines. So I'd say he's swayed to work for Lysandre and help capture Ash, but in the end he'll realize his mistake. Or unlike what the opening hints, he'll be good throughout it.
Either way, it's 10 hours away! I can't wait to see the conclusion of what could be a monumental moment for the series. It be great to have him win for the anniversary. And then just a few short hours, we get new sun and moon info.
It's going to be a big day for Pokemon...