So I was listening to Feel Good INC (extremely good tune) by the Goriilaz. Suddenly a stroke of genius came upon me, so I went to the /v/ drawthread to make a request based off the Demon Days album art.
This is the result.
Given my sis is a fan of the Gorillaz, I'm definitely sending this to her. Neat-o! If only we could see the return of a new Super Monkey Balls though...
To follow on with the ranking of DLC Characters:

Most wanted

Best dream come true

Never expected, but an awesome pick.

: It's Mewtwo. What's not to love about Mewtwo?

: A great victory for his fans

: Wasn't initially a fan, but I still enjoy Corrin.

Street Fighter V seems to have killed all my love for the series...
As for Pokémon Go, with the new update and all the hullabaloo with the removal of stuff that some felt should've been left unchanged, I might take a leave from it for now. Given that I'm about to start my new session of University study, I'd rather spend that time studying or playing some other games. As such, I might announce a time when I need to take a break from Nintenzone to study a bit more. But we'll see how this all goes.