>Checks poll.
>Sees that Mighty No. 9 has only one person interested in it.
>Sees that Color Splash of all things has more people interested.
... Wow. I remember back when people were hyped for No. 9. And now it's more of a laughing stalk than anything.
Still in a better position than TMS though
What problems did Runners have, exactly?
-Processing was very RAM based which could cause performance issues even on the most powerful phones, not to mention devouring battery life. I have a HTC One which is one of the top Android phones on the market and I had performance issues at times, sometimes making the game unplayable.
-Ads effected performance
-The Roulette for unlocking things like characters essentially encouraged real life gambling because you had to spend real money to get Red Star Rings if you didn't want to spend ages grinding for a single spin. Roulette Rewards were limited time too so if you wanted one you couldn't take your time and grind, you either had to play for hours on end to grind, or you had to pay up.
-Stuff like "Invite 10 Facebook friends to unlock Amy".
-Players would get permanently banned for exploiting glitches. Which is unfair as you could discover them by accident and even if you did them on purpose, it's the developer's fault for not realising they were there. I can understand banning leader board hackers but people exploiting a glitches are still actually playing the game and glitches don't COMPLETELY cheese the game, you still have to play and do certain things.
-The game was actually pretty much fine when it soft launched in Canada and Japan. Most of the issues came as more and more updates did.
Personally, I don't see why they can't just make it offline only, rather than shutting it down entirely. This is the problem with always online games.