However, the bonus is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the other consoles that have subscription services, which are 5 a month.
Also, y'all are stupid, Jim wasn't serious with 'Mario Odyssey looks like Sonic 06'. If you thought he was, clearly, you haven't seeh enough of his content
Errr, you DO realize that sourcing a leak is pretty much going "He did it" and increases the likelihood they get caught, ergo, punished? It's ****ing respectful to your source not to do that
Assuming you actually have stuff to leak and aren't simply making up random **** for attention, and seeing what sticks.
Also, I saw the Jim video as well. He's certainly not happy with the Switch. I was gonna post the video, as his thoughts are identical to what I've been saying for months, but I've already been too much antiSwitch Tbh.
The online was something I wanted to ask everyone here though
Those of you buying a Switch, how do you feel about the online?
And when comparing it to the competition, how do you justify it?
You can't get away with simply charging a premium for online service, you gotta offer something, this is why PlayStation for example gives you discounts, and even FREE GAMES. Plus it's got built in voice chat, etc... It's a worthwhile deal. Nintendo on the other hand, despite having the biggest catalog of of games out of anyone in the industry, will let you rent a NES/SNES game for one month. Offers no direct VC, no additional features, and costs $5 amonth, MORE than PS+.
It's incredibly greedy, since it's not justified.
And no, servers aren't expensive, most games today are in fact p2p. That's b.s., online service is ACTIALLY super profitable for companies.
However, here's why I ask. If Nintendo gets away with offering this service, and people don't complain told vote with their wallet, then it sets a precedent, and then Sony and MS will copy Nintendo, and offer a bad service at a high price, and we all lose. So no, it's not OK when Nintendo does it.
So again, future Switch owners, how do you justify the online service Nintendo is offering?
And if you can't, thenand please make sure you just don't go along with it, and DEMAND Nintendo offer something better.
Because that is b.s., and if you enabled this ****, we all lose.