I missed the discussion on leakers earlier, but I don't really see the fact that they got the presentation wrong as a sign that they should be discredited. . .well, Laura anyway, I wasn't following the Liam guy and didn't take him quite as seriously. Laura was pretty open about just getting her info from various sources and actively changing it whenever the news she got changed.
If most of what she's getting wrong is related to dates (which can change rather quickly I'm sure) and things simply not being announced at the presentation (Which is. . .not an indicator or whether or not anything is real or fake. Not getting news right away doesn't mean it doesn't exist.), I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, at least until more things pile up or we make it all the way through E3 without any of her remaining rumored games announced.
Either way, since she pretty openly has such a mixed bag of sources, some of them could have been legitimate while others were feeding her nonsense. I trust her to at least try to sort out who is who. With the kinds of things that most of her incorrect details post-presentation consist of, I feel giving her a six month window for them to be announced before passing judgement on her leaking skills isn't completely naive.
And Dark Souls Trilogy not happening wouldn't discredit her either, because all she said was that they had it running. There was an implication even at the time that there was a good chance they wouldn't even release it on the system and were only considering it.