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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
That was Laura, Emily's got NO background so the only reason people had to believe her was 'trust me i legit'
Nah. I remember clearly when she said she was putting all her credibility on the line with the NX reveal video and it turned out to be right.

If you don't believe me i'll have to dig that tweet out.
Yeah, "pretending"
Kayfabe is dead.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
You're not implying it was a lucky guess, are you?
I don't think he his.

I am though.

She "leaked" a new reveal date almost every week and then got one right, but that doesn't mean she's trustworthy *coughcough* Mother 3 *coughcough*

Doesn't mean I hate her or anything, I just take her "news" with a grain of salt.

LKD got a lot right though, still trust her one Rabbids RPG existing. Too bonkers to make up

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Though I am concerned with what a Pokemon without free online would look like.
imagine that tournaments that are held but oops, everyone has to pay to battle online
I really don't like animal crossing anything, so its a surprise to me that the composer for BotW is the main composer for the AC series.
What really? Hell yeah, thats good news for me, I love AC and its music
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Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
Then don't 100% believe everything she says.

I don't ever do that with leakers. I just consider it as a possibility of what could happen.
I don't consider anything she says as 'fact'. While I may believe some of the things she says, I'm not going to believe them simply because she said it.
You're not implying it was a lucky guess, are you?
Absolutely not. But getting a Telltale game correct and then trying to tell us everything about the Switch are two different things. Her sources for the Nintendo related things seems to be unreliable at best.
Be happy tama felt like he was bullied when he got genuine criticism and skepticism during the time he was on this site, never going back

She also showed the PS4 Slim off before it was in stores, thought people went "WAH WAH UR TREEDEE PRINTED DAT 4 VIEWS" because people thinj game journalists want to murder their families

That was Laura, Emily's got NO background so the only reason people had to believe her was 'trust me i legit'

She got multiple things right. I get what you mean, but if we compile a list of what Laura got right and wrong, how big is the difference?
Compliling a list wouldn't be a bad idea. It'd give us a better view of her track record.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I'd argue the types who preach to others over even discussing rumors are acting just as holier-than-thou and egotistical, if not even more so.

Newsflash folks: they're people. They report things and sometimes believe things that don't turn out true. To call them things like "garbage" shows an astonishing lack of empathy, among other things.
I aint calling them garbo but I still dont like them much


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
I don't really know what to think of Emily and LKD, weren't Emily's Switch specs mostly correct?
Here's a list of what Laura got right-

Record Button
Motion Controls
Rumble Joycons
Region free
No external hard drive support
New Monolith game
No new Retro game
Breath of the Wild is a launch title (Questionable, as LKD initially said it wasn't, but then changed her stance after every other source started indicating that it was)

Here's what Laura got wrong-

No Mario + Rabbids RPG
No Mother 3
No Splatoon Port
No Smash Port
Everything from the 4chan leak was true
No Beyond Good & Evil 2
No Rayman Origins Port
No Dark Souls Port
March 17 UK Launch
No Xenoblade X Port
No Pokemon Stars
No Touch Screen
Splatoon is not a launch/pack-in title
3D Mario is not a launch title
Breath of the Wild is releasing simultaneously on Switch and Wii U as opposed to the Wii U version coming later
No Pikmin 4
No Skyrim on launch
Zelda is not a launch title (She did backpedal on this once other sources began to say it was one, so it's debatable whether it counts as something right or something wrong)
No Mario Maker port
No Telltale Games: Guardians of the Galaxy
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
I think the real issue is how much we still suck at speculating and handling rumors.

We were once the Leak group and we kept failing to do our job at checking the facts and sources and looking through the options.

We're not doing our jobs well


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I don't think he his.

I am though.

She "leaked" a new reveal date almost every week and then got one right, but that doesn't mean she's trustworthy *coughcough* Mother 3 *coughcough*

Doesn't mean I hate her or anything, I just take her "news" with a grain of salt.

LKD got a lot right though, still trust her one Rabbids RPG existing. Too bonkers to make up
There was no indication that the Guardians game even existed prior to her mentioning it was coming to the Switch, which was almost two weeks before it was revealed to exist at the Game Awards. Admittedly we don't know if it's coming to Switch, but she was the first to say it existed.

I can buy that the list was pulled from multiple sources, leading to some of it being right, some of it not. But I don't think it's all fake, not at all. And just because something has the possibility of being fake doesn't mean it shouldn't be discussed if it could also be real. Some folks here are acting like even giving the leakers the time of day is an affront to their well being.


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
There was no indication that the Guardians game even existed prior to her mentioning it was coming to the Switch, which was almost two weeks before it was revealed to exist at the Game Awards. Admittedly we don't know if it's coming to Switch, but she was the first to say it existed.

I can buy that the list was pulled from multiple sources, leading to some of it being right, some of it not. But I don't think it's all fake, not at all. And just because something has the possibility of being fake doesn't mean it shouldn't be discussed if it could also be real. Some folks here are acting like even giving the leakers the time of day is an affront to their well being.
My biggest issue with LKD was never that she leaks things (Lots of people leak stuff, and I like reading said leaks.) What really ticked me off was that when I went onto a news website (MyNintendoNews, Nintendo Everything, etc) I'd get 'news' stating that LKD said this and that. I quickly disregarded those articles because rumors aren't exactly news. Yes, its a bit petty on my end, but regardless it still ticked me off that most 'news' was just LKD on Twitter.
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MF Viewtiful

Son MF
Dec 10, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4028 6305 8614
I think the real issue is how much we still suck at speculating and handling rumors.

We were once the Leak group and we kept failing to do our job at checking the facts and sources and looking through the options.

We're not doing our jobs well
I personally take a very simple stance on rumors and speculation. Until there's official or credible sources on it:

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Here's a list of what Laura got right-

Record Button
Motion Controls
Rumble Joycons
Region free
No external hard drive support
New Monolith game
No new Retro game
Breath of the Wild is a launch title (Questionable, as LKD initially said it wasn't, but then changed her stance after every other source started indicating that it was)

Here's what Laura got wrong-

No Mario + Rabbids RPG
No Mother 3
No Splatoon Port
No Smash Port
Mario Kart 10 Deluxe is a real thing
Splatoon 2 is a real thing
No Beyond Good & Evil 2
No Rayman Origins Port
No Dark Souls Port
March 17 UK Launch
No Xenoblade X Port
No Pokemon Stars
No Touch Screen
Splatoon is not a launch/pack-in title
3D Mario is not a launch title
Breath of the Wild is releasing simultaneously on Switch and Wii U as opposed to the Wii U version coming later
No Pikmin 4
No Skyrim on launch
Zelda is a launch title (She did backpedal on this once other sources began to say it was one, so it's debatable whether it counts as something right or something wrong)
No Mario Maker port
No Telltale Games: Guardians of the Galaxy
Nintendo said something about 'all features are in the Switch' at the beginning of the presentation didn't they? Kinda surprised if that means no touch controls. That's not to anyone's defence, just my personal rambling

She knew of the Telltale game's existence before it was public as Opopo said, so if you're putting BotW's release date as 'maybe' then shouldn't that also be maybe? And Pikmin 4's something Nintendo said is 'nearing completion'. The 3DS game didn't have a release date iirc and is a spinoff, so it wouldn't really be 4

Also, according to Wikipedia, there are currently 59 games known for the Switch. Damn, that's surprising
My biggest issue with LKD was never that she leaks things (Lots of people leak stuff, and I like reading said leaks.) What really ticked me off was that when I went onto a news website (MyNintendoNews, Nintendo Everything, etc) I'd get 'news' stating that LKD said this and that. I quickly disregarded those articles because rumors aren't exactly news. Yes, its a but petty on my end, but regardless it still ticked me off that most news was just LKD on Twitter.
MNN is trash, why are you there? They blatantly copied Source Gaming's translation, didn't source it and went 'sorry, new guy did it'. I believe the same was for Nintendo Everything, but I could be wrong on that

Deleted member

Yeah, you're right, dood, it's all just pettiness. The haters are just haters.

It's not like they're a bunch of elitist tools who are wrong about the majority of the crap they supposedly "leak" and still manage to be believed as "trustworthy sources" that are covered nonstop by every gaming site in spite of it all.

Yep, just haters. No legit reason to think they're garbage.

Wow, he's a douche.

But I think the more surprising thing is that there was a legitimate leak of the presentation.

On bloody 4CHAN.

Guess I can no longer automatically disregard a text leak just because it's from 4chan anymore.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Wow, he's a douche.

But I think the more surprising thing is that there was a legitimate leak of the presentation.

On bloody 4CHAN.

Guess I can no longer automatically disregard a text leak just because it's from 4chan anymore.
Where were you when a Nintendo Direct got everything leaked in one of those ****ty lists everyone immediately called fake?

Also, didn't we see Nintendo or Ubisoft with Rabbid plushies wearing the Plumber suits we all know and love a while ago? Doesn't that at least mean 'maybe' too?


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
Nintendo said something about 'all features are in the Switch' at the beginning of the presentation didn't they? Kinda surprised if that means no touch controls. That's not to anyone's defence, just my personal rambling

She knew of the Telltale game's existence before it was public as Opopo said, so if you're putting BotW's release date as 'maybe' then shouldn't that also be maybe? And Pikmin 4's something Nintendo said is 'nearing completion'. The 3DS game didn't have a release date iirc and is a spinoff, so it wouldn't really be 4

Also, according to Wikipedia, there are currently 59 games known for the Switch. Damn, that's surprising

MNN is trash, why are you there? They blatantly copied Source Gaming's translation, didn't source it and went 'sorry, new guy did it'. I believe the same was for Nintendo Everything, but I could be wrong on that
I make a point to visit MNN, Nintendo Life and Nintendo Everything. I remember the comments sections when they didn't quote Source Gaming, it wasn't pretty. :p

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Also, she later remembered charging with the stand or something and she has had MULTIPLE sources.

Also, no headphone jack on the Switch when used as a handheld


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
There's already one on my shelf, it's for Custom Butt and Co op in Butt Butt
No no, this isn't some cheeky reference that puts Shovel Knight as the butt of a joke.

I'm actually printing booty.

It's a 3D printing project I can really get behind, you see.

Deleted member

Where were you when a Nintendo Direct got everything leaked in one of those ****ty lists everyone immediately called fake?
Not here, obviously.

The only thing I can remember was that information about the one Nintendo Direct where Rosalina was revealed for Smash was posted on 4chan, but that's because the Direct itself was accidentally broadcast too early.

Deleted member

Record Button
There's no record button, just a screenshot one
No Touch Screen
Touch screen was confirmed during the presentation itself(when they showed the menu interface)
Well thats a sign the 3DS battery is top notch. Im waiting for it to die so I can charge it from nothing and its been blinking red for a good minute
Every ****ing time
"Better stop playing because I don't want to suddenly lose all my progress"
*turns on wireless, turns off battery saver and puts brightness on max*
*last for an hours*

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Not here, obviously.

The only thing I can remember was that information about the one Nintendo Direct where Rosalina was revealed for Smash was posted on 4chan, but that's because the Direct itself was accidentally broadcast too early.
It was the latest one iirc, some people said it was fake due to different stuff being broadcast, but the European Direct had EVERYTHING. It had Europe's confirmation on Horse Jockey methinks

Monado best waifu?
There's no record button, just a screenshot one

Touch screen was confirmed during the presentation itself(when they showed the menu interface)

Every ****ing time
"Better stop playing because I don't want to suddenly lose all my progress"
*turns on wireless, turns off battery saver and puts brightness on max*
*last for an hours*
Thry said that you can later record stuff with it, but for now only pics are ready
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Deleted member

It was the latest one iirc, some people said it was fake due to different stuff being broadcast, but the European Direct had EVERYTHING. It had Europe's confirmation on Horse Jockey methinks

Monado best waifu?

Thry said that you can later record stuff with it, but for now only pics are ready
I posted this already
But of course no one notices it
But yeah, Zanza Rule 63 confirmed


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
There was no indication that the Guardians game even existed prior to her mentioning it was coming to the Switch, which was almost two weeks before it was revealed to exist at the Game Awards. Admittedly we don't know if it's coming to Switch, but she was the first to say it existed.

I can buy that the list was pulled from multiple sources, leading to some of it being right, some of it not. But I don't think it's all fake, not at all. And just because something has the possibility of being fake doesn't mean it shouldn't be discussed if it could also be real. Some folks here are acting like even giving the leakers the time of day is an affront to their well being.
Oh but I wasn't talking about TT's game, that's prolly real info she got


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Oh man, these are actually good ideas to fix Fates
Language warning
BlazingKnight does have some nice ideas on fixing Fates' story.

There's another Youtuber who also had some really good ideas on fixing the plot, except unlike BlazingKnight, he made two videos: one for Conquest and one Birthright. I think you'll like both of these videos too.

The swear words only appear in a few of the captions above some of the characters.

Here's the Conquest one:

And here's the Birthright one. Make sure you watch the Conquest one first because he assumes you watched that video before this one.


Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
More MK8 Deluxe gameplay
From what I understand, there's this new "Driver Assist" mode that prevents you from falling off of ledges. Seems cool for when you want to race on Rainbow Road, but your friends are scrubs.
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