The $300 price tag is... okay. No much to say.
The Joycon is designed pretty well.
The rumble and immersion feature was a little hard to grasp. I'm not sure what he meant by being able to sense 1-3 ice cubes in a glass.

The introduction to 1-2 Switch made think it was Wild Gunman HD at first.

SPLATOON 2! Looks pretty nice for a sequel, but it's obviously reusing the engine and assets. (Not necessarily a bad thing.)
Super Mario Odyssey aka Grand Theft Mario

- Initial reaction: WTF is Mario doing in a city. I seriously hope it doesn't become the next Sunshine due to its weirdness. Riding a lion tho. The setting and bosses are really... not Mario. Let's see how this pans out.
Monolith Soft Logo - Oh God, Xenoblade 3? Okay... so this is Xenoblade 2? >_>
OH MY GOODNESS. Fire Emblem Warriors. YES YES YES YES.
The new Squeenix RPG looks good too.
Good to see Switchrim confirmed.
Suda51 is one weird person. Okay, Travis Touchdown huh? Okay.
Oh wow, wasn't expecting EA to be there. And wow, didn't know Bill Trinen speaks Japanese. He sounds so natural too.
Alright, so FIFA is coming to Switch. yaaaay....
Satoru Shibata's Engrish is great.

Huh, Miyamoto acknowledged the thumbs up meme. lol
BOTW looks amazing. I really felt like I was watching an adventure anime, I'll be honest.

Oh God, it's a launch title too.
So we have three vast open world games - Skyrim, BOTW and Xenoblade. That's pretty impressive.