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When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

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    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
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    Votes: 20 18.0%
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    Votes: 2 1.8%

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Why are people freaking out about Zelda Wii U/NX being able to be completed w/o finishing the main story? Smh.
Wait, what? You can't beat the game without finishing the main story unless there are multiple endings. Even then, if you want to 'complete' the game, you're mostly going after everything. Including main story


"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
It's because you can beat Ganon early on. Apparently this ends the story. That's the theory, anyway.

I would rather you still needed the full set of macguffins to face him. That way you have a conclusion to it. I don't want it so open-ended that you effectively have no story to go through.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Ooooh. People didn't whine when Chrono Trigger did it, you could fight Lavos whenever you wanted in that game
Not true.

You have to get very far in the game to do so.

Even farther to stand a chance.

You have to beat the game to do it from the beginning.

Deleted member

Here a neat question.

Skyward Sword.

1. Do you own it?
2. Have you played it?
3. Have you beaten it?
4. Did you enjoy it:?
5. What parts did you like?
6. What parts did you dislike?
7.What do you think of its reception?
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Not really, motion controls ruined combat, and they weren't always very responsive, the segmented gameplay and backtracking really hurt the game, and excessive focus on puzzles put me to sleep. And don't even get me started on Fi, the looooong ****ing intro, and the handholding and tutorials. Also, having to fight the stupid Imprisoned three times as also horrid. As well as the excessive focus on story, one which wasn't very good tbh. I also hated the artstyle for the game, the impressionism didn't really work too well, especially since it can only be appreciated in certain areas, and it didn't work well on the characters. Case in point, Zelda looks better in all her fanart than in her own game.
5. Ancient Cistern wasprettycool! I also enjoyed the second time to the desert, when you visit the sand ocean and the pirate ship with the time shift stones and the arrows. It was cool, but the boss ****ing sucked. I also liked the stamina mechanic and the crafting, though both were very shallow and poorly implemented. I also liked Zelda's characterization.
6. Most of the game really. I mentioned most of my gripes in no.4. Mathewmatosis on YT does a good breakdown of the game, though he still considers SS a good game, I disagree on that point. I had to force myself to finish SS, and after yelling at my screen due to the wonky motion controls ****ing me up, I finished the game rolling my eyes at what a poor experience it all was. I spend the whole game waiting for it to get good, it had some high points, but they don't hold up a horribly flawed game. I haven't played it again since, and I probably never well. I've played through each Zelda various times btw, SS I'll never pick up again.
7. You mean the hate? Definitely. It's easily the worst 3D Zelda in the franchise, and the 3rd worst Zelda after Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks (Phillips CD games don't count). If TP was a good game, but not a very good Zelda game, SS drops the bar even lower by flat out just not being a good game at all. It's awfully mediocre, which is a terrible thing for what's regarded one of the best and most iconic franchises in gaming, and one who's quality was so great that merely namedropping it was worthy of hype. SS was so bad that it made me be very skeptical about BotW and if I wanted to pick it up, till I actually saw all the gameplay footage this E3. Wheras before I woulda been certain to pick it up on name alone.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I was planning to buy the version of Skyward Sword with the gold controller

But it sold out on Black Friday and never stocked anymore

So, I ended up just not buying it for one reason or another

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Remember, as open worlded as Zelda 1 was, there was an overarching goal and end. Removing that could be detriment to the story.

Generally, Zelda games, even if they don't give a dungeon order, has at least the final dungeon/boss be truly final. I'm not sure it's a good idea to make Ganon faceable whenever you want. But to be fair, the game is still in development, so they may take the feedback into account. I think it'll be the plan they intended currently, since it could take a while to change a lot of this stuff, namely to justify the story in why you can't face Ganon just yet. Making the event triggers also takes work, but making a full story would take longer. The game is clearly less story-driven, so that could be too much to change, even if feedback suggests it's not a good idea. They've been delaying this game for a while. It's a clear change, and while not everybody will like it, it's not that big of a deal.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Breath of the Wild felt so un-Zelda-like that I was surprised to see ChuChus.
I hope they'll leave some bits of the classic formula intact.
Depends what you mean by classic formula.

It allows you to explore the world, like in the first game. You face various unique enemies, like in the first game. You can do all kinds of things to the environment with your items, like in the first game.

The ability to go through dungeons in a specific order to get the macguffins needed to fight Ganon isn't the classic formula at all. The classic formula is to explore everything, and get 8 macguffins(usually found in dungeons) before you can enter a very specific blocked-off dungeon to face Ganon. At best, they're eliminating one part of the classic formula, the macguffins. It's not like you didn't find random items from enemies too. Bombs were often gotten this way.

The only thing that really was majorly changed is currently no rupees/hearts from grass. And that may be just something that applies to the demo only.
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Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
Depends what you mean by classic formula.

It allows you to explore the world, like in the first game. You face various unique enemies, like in the first game. You can do all kinds of things to the environment with your items, like in the first game.

The ability to go through dungeons in a specific order to get the macguffins needed to fight Ganon isn't the classic formula at all. The classic formula is to explore everything, and get 8 macguffins(usually found in dungeons) before you can enter a very specific blocked-off dungeon to face Ganon. At best, they're eliminating one part of the classic formula, the macguffins. It's not like you didn't find random items from enemies too. Bombs were often gotten this way.

The only thing that really was majorly changed is currently no rupees/hearts from grass. And that may be just something that applies to the demo only.
I think the hearts and rupees from grass may be cut.

Because theres a **** ton of grass and we dont need that many hearts and rupees in our lives.

Also, this E3 has been draining to watch; my wallet begs for sweet mercy.

Deleted member

Breath of the Wild felt so un-Zelda-like that I was surprised to see ChuChus.
I hope they'll leave some bits of the classic formula intact.
You should play the NES Zeldas and LttP then.

Oot is not the definitive Zelda, even if it has been the formula staple for the past 20 years.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Not really, motion controls ruined combat, and they weren't always very responsive, the segmented gameplay and backtracking really hurt the game, and excessive focus on puzzles put me to sleep. And don't even get me started on Fi, the looooong ****ing intro, and the handholding and tutorials. Also, having to fight the stupid Imprisoned three times as also horrid. As well as the excessive focus on story, one which wasn't very good tbh. I also hated the artstyle for the game, the impressionism didn't really work too well, especially since it can only be appreciated in certain areas, and it didn't work well on the characters. Case in point, Zelda looks better in all her fanart than in her own game.
5. Ancient Cistern wasprettycool! I also enjoyed the second time to the desert, when you visit the sand ocean and the pirate ship with the time shift stones and the arrows. It was cool, but the boss ****ing sucked. I also liked the stamina mechanic and the crafting, though both were very shallow and poorly implemented. I also liked Zelda's characterization.
6. Most of the game really. I mentioned most of my gripes in no.4. Mathewmatosis on YT does a good breakdown of the game, though he still considers SS a good game, I disagree on that point. I had to force myself to finish SS, and after yelling at my screen due to the wonky motion controls ****ing me up, I finished the game rolling my eyes at what a poor experience it all was. I spend the whole game waiting for it to get good, it had some high points, but they don't hold up a horribly flawed game. I haven't played it again since, and I probably never well. I've played through each Zelda various times btw, SS I'll never pick up again.
7. You mean the hate? Definitely. It's easily the worst 3D Zelda in the franchise, and the 3rd worst Zelda after Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks (Phillips CD games don't count). If TP was a good game, but not a very good Zelda game, SS drops the bar even lower by flat out just not being a good game at all. It's awfully mediocre, which is a terrible thing for what's regarded one of the best and most iconic franchises in gaming, and one who's quality was so great that merely namedropping it was worthy of hype. SS was so bad that it made me be very skeptical about BotW and if I wanted to pick it up, till I actually saw all the gameplay footage this E3. Wheras before I woulda been certain to pick it up on name alone.
I don't think I've seen anyone react that negatively to Skyward Sword.

Worst I've ever heard settled that it was mediocre or the worst 3D Zelda game.

Goodness, you were so negative it's almost theatrical.

I mean your opinions are valid, don't get me wrong.

I finished the game rolling my eyes at what a poor experience it all was.
But this made me snicker a bit.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I think the hearts and rupees from grass may be cut.
The irony of this statement. XD

Because theres a **** ton of grass and we dont need that many hearts and rupees in our lives.
You can never have enough rupees or hearts. :awesome:

But yeah, if it's a new approach overall(and stays that way), no biggie. An issue with some games is that you don't need to really engage enemies at all to get some cash. Then again, you couldn't destroy bushes/grass in the first game(bar the candle). It could be a call back to that.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
You should play the NES Zeldas and LttP then.

Oot is not the definitive Zelda, even if it has been the formula staple for the past 20 years.
I wasn't talking about OoT cause it sucks.

Just because the formula was different in three or so games doesn't mean it isn't the Zelda formula.
Aonuma said it: This game is all about breaking Zelda conventions and I just hope they don't go overboard for the sake of going overboard when it comes to breaking the limits.

And yes, I should play LttP

That said I love exploration in Zelda games and this game is exploration: the movie: the video game & Wolf Link so this will be the best Zelda for me yet


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Am I the only person who likes all five 3D Zelda games?
I also hate A Link Between Worlds, Mario Maker and puppies.

OoT was good for what it was but it wasn't much.
The backyard of my uncle has more exploration value than the big grass patch that the OoT world map was.
Dungeons were great, but you finish it once and it's done.

That's why Breath of the Wild and Wind Waker are so good, there are side quests, villages, and hidden dungeons while OoT had cow caves and other random holes in the ground with five rupees.


Stage Overflowing with Starlight
Aug 30, 2007
Hey guys, you know that supposedly RPG IP? What if it was a Nintendo wide series crossover? Yeah, I know not going to happen, but would be cool if it did.

Edit: Also you guys know the Boo amiibo, shape it won't be compatible Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon right guys?
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Honestly, I'd love to have Breath of the Wild have a few dungeons similar to past dungeons in terms of theming. I loved the sense of danger Oot's forest temple gave me and I'd like to see something like the dungeon in Skyward Sword that was based on the old 'Spider's thread' tale

Deleted member

I don't think I've seen anyone react that negatively to Skyward Sword.

Worst I've ever heard settled that it was mediocre or the worst 3D Zelda game.

Goodness, you were so negative it's almost theatrical.

I mean your opinions are valid, don't get me wrong.

But this made me snicker a bit.
I just didn't like it man.

If you remember, the game prompted me to write a post on how to fix Zelda three years ago, saying that it needed to go back to roots and what the original LoZ was, and ignore the OoT ****ery and formula, that it needed to take ideas from Zelda II and its magic system, and that it needed to take ref from Skyrim in terms of open world and immersion, and from Monster Hunter in terms of crafting and how you interact with the environment. I also said it needed to expand on the combat. I said that the crux of Zelda has always been exploration first and foremost, and that SS with its linear puzzle-driven gameplay and focus on story was a step in the wrong direction for the franchise. Thankfully, BotW seems to have take literally ALL of those ideas, so I'm definitely hyped for it.

To me a Zelda game needs to be more than "ok" or "good enough" because I hold it to a much higher standard than other franchise because of its reputation, so when Nintendo churns out a half-assed or uninspired Zelda game, I'm gonna be more brutal on it than say a Vanillaware game or a low budget title. WW and TP were both fine games, and still far above the industry at that time, even if they weren't as good as Oot and MM, TP especially fell very short of what could have been, but they were still some of the best games of their generation. However, since then, the industry standard has definitely caught up, and there are plenty of games that deliver a Zelda-like experience in one way or another, and to see SS fall FAR behind all of those is an embarrassment.

SS is hardly one of the best games of the 7th Gen. On the Wii alone, TP and Okami do Zelda better than it, and on the PS3, you have a bunch of titles far superior to it.

And not just that, but to see SS be what it was, AFTER the DS games which are a far cry from the Capcom games or LttP was downright disheartening. I was seeing Zelda, one of the most reputable franchises in gaming get casualized in order to appeal to a broader audience.

Hence my sentiment on the game. Other people may like it, and that's fine. But I just don't like it. Same as some people like Other M, but it has some glaring objective flaws, and is a blemish on an otherwise great franchise. Now, SS isn't as bad as Other M mind you, but it's still not a very good game, and not an experience I particularly enjoyed. Playing SS makes me feel like playing one of the other, better Zelda games in the franchise instead.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
And that's part of it's unceremonious death and unceremonious being shot out back at the Nintendo Office's like Old Yeller.
Whioch is why I hope this new IP gets pushed by Nintendo on a level on par with Awakening, otherwise I don't see the point of yet another IP being created if Nintendo is just going to unceremoniously leave it to the same fate as all the other abandoned IPs they have.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Where's the proof. But I agree.
3DS game with Star as a codename. Mario Party STAR Rush. Mario Party games are almost always listed with Star in the codename
Image ain't working.
Found that out too late. It's the one where Spidey keeps making fat jokes to Kingpin in Ultimate Spiderman after Kingpin kicked his ass
Apr 19, 2015
I wonder if they are finally going to get rid of the car mechanic in Mario Party. I mean, it seems almost everyone hated it in last two Mario Party games.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I wonder if they are finally going to get rid of the car mechanic in Mario Party. I mean, it seems almost everyone hated it in last two Mario Party games.
There was a little press release that stated they still have the car.

The new gimmick of this Mario Party is apparently that there are no turns, everyone moves whenever they want, like in Smash Tour.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I wonder if they are finally going to get rid of the car mechanic in Mario Party. I mean, it seems almost everyone hated it in last two Mario Party games.
Well, not this time. It was confirmed for the latest game. :/

Deleted member

3DS game with Star as a codename. Mario Party STAR Rush. Mario Party games are almost always listed with Star in the codename

Found that out too late. It's the one where Spidey keeps making fat jokes to Kingpin in Ultimate Spiderman after Kingpin kicked his ***
Would a Mario Party for 3DS be considered "big budget", by any chance?


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Would a Mario Party for 3DS be considered "big budget", by any chance?
That's the part I'm wondering about.

The little list thing that was leaked said it was a big budget, casual game.

Mario Party is definitely a casual game. But typically, I wouldn't consider Mario Party a big budget game, especially on handheld, and especially in this case where there is already a Mario Party game on 3DS and plenty of 3DS Mario games in general to take assets and code from.

So either they are doing something really out there with this game, or they are for some reason accounting for amiibo production as part of the game's development budget.

I just struggle to see Mario Party as big budget in any way.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Has this been posted yet?

You can go to and defeat the Final Boss of Breath of the Wild and save Hyrule, as soon as Link wakes up and gets out of the Shrine of Resurrection (which doesn't even take two minutes if you skip the cutscenes).

You will be severely under-prepared for it, apparently, if you do so. And you will be left clueless to the story and lore of the game if you do so (why Link was asleep, why Hyrule is in ruin, etc). But they are making it possible to beat the final boss as soon as you start the game, essentially. You can just collect a few basic weapons and that's all you need to beat him.

This is an awesome idea, but I hope the Final Boss is REALLY challenging if you have no real upgrades or special equipment. Hell, I hope it's really challenging even if you do have that stuff.

Basically, you know those speed runs of OoT people do using glitches and exploits, that get you to the Final Boss in ten minutes? They are legitimately allowing you to do that now.
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