1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Not really, motion controls ruined combat, and they weren't always very responsive, the segmented gameplay and backtracking really hurt the game, and excessive focus on puzzles put me to sleep. And don't even get me started on Fi, the looooong ****ing intro, and the handholding and tutorials. Also, having to fight the stupid Imprisoned three times as also horrid. As well as the excessive focus on story, one which wasn't very good tbh. I also hated the artstyle for the game, the impressionism didn't really work too well, especially since it can only be appreciated in certain areas, and it didn't work well on the characters. Case in point, Zelda looks better in all her fanart than in her own game.
5. Ancient Cistern wasprettycool! I also enjoyed the second time to the desert, when you visit the sand ocean and the pirate ship with the time shift stones and the arrows. It was cool, but the boss ****ing sucked. I also liked the stamina mechanic and the crafting, though both were very shallow and poorly implemented. I also liked Zelda's characterization.
6. Most of the game really. I mentioned most of my gripes in no.4. Mathewmatosis on YT does a good breakdown of the game, though he still considers SS a good game, I disagree on that point. I had to force myself to finish SS, and after yelling at my screen due to the wonky motion controls ****ing me up, I finished the game rolling my eyes at what a poor experience it all was. I spend the whole game waiting for it to get good, it had some high points, but they don't hold up a horribly flawed game. I haven't played it again since, and I probably never well. I've played through each Zelda various times btw, SS I'll never pick up again.
7. You mean the hate? Definitely. It's easily the worst 3D Zelda in the franchise, and the 3rd worst Zelda after Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks (Phillips CD games don't count). If TP was a good game, but not a very good Zelda game, SS drops the bar even lower by flat out just not being a good game at all. It's awfully mediocre, which is a terrible thing for what's regarded one of the best and most iconic franchises in gaming, and one who's quality was so great that merely namedropping it was worthy of hype. SS was so bad that it made me be very skeptical about BotW and if I wanted to pick it up, till I actually saw all the gameplay footage this E3. Wheras before I woulda been certain to pick it up on name alone.