Yeah, so much that people will call others "a SJW" if they complain about an offensive comment but saying something like "white people" is the living proof that those people are hypocrites.
Don't come with that "it's socially acceptable for minorities to hate on majorities" bull**** because it's in no way true when you still see them being mocked on media and cases of violence against them are often overlooked, between a lot of other facts such as majorities believing in things like "inverse racism" and "heterophobia"
If biology has taught me anything is that there are always exceptions but they're very rare.
Espcially bull**** like snake with feets because nature thought they weren't scary enough
Just because there's still awful racists out there doesn't mean situations on the other side of the fence don't exist.
One thing being way, way more horrible doesn't render another significantly less bad but still kinda bad thing nonexistent.
It really depends on what worldview social group one is in what applies. Where you live and who you talk to has a lot to do with what race you're "justified" in being an awful person to. And I say that in quotes because you really shouldn't be "justified" to be an awful person to anyone.
I'd say yes, there are people who hate Caucasians just for being Caucasian, just not nearly as many as there are Caucasians who are saying racist things about everyone else. But the people who hate Caucasians are proportionally more likely to be internet active. . .and Caucasian themselves, because some people seem to roll that way.