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Social NintenZone Social 4 - Bring It In, Guys!

When, if ever, do you plan on buying the Switch?

  • At launch

    Votes: 40 36.0%
  • Late spring/summer

    Votes: 25 22.5%
  • During the fall/holidays

    Votes: 17 15.3%
  • Sometime after 2017

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • Not until [insert game here] is released

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • I'm not getting that bucket of turds!!

    Votes: 2 1.8%

  • Total voters
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I mean, does it really matter why someone wants something? It's not like they're saying they're objectively likelier because they fill a quota.

Getting annoyed at someone for wanting something for a reason you don't like just seems incredibly petty.
I think it's just wanting to keep politics away from games if it can be helped.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Now that the Trial Captains are out of the way, I'll jump straight into the next poll:

Who is your favorite Island Kahuna?

Answer in the Strawpoll below.


For my pick, it was a tough call between Nanu and Hapu, but I decided to pick Nanu.

I mainly picked Nanu because of his personality. He's pretty laid back, and he does leave some memorable and funny quotes (such as the one about collecting your corpse before you enter Po Town). I also found his backstory to be pretty interesting, particularly that him and Looker shared a past. It's also funny how he lives right near Po Town, and when asked why he lives there, he just says, "The rent is cheap." We also gain some insight into his priories. He chose not to become an Elite Four member because he didn't feel any obligation to it compared to when Tapu Bulu assigned him as the new Ula Ula Island Kahuna.

Also, who can't forget that smirk.

His first battle was really easy though, but his second battle during the postgame was better.

Hapu was a pretty close second though. Not only was she the most challenging Kahuna in battle, but I also liked her presence in the story. She appears as far back as the Akala Island arc of the story, and it was pretty interesting to see her travel from island to island in order to take on an island challenge of her own. It culminates in the Poni Island portion of the story where she becomes the new Kahuna there, and I thought it was pretty interesting how she decided to become the Kahuna when her grandfather, the previous Poni Island Kahuna, passed away.


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I mean, does it really matter why someone wants something? It's not like they're saying they're objectively likelier because they fill a quota.

Getting annoyed at someone for wanting something for a reason you don't like just seems incredibly petty.
I don't know, the way people talked about women and villains in some circles almost made it feel like they DID think they were objectively likelier for being part of a given category.

At the very least, in the speculative environment the line between "want" and "what will happen" tends to get blurred enough that it's hard to tell whether it's because they want something or because they think it makes an actual difference.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Now that the Trial Captains are out of the way, I'll jump straight into the next poll:

Who is your favorite Island Kahuna?

Answer in the Strawpoll below.


For my pick, it was a tough call between Nanu and Hapu, but I decided to pick Nanu.

I mainly picked Nanu because of his personality. He's pretty laid back, and he does leave some memorable and funny quotes (such as the one about collecting your corpse before you enter Po Town). I also found his backstory to be pretty interesting, particularly that him and Looker shared a past. It's also funny how he lives right near Po Town, and when asked why he lives there, he just says, "The rent is cheap." We also gain some insight into his priories. He chose not to become an Elite Four member because he didn't feel any obligation to it compared to when Tapu Bulu assigned him as the new Ula Ula Island Kahuna.

Also, who can't forget that smirk.

His first battle was really easy though, but his second battle during the postgame was better.

Hapu was a pretty close second though. Not only was she the most challenging Kahuna in battle, but I also liked her presence in the story. She appears as far back as the Akala Island arc of the story, and it was pretty interesting to see her travel from island to island in order to take on an island challenge of her own. It culminates in the Poni Island portion of the story where she becomes the new Kahuna there, and I thought it was pretty interesting how she decided to become the Kahuna when her grandfather, the previous Poni Island Kahuna, passed away.
Nanu 100%. No contest
Althought Hala is cool too but I like Nanu more
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Smash Legend
Feb 4, 2014
Switch FC
I forgot to mention that today is the 15th anniversary of Final Fantasy X launching in North America, a game I hold very near and dear to my heart and the game that got me in to Final Fantasy.



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Don't have any pokemon with False Swipe

Want to catch this magmar in a beast ball


Didn't think this through

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
YouTube just put the Star Wars Holiday Special in the recommended videos section.

I watched that cancer last year on the same day of the previous Star Wars film. Why must they pick on me?


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
The first 18 EVA episodes are basically "cool mechas" before turning into a psycological wreck.
All because Shinji didn't wanted to get in the robot.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
No, trust me. That last bit actually is a thing. Before Corrin was confirmed for Smash, when it was confirmed that Corrin could marry Niles as a boy or Rhajat as a girl, some people actually did that. Thankfully not everybody.
Just as I feared. But at least it was the minority than the majority. There were more reasons to justify them like their moveset potential and being a stand out Fire Emblem Lord.

I mean, does it really matter why someone wants something? It's not like they're saying they're objectively likelier because they fill a quota.

Getting annoyed at someone for wanting something for a reason you don't like just seems incredibly petty.
Think about it like this. What if they use that character's difference to truly justify them having a slot?

For example, the people thinking Shantae is a great Smash addition because she's a female protagonist. The problem with that comes from the fact that she's not the only one and far from unique for being that. Not to mention she have other reasons that make her stand out like her abilities and how they bring something new to the table.

I'm following Golden's approach on this issue. Being "X" is far from an important reason for that character's inclusion.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
I think it's just wanting to keep politics away from games if it can be helped.
Like my sister told me about Sun and Moon. They posted their character looking very ambiguous and instead of answring a persons question "Is that a boy or girl character" They just gave the middle finger and answered just " Yes"


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Now that the Trial Captains are out of the way, I'll jump straight into the next poll:

Who is your favorite Island Kahuna?

Answer in the Strawpoll below.


For my pick, it was a tough call between Nanu and Hapu, but I decided to pick Nanu.

I mainly picked Nanu because of his personality. He's pretty laid back, and he does leave some memorable and funny quotes (such as the one about collecting your corpse before you enter Po Town). I also found his backstory to be pretty interesting, particularly that him and Looker shared a past. It's also funny how he lives right near Po Town, and when asked why he lives there, he just says, "The rent is cheap." We also gain some insight into his priories. He chose not to become an Elite Four member because he didn't feel any obligation to it compared to when Tapu Bulu assigned him as the new Ula Ula Island Kahuna.

Also, who can't forget that smirk.

His first battle was really easy though, but his second battle during the postgame was better.

Hapu was a pretty close second though. Not only was she the most challenging Kahuna in battle, but I also liked her presence in the story. She appears as far back as the Akala Island arc of the story, and it was pretty interesting to see her travel from island to island in order to take on an island challenge of her own. It culminates in the Poni Island portion of the story where she becomes the new Kahuna there, and I thought it was pretty interesting how she decided to become the Kahuna when her grandfather, the previous Poni Island Kahuna, passed away.
"Dooot doo doo, just a kahuna on a stroll to the laguna. ♪"

I love that line
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Deleted member

*thinks about NiGHTS Into Dreams. . . gameplay*

Yeah, yeah, they don't really do that much, do they? I mean the character concept itself has a lot of potential which is why they made an incredible car in Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed, but from a purely gameplay standpoint there is quite a bit less to what they do than their abilities would imply.

I wouldn't say they're overrated considering how many other third party characters rank over them in popularity, although I may be looking in the wrong places. The main time I saw them pop up was when people tried to pick hypothetical second third party characters for each company but still forced themselves to stick to the "each third party franchise gets only one character" rule.
Maybe overrated wasn't the right term, but NiGHTS is not a very uncommonly brought up character in terms of what Sega has to offer beyond the Sonic universe. And frankly, as much as I like NiGHTS, I think there are better choices from Sega's library of franchises and characters.

For example, I can understand why Bayonetta won the ballot. Other than starring in a Wii U exclusive published and funded by Nintendo themselves, she had plenty of moveset potential to work with as seen in her games. NiGHTS, as you stated yourself, never did much beyond flying in their games.

Deleted member

Okay, I just got to make a rant about Fairy type. Mostly because it hardly made much a dent in the terms of wearing down what it should've worn down. If anything, for the most part it just made the strong stronger and the weak weaker. :p Most fairy types are pretty weak, and thus they kind of just dominate among the weaker pokemon rather than the stronger ones. And even the ones that are great aren't great JUST because they're fairy, it's usually the gimmick that really helps them. Xerneas has geomancy, Azurmarill has huge power(and was usuable in OU in gen 4 and especially 5 too because of this, just because it's UU doesn't mean it's not viable in OU, it just means it's not banned from UU. Fairy was just the boost it needed to make it stay in OU.), and Klefki has prankster.(And being a steel type alone makes it great for its role.) And there's Mega Mawhile which is in ubers, but it's one of the worst pokemon

The best of dragons types are always going to be very strong and powerful. It's not the dragon type itself that's that great, in fact, now it's only slightly better than normal. And even then, Dragon's are the only one's to make use of its type thanks to STAB. What really makes them shine is their secondary typing and coverage in general(And also set up.) That along with their stat spread is what they live and die by. Unlike something like steel(defensively.) or gen 1 psychic. In fact, if it's paired up with the wrong typing in can drop pretty hard even with an amazing BST, which is where I come to Kyrurem-B as an example. Ever since its introduction it was OU despite great spread and overall stats, its typing and terrible and even more so, it had stupidly terrible coverage. Seriously, no set up, no physical STAB, and hardly any good coverage.(It can't even learn earthquake, seriously, that alone would help it out so much.) While W, thanks to being a special attacker, actually stayed in ubers because, despite the terrible typing, it has good coverage thanks to fire alone and actually being able to use ice moves with the stat it actually should be using.

Some Dragons fell down to UU or BL, but they're still usable in OU.(Not to mention A TON of OU pokemon feel to those tiers, most that aren't dragon, but most are still usable in OU.) Not to mention that with Steel types running around in OU, fairies themselves have a lot of pressure still with Steel types everywhere.

I don't mind that Fairies were made to counter Dragons, that's perfectly fine. It's just that the type as a whole doesn't make sense as a balancing type when it really isn't that balanced.(The pokemon are, just not the type.) It's a nice inclusion that helped many pokemon that I like though actually be usable, that's the best thing to come out of it. It's not bad, it just could've been handled a lot better.

It handles Dark, Dragon, and Fighting well. I like what they did with that. It made the metagame interesting without slowing anything down, so that's good.(Fighting type especially has sped up if anything and many good fighting/dark types cancel out fairy from hitting super effective anyway.) The only thing is that fairy should resist fairy. Fire should also hit it super effectively. If we're going by fairy lore it has more reason to hit it super effectively than resist it.(Though resisting it is something that they should keep.) My main problem is that it should've also helped boost some other types in desperate need too. Being only weak to only two types never really used for offense is ridiculous.(Unless you were to at least add a fire weakness.) But adding some other types in desperate need would also be fine. But it's not just a problem with Fairy type, I'm going to list off some changes along with some Fairy type ones.
Ice should be super effective against it along with resisting it.
Grass should just resist fairy. Though maybe be super effective against this too.
Bug should be super effective against it.
Poison should be super effective against fighting, bug, and water.(Seriously, if you want to know about a type that needs nerfs and that has been dominate since gen 1, it's water.)
Ice should resist water.
Electric should be super effectve against steel.
Steel should be super effective against flying and/or steel itself.(Yes, Steel hitting steel super effectively would be the best offensive buff and defensive nerf it can get pretty much. And think of it like steel being one of the only things being able to effectively dent steel.)
Ice should resist grass.

The reason why I'm just ranting about this now is because I wanted gen 6's meta game to be finished before making this rant. Which I really only rant about because fairy was overhyped as going to change so much, but it wasn't really that drastic, if anything there were much bigger factors that lead to big changes rather than the type itself.(Heck, we wouldn't even have any really powerful non-legendary fairies without Megas, or just really good abilities for a few.)

But still, dragon as one type is not even close to being overpowered as Gen 1 psychic. Now that as a type, was just stupidly broken and unstoppable. At least dragons weren't fast, bulky, strong, fast, being able to recover with ease, having a stab that makes a lot of pokemon its gen useless even though they could've been counters, and having only one weakness even though it's strongest move is incredibly weak and your better off just using any move with a decent base power over it.

Also, the percentage of dragons being overpowered was going to be high regardless of whether or not it was even a decent type because they made most dragons legionaries and pseudo-legendaries. In fact, the same gen with the supposed "great dragon nerf" we got another dragon legendary and more annoyingly another dragon psuedo-legendary.(A pure one too.) And then we got another one in Gen 7 too... Even though both are the only to psuedos to hit UU along with Hydreigon. Which is because it's Dark/Dragon combined, and it's spread has become somewhat awkward, especially the speed. Which is also why Haxorous hit UU. Again, both still usable in OU though.(Got to be careful with fairies with Hydreigon though.)

I really want another non-dragon psuedo so badly, we've had two before and both have been awesome. Hell, Gen 6 should have had a fairy one. That's the actual way to balance out the meta game GF, make strong pokemon with types other than Dragon. I mean, there's plenty of examples to go by. Hell, Tyranitar and Metagross have always stayed at the top game with ease.(In Tyranitar's case, despite it's terrible weakness to fighting even.) Heck, both are even workable in ubers.
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Deleted member

All I ask for as representation is the Miss Cloud costume
Like, c'mon, Cloud's costumes had so much potential but he ended up suffering of Sonic syndrome
Now that the Trial Captains are out of the way, I'll jump straight into the next poll:

Who is your favorite Island Kahuna?

Answer in the Strawpoll below.


For my pick, it was a tough call between Nanu and Hapu, but I decided to pick Nanu.

I mainly picked Nanu because of his personality. He's pretty laid back, and he does leave some memorable and funny quotes (such as the one about collecting your corpse before you enter Po Town). I also found his backstory to be pretty interesting, particularly that him and Looker shared a past. It's also funny how he lives right near Po Town, and when asked why he lives there, he just says, "The rent is cheap." We also gain some insight into his priories. He chose not to become an Elite Four member because he didn't feel any obligation to it compared to when Tapu Bulu assigned him as the new Ula Ula Island Kahuna.

Also, who can't forget that smirk.

His first battle was really easy though, but his second battle during the postgame was better.

Hapu was a pretty close second though. Not only was she the most challenging Kahuna in battle, but I also liked her presence in the story. She appears as far back as the Akala Island arc of the story, and it was pretty interesting to see her travel from island to island in order to take on an island challenge of her own. It culminates in the Poni Island portion of the story where she becomes the new Kahuna there, and I thought it was pretty interesting how she decided to become the Kahuna when her grandfather, the previous Poni Island Kahuna, passed away.
I'm gonna go with Nanu for the same reasons(also, Dark specialist, hell yeah) but I also really like Hapu because she has a CHARACTER ARC
I know, pretty rare in Pokemon

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
All I ask for as representation is the Miss Cloud costume
Like, c'mon, Cloud's costumes had so much potential but he ended up suffering of Sonic syndrome
At least he gets the Advent variation...
but still, overall I love having many alternate costumes as a feature in Smash Bros. My favorite is definitely 'Murican Mario <3


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I found the image of Golisopod and Guzma without text covering it!

Edit: Although it's super small
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I don't know, the way people talked about women and villains in some circles almost made it feel like they DID think they were objectively likelier for being part of a given category.

At the very least, in the speculative environment the line between "want" and "what will happen" tends to get blurred enough that it's hard to tell whether it's because they want something or because they think it makes an actual difference.

I remember that the first thing GoldenYuu said back when the Mona thread was in its infancy was being female should mean jack**** when there should be other reasons for her inclusion.

I can understand there are those that want characters for this reason (diversity is nice when done correctly), but that shouldn't be the biggest factor for their inclusion.

I don't recall a single Takamaru supporter saying he should be in for being a Japanese fighter, which Ryu technically already beat him in that regard.
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Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
There's people out there who actually want characters in smash just because there gay or black?Didnt know that i get wanting a character for moveset diversity but in a fighting game who really cares about all that crap
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Just as I feared. But at least it was the minority than the majority. There were more reasons to justify them like their moveset potential and being a stand out Fire Emblem Lord.

Think about it like this. What if they use that character's difference to truly justify them having a slot?

For example, the people thinking Shantae is a great Smash addition because she's a female protagonist. The problem with that comes from the fact that she's not the only one and far from unique for being that. Not to mention she have other reasons that make her stand out like her abilities and how they bring something new to the table.

I'm following Golden's approach on this issue. Being "X" is far from an important reason for that character's inclusion.
But once again, why does their reason for WANTING something matter? It's not harming anyone, so getting annoyed at it is petty.

All I ask for as representation is the Miss Cloud costume
Like, c'mon, Cloud's costumes had so much potential but he ended up suffering of Sonic syndrome

I'm gonna go with Nanu for the same reasons(also, Dark specialist, hell yeah) but I also really like Hapu because she has a CHARACTER ARC
I know, pretty rare in Pokemon
That was actually the main reason why I voted Hapu. :p That and Mudsdale. Anyone who uses (second) Best Alola Pokémon is awesome in my book.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
But once again, why does their reason for WANTING something matter? It's not harming anyone, so getting annoyed at it is petty.
Same thing goes for getting annoyed at too many Fire Emblem reps.

But it's all in a manner of opinion, hence the big warning about a very controversial reason.

Let's all agree to disagree.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I mean, does it really matter why someone wants something?

Getting annoyed at someone for wanting something for a reason you don't like just seems incredibly petty.
"I want this included cause I want to beat the **** out of them."

"I want this cause all other alternatives are ****."

"I want this because I refuse to give the other things a chance."

If this wasn't about an overly progressive attitude you would never say that Opo.

It's not that inclusion is bad, but there is definitely a negative or destructive way to desire something and that includes inclusion.

Deleted member

@Megalon72 I ask for you to put that wall of text in spoiler tags, please
Ice should be super effective against it along with resisting it.
Grass should just resist fairy. Though maybe be super effective against this too.
Bug should be super effective against it.
Poison should be super effective against fighting, bug, and water.(Seriously, if you want to know about a type that needs nerfs and that has been dominate since gen 1, it's water.)
Ice should resist water.
Electric should be super effectve against steel.
Steel should be super effective against flying and/or steel itself.(Yes, Steel hitting steel super effectively would be the best offensive buff and defensive nerf it can get pretty much. And think of it like steel being one of the only things being able to effectively dent steel.)
Ice should resist grass.
"Making sense" with the type matchups can be problematic
Fire getting another type it's strong to adds up to 5, as much as Ground and Fighting, who have other types that are immune to them. Fire being that powerful with nothing to stop it would be problematic. It would also make Fairy itself pointless because many Dragon types already carried Fire moves anyways due to Steel and Ice STABs.
Honestly, they could have just never added Fairy and buffed types that needed it without nerfing others that didn't(Dark and Bug certainly were overpowered, amirite)
-Ice gets immunity to Dragon and resistances to Electric and Poison
-Poison is now SE against Dragon and resists it
-Steel doesn't resist Dark anymore but keeps its Ghost resistance
Dunno how effective this would be but it certainly doesn't completely **** up the already existing types
"I want this included cause I want to beat the **** out of them."

"I want this cause all other alternatives are ****."

"I want this because I refuse to give the other things a chance."

If this wasn't about an overly progressive attitude you would never say that Opo.

It's not that inclusion is bad, but there is definitely a negative or destructive way to desire something and that includes inclusion.
The examples you listed are clearly hateful reasonings, but, well, wanting a character for diversity is the opposite of hate. Your comparison just doesn't work.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
The examples you listed are clearly hateful reasonings, but, well, wanting a character for diversity is the opposite of hate. Your comparison just doesn't work.
Will my example " I want layton because he is English and not white" Work?

No one made that argument nor did I but I just wanted to see if that was a good example
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
So it's perfectly fine to want The Great Papyrus as our first playable skeleton in Smash?

That's good to know. :awesome:


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
"I want this included cause I want to beat the **** out of them."

"I want this cause all other alternatives are ****."

"I want this because I refuse to give the other things a chance."

If this wasn't about an overly progressive attitude you would never say that Opo.

It's not that inclusion is bad, but there is definitely a negative or destructive way to desire something and that includes inclusion.
...Gonna echo Zoroarking here.

There's a big difference between innocuously wanting something and wanting something for more spiteful reasons. It's not at all fair to equate the two.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
So it's perfectly fine to want The Great Papyrus as our first playable skeleton in Smash?

That's good to know. :awesome:
On a tangent, I'm of the mind that if Undertale was the kind of Indie game that put it's characters into everything, Papyrus would be the one they'd use as the default rep as he has the least spoiler-ific things about him and is a great source of comedy. Plus he can bring Sans along for the ride, only for him to either do nothing, or do everything besides what he's meant to do.

I have this image of a "Papyrus joins Smash" Trailer where Papyrus is shown in 3D and Sans comes in... still in sprite form. "SAAAANNSS!"
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Well, the OP did call it a controversial opinion

I mean, Y'all are just proving that much
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
So it's perfectly fine to want The Great Papyrus as our first playable skeleton in Smash?

That's good to know. :awesome:
Nah, Undyne would be better.

We can have our first Amazonian lesbian fish woman in Smash. :p

groans of increasing discomfort


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
@Megalon72 I ask for you to put that wall of text in spoiler tags, please

"Making sense" with the type matchups can be problematic
Fire getting another type it's strong to adds up to 5, as much as Ground and Fighting, who have other types that are immune to them. Fire being that powerful with nothing to stop it would be problematic. It would also make Fairy itself pointless because many Dragon types already carried Fire moves anyways due to Steel and Ice STABs.
Honestly, they could have just never added Fairy and buffed types that needed it without nerfing others that didn't(Dark and Bug certainly were overpowered, amirite)
-Ice gets immunity to Dragon and resistances to Electric and Poison
-Poison is now SE against Dragon and resists it
-Steel doesn't resist Dark anymore but keeps its Ghost resistance
Dunno how effective this would be but it certainly doesn't completely **** up the already existing types

The examples you listed are clearly hateful reasonings, but, well, wanting a character for diversity is the opposite of hate. Your comparison just doesn't work.
"I want Doc Louis because all white people are sociopaths."

That's not something you're likely to see, but moreso because people who think along those lines are repulsed by video games in general than because the thought process doesn't exist.

While wanting diversity isn't hateful in itself, it's entirely possible for hate to influence the desire for such. It usually doesn't, but there's enough cases where it does that I feel it's worth pointing out.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
On a tangent, I'm of the mind that if Undertale was the kind of Indie game that put it's characters into everything, Papyrus would be the one they'd use as the default rep as he has the least spoiler-ific things about him and is a great source of comedy. Plus he can bring Sans along for the ride, only for him to either do nothing, or do everything besides what he's meant to do.

I have this image of a "Papyrus joins Smash" Trailer where Papyrus is shown in 3D and Sans comes in... still in sprite form. "SAAAANNSS!"
That reminds me...I still need to finish my Papyrus Smash moveset. I have the specials done, but I need to finish the rest.

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
It would be cool if the supposed Switch port got some extra color swaps. Especially for the 3rd party characters. Only Mega Man, Ryu and Bayo got anything remotely good. And even then, the lack of Purple Mega Man was a bit disappointing.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
"I want Doc Brown because all white people are sociopaths."

That's not something you're likely to see, but moreso because people who think along those lines are repulsed by video games in general than because the thought process doesn't exist.

While wanting diversity isn't hateful in itself, it's entirely possible for hate to influence the desire for such. It usually doesn't, but there's enough cases where it does that I feel it's worth pointing out.
Would it surprise you that this isn't the first time I've seen someone mix up Doc Louis and Doc Brown?

Doc Louis can't go back to 1985 by biking at 88 mph. :p

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
@Megalon72 I ask for you to put that wall of text in spoiler tags, please

"Making sense" with the type matchups can be problematic
Fire getting another type it's strong to adds up to 5, as much as Ground and Fighting, who have other types that are immune to them. Fire being that powerful with nothing to stop it would be problematic. It would also make Fairy itself pointless because many Dragon types already carried Fire moves anyways due to Steel and Ice STABs.
Honestly, they could have just never added Fairy and buffed types that needed it without nerfing others that didn't(Dark and Bug certainly were overpowered, amirite)
-Ice gets immunity to Dragon and resistances to Electric and Poison
-Poison is now SE against Dragon and resists it
-Steel doesn't resist Dark anymore but keeps its Ghost resistance
Dunno how effective this would be but it certainly doesn't completely **** up the already existing types

The examples you listed are clearly hateful reasonings, but, well, wanting a character for diversity is the opposite of hate. Your comparison just doesn't work.
...Gonna echo Zoroarking here.

There's a big difference between innocuously wanting something and wanting something for more spiteful reasons. It's not at all fair to equate the two.

But if someone wanted diversity in an attempt to stick it to a majority or because they believe the majority is evil, is it not the same thing?

I'm not championing against diversity. I'm just saying, there is a bad way and bad reasoning to get it.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
But wait there's more, we can have a Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE character to represent the J-Pop side of Japanese culture in Smash.

It's not like there's anything wrong with that unless people hate that game or Fire Emblem representation. :awesome:


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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But if someone wanted diversity in an attempt to stick it to a majority or because they believe the majority is evil, is it not the same thing?

I'm not championing against diversity. I'm just saying, there is a bad way and bad reasoning to get it.
...Who said anything about "sticking it to the majority?" You were the first to mention it.

Deleted member


But if someone wanted diversity in an attempt to stick it to a majority or because they believe the majority is evil, is it not the same thing?

I'm not championing against diversity. I'm just saying, there is a bad way and bad reasoning to get it.
Then that isn't for the sake of diversity, so it's not the same thing, at all.
Besides, I have never seen said reasoning been given. People have to stop assuming minorities hate majorities because of "lol white people" kind of posts on Tumblr


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
...Gonna echo Zoroarking here.

There's a big difference between innocuously wanting something and wanting something for more spiteful reasons. It's not at all fair to equate the two.
There is a difference, but the problem with the former is that usually, some(in some cases, most, sadly) of the people who want diversity and want a character for diversity are people who do not care about the actual character and only care because of that diversity. Had that character not been divisive, those people wouldn't give a **** about the character. Or if they learned that said character was in reality not divisive(because of misinformation or whatnot), in some cases, they wouldn't hesitate in voicing against that character.
While wanting diversity isn't spiteful by itself, the attitude behind it often is and not just to fans of the character. And quite sadly, this attitude is definitely not uncommon in real life.
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Then that isn't for the sake of diversity, so it's not the same thing, at all.
Besides, I have never seen said reasoning been given. People have to stop assuming minorities hate majorities because of "lol white people" kind of posts on Tumblr
I don't think it's the fact people think minorities hate majorities,

I think it's more the fact it's socially acceptable for minorities to hate on majorities
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